Title: Kevin #6
Name: Kevin
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 16
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 12/28/08
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: I regain an interest in diapers.                  
My story is about when I regained an interest in diapers. I was about 
13 years old, and every night, all I could think of was how great it 
was when I was in diapers. I would dream of being in diapers, dream of 
people close to me in diapers as well, it was just eating away at me 
that I wasn't in diapers. Soon I began to plot how I would get to wear 
diapers again, even if it was temporary. I couldn't bring myself to 
tell my parents about my reborn interest in diapers, nor did/do I think 
that they would even approve of it, let alone buy me diapers, so I had 
no alternative plan but to steal them. The curiosity of wondering what 
diapers felt like again was too much for me to think logically and make 
a better choice, so I planned when and how I would take them. I believe 
we all know what Raley's is.

For those who don't, it's a convenience store that sells just about 
everything, except clothes. So, on a Saturday, I put the plan into 
action. I had just come home from a sleepover at a friend's house, and 
I was anxious to get the diapers. My family used to always go shopping 
for groceries and everything on Saturdays, so I knew that if I didn't 
do it that day, I wouldn't have another chance for another week.

The best part was that it was over Easter break, leaving a good amount 
of time to enjoy the diapers if/when I got them. So I got home, and 
then we set off to go shopping. We went to Wal-Mart (another store), 
then went to Raley's. I was really nervous, but I really wanted to get 
some diapers, so I pressed past my fear and went to work. I proceeded 
to "go to the bathroom", when I really was going to the diaper aisle to 
collect an ill-gotten award. Making sure nobody was around, and lucky 
that the pharmacy was closed, I looked at the packages. They just 
looked so nice, and basically told me to take them. I grabbed a package 
and fast-walked to the next aisle, which held the Rubbermaid trash bins 
and such, which was what I had planned to use to hide the evidence of 
my little scheme. I was shaking so bad that I thought that the people 
in the next aisle would hear the rustling plastic of the diaper pack, 
but luckily God was on my side that day and let me get away with it.

I ripped open the package and took out two diapers. I only took two 
because it was my first attempt at all of this business and I didn't 
want to get caught in the experimental stage. I quickly discarded the 
evidence and went up the stairs to the bathroom, to better hide the 
diapers. I took my sweats off and put one of the diapers on, and it 
felt amazing! I couldn't enjoy it at that moment, however, because I 
just wanted to take them home in order to try them out. I tucked the 
other diaper in my underwear and left. We paid for the groceries and 
then left, leaving the workers unaware that I had taken diapers out of 
the store. It wasn't a good choice, but once again, at this point I was 
eager to get back into a diaper. As soon as we got home, I hid the 
diaper tucked in my underwear in my drawer where my socks were. I went 
into the bathroom and locked the door, then pulled down my pants and 
underwear. It was a very awarding sight to see. I looked in the mirror 
to see a diapered, 13 year-old boy. I couldn't believe it! My plan had 
worked and I could wear diapers for a short, short while. I got such an 
erection that I thought I wouldn't be able to pee. I quickly pulled my 
pants back up and left. My family started to watch home movies, and I 
thought I would join them, but it felt awkward to know that I had a 
diaper on underneath my clothes, and only I knew about it. After a 
little I had to use the bathroom a little, so I went into the bathroom 
again and locked the door. I was nervous of leaking, as I forgot about 
the absorbency of diapers, so I sat on the toilet as if it were any 
other time using the bathroom, but with a diaper on. I tried to relax, 
and then started to let go of my bladder a little. As soon as I felt 
something come out, I held it again, afraid of leaking. I looked down 
to see that my Goodnites were a little darker in one spot of them than 
before. It made me feel good, but I didn't have to go that bad, so I 
went to go eat the spaghetti that was prepared to eat that night. Once, 
again, I felt awkward again, and couldn't wait to get back to my room. 
As soon as I was back in my room, I looked at my diapers again, and 
studied them for the first time. They had ATV's on them, but other than 
that were all white. Just thinking about them right now is getting me 
excited. They were nice and comfortable, so I just sat around for about 
an hour or so and watched Spongebob on TV. After a while, I had to go 
to the bathroom a little more than before, so I decided to try to wet 
my diapers. As much as I relaxed, I just couldn't bring myself to pee 
in my diaper like I wanted to, so I started push some of it out, eager 
to feel the warmth in my diapers. So I pushed, and felt the diaper do 
its work. It felt so good, that I thought I was going to ejaculate all 
over my diapers. I pushed a little more and saw the front side of the 
diaper go from white to a grey-like color, which made me even harder 
than before. God it felt so good! I noticed what I had been missing all 
of those years, and after a night of fun, I went to bed. The next 
morning, I thought the pee would be dried up, because I didn't know how 
diapers worked. Nobody really explained it when I was younger, and I 
didn't exactly know this time, but I realized that the pee was still 
there, except cold. Seeing as I didn't want anybody to know of my 
festivities, I quickly snuck out of the house before anyone woke up and 
hid the diapers under some trash, so the garbage man would get them and 
nobody would know. This worked exactly as I wanted. The end rest of 
Easter Break came around and then it was time for school again. 
Sometimes when I came home from school, I'd look in my sock drawer and 
see the last diaper, sitting there waiting to be used. I would just 
smile and put it back, and walk away. I was saving it for Friday, when 
I didn't have school the next day and so that I could enjoy myself to 
the fullest extent. Finally, Friday came around and I ran into my room 
to put the diaper on. I slowly pulled it up, and felt a wonderful 
sensation as it came up my body. Once it was on, I rubbed myself a bit 
and then put some sweats on. That night I pretty much just wanted to 
really use those diapers, so all day I was drinking water. Every time I 
got up, I would drink some water, because I wanted to pee without 
myself pushing it out. There was a movie on that night and I was 
watching it until it ended at about 11:00 p.m. (for anyone who cares), 
and halfway through the movie, guess what happened? I had an urge to 
pee. I was so excited! I couldn't wait for the movie to end now, but I 
sat and watched as I had to pee more and more. At last, the movie was 

