Name: Jimmy X.
Ages: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18+
Current Age: Not given
I'm a wetter. I've always been a wetter. I wet the bed while I was 
growing up, and pretty much slept in diapers the whole time. I've 
always had a small bladder too, and have always had to pee often. I've 
wet my pants too many times to count. Sometimes I just couldn't hold it 
until I made it to the bathroom, sometimes I'd be stuck somewhere and 
couldn't go to the bathroom at all. Sometimes I was just tired of 
having to go all the time, and didn't want to stop what I was doing to 
go pee. It's okay, I admit it, I'm a lazy wetter. I've done it a lot, 
probably more often than I've had real accidents I've just gone in my 
pants because I felt like it, or didn't want to quit what I was doing, 
or just didn't want to get up.

Sometimes I'd rather just wet my pants than deal with it. I hate 
holding it, I hate the way it feels, and sometimes it hurts. I started 
out going in my pants when I knew I wasn't going to make it anyway, and 
didn't want to suffer anymore. After that happened a few times, it got 
easier and easier to just go when I needed to.

When I was 8-9 years old I was wetting my pants a couple of times a 
week, and had to wear diapers on car trips, or special events in case I 
had an 'accident'. I loved wearing diapers because I could pee whenever 
I wanted without being so embarrassed and uncomfortable afterwards. By 
the time I was 10 or so though I wasn't really all that embarrassed 
about wetting my pants. I'd done it so many times that everyone knew I 
had a 'wetting problem' and it really wasn't a big deal even with my 
friends. Even when I was in high school I would sometimes wet my pants 
just because I felt like it. Especially when I was playing video games 
or something at home, but I did it even in public, and at friends� 

My parents started getting me Goodnites to wear, and I started wearing 
them more often than not, and loved being able to get away with peeing 
myself whenever I wanted without it being such a big deal. I had to be 
careful that they didn't leak though, and change them pretty soon after 
I peed in them. I wanted to wear diapers all the time so I could just 
go when I felt like it and not worry about leaking so much. Now that 
I'm on my own I wear diapers a lot of the time, especially when I'm 
out. I wear really thick ones like Abena or Molicare and I pee myself 
whenever I feel like it. Even when I�m not wearing diapers at home I'll 
go in my pants if I feel like it. I peed in my boxer briefs and jeans 
this morning in the kitchen cause I needed to go, and right now I'm 
wearing about my 5th diaper today, and i've peed in it twice just 
writing this. I even still wet the bed sometimes cause I'm too lazy to 
get up. I hate having to go to the bathroom to pee, and I'll always be 
a lazy pants wetter! I just wear diapers more often now that I used to, 
and I can pee myself anytime!

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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