Name: John
Ages: 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
Current Age: 12
When I was 5, I was finally trained. It took a while, but it held. I 
never had any type of problem after that point-- until I was 10.

One day, my mother left for the weekend with my dad. It was just my 11-
year-old brother and me, and my 4 year old brother, too. He was still 
untrained, and still used diapers all the time. It was a hot summer, 
and he hated being restrained by clothes, so me and my older brother 
just let him run around in his diapers. It was normal. Then, the day 
after my parents left, I began to desire the same sort of freedom as my 
younger brother had, and to be free of all the responsibilities that I 
had been given. I was sitting outside at this point, and got up and 
went upstairs to my younger brother's room. He was there jumping on his 
bed. I told him that I wanted to be a baby/toddler again, like him. He 
was excited by this, by having a little brother. He made me promise 
that I would have to listen to him, and not give him orders anymore. In 
return, he would make me into a toddler again. I was thrilled by this 
point. I took off all my clothes and went to get the pull-ups my 
brother wore. He said no, and got something even better. He had some 
XXL Pampers baby diapers that would fit me. I put a pair on and sat 
down. I felt pretty cool, and liked the feeling of being free and able 
to do whatever I wanted without restraints. I used my diaper. It felt 

My little (now big) brother laughed as he watched my diaper fill up. I 
laughed with him in a babyish kind of laugh. Gradually I was 
remembering how to be a toddler again. I didn't want to have to tell my 
older brother about this until I absolutely had to, but I still wanted 
to keep the toddler motif going, so I put on a pair or overalls over my 
diaper. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a toddler again. I 
smiled, wider than I had in years. My brother and I ran around the 
house, both thrilled at our new discoveries, Mine being toddlerhood, 
his being a new-found little brother who shared his excitement and 
fascination with being a toddler. We got tired and flopped down on the 

Without even realizing it, I peed again in my diaper. I didn't even 
care at that point. Nothing was holding me back anymore. Not even the 
fear of getting caught. Later, we were outside spraying each other and 
the house with hoses (the windows were open as it was summer, so 
everything inside was soaked, but we didn't care). We sprayed the hoses 
down our overalls, straight into our diapers. It felt good to have a 
large bulging diaper again. We went inside to change our overalls and 
diapers. As I walked in through the back, I walked right out of my 
soggy overalls and just left them on the floor, without even noticing 

Just then my brother came downstairs. He saw me and my brother walking 
towards the stairs in just our diapers, dripping wet, with mile-long 
smiles on our faces. He couldn't figure out what to do, and just sort 
of stood there. We paid him no notice and raced up the stairs together, 
continually using our diapers occasionally along the way. My brother 
followed and watched us put on new pull-ups (my brother said I had 
graduated to toddler's diapers) and put on more overalls. We left the 
diapers where they were. I was so into being a toddler that I didn't 
even buckle one of the straps. I just didn't care. As most toddler's 
don't. And I wasn't even aware anymore of what I was doing.

My other brother stepped into the room as we were about to leave and go 
downstairs. He said something, and I didn't even completely understand 
it. I had fully become a toddler, and taken on the linguistics of one. 
He blocked our path, and was shouting at us. I looked at my brother, 
and grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. I laughed. Me and my 
other brother (my fellow-toddler) pinned him down and stripped him. We 
put him in the diapers I had worn before, and locked him in the room. 
He screamed and fought the entire process. Once we finished, and stood 
him up in his new outfit, he just stood there with a vacant, blank look 
on his face. We ran downstairs and destroyed the kitchen. About an hour 
later we went back upstairs, and found my brother sucking on a pacifier 
and sitting on the bed. We changed his diaper, and ours, and fell 
asleep amid a sea of opened diaper packages and ruins of the bedroom.

When my parents came home, my little brother and I were sitting on the 
fireplace in just our diapers, and my brother hadn't moved from the 
bedroom. We were dressed, and I gradually returned to a normal state. I 
never forgot those 3 glorious days though, and wanted to relive them 
but could not. My parents had to completely retrain my brother, who had 
suffered some sort of nervous breakdown, and had returned to a state of 
infancy, permanently. My parents were so shocked by our behavior, we 
were never punished or scolded. I was allowed to wear diapers whenever 
I wanted, however, and my older brother (now younger... hehehe) needed 
them for the next 3 years.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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