Name: Johnny
Ages: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18+
Current Age: 42
The memory of how it all started is burned into my brain, like it just 
happened; even though it in fact happened some 30 years ago.

I was twelve, my dad was a Scoutmaster for the local Boy Scout Troop 
and I got to go on my first campout with the troop. Unfortunately, I 
wet my bed the second night and since it was a sleeping bag, there was 
no way to hide it from the other guys. The humiliation of twenty-some 
boys your own age and older calling you "baby" and telling each other 
that you need diapers was more than I could handle. So I started 
crying, which only made things worse. My Dad, needless to say, was 
furious with me for wetting my bed and "embarrassing him" by my lack of 

When we got home, I got spanked and my older brother and younger sister 
were told what happened. Dad decided that since I was just a "big baby" 
I would be diapered until I could prove I was worthy of pants and his 
trust. At home, diapers only, regardless of who was present. Away from 
home I could wear regular clothes, but if I wet my pants I would be 
diapered 24/7. Each morning my diaper was to be checked and a wet 
diaper meant another full week of diapers.

Mother immediately grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my room, 
where I was told to strip and wait for her. When she returned, I was 
standing by my bed trembling when to my shock, she was accompanied by 
my 10-year-old sister. Both had their arms full of diapers, plastic 
pants, powder, and creams. "Mom...Make Jane leave..." I pleaded.

"Why?" Mom replied, "She's going to see you every day, in fact, she's 
going to be changing your diaper periodically. You know I don't get 
home from work until 6:00 and you will be diapered as soon as you get 
home from school. Just who did you think was going to diaper you?"

"Uh...Jim?" I answered hopefully.

"Not likely...your bother is 17 and has sports practices almost every 
evening, he usually gets home later than I do," She replied.

"Uh...Me?" I tried again.

"I don't think so! You can't be trusted to not wet your bed, so what 
makes you think we would trust you to put on your diaper properly? No 
you will NEVER be permitted to diaper yourself; I you have to wear 
them, then you will be PROPERLY diapered by someone else!"

Throughout this discussion, my little sister just stood there smirking 
at me from behind my Mother. I knew I was in real trouble; she had that 
look like this was going to be payback for every minor injustice she 
felt I had ever been responsible for.

Without further discussion, Mom put a changing pad on my bed and told 
me to lay on it. I sat on the pad with tears streaming down my cheeks; 
my hands trying in vain to maintain my modesty. Mom slapped my hands 
and told me to put them by my head, that "I had nothing to hide. Babies 
have no modesty."

Crying with my eyes squeezed shut, I lay back and removed my hands from 
my privates and immediately heard a giggle from my sister. "Spread your 
legs and pull them up to your chest," My Mother ordered. Trembling, I 

If things weren't bad enough, the thing I hear is "Look, Mother, he 
sure doesn't wipe very good, no wonder, his underpants have stains."

"Well, I guess we are going to have to teach him better," Mom replied, 
"Johnny, from now on until I tell you otherwise, you will be inspected 
to be sure you have learned how to wipe properly after using the 
toilet. But since you will be wearing diapers at least 16 hours each 
day, that will have to wait."

Mom then proceeded to teach my little sister how to wash a baby, apply 
cream and powder, then put on the diaper and plastic pants. I got a 
"stiffie" during the procedure, which caused my sister to again giggle, 
but my Mother just ignored it and said, "That happens all the time with 
young boys."

I spent the rest of the day in the house in my diaper, basically trying 
to be invisible. My older brother saw me and made sounds of disgust, as 
he walked away shaking his head. I wet myself twice during the day and 
Mom changed me. At nine o'clock she called me to the living room and 
checked again. I was wet.

"Jane! Change your Baby Brother!" she called out.

"No Mom...Please...You do it...Please..."

Without warning, Mom grabbed my wrist and pulled me across her lap, 
jerked the back of my diaper down and proceeded to give me 25 hard 
spanks on my bare behind. I cried and kicked but nothing stopped her 
until she decided I had "learned my lesson."

I was then lectured, standing beside her with my red behind on display, 
my diaper around my knees, about following her rules and directions 
without complaint or "I would get more of the same."

My sister had arrived during the spanking and stood behind me during 
the lecture.

