Name: Markie Email: Ages: 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 Current Age: 13 My earliest memories aren't really my memories. My mom wrote a diary about me and my little sister, so I could mix her notes with the things I remember myself. When I was a little kid we lived in the U.S. and I was raised by a nanny for most of the time, because mom and dad both had busy jobs. This nanny didn't really care to potty train us, so I was not trained at all and wore nappies until I was almost 4 years old. By then my mom told the nanny she really had to potty train me, because she wanted to send me to school at age 4 and I wasn't allowed to wear diapers at school. So, when I was almost 4,5 years old, I was out of diapers during the day. Of course I still had some accidents. I was also a bedwetter and wore nappies at night until I was almost 7 years old. At that time our family had moved to the U.K., because my dad had a job over there. During my years in Britain, we also had a nanny. She was a very British lady. Old and very friendly, but she also had very strict rules. I shouldn't wear nappies and wet the bed anymore, because I was already 7 years old. At first it was hard for me to stop wetting, because I was used to it for such a long time. In the meantime I started to have daytime accidents more often. I thought the school in Britain was very boring. When I was at school I dreamed away very often, thinking about my baby years in Texas. I have pooped my pants very often during these daydreams. I was quite a popular kid in my class, so luckily the classmates sitting close to me didn't tell the teacher about my habits. Sometimes I even messed my pants almost once every week. I remember all my undies had dark stains in them. But I can remember one day when I got caught by the teacher. I had pooped my pants again and half an hour later the teacher called me to write something on the blackboard. When I was in front of the class she must have smelled or seen something, because when I wanted to walk back to my chair, she gave me a small paper, reading that I should visit the nurse and ask for a change of knickers. So I left class with a bright red face. After this incident I decided that I had to stop doing it, but I never quit pooping my pants completely. At age 10 we moved to Holland and I found out that I needed real good friends to help me hide my pooped pants. I wasn't that popular in my class and the other kids started laughing when I had pooped my pants again. So now I really knew I had to stop. After our move to Holland I also started wetting my bed more often. The doctor told me and my mom that bedwetting is quite normal after big changes like moving or having a baby brother or sister. So my mom didn't get mad at me, but just bought a rubber sheet to cover my bed. A few months later I was playing in the park near our house, fell out of a tree and broke my leg. I had to stay in the hospital for a while. On the first night I had already wet my bed. I thought that this wet bed wasn't a big problem too, because I was in a hospital department specially for kids, so the beds were all protected with rubber. But the nurse got mad. She told me a 10-year old boy shouldn't pee in his bed anymore. I answered I really couldn't help it, so she said: "Well, if you can't help wetting yourself, you should wear Pampers, just like the smaller kids in the room." Of course I felt very embarrassed at first. But after being changed a view times I started to like the treatment I got and the pleasant feeling of the Pamper. When I got out of the hospital I was used to the nappies again. My bedwetting had also gotten heavier, I wet every night when I left hospital, so my mom decided to have me wear nappies at home too. I remember she acted really friendly when she explained me that I would be better if I wore nappies at home too. She ensured nobody else would have to know about it. It was hard for me to react not too happy and I told her that it was OK with me to wear them at night. After I started wearing them I also started to like them better and better. Now I'm 13 years old and still wear nappies at night. The cute little pampers don't fit anymore, so I wear Abriform diapers at night when I am at home, or Drynites when I visit friends or when we are going on holiday. I like the Abriform much better because they look like real baby nappies, but I am afraid that someone sees me in them. Drynites are good to hide because they look like my white undies. I don't have accidents every night (only 1 or 2 times per week), but I always wet them when I awake, because I don't want to lose my nappies. Since a year ago, my parents and little sister visit their house in the country every weekend. I don't really like it over there, so a few months ago my mom allowed me to stay home alone during the weekends, so I can play videogames on the internet with my old friends from Britain. She asked the lady next door to look after me (I'm not allowed to have friends over etc. and if I want I can have dinner at her house), but I found she never really checks what I'm doing. And since I'm home alone, I don't have to care about changing out of my nappies. Recently I even invented pooping in my nappy again. It's the best feeling I've ever had and right now I can't imagine that I ever stopped doing it when I was younger. It really makes me feel like being the little boy I once was. And pooping in my nappy is even better than doing it in my undies, because I don't have to do the laundry after my 'accident'.