When I was fourteen I wet and pooped my pants and had to wear diapers for a couple years.
It all started on a typical school day when I was a freshmen. I was
fourteen and a very popular boy. It was fourth period and I was in
Health class. I raised my hand to ask to go to the bathroom but my
teacher said no. I felt pressure building in my stomach, then it
happened. I let out a fart, but poop filled my pants instead. I was
sitting on a huge pile of shit. Then the teacher asked what that smell
was and I acted like nothing happened. The kid behind me noticed and
yelled out, "Josh pooped his pants!" I got so nervous I started to pee
my pants, too. At this point everyone was staring at me and couldn't
believe what they saw. My teacher told me to go to the nurse
immediately. On the way out everyone was laughing.
I got to the nurse�s office and sat down. The poop spread all over my
but. The nurse came in and scolded me for what I did. She then went to
the closet and pulled out a Pampers size 7. She came to the chair I was
sitting at and told me to go lay on the bed. I went over and lay down.
She started to remove my pants and underwear, when the girl I had a
crush on walked in. The nurse told her to sit in the chair and wait
while she diapered me. The girl asked if she could watch and the nurse
said sure. I started to cry. The girl�s name was Madison. The nurse
took my pants and underwear off and lifted my legs and started to wipe
the poop off. She then lifted my but up and slid the Pamper under me.
She brought the front of it over my crouch and taped it up. It had a
big print of Barney on it. Madison couldn't stop laughing and telling
me how cute I was.
I got up and left. Throughout the day I had to go see the nurse so she
could see if I was wet or messy. Everyone called me a baby and made fun
of me. At the end of the day I went to the nurse�s office and she put a
pack of diapers in my book bag. I got home and my mother told me I
would be wearing diapers for a long time.
Over time I lost control and I am basically a big baby. Madison comes
over all the time to baby sit me. I sill can�t believe I did that.