"Jane, take your BABY BROTHER, up to his room and change him. Put at 
least 3 diapers on him for the night, and if he gives you any problem, 
smack his red little behind until he behaves! Johnny, from now on your 
BIG SISTER is in charge of you and you WILL DO what she says, or the 
spanking you just got will be NOTHING compared with what you will get 

Jane didn't say a word; she just took my hand and led me from the room, 
me trying to pull up my diaper as I waddled to keep up with her, 
towards my room. When we got there, she gently guided me to the 
changing pad still on my bed and proceeded to remove my plastic pants 
and diapers. I was trembling and crying from the spanking and shock of 
hearing that my little sister (who physically was as big as me) was now 
"in charge" of me and could punish me if she wanted to. I covered my 
eyes with my forearm as she proceeded to wash me, then apply cream and 
powder, prior to putting four diapers on me and my plastic pants. They 
were so thick I couldn't get my thighs together, not even close. Once 
done, she told me to stand, removed the pad, pulled my covers back and 
told me to get into bed. I did and was soon asleep.

The next morning Mom woke me and I wasn't just wet, I was soaked. She 
quickly stripped me and told me to go take a shower. I quickly complied 
and was in the shower when my sister casually walked in to brush her 

"Hey, get out!" I shouted at her.

"My...We don't have a very good memory, do we?" she replied.

"I'm taking a shower..." I said quieter, realizing what she was 
referring to.

"So what, I've not only seen it... I've handled it, and I will see it a 
LOT MORE. Make sure you clean your butt real good, because I don't want 
to have to clean poop off you! And while we are on THAT subject; after 
I diaper you when we get home from school, if you have to poop, do it 
in here, NOT your diaper, and clean yourself really good, or I will 
spank you! After you've cleaned yourself, you will be inspected, then I 
will re-diaper you. Understand?"

"Yes, Jane," I replied in almost a whisper as my entire body trembled 
with the realization that she was in fact now in charge of me.

School went OK that day except during the last hour when I got cornered 
by some of the Scouts who called me "Baby Johnny." They were all bigger 
than me (I was only 5'3") and I was scared. Scared enough that my 
bladder let loose and I peed my pants. "Look! Not just a bed-wetter, 
but he pees his pants, too!" That got laughter from all of them. I 
ended up walking home with obviously wet pants and got more laughs and 
jeer from a group of younger girls I passed about a block from home.

Unfortunately, my sister was home when I came in the door, with my wet 
pants clearly visible. "Jesus, Johnny... Isn't peeing your bed enough? 
Now you're peeing you pants, too?" she screamed at me. "Go take a 
shower and meet me in your room!"

After my shower, I returned to my room wearing just a towel and found 
my sister waiting for me on my bed. "Lose the towel and come over 
here," she directed in a commanding voice. I complied with shaking 
knees and walked over to where she was sitting on my bed. I guess I 
didn't drop the towel fast enough, because she reached out and pulled 
it away from me. By reflex my hands moved to cover my privates, but she 
just slapped them away. So I stood before her hands at my sides, my 
most private parts at her eye level.

My sister then proceeded to closely inspect my little pecker and probed 
at my ball sack, feeling it with soft hands; her breath blowing across 
my little cock. In short order, it became erect from the attention and 
she inspected it further, squeezing and feeling it like it was a new 
toy. Then without warning she said, "Turn around and bend over, spread 
you legs wide."

I turned quickly but apparently didn't bend over fast enough, and was 
rewarded with a slap on the ass. "Spread wider!" she ordered. I leaned 
down so my hands were on the floor, butt in the air and legs as wide as 
I could get them. My ass was wide open and my balls hanging in the air 
between my legs. I could see her between my legs as she scooted to the 
edge of the bed. Soon I felt her hands run over my behind and a finger 
trace down the crack of my butt approaching my little hole which I knew 
had to be gaping open. One hand cupped my balls and lifted them like 
she was weighing them as her finger circled my hole. "NOT GOOD ENOUGH! 
YOU DIRTY LITTLE BOY!" and the hand holding my balls closed tight, just 
as her free hand landed a hard spank on my butt cheek.

I screamed and fell forward, but she maintained her grip on my balls 
and followed me down onto the floor. I was screaming not so much from 
the spank as from the pressure of her grip on my balls and pleaded for 
her to let go. In stead, her grip tightened and I screamed even louder. 
Finally, she released my balls and standing over me said; "I guess we 
know who is in charge, don't we, Baby Johnny, now get up! You get a 
spanking for not properly cleaning your dirty little behind!"

