Name: JJ
Ages: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Current Age: Not given
Diapering Story

It all started in the summer of 1999 in Bowmansville, Ontario where I 
was diapered for the summer because of what I did at school the last 
day! And this is my story.

It was the last day of school and the day was going fine for me I was 
just done my last year of grade 6. I was a fairly size kid, a bit small 
for my age. I was 90 pounds. Just before the end of the day a kid by 
the name of Justin started to bug me. He was really getting me mad then 
he hit me in the side of the head, so I punched him back. Not knowing 
that he was a big baby, he ran and told his mom after school what I 
did. His mom was really upset so she called my mom and told her what 

After school I came home. My mom was upset about something. I thought 
she knew what I did. She came to me and asked how my day was. I said 
fine. She then said summer was here my �BABY� I though that was weird, 
so I said, �ya, I can�t wait until I can hang out with all my friends.� 
She said yes, so she said, �I have to go out for awhile to the store 
and pick up something.� She said, �Do you want to come, my BABY?� I 
said yes, so we got into the car went to the store ZELLERS and she was 
in the infant aisle. She was looking at baby clothes. She grabbed some 
and said to herself, �that looks right.� Then she went to the get some 
bottles and binkies and then went to the diapers section and started to 
look at the sizes. She then ask how much do I weigh, I said about 90 
pounds, so she grab some Huggies size 6 10-packs. Me, still not knowing 
what is going on, I am thinking about how to spend my summer... HA, HA! 
Little do I know. So we finished and went to the car. She said she 
forgot something. I went back in 10 minutes later. She came out with 
two boxes. In one was a crib and the other a baby high chair, (by the 
way, my older sister has a little girl). I just thought it all was for 
her because she was coming to stay with use for the summer, so we went 
back home. Mom told me to go play while she made dinner.

2 hours later

By now my sister was at my house so now it me mom and my sister Amy, 
who lives in the house and my little Nisei. So while we were eating 
dinner my mom say she has something to say. I thought, �Oh no, she 
found out!� She then said, �we have two babes in the house to look 
after this summer.� I ask who was the second one; she said, �you!� I 
said, �WHAT?! I AM NOT A BABY!� She said, �I have had enough with 
having to put up with you acting up in school, so for the whole summer 
you will be a baby like you were today, and your sister is going to 
help me with it.�


My mom said, �now that that is settled, here are your rules for the 

-	You will be a baby
-	You will wear diapers
-	You will use the diapers
-	The bathroom is off-limits for you
-	You will wear what I give you to wear
-	You can�t change or play with your diapers; me or your sister 
will change them.
-	We will give you your baths
-	And you will act like a baby
-	And you will talk like a baby�

1 hour later

She said, �Now let�s go take a bath, baby JJ.� She picked me up, took 
my clothes off and put me in the bath. I asked her why she was doing 
this. She just said, �baby, don�t talk.� She was done drying me off. 
She now told me, �baby don�t have hair on their bodies.� She shaved off 
my arm hair, leg hair and my little pubic hair, and then cleaned me up. 
and still nude, she took me in to my new room (which my sister was 
setting up when I was in the bathroom) and put me on the changing 
table. She told me to lift my legs and grab my toes. She then put baby 
lotion on my bum, rubbed it in. She powder my bum and slid the new 
diapers on my bum and then took more lotion and spread it on my penis. 
It got really hard and my mom said �oops� and then powdered it. She 
then took the diaper and brought it up to my belly and taped it and 
then put a t-shirt on me. By this time I was crying and it was 9:30. 
She then to me time for the baby to go to bed I was really crying now 
she pick me up and put me in a high chair and said baby has to eat some 
baby foo! d so I at some she then said you can watch some barney so she 
put me in the play pin and put it on bye no I really have to go pee I 
ask her can I use the potty she say yes that why you are wearing a 
diapers so use it I try to hold it as long as I could then it all came 
out the ware pee filled the diapers so then came over and felt the 
front of my diaper and said someone have a wet diaper she then took me 
to my room and said changing time she then took it off and powder me 
then she told me to turn over and I did the I felt her rubbing my bum 
then it felt like she put her finger up my bum and just robe and told 
me to relax it will be over soon then she type the new diapers and said 
time for bed she put me in to bed gave me a bottle and said good night 
I soon fell a sleep from the warm mike and I was out for the night.


The next morning I woke up. I was still half asleep. I did not remember 
much from the other day, but then I did it. It all hit me at once. I 
was still wearing the diaper that my mom made me wear, but something 
was wrong. I knew I had wet cause I felt it but something did not feel 
right. I moved around and then it hit me. I had pooped myself and it 
was very sticky and it smelled bad. Then I started to cry and said to 
myself, �Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserves this?� 
Then all of a sudden my sister walked in to the room and said, �How did 
the little boy sleep?� I said, �not good.� She then said, �Remember, 
baby can�t talk.� She said, �don�t worry, you will get the hang of all 
this soon. Don�t worry, you will be peeing and pooping in your diaper 
without even knowing you will see it. It will be fine.�

I said, �No, I hate this!� She then took a binkie and put it to my 
mouth and held it there until I start to suck on it. Then said, �Don�t 
worry, little JJ. I will change you.� I said in my mind, �Wow, this is 
kind of cool. I guess I don�t have to worry about it. Then she changed 
my dirty diaper and took me down to eat. While eating I thought about 
the summer and I said to myself, �I am going to be treated like this, I 
might as well make the best of it. So then after I ate, my sister put 
me in to my playpen. Then I got the urge to go poop, I said to myself.

My sister said I will soon go poop and pee, Without even knowing I did 
so. So I sat there and let it flow out. It all came out at once and 
then I pee, also. Then my mom came out and came to me kissed me on the 
head and said, �Good morning, baby,� and she patted my bum and moved 
all the poo around. It felt weird, but I liked it. She said I needed a 
change. She took out a binkie and put in my mouth and I started to suck 
on it. She took me upstairs and started to change my diapers. Then she 
said, �Wow, the baby poop in yellow; that is good! The baby is eating 
right now, so now the baby can poop better, and soon won�t know when he 
does so.�


My mom came down the stairs and said, �We are going to try something 
different today.� She took me into her room and laid me down. She took 
off her shirt and the moved her nipple around then it got hard. She 
said, �Good.� (I just so happen not to have any front teeth and any 
bottom teeth she then say she is going to breast feed me she took my 
head and held it against her boob and said, �now start sucking on it.� 
So I did. Then milk started to come out while all this was happen. I 
guess I all of a sudden went pee and poop in my diaper without knowing 
it. After that was done she checked me and said, �There, see now, 
you�re just like a baby. You went poop and pee without knowing she then 
took me in and changes me.

That�s how my summer was spent in diapers. Now I have to wear them 
full-time because I lost all control of going to the bathroom and I 
love it. Thank you for reading this, bye bye.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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