I got up and went to brush my teeth so I could "go to bed", or 
otherwise pee my diapers. While I was brushing my teeth, I just 
couldn't hold it. My brother was in the room as well, except he didn't 
know that I was wearing a diaper, but anyways, I just let go and felt 
this amazing gush of pee come out and just fill the diaper. If it had 
been a plastic diaper I'm sure my brother would have heard it clearly. 
It felt amazing! The best feeling that I had ever had so far in my 
life: I was in a diaper, it was nice and warm, and best of all, I 
didn't have to go to the bathroom anymore. After that I went to bed, 
and in the morning threw the diaper under the trash again. My time of 
having diapers was over... for now. I once again began to plot when I 
would take them. It would be riskier this time, because now the people 
at Raley's would be on the watch for a "diaper stealer". It actually 
consisted of a few attempts. The first try I made at taking more 
diapers, my dad walked down the aisle! I was so scared, so in the 
middle of my try at diapers, I made a go to push them out of sight, 
which didn't work one bit. "Whatcha lookin' at, son?" Then his eyes 
rested on the diapers. "Are you really stealing diapers?" He said 

I had no choice but to say, "No". He didn't believe me anyways, but I 
couldn't take them that day as well. A couple weeks passed so that I 
could make them forget about that incident, and then I made my move 
again, and this time I succeeded. Instead of 2, I took 4 diapers this 
time, which was a little had to stuff into my jeans, but anyhow, I got 
out of the store with them on. It was a rainy Sunday, as I remember 
clearly. I call it the "Day of Wet Infamy". No, I didn't get forever 
put into diapers, if that's what you're thinking. I am telling you now 
about the day I got caught by my parents. I have replayed that day over 
and over again, thinking of the possibilities of what I could have done 
to save the other 3 diapers, but the past is the past, so I'll continue 
with the story. I ran to my room and hid the diapers in a Camrecorder 
pack, where nobody would look. I took one out and went into the 
bathroom once more. I slid it up a little faster, afraid of getting 
caught again. I pulled my pants back on and then went to do whatever I 
did that night. After I went to bed, I began my usual night of fun. 
First, I wanted to try pooping in the diaper, so I proceeded to do so. 
It was hard to do though, because for some reason, diapers pretty much 
push the poop into you rather than let you go and have it hold it. 
Anyhow, I managed to poop a little, but then didn't have to poop 
anymore, so I emptied it into the toilet and went back to bed. Since 
day 1 of being back in diapers, I had wanted to pee in them while lying 
in bed, so this time, that's what I did. As some of us might know, it's 
a little hard to pee while laying down, so I proceeded to push the pee 
out. I felt it slowly come out, then felt it leak a little! A cold fear 
blew over me faster than public restrooms go through toilet paper. I 
got up out of bed and felt pee trickle down my leg. "Oh god", I said. 
This had never happened before and I freaked out, which was my second 
mistake. My first mistake was doing this the night before school 
started. With nothing else coming to mind, I proceeded to lie to my mom 
about how my "shoes were in the car". I "went to get them", and ran to 
the side yard to take the diaper off. I ripped through the sides so 
fast I thought I would phase through it. At this point, I was in sheer 
panic. I threw it in the garbage really fast and closed the side door. 
"What were you doing outside?" I heard from behind. I went rigid for a 
second, scared out of my mind that I had been discovered. I had no 
answer other than, "Nothing". Of course she did not believe this, and 
said "Your shoes are in your room, you lied to me". I felt like shit 
