Name: Jon
Ages: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Current Age: 15
	When I was about 6 years old my family and I took a trip to 
Disney World. I have one sister. She was 3 and was still in diapers. My 
mom suggested to me that I should wear diapers or pull-ups on the way 
down and in the park because I had accidents before and all that jive. 
I said "no, I don't want to, diapers are for babies....etc." So my mom 
said fine and whatever.
	It was the week before spring break and I was in first grade and 
I really had to go to the bathroom, I mean really, really bad. My 
teacher wouldn’t let me go because I had recess in 10 minutes. I 
couldn’t wait. I rushed out of the room while peeing in my jeans. So 
now the teacher came out and brought me down to the office to 
discipline me but all I really got was a lecture. Then the nurse called 
my mom to tell her I peed myself. I guess it was a rule that they need 
your parents’ permission on letting you wear other clothes for the day 
and all that. My mom told the nurse to put me in a pull-up or diaper 
and some new jeans until she got there. The diaper was a Size 6 
Pampers. She got there after school and explained to me why she told 
the nurse to put me in a diaper and that I have a weak bladder and it's 
not my fault. She wasn’t really mad but I was surely going to be 
wearing a diaper next week at the park. She gave me another chance with 
underwear and explained to the teacher that when I ask to go, I need to 
go. So I got through the week with no problem.
	But something that I’ve never done happened on the Friday night 
before we left. I woke up in the middle of the night and I had to poop 
so bad, so I hurried downstairs and for some reason I was right by the 
bathroom, and I could have taken off the pull-up that I was wearing. 
But for some reason I just let it go and I actually remember the 
feeling. It was sick but felt cool. My mom was so mad that I woke her 
up to tell her I had pooped in my pants. She just said, “go clean 
yourself up, put a clean one on and go to bed.”
	The next morning was very interesting I woke up and my mom was 
out at the store getting some last minute groceries and such for the 
trip. So I didn’t think much of it. I thought she would come back with 
some goodies. And she did but she also bought two different sizes of 
Pampers diapers. I knew what I was in for. I was told by my mom to take 
my clothes off and get on my sister's changing table. So I did and she 
brought out the diaper and diapered me. She told me I was going to be 
in them the whole week. She said I should use the toilet when I poop. I 
guess I didn’t hear that part. It felt so weird in diapers, but I can 
distantly remember the feeling of the thick white diaper (which Pampers 
doesn’t make anymore).
	So as you can guess I was peeing my diapers and I had pooped in 
them twice over the whole week. The last day we went to Sea World and I 
was the biggest pain in the ass. I didn’t feel good because I had 
diarrhea. I just didn’t know I had it. So we were watching Shamoo and I 
just started unloading poop and I didn’t even know I was doing it, it 
was a total accident. My dad took me in the bathroom to change. I 
didn’t believe this was happening to me. Throughout the week I had peed 
in my diaper a lot and pooped enough to were my parents were going to 
send me to school the next week with diapers.
	We were back in my home state on Sunday and I was still in the 
diapers. My bladder was weakening. It was never strong but now it was 
just very weak. I could still feel my bowels coming. I was also a 
thumbsucker. My parents never really did anything about it except tell 
me to stop. I somehow started wearing just my diaper around the house 
and not caring. My dad was constantly telling me to stop soiling myself 
and stop sucking my thumb, I never listened.
	My parents were seeing that I was totally reversing what they 
have accomplished in the last 6 years when it comes to maturing me. 
They felt terrible. They have created a beast. I was worse than a 
regular kid. I mean I wanted this, that, and the other and I got it. 
Which I just couldn't believe. I was like this and it all started 
changing, the way my parents treated me was different, the way my 
sister treated me was different, everything was different. I had a bed 
with Thomas The Train sheets and a very babyish room.
	My parents wanted to make me jealous with another baby in the 
house. His name was Grant. What they tried to do, totally backfired. He 
was looking up to me and saying that he would always be in diapers.
	I have now lost total control of my bladder and bowels and so has 
my brother. He is so much like me. He is 9 and is a big baby just like 
me. My parents have given up on us. I am now 15 and not much different 
then before.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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