Title: Justin #3
Name: Justin
Email: helljumper89@gmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 16
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 05/12/08, updated 04/19/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
It all started when I was about 12 years old and I had a little 
brother. He stayed in diapers for about a year until he was potty 
trained. Luckily for me he had about 5 leftover diapers. I used to 
secretly put them on in the bathroom but didn�t do anything in them and 
put them back. This went on until the diapers were gone and I had to 
make do by pretending to wear a diaper. I would take a long sleeve 
white shirt and tie it around my waist then pull the extra up to look 
like a diaper. This never really satisfied me but I kept doing it.

About a year later my mom had a bunch of diapers in her car to drop off 
to a shelter but I knew I couldn�t resist. I waited until she was 
upstairs before I took a package of small diapers and 5 pull-ups. I 
immediately put a pull-up on but couldn�t do anything because I had to 
go to the doctor for my fractured leg (I had recently got a stress 
fracture from soccer).

When I got home my parents went out to a bar and I put on the first 
pull-up. I played around in it until I soaked it. It leaked but I just 
put on another and continued to play in them. That terrible day when I 
ran out of diapers I was just about depressed when I remembered my best 
friend had baby brothers. I would go over to his house to sleep over 
and at night I would take some. These diapers of course were slightly 
too small (although I am wearing one currently) but I loved the babyish 
design on the front.

One night he caught me but I told him it�s a safe way to masturbate so 
it wouldn�t make a mess and he bought it and started using diapers, 
too. The only difference is when I was done with my diaper it was 
yellow. I needed a diaper that could fit so I bought bigger diapers 
that had baby prints on them and started wearing them. I always had a 
fantasy that his step-mom would just set me down and change me along 
with his baby brothers but it never happened.

So one night before I slept over I put a bulky diaper on under my jeans 
so it could be noticed if you looked. When we were about to go to bed 
she asked me if I was wearing a diaper and I said, �Yes.� She asked why 
and I told her I like to and that was good enough for her. She checked 
if I was wet (and I was) and brought me to the changing table. She got 
my bag and found my other diaper in it and put her baby diapers in it 
for doublers. I waddled out of the changing room and into my friend�s 
room. He saw me but didn�t mind (I think is a dl too but I�m not sure). 
When I woke up I peed into the diaper and his mom changed me into a 
baby diaper that had tape to keep it up and gave us breakfast. That was 
the best night ever.

One night I received a phone call from her and she told me that she 
wanted me to sleep over so I did. When I got to the door I wondered 
where my friend was and she said he was at his mom�s house and his dad 
was on a business trip so it was just me, her, and her babies. She 
immediately put me in a diaper and had me play with some toys while she 
made dinner. I was fed cut up food from a high-chair and then put in a 
bath with her sons. Unlike most stories she left my pubic hairs and 
proceeded to wash me. I was put into a double adult-baby diaper with 
two doublers inside of it and I could not walk. I crawled throughout 
the house until it was bedtime. Once it was bedtime I was given a 
bottle and put in a room with her other two sons in my own crib and I 
went to sleep.

In the middle of the night I woke up with a wet diaper so I started 
talking into the baby monitor until she came in and saw me. She brought 
me over to the table and started changing me. I was put in a slightly 
less thick diaper but still couldn�t walk very easily. I slept the rest 
of the night until I woke up and peed my diaper. She changed me into a 
Pampers size 6 which just barely fit and fed me. I told her I wanted to 
stay so she called my mom and told her I could stay another night. She 
agreed so I got baby treatment for an entire day. I was kept in a real 
baby diaper all day and got changed when I needed it and when her sons 
needed it.

We later went swimming and she put us in Little Swimmers diapers and 
let us wade around with floaties on. My diaper was really small so I 
did not stay in very long and she brought me inside and changed me. She 
surprised me with a large onesie that she had sewed for me and I asked 
her why I didn�t have this earlier. She said her friend from another 
city was coming and so was her daughter, who was 19. I panicked at 
first but then realized I would never see her again.

When they arrived I was explained to them and all they did was comment 
on how cute I looked in a diaper than basically payed no attention to 
me. I was fine with this and kept playing in my play-pen. When I was in 
a wet diaper the 19 year-old girl asked to change me but my �mom� said 
it was up to me. I agreed and was proceeded to be changed. It was no 
different but a nice change.

After they left we had to go grocery shopping so she put me in a pull-
up (which belonged to her 3 year-old) which fit a lot better than a 
diaper but was not as thick. She told me she expected a wet diaper by 
the end of the trip but I beat her by going while we were standing in 
the store. I was laid on the back seat of her car in a parking lot but 
no one seemed to know a 15 year-old was getting changed. We stopped by 
another store and she bought a huge pack of size 7 baby diapers. I knew 
I could fit in these because I had bought them off the internet before. 
I was changed into not one or two but three of these diaper and was 
strapped into my car seat for the ride home.