I crawled up onto my knees and found that she had again seated herself 
on my bed and motioned for me to lie across her lap. Holding my sore 
balls, I got onto the bed and lay across her; she moved me so that my 
erection was between her legs and my butt centered over her lap. She 
then reached over my back and held me with her left arm and proceeded 
to land about 50 spanks on my behind, only quitting because "her hand 
hurt." I was crying and blubbering like a baby at this point and 
pleaded with her not to spank me any more. She then lectured me about 
proper bathroom procedures and said I would get the same, anytime I did 
not clean myself sufficiently.

Jane then put the changing pad on the floor and told me to lay on it. I 
quickly complied, not wanting any more spanks and likewise raised and 
spread my legs without being told to avoid any more punishment. Seeing 
my compliance, my little sister smiled at me and proceeded to diaper me 
for the evening. It felt really great when she put some kind of cream 
on my sore behind, and she giggled when her manipulations caused me to 
again become erect. She seemed to really enjoy pulling my hard-on with 
a finger and letting it slap back against my belly. Shortly however, it 
was all over and I was once again tightly diapered with two layers of 
cloth diaper and had my plastic pants securely pulled up. When 
finished, she gave me a playful smack on the behind and told me to let 
her know when I needed changed again.

When Mom, Dad and my Brother arrived home, they found my sister sitting 
on the couch me laying on my stomach on the family-room floor watching 
TV. My Dad and Brother just grunted and shook their heads and went to 
Dad's workshop. Mom turned to my sister and said, "Any Problems?"

Jane just shook her head and replied, "No Baby Johnny and I have 
reached an understanding. I don't think there will be any problems in 
the future. Oh and Mom, you're right, boy's are REAL sensitive down 
there!" Mother and daughter just gave each other knowing smiles, then 
Mom went off to fix dinner.

During the next few days a routine developed. Mom would check me in the 
morning and Jane would handle the after-school time until bedtime. 
Since she was "Babysitting" me, Mom and Dad decided she should be paid, 
and my allowance was therefore given to her as payment for taking care 
of the Baby; "babies don't need money," my Dad declared, and I 
therefore lost all of my allowance.

Unfortunately I wet the bed twice that week and my diapered life was 
therefore extended two weeks. I got used to it, until the second week 
when I realized that my sister's Brownie Scout group was scheduled to 
meet at our house on the following Friday. Sixteen 8-11 year-old girls 
would be roaming the house; how was I going to hide and not be seen in 
my diapers?

It turned out that hiding was not going to be an option. Mom had 
decided that my current situation was a prime opportunity for the girls 
to learn "infant care" in preparation for future babysitting. On the 
day in question, I was hiding in my room, when the girls arrived and I 
could hear them laughing and giggling down in the family-room. Shortly 
there was a knock on my door and my sister didn't wait for me to open 
it; just came in.

"Mom says you are to come down to the family-room Johnny," she said 
with a smile.

"No Way!" I stammered, "Not with all those girls down there!"

"Johnny, this is not an option, Mom says you are to come down; you 
don't want me to have to tell her you refuse; now do you? You know the 
rules, you are to be seen in your diapers no matter who is here."

I knew I was in deep shit with no way out, if I didn't go, Mom would 
just come up and drag me down and probably spank me in front of all of 
the girls anyway; and Mom's spankings were ALWAYS bare bottom, 
regardless of who was present or where!

So it was that Jane took my hand and led me down the stairs, my eyes 
filled with tears and knees knocking and my whole body trembling, to 
confront the Brownie Troop assembled in the family-room. Initially 
there was silence as we descended the steps into the room. Then 
giggles, then laughter, then the comments started; "Oh isn't he cute? 
Just precious! Wait till the girls at school hear! Can I check his 
diaper? Do we get to change his diaper? Why is Baby Johnny crying?"

My worst nightmare then came true, as I was led to a changing pad in 
the middle of the floor and my Mother and Mrs. Johnson lectured the 
girls on taking care of babies, changing diapers and so forth. Without 
further ado I was stripped and diapering procedures were demonstrated 
to the girls. It was obvious to me that some of them had never seen a 
naked boy before; they whispered to each other about my privates and 
giggled a lot. I hid my face with my arm as my body shook from the 
humiliation of it all. When the demonstration was done, I hoped I could 
escape. Not to happen...It got worse!

