Name: John R.

My mother made me wear diapers to bed every night until I left for 
college. I was sent to school in diapers, put outside the house in just 
diapers until the age of ten. My mother told my friends I was a diaper 
boy and they told the kids at school. I was humiliated every day at 
school. When I was 14 some guys from the wresting team caught me 
cutting through the woods. They pulled down my pants to see if I was 
diapered, I was not. One of the kids went home to get a diaper and 
powder. I was forced to remove all my clothes and they took turns 
giving me OTK spankings until they really made me cry. Then one of the 
boys laid me down and diapered me like a baby, legs in the air with 
lots of powder. One of the kids ran home and got his dad's Polaroid 
camera and took pics of the spanking and diapering. Then my clothes 
were thrown in the creek and I was sent home in just the diaper On the 
way home a group of girls from school saw me, one of them was a girl I 
had a crush on, they were laughing so hard I thought they would pee 
their panties. The boys told me if I told anyone the pics would be 
shown around school. I ran home, my sister was the only one home and 
she never told my mother. After several months the pics were shown 
around school anyway. My new name was pee pee pants diaper boy. Now I 
have very bad diaper and humiliation fetishes, I keep going out with 
thick diapers, sometimes showing. I have been changed in; the back 
seat, on the side of a busy road, at parties with people watching, 
restroom, outside the stall, the woods and behind a dumpster at a 
parade. I keep seeking more and more diaper humiliation. I would go on 
TV if they let me. I am thinking of running out on the field at Yankee 
Stadium in wet diapers and plastic pants. This is a true story, I never 
told anyone before. You can print my e-mail address,, 
if anyone wants to ask me any questions or see pics.


Ages: 18+
Current Age: 46

Diapered at a Bar

This is a follow up to the true story I just submitted. Due to the 
diaper humiliation I went through as a boy I seek the same as an adult. 
I have hooked up with a daddy-dom I found on-line. He likes to diaper 
and humiliate me in public. He has parties at his house and I am 
paraded around in diapers and sometimes handcuffs until they are soaked 
and drop to my ankles then I am changed like a baby, legs in the air 
with everyone watching and laughing. He like to take me to medical 
supply stores for diapers and plastic pants, sometimes he makes me wet 
my pants a little before we go in sometimes I am in double diapers and 
plastic pants. He speaks in a loud voice and act mad because I wet his 
car. He asks for diapers and sometimes they let me try them on. He has 
changed me in the back seat of the car parked on the side of a busy 
road or parking lot. He took me to a gay bar (I'm not gay) with short 
little gym shorts slit halfway up the sides and a short tee short with 
diapers under them. The diaper was visible on the sides and he made me 
sit at the bar and spread my legs so everyone could look up there and 
see my diaper bulge. He made me wet myself till the diaper was pulling 
down my shorts it was so heavy, then he made me play pool. My diaper 
was in plain sight and when I started to beg him to leave because I had 
to hold my pants up he stuck a big pacified in my mouth. This type of 
humiliation makes me hard, I love it. He filled a baby bottle with beer 
and told me to keep it in my mouth and pulled out my teddy bear and 
told me not to drop it or I would get a bare ass spanking right there. 
He led me to the restroom just as we got to the door my diaper fell to 
my knees. I had to walk in with them around my ankles. I went for the 
stall but he pulled me by my hair and changed me standing up in front 
of the mirror with guys walking in and out and holding the door open. I 
was so turned on by this he almost could not close the new diaper. Then 
the bouncer came and told us to leave so Daddy made we walk out with 
just the diaper and nothing else, all the way to the car where he 
belted me into the middle of the backseat for the ride home. Where I 
got a spanking.


Diapered at St Patricks Day Parade

My Daddy-Dom has an old wheel chair that he uses to take me out in 
public to expose me in diapers. He put a blanket over my legs but lifts 
it and it slips so people can see me. We went to the St. Patrick's 
Parade this year in Belmar, NJ. He made me drink green beer in a baby 
bottle and he was drinking a lot, too. I wet so muck it started to drip 
under the chair. The diaper bag was over the back of the chair. He 
looked for a bathroom but there were only porta-potties and the lines 
were long. He pushed me behind a dumpster and to my shock he pulled me 
up by my hair. The diaper fell right down, there were people walking by 
right on the other side of the dumpster. I thought I was going to jail 
for sure. I bent down to pull up my diaper and he smacked me on the ass 
hard, heads turned. All I could do was turn and put my back to the 
people to hide my face and pee pee. They could only see me from the 
waste up but if someone walked up close, there I was, balls-ass naked. 
Daddy picked up the wet diaper and put it in the dumpster. Now that the 
shock wore off, as I was pretty drunk, I felt my dick start to get 
hard, I panicked. I thought I was going to cum right there. Daddy got 
out the powder and sprayed it on my ass and turned me around and 
powdered my pee pee, I was facing the people again, I didn't know where 
to look my face was beet red, I just looked at the ground. Then he put 
a new diaper on me it seemed like hours had past. He sat me down and we 
got out of there before the police came. I am always looking for diaper 
friends and parents in NJ mail me for my diaper change pics.

Pee Pee Pants


Sister Watches My Diapers Changes.