I watched a movie with her and wet my diapers so when it was over she 
changed me and then put me to bed. The next morning I was put in a 
pull-up and then she drove me home. She said that every time I came 
over from now on I must have a diaper on that was wet so she had an 
excuse to go to the changing room with me and her toddlers. She gave me 
5 size 6�s to use whenever and I went home.

Part 2

I have been going to my friend�s house still and he is not sure why she 
calls me baby but we still chill. The first thing that always happens 
is a diaper change and then dinner. Once when we were going to go to a 
theme park she put me in an adult diaper and changed me whenever I 
pretended to be too scared of a rollercoaster. Once she hired a baby 
sitter to watch us when she went out with her husband and I was still 
changed discreetly into diapers. At my house I never wore diapers so I 
kept my bladder control but at my friend�s house I was not allowed 
there without a diaper. One day we decided to tell my friend why I 
always disappeared (he was suspicious) and he didn�t really mind as 
long as it didn�t happen to him and I respected him for his decision.

On occasion I would make a dare where he would be put into a diaper if 
he lost so sometimes there would be 4 �babies� around the house that 
needed changing. Once he understood this babysitters became more common 
and he usually wore a diaper and peed them often if she was hot. This 
was a good plan. Only once did my friend diaper me and that is when I 
was asleep with a diaper already on that he kept adding on to the 
layers and when I woke up I couldn�t move. We are not gay just good 
friends. Whenever I am not at his house I just wait for my parents to 
leave and I put a diaper on, look at myself with admiration in the 
mirror, and walk around.

Last night I put on all 5 diapers and slept and it was a great feeling. 
FYI when I do go to his real mom�s house I wear just a diaper still in 
his room but when his mom comes in I cover it up. One of these times I 
will expose my diaper to her. His sister who is 12 does not mind all 
the diapers since she has to live with the babies part-time and even 
volunteers to change me sometimes. This does not happen very often but 
I like it and she does, too. She always powders me well and puts 
several diapers on me. Sometimes when her friends are over I will put 
on a diaper and play as a baby for them if they playhouse and they love 
it. I am fed, diapered by both of them, and put to naps. Sometimes they 
even take me outside with baby clothes she made on me and I play in 
their sandbox and what not.

My friend doesn�t care if I hang with his sister and I am thankful for 
that. Sometimes I play X-Box Live and wear nothing but a diaper on the 
camera so send me and email to get my Gamertag. I like to wear Bambino 
plain white diapers but I wear the prints at my friend�s house usually. 
Email if you have interest and want updates to this story.

Added 01/25/09

After going to my friend�s house for about a year now, things were 
starting to become more serious. She discovered Bambinos and has 
started to purchase the big cases for me. I am still thrilled that she 
would do that for me and always try to repay her with chores. She has 
also sewn big baby clothes for me. I will first describe a typical 
sleepover while my friend is home.

I arrive at my friend�s house at a quarter to 6 wearing a size 6 Pamper 
that his mom has given me. She knows it will be wet so she immediately 
takes me upstairs to change me. His dad is somehow still oblivious as 
to what us going on so I'm pretty lucky. My friend knows but he acts 
like it's no big deal. After my change I am put into a pull up and 
brought back downstairs to eat dinner. Usually his dad goes to bed 
right after so I am put into my nighttime Bambino with the onesie I 
mentioned in the last story. My friend who is also a TB/DL would like 
to be put into diapers but does not want his step mom to know. He 
usually grabs one later in the night. Anyway when I have my diaper on 
she usually makes me crawl around her baby's room in nothing but a 
diaper. Being a teenage boy you can imagine how horny you get from this 
so she leaves me alone with a stack of diapers. I usually lay on them 
and dry hump them until I cum. She then proceeds to change me and puts 
my diapers on thick and snug, just like I like them. I go into my 
friend�s room and he is jealous of me. He puts on a diaper later in the 
night because his step mom hides my diapers under his bed so his dad 
doesn't find out. We play Xbox and then go to bed. In the morning I 
still have to make myself wet because I am trained but his mom still 
changes me. I am put into another Bambino because his dad is at work 
and I am allowed to go in nothing but a diaper. His sister is thrilled 
to see me in a diaper and even sometimes invites a friend over to play 
house with me. I allow her to change me and she loves it. She always 
tickles me and makes me pee my diaper a lot. She once snuck a laxative 
into my food and she enjoyed the fact that she got to keep changing me. 
I hate pooping in my diaper but she loves it. Her way of making me pee 
is filling a bottle with alcohol and juice to keep me flowing. At 
Around 2pm my friend�s mom or his sister changes me into a smaller 
diaper and brings me home. When I get home I take the diaper off and 
hide it.

