Name: KC Email: Ages: 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Current Age: 17 When I was about 5 years old I decided to try on one of my sister's diapers and I actually got one on and wore it for the night. The next morning I woke up I looked under the covers and I was missing my pajama bottoms, only a dry diaper, but I knew I had wet myself before I went to sleep, but now I was dry. When my mom came in and told me that she found out this morning I was in a wet diaper, so while I was sleeping she changed me and now I was to wear diapers for the whole day. During the day I was to wear them, not use them, so I was outside playing and I had to pee, so I rushed and I tripped and fell in the grass and the impact made me pee myself, so I went back inside and told my mom. I was changed out of the diaper and spanked and made to wear diapers for the whole week. After that I was off diapers for a little while until one day I was about 8 years old I was looking around and found some old diapers. I put one on and wore it all day until bath time. My mom came in took off my clothes and saw I had a diaper on, so she spanked me, washed me and put me in a new diaper, and she fed me a bottle. I was to wear diapers for a month so that stopped altogether until I was 12. I was bored, so I went into the bathroom took a towel and folded it up and put it on under my clothes and sat there. I pulled out my penis and started to masturbate and then took my penis, stuck it back into the towel before I ejaculated and I cummed all over the inside if the towel. At that time my mom opened the door to the bathroom. I forgot to lock it and she saw me sitting there on the toilet with my pants bulging and she asked, "What am I wearing under my pants?" She came over, pulled down the zipper and saw it was a towel. She flipped and I was told to take off the towel, and when I did she looked at it, and there was cum all over it. She made me take off all of my clothes and she spanked me like over 200 times and she placed a fresh diaper on me and gave me a shirt. We went out and bought some diapers for me that could actually fit like Attends size extra small, so we went home and she made me wear them now and forever. Every chance I get I masturbate in my diapers and she doesn't care anymore, so now I'm totally dependent to diapers, so I wear them all of the time.