Name: Jim Email: Ages: 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 I am the middle child of two brothers and two sisters. My experience with diapers (after age 4) began when I was 5 years old. I was in Kindergarten at the time. I was a chronic bedwetter. I was also a very deep sleeper. Needless to say I was wet night after night. My dad was not a morning person (come to think of it he wasn't much of an afternoon or evening person either). This particular morning I woke up wet as usual. I removed the wet clothes and then took a bath. When I was done with the bath I began looking for clothes. I found underwear but nothing else. So what do you suppose a five year old does in this situation? Of course, start hollering for mommy. I walked downstairs looking for her. I found grumpy dad in the kitchen having his morning smoke and caffeine. He asked what I wanted mom for. I told him I couldn't find any clothes. He said "you are really a baby. You piss the bed at night, can't find your own clothes, and walk the house yelling for your mommy. You are nothing but a big baby." Well that didn't set too well for a five year old. So I stuck out my chest and said strongly, "I am not a baby, you are !!". That was one of those comments you wish you could grab mid air and stick it back into you mouth before getting to the other person. No such luck this time. Dad didn't like my rebuttal at all. I felt his response physically and emotionally. When he was done he told the baby to go to his room and wait for his mommy to dress the baby properly. So I went to my room sobbing heavily. While waiting I found some clothes (dirty) and started putting them on. In walked mom. She asked what I was doing and them told me to take my clothes off. I did (except my underwear). She said underwear too. So off came the underwear. I felt so shamed. She then told me to climb up onto the bed. And she diapered me and dressed my in my pants and shirt for the day. She told me to come home for lunch. I went to school and feared lunchtime. Lunchtime came anyway. I went home and found mom in the kitchen preparing lunch for my younger sister and brother who were at the table waiting for their lunch. My mom asked if I was wet, I said no. She asked if I was still wearing the diaper. I said no. She asked me to drop my pants so she could be sure. I did and my brother and sister howled. This made my humiliation worse. Mom asked if I had to go pee and I said yes. she removed the diaper and I did my business. When I returned the diaper was put back on. I had lunch and went back to school. The day was uneventful. I hated going back home. Once at home the house was in a state of confusion. My mom was cookie chairman for my older sister's girl scout troop. For a little while I wasn't reminded of my diapers. Eventually, mom started preparing dinner and I was pre-occupied with some game. My dad got home from work and went into the kitchen. He called me in and asked how the baby was doing. I said ok. He said babies don't need to wear pants because they are were ok showing the world they were a baby. I was then told to remove my shirt, pants, shoes, and socks. There I stood in my undershirt and diapers. My dad said that was better. Now I looked just like the baby I was. Dinner time came and another surprise greeted me. My brother usually ate in the high chair. My dad stated that only babies ate in a high chair so that is where I would have my dinner. I was put in the high chair and a bib was put on. Then my dad said that babies don't eat big boy's food, they eat baby food. My mom place a bowl of pabulum and a bottle of milk on the tray. I cried as I started to eat. Much to the amusement of all present. I went to bed in my diapers and woke the next morning with a wet bed and diaper. This incident was the last until we moved. But this experience created a craving for diapers. So I looked and looked for the diapers and did not find them till after we had moved. Well I will write again with another chapter in the adventures of Baby Jim.