My mother made me wear diapers to bed every night until I left for 
college. Up until age 12 my mother diapered me and she did not care who 
was watching. Looking back now I know she was trying to humiliate me as 
a way of getting back at my dad; he split when I was 5. My sister was 
three years younger than me. She was always allowed to be in the room 
when I was being bathed and diapered. I just thought it was normal I 
wet the bed like a baby and I was treated as such. That's what my 
mother said. My mother would say things to my sister as she diapered 
me. Like, "All men should be kept in diapers, look at Johnny's little 
pee pee it's like a baby's." I just lay there with my legs in the air 
fully exposed as she diapered me like a baby. It was not just my 
sister, it was anyone that happened to be at our house. My mother did 
not like closed doors, and my room was right off the kitchen. All my 
relatives, cousins, mothers and my friends ,and even delivery men. My 
sister loved the power she had over me. After age 12 I was allowed to 
diaper myself most of the time. My sister was in charge of making sure 
I did it. My mother did allow us to close the bathroom door but she 
took the lock off. My sister liked to walk in on me when I was getting 
ready for bed. She liked to catch me diapering myself so she could make 
fun of me. I only wet the bed about once a week after age 15 but 
diapers were still mandatory. My sister was still walking in to check 
to see if I diapered myself. Several times right up until I left for 
college, I dozed off while reading in bed. My sister would rat me out 
to my mother, who by that time was drunk. I would awake to my pants 
being pulled down, and while being scolded and spanked I would be 
diapered again like a baby with my sister watching with a smile on her 
face. You might think I was fool to let this happen to me but I was 
just used to it. I was brainwashed. My sister threatened to tell my 
girlfriend about me when I was 17,she had me doing whatever she wanted, 
all the work around the house even cleaning her room. One night when 
she was 14 she told me she would be diapering that night to be in her 
room after dinner, that was very early for diapers. I had gone a month 
without wetting and my mother was going to try it without diapers. My 
sister knew I would be wet in the morning but to be sure she made me 
drink a big glass of water and go right to bed. I knew it was wrong to 
let her diaper me but since she saw me fully exposed so many times and 
I had no choice. She did it just like my mother making fun of my dick 
and smacking me on the ass. My sister holds this over me to this day. I 
now know my mother was sick and she made my sister and me both sick. My 
sister is gay and a dominant. I am still a little pee pee pants diaper 
boy that likes to expose himself in diapers with people watching. I 
live in NJ and I will let anyone do this to me, sometimes I pay for it.


Diapered In Woods

I would like to go into my graphic detail regarding a previous 
submission. I was 14 and a half at the time. All the kids at school 
knew I had to wear diapers at night. Due to the fact my mother told 
everyone who would listen she also diapered me with the door to my room 
open while her girlfriends sat in the kitchen and could look right in. 
If one of my friends or cousins were over and it was time for bed it 
was humiliation time. As I said before my sister,3 years younger was in 
the room a lot of the time. My diapers were hung on the line just to 
make sure everyone knew. This went one until I was almost 13 for the 
most part but as a punishment as late as 16. I diapered myself most of 
the time after 13. When I was 10 I was being tormented by a bully on 
the playground. He called me pee pee pants diaper boy and would get me 
down and sit on me until he forced me to wet my pants, sometimes he 
twisted my arm or pulled my hair. I would have to go to the nurses 
office for dry clothes, I told on him once but he beat me up and my 
mother didn't believe my anyway. This went on for two weeks until my 
mother sent me to school in a diaper there were only two weeks left 
until summer thank god. Well all this leads up to when I was 14,the 
same kid and three of his friends from the wrestling team caught me 
cutting through the woods after school. They were all around me, they 
were slapping and punching me. They made me pee my pants then the bully 
pulled my shirt over my head and off. He put me in a full nelson and 
the others were hitting me until I was crying. Then he told me to take 
of the wet pants so he could hang them on a tree in the sun to dry. 
After a few more smacks I slowly pulled them down and handed them over. 
Then one of the guys behind my yanked down my underwear and pushed me 
over. I was now naked, they were laughing and my small dick and one 
said his baby brother had a bigger dick. Thy bully told one of the boys 
to go home and get one of his brother's diapers and powder and another 
was sent home to get his dads Polaroid camera. While they were gone I 
was put over the bully's knee for a spanking. They laid me down and 
diapered me like a baby then they got the idea to fill my diaper with 
muck from the creek and make me sit in it. They took two pics one of me 
being diapers and one of me being spanked. those pics were shown around 
for years. It started getting dark so they said I could go and started 
to hand me my clothes but as I reached for them the threw them back and 
forth to keep them away from me. I had to hold the diaper up because of 
the load of mud in there. The clothes were thrown in the creek and I 
had to walk home, or I should say run and as luck would have it a group 
of girls from school saw me, one of them was a girl I had a crush on. 
They were on the ground laughing at me. When I got home only my sister 
was there and said she would not tell my mother if I did as I was told 
but that's another story. This attack and my life of humiliation has 
caused me to seek diaper humiliation to this day. If you have any 
questions or want to see my pics mail me at or 
sidnj257@ I now live in NJ.

Pee Pee Pants

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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