This is a typical sleep over at his step moms house without him or his 

I go to his stepmom�s house in a soaked Bambino and await to be 
changed. She does this and let's me play in nothing but my diaper. Her 
babies play along with me. We are fed a bottle and dinner and she 
prepares our bath. After our bath I beg her to put several diapers on 
me and only once has she succumbed. I was put in 7 Bambinos no joke and 
it was impossible to walk. That is when I feel like a real baby the 
most. When put in my thick diapers she puts a pacifier in my mouth and 
puts me in my crib and my body ejaculates for me without much help at 
all. When I wake up my friends sister is sometimes over and babies me 
some more. We once went outside while I was in a stroller with baby 
clothes a cute bonnet and nobody noticed I was a teen. Or at least I 
don't think so. That was a lot of fun. His sister has developed this 
new form to make me wet that I really enjoy. She puts a pacifier in my 
mouth, puts my diapers on as tight as they go, and rubs the front of my 
diapers. Then my big sister cleans me up and sometimes gives me a bath. 
She has also developed cloth diapers for me but I don't enjoy them as 
much. I do enjoy when she gives me a bath and takes her shirt off and 
calls me a naught baby for getting an erection. These weekends are the 
best ever.

This is a typical sleepover at my friend�s real mom�s house:

I mentioned in the last story that I would tell my friends mom about my 
diapers and I eventually did. I told her I have a lot of wet dreams and 
didn't want to ruin her carpet so I would use diapers at her house. She 
was fine with that and offered to diaper me. The only negative is I 
didn't tell her about me bring babied. I usually sprint down the street 
to my friend�s house and go inside. I beg his mom to diaper me right 
away and she does. She says how cute I look and says how it reminds her 
of the old days when I wore diapers all the time at her house. She 
constantly checks to see if I am wet and always says that she expects a 
wet diaper. Only on occasion do I wet for her and she is thrilled to 
change me. She puts tons of powder on me and really rubs the oil on me. 
She sometimes blows on my belly until I giggle. I think she misses 
having a baby so I will drop the question to her soon. Email me for 
updates on that or wait for a new post. She also has bought some normal 
adult diapers for when I do wet. I have noticed a pacifier on her desk 
before but she has said nothing about it. She really is my favorite 
mommy because she treats me like a baby more than anyone. She has 
offered me a high chair, offered me a crib, a onesie, and even to eat 
baby food but I tell her the sleepover is to chill with my friend. Now 
that I think about I can't wait to be her actual baby. I like how she 
always pats my fluffy diaper as I walk by and checks the leg cuff to 
insure it's not wet. She only asks me to crawl I'm return for the 
diapers. She is great. In the morning I wake up and she changes me and 
asks me to wet again before I go. This is the only time where I make 
sure to wet again so I don't waste a diaper. When I wet again she 
bathes me and sends me home. I forgot to mention that whenever I go 
over there even to just hang out I wear a diaper. She once even tried 
to take me to Safeway in nothing but a diaper but I refused. I told her 
that if we go to another city I will expose my diaper and wear a short 
T-shirt and sit in the baby part of her shopping cart. I also said I 
will ride in the baby swing in just my diaper.

That is the first update in a year to my story but I will try to be 
regular. Hit me up at helljumper89@gmail.com and don't forget I play 
Xbox live with a vision camera.
Added 04/19/09

My true diaper wearing started around 14. I got my first pack of target 
brand diapers size 1. I would wear them inside of my underpants and 
visualize myself being changed. Around 15 I finally decided to buy some 
diapers off eBay. I bought 2 thick diapers that would fit me and waited 
for them. When I finally received them I couldn't wait to wear them. I 
put one on and couldn't believe how thick it was. I lay around in it 
for an hour. Once I got bold and put both on at the same time and was 
instantly addicted to thick diapers. I eventually soaked these diapers 
and knew I had to buy more. I bought 8 and told my buddy. He tried the 
first diapers I had and liked them. He has little brothers but their 
diapers were too small at the time. Once I got my shipment I didn't 
wear them until we had his house to ourselves. When that glorious day 
finally came I brought all 8 diapers over and we agreed that we 
wouldn't wet, just wear them. We changed ourselves and wore diapers for 
several hours. I got boring after a while. I eventually started wearing 
one diaper a night and masturbating in it until it ram out of 
stickiness, then I would use another for several weeks. This lasted me 
up until now. I was going to order some more until I crashed my car so 
now I can't get to the post office. What I do now is put a clean baby 
diaper in an old diaper and hot glue the tabs. It works very well and 
can be used for a long time. I really need new diapers but there is 
nothing I can do. Since the diapers are thinner now I can wear them 
underneath jeans which is a bonus but I miss thick diapers. I put 
several on for the effect but it's a pain to glue that many. I'm 
considering talking to my friends mom about my fetish and seeing what 
she thinks about it. I've considered stopping several times but ever 
since I lost my car I've had nothing better to do. My dream is to one 
day be changed by another female. Hopefully my friends mom. If not I 
can keep on wishing. He still wears diapers with me but not lately. 
That's my true story about diapers. Questions or comments or if you 
want to play Xbox live just email me. Helljumper89@gmail.com.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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