and knew my diaper days were over. I went to bed and listened closely 
to what my parents were doing. Then, to my horror, I saw the side light 
turn on, and they were fishing through the trash! I had no choice but 
to go to bed. The next morning, I knew that they had found the diapers, 
so I gathered up all of the diapers in my room, the one from the trash 
as well, and threw them into the gutter, then threw a couple unused 
pieces of sheet music into the trash as a cover-up, which didn't work. 
There was an air about the house that I did not enjoy. My dad just 
looked at me, and then proceeded to ask me a gut-wrenching question. 
"So I was looking in the trash, and I saw a disposable diaper. Why 
would you do that, steal?" I didn't want to tell him that it was 
because I wanted use it. I said, "I wanted to see what was inside one." 
I knew he wouldn't take it.

Anyhow, he took my phone away for not telling him the real reason. I 
went to school and feared what would happen when I came home. My mom 
picked me up and talked about it. She was not really mean like my dad 
was, but instead was just finding the reason. We settled on the 
"masturbation" reason, but that wasn't fully the reason, but I wasn't 
going to argue with it. Take that reason, it was an easier way out. My 
diaper days came to a screeching halt. 3 years went by. I made some 
really good friends the next couple of years, and enjoyed my life, but 
I never stopped thinking and dreaming about diapers.

About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I decided enough was enough. I just HAD to get 
some diapers, and that's what I did. At this point, I'm going to tell 
you that my parents forgot the incident, and that, to my misfortune, 
but somewhat to my pleasure, I, and only I, had gotten Raley's to put 
up security cameras in the diaper aisle. That's how under the radar I 
had been when I took them. I will also tell you that from the time of 
the diapers I had taken and past that, I was in boxer briefs instead of 
briefs. I wanted some briefs again, but wasn't going to tell my 
parents, as they make everything difficult. I knew I would have to 
steal them, too. I am so stupid for stealing, but I wanted them so bad 
as well. It was one day that we went to Target (yet another store), and 
I went to take some. Looking at the different brands, I grabbed some 
Hanes white briefs and took some out. I put them in my pants so nobody 
would see, and we left with my newfound briefs. I wanted to put one on, 
so we got home and I did. I pulled them up and felt greatness. It was 
almost just like a diaper, but without the padded comfort and 
absorbency. Anyways, this went on once more, and then stopped, bringing 
us to the point where I wanted diapers again. I was desperate, so I 
stole some diapers from the pet store to use as inserts. Once again, I 
was new to the whole diaper ideal. I put one in my underwear, and 
waited to get an urge to pee. Soon enough, I needed to go, so I let go 
into the diaper. I felt the familiar rush of liquids come out of me and 
warm up the diaper. It was so great to be renewed again. I had taken 6 
diapers, so I used them all, until I only had two left. I felt a new 
experiment coming on, masturbating with my diapers on. I had wet 
dreams, but I had never been awake or felt like doing it. This time, it 
was going to happen. I slowly started to rub myself through the diaper. 
I felt that something was going to happen, and kept going. Soon enough, 
I felt an amazing feeling. It was great, and I continued to do it every 
night after that.

Eventually, I used up the diapers, and now I am here, typing my story. 
I hope you enjoyed my story, and I hope that one day, I will wear 
diapers again. Not all of the time, but when I want to wear them, to 
relax, feel safe, comfortable, and at home, in a nice warm diaper.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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