For the next three hours I was diapered and re-diapered by each of the 
girls. I had so much cream and powder rubbed into my skin (especially 
my cock and balls) that I felt sure it would come oozing out of me at 
some point. My little pecker was hard though-out and I came twice from 
all of the girl-handling; but as I was trembling, crying and moaning 
most of the time, I don't think most of them realized what they had 
accomplished with my young boy body, as they were "dry cums" at that 
point in my life. I am sure my Mother and Mrs. Johnson however, 
recognized the twitching and spasms, but they did not say anything.

Finally, it was over and Mrs. Johnson told the girls to give me a round 
of applause for "being a good sport." All of the girls cheered and I 
just stood there in my diaper with red faced embarrassment. I would 
never live THIS down! As the girls were leaving, each gave me a hug and 
a kiss on the cheek and again thanked me. I hid in my room for the rest 
of the night.

After that day, our house became VERY popular with all of my sister's 
friends, including some who were not in the Brownie Troop.

The next day (Saturday) when I got up, I found my parents and brother 
had gone to work and in the kitchen with my sister were four girls. I 
started to back out of the doorway, when my sister saw me and said, 
"Come here Johnny and let me check your diaper."

"Uh...It's OK, Sis...I...I'll just go back to my room..."

"Johnny! It's NOT OK...You Know the Rules! Get over here NOW!" she 
demanded. This elicited giggles from the other young girls sitting at 
the table, watching the scene play out.

Blushing deep red, I crossed in front of the girls to where my sister 
was standing by the sink. Holding one of my arms, she reached into my 
plastic pants and felt the diaper; which of course was soaked.

"Just as I thought!" she announced, "Wet again; that's another week! 
And you need to be changed immediately; we don't want you getting a 
rash, after all."

My sister then nodded to the girls and two of them left the room. Jane 
led me over to the table and lectured me about the rules, once again. 
Shortly, the two returned and spread my changing pad on the table.

"Please, Jane, not here, not in front of them...please..." I pleaded, 
with tears streaming down my face.

"Here and now and in front of my get a spanking here 
and now and they'll see that, too!" she sternly replied and added a 
foot stomp to emphasize that she meant what she said.

So with no recourse, I got up on the table and was quickly surrounded 
by four 10 year-olds, who just a quickly stripped off my diaper. Sis 
handed a washcloth to a little blond named Susan from down the street 
who then took her time thoroughly washing my privates and her attention 
quickly resulted in my little 3-incher becoming hard and straining. All 
three of the other girls it seemed needed to apply the baby lotion and 
were rewarded by moans from me throughout their manipulation of my 
erection and balls. My sister was last, and in addition to jacking my 
small tool, probed my backside with her lotion covered finger while she 
held on to my cock. Her well lubricated finger slid right in to the 
knuckle without any resistance and to both our surprises found my 
prostate which caused me to both loudly moan but also for the first 
time, to ejaculate some boy-cum. My whole body shook and trembled from 
my climax with her finger still deeply planted in my rectum, my body 
arched up  again as I shot another load, then collapsed back onto the 

"Wow!" was all she said, "That never happened before! This white stuff 
must be what boys shoot to make babies." She observed as she removed 
her finger from my behind and traced a fingertip around my belly where 
the sperm had formed a puddle.

I was then quickly cleaned up and diapered and fed breakfast. Compared 
to the beginning that day, the rest of the day was uneventful. As soon 
as I was fed, the girls disappeared into my sister's room and obviously 
to me, were discussing what had happened. During the rest of the day 
each of the girls changed my diaper; and each probed my behind with 
lotion-covered fingers. Two were rewarded with more sperm; the other 
two got dry climaxes for their efforts. I was just a VERY happy boy! I 
got hand-jobs with each diaper change and hugs and kisses from each 
girl, even my sister; what more could a guy ask for.

I stayed in diapers for the next six years until I finally moved out to 
go to college. Our house was real popular for teenage girlfriends of my 
sister, who came over to help take care of the 'baby.' I got a lot of 
teasing from guys at school about my diapered life; but I was getting 
more sex action than all of them put together. So what's a little 

Susan was a frequent visitor and also provided me with my first oral 
sex, both receiving and giving. We attended the same college and after 
the first quarter, got an apartment off-campus, where she could 
properly take care of her baby boy. After graduation, we got married 
and now have twin boys who take after their 'baby daddy' in loving the 
care that comes with being diapered.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Sisters' comments:


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