How I Got Into Diapers

Summary: This story is about me and How I got into diapers, it is a 
short summary of my Life
                            How I Got Into Diapers

	It all started when I was a little baby and I had a lot of health 
problems including a heart murmur, a blood clot on the brain, and 
undeveloped bowels, Plus a lot more. When I was two I was sexually 
molested by the baby sitter, and I didn't learn to walk until the age 
of three. I don't know when I was potty trained.

	When I was growing up when I was out of diapers, My grandparents 
kept telling me that they were going to buy me some diapers, a bottle, 
a pacifier, and a bib because I kept having accidents. They told me 
that if I was going to act like a baby, Then I would be treated like a 

	When I turned eight years old I started having feelings towards 
diapers, it's like that my brain was telling me that I needed them, I 
didn't think nothing of it until about three months later when I walked 
down the adult diaper aisle and my want for them became too much for me 
to handle. I went to the drug store and stole some Depends and took the 
to the bathroom and put it on.  at this time I was still having 
accidents and my mother got sick of it and took me to the doctors. The 
doctor to my mother that I needed to try the kegal exercise. When I did 
the exercise it made my problems a lot worse, so I stopped doing the 

	When I turned ten years old my mother took me back to the doctor 
because I was still having accidents and the doctor told her to put me 
back into diapers, but I really didn't think she wanted to because she 
never did and that made me think that it gave me the right to steal 
them, because my doctor told me that I needed them. When I turned 
twelve I was molested again, by this time I was molested by eight 
males, and one female. By this time I was wearing diapers for four 
years without nobody knowing, and I started stealing money to buy them 
and I started to wear them all the time, even when I went outside. For 
a while I felt uncomfortable wearing them outside.

	When I was sixteen my brother was snooping in my room and found 
the Depends that I bought the day before at Fred Myers, Then he started 
searching the house and found some more depends and took them up stairs 
and dumped them in the front room in front of my step-father, my 
mother, and my friend that I had a crush on. When my mother asked me 
why I had them, I told her that they weren't mine, and she asked who's 
are they then. I told her that they were Ken's and she told me to stop 
lying.  then I told her that I liked them and I was going to stop 
wearing them and my mother asked me why I wearing them, and I told her 
that I liked them and I like the feel of them.

	When I turned eighteen I was locked up for breaking the law, and 
I was told that I need to not wear diapers, because it causes people to 
get into trouble with the law. I never did listen, because I knew deep 
down inside that I needed them. While I was locked up there was a 
person that wore diapers, and I used to steal them and wear them, 
because my need/want for them. When I got out of lockup in may 2002 on 
my 21st birthday I went to the store and bought some depends and put 
one on and it made me feel safe, because from the age of two until I 
was seventeen I was molested by nine males, and one female. So I used 
the diapers to make me feel safe, and comfortable again around males, 
because I've been hurt by them. I started doing research on the 
Internet and came across AB/DL (Adult Babies/Diaper Lovers) and I read 
about it and I noticed that I was one of them. About a year an a half 
ago I noticed that I started having a bed wetting problem, and then I 
started having daytime wetting accidents about six months after.  I 
went to a Urologist to find out what was going on with me, and he told 
that I'm dealing with something called Incontinence. They still don't 
know what is going on with me, and they need to do more test.

	 I have been wearing diapers on and off since the age of eight 
and now at the age of 23 I wear them 24/7 so in case I have an accident 
I don't need to change my clothes. If any one has any questions for me 
Please E-Mail me at

Written by babynova24

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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