Name: Jason email: Ft On November 1, I went in for leg surgery to remove an enlarged vein from my left leg. Until I fully recover, I have to wear diapers because of my temporarily impaired state. Six days after the surgery, I was able to take a shower for the first time. Since the shower at my house is cramped and not equipped with a bench to sit on, I had to go to the gym and take my shower. Before I got into the shower I had to take off my bandages. For at least 3 minutes, I had nothing but my diaper on, which I had wet in about 30 minutes prior. At least 10 guys saw my diaper, but since I also had bruises, staples and stitches on my left leg while I was limping to the shower room, nobody really said anything. Before I walked into the shower area, I untaped my diaper and tossed it into the trash. When I got out and dried off, I had to put another on and 5 more guys saw me putting another diaper on and sit there in it while I put the bandage back on my leg. The whole time, I was not embarrassed, or ashamed in the least, because I had a reason be diapered. I just wonder if I will be seeing an entry in the diaper sighting page about me at the gym. I hope so.