Kurt, a 4 1/2 year old boy, and I became friends for few years. I was 7
or 8 at the time. I know it might be thought odd for an older boy to
hang out with a much younger boy, but that is what happened. Kurt�s
mother knew me and did not mind at all. There weren't any other kids
around his age. Kurt was one of these kids who was mostly alone. His
mother worked and his older brother wasn't interested in a little boy.
Kurt wore diapers 24/7. I wore them at night. He had no bladder control
at all and had frequent heavy wetting accidents.
Almost everyday I stopped at his house on the way home. A lot of the
time he was there alone. Many days he would be playing in their yard,
you could see he was very wet. I would take him inside and change him,
Their bathroom was dirty, his wet diapers were left in the bathtub. I
would wash him off and put a dry diaper on him. This happened many
He became like my little brother. His mother was happy and let me take
him anywhere I wanted to. We went to the park a lot I noticed there
were a lot of kids his age still in diapers.
Kurt was a very smart kid for his age and wanted to know about my
wearing diapers. I told him I wet the bed and wore diapers at night.
The next day I got up in the morning took off my wet diaper. And put on
a dry diaper and went to school. When I went home Kurt was waiting for
me in his yard. That day his mother was at home. I asked her if I could
take him to the park; she said okay. As usual Kurt was wet. I told his
mom I would change him. When I took off his wet diaper I showed him my
plastic pants. He seemed happy I wore diapers, too.
Kurt�s mother and mine became friends and Kurt spent many nights at my
house. Nobody ever made an issue about our diapers. He stayed with us a
lot. I was in charge of his care. I would give him a bath and put his
diaper on. Then we would go into my room and play wearing only diapers
and plastic pants. I had a room and a lot of toys; he thought I was
rich. We would go to bed. I would look at him sleeping next to me. I
wished he could stay with us. About 30 minutes after he went to sleep I
would check his diaper. He was already getting wet. I always put two
diapers on him at night so he didn't need to worry about leaks.
Before my mother went to bed she would come in and check us both. We
were both laying there in our plastic pants. In the morning we would
get up before my mom I would change our diapers and we would play in my
The fact Kurt and I both wore diapers forged a strong friendship
between us. We both felt the acceptance we had for each other.
One day Kurt�s mother told us she getting married. I was worried how
her husband to be would react to a 5-year-old wetter. I told his mother
I was afraid of what would happen to Kurt.
Her new husband told me he would never punish Kurt for his wetting. We
all were friends for about a year Kurt and I were still together until
he told me they were moving to the U.S. I knew I would miss him but his
step-father adopted both Kurt and his older brother and treated them
well. I was sad when they moved but I knew it was for the best.
When they moved I never saw them again. I still wonder how Kurt is. I
know I will never see him again but I would like to know.