The names are changed other than me am Jeff Posted on
Free to repost
Hi, I am Jeff. I am 16 now and I am a diaper lover. I am not your
average teen but still not a freak.
This will go in order of events. Every diaper lover gets a seed and a
spark, this mine I was 7 or 8 at daycare, maybe younger, and my
friend�s brother at the time was in diapers. I remember this one time
in my life that we all blamed a fart on him pooping his diaper and he
ran around the house. His mom said if he did not stop he would get
diaper rash. I don�t remember what happened just this moment in my life
this one time.
At my next daycare some years later I started using diapers in the form
of not putting them on, just peeing in them and throwing them away. I
did this for a long time with a lot of diapers. At this daycare there
were two bathrooms, a men�s and women�s, and the diapers were in the
women�s, so I would grab one and run to the men�s room and pee in it,
throw it under the sink, and go play.
At the age of 9 I got burned playing with gas and got operated on at
least 20 times and I came to from a drug-induced sleep. I was in the
most pain in my life but after two days I still did not have to go to
the bathroom so when my nurse came I seen that I had a catheter, and
even better, a diaper on, and she changed me, emptied my catheter and
left, and it hit me that am a diaper lover. After three months I left
the hospital and went home and went on with my life.
When I went back to the daycare that and stolw a lot of diapers from
there. Even though the worker never asked I think she knew that I stole
them. Now that I look back at it she just did things but I later put my
first catheter in. It was amazing to do. I just peed in the diaper
without me even knowing but this lead to infection from it. I also
stole a whole pack from a store and my mom found them and asked me why
I had them, so I told her that is why I am a diaper lover.
Jeff Aka Jeff bob or jeff 142