Since I was potty trained I occasionally asked my mom to buy me pull-
ups because when I got a new stuffed animal I would "potty train it"
just so I could wear the diapers, too... which I think my mom knew so
that went on for a few years till once she said no, and that put and
end to that ... or did it?
Three years ago in October of 2007 my desire for diapers keep going
strong ever since my mom stooped buying me diapers and I usually think
about diapers every day. There isn't one day that I don't think about
them. so one day in October I decided I�m gonna save my lunch money for
a few days and then buy diapers, and so I did. That day before I went
to the store I had worked my plan out so my plan had a back up and my
back up had a back up... basically so I absolutely would get them that
--THE PLAN- D-DAY of October 2007 6pm...
The set up for this was there was a rite aid right next to Ralph's
grocery store and my mom usually took 1 hr in the store so I figured
that was the best time and place to get them. Now that time in
action... me and my mom arrive at the Ralph's, she asks me if I wanna
go in with her or stay in the car, I say ill stay in the car but I want
the keys so I can in Rite Aid and go to the restroom (which I didn�t)
and that I didn�t want to go to Ralph�s restroom because it smelled
like dead fish and crap so she said okay. So that�s end of Act 1..
Act 2 D-DAY October 2007 6Pm
I go into the Rite Aid and looked around for a minute. I asked the
clerk for the restroom key, basically so he knows I don�t shit or piss
myself and that when I buy the diapers he thinks they aren't for me. So
he gives me the key and I go to the restroom them give him the key
back. then I look around the store then I see that all the lines are
down to one person so I get the diapers (goodnights L-XL to be exact,
FYI I still wear them today for fun and they fit, I�m a 36-inch waist)
I make sure they are L-XL and I puck them up and walk to the cash
register.. the clerk takes them rings them up and says $11.09 I hand
her $15 she puts them in a bag hands me the change and say have a good
night... now I�m not sure if this was some sort of elaborate pun (joke)
or just a genuine transaction of good hope and I still don�t know to
this day.
Act 3 D-DAY October 2007 6:20pm
I quickly get into the car, I look at the package and immediately
opened it as it I hadn't eaten in 10 days and it were a pack of candy.
I quickly looked out the window to see if my mom was coming... I was
debating weather I was to put it on or wait till I got home I decided
to put it on then and there... I hopes in the trunk of the mini van and
stripped laying down so no 1 could see, I immediately got a boner the
second the diaper came close to coming onto my legs. I pulled it all
the way on, it felt so good, warm and cozy and welcoming. I quick hide
the package in the trunk under some rags and blankets so she wont see.
Act 4 D-Day October 2007 6:40pm
I help my mom with the groceries and take them in, then once they are
all done I go back outside while my mom is watching TV I get the
diapers from the trunk and put them in our emergency trash can (that is
hard to get too) that we use to store things like blankets and food for
things like earthquakes and stuff, that way if she finds them in there
I can always say that they had been in there and that they are old or
something like that. so now that they are in there I go up stars and go
to bed ... the END ... or is it?
I have 3 more stories like this but different so if you want to hear
them email me at and in the subject line say
"more" and if I get enough I�ll post another, thanks.