Title: How I Am a Diaper Lover
Name: Jeff
Email: zack5825@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 29
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 12/06/09
Life Periods in Story:
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The names are changed other than me am Jeff Posted on www.deeker.com 
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Hi, I am Jeff. I am 16 now and I am a diaper lover. I am not your 
average teen but still not a freak.

This will go in order of events. Every diaper lover gets a seed and a 
spark, this mine I was 7 or 8 at daycare, maybe younger, and my 
friend�s brother at the time was in diapers. I remember this one time 
in my life that we all blamed a fart on him pooping his diaper and he 
ran around the house. His mom said if he did not stop he would get 
diaper rash. I don�t remember what happened just this moment in my life 
this one time.

At my next daycare some years later I started using diapers in the form 
of not putting them on, just peeing in them and throwing them away. I 
did this for a long time with a lot of diapers. At this daycare there 
were two bathrooms, a men�s and women�s, and the diapers were in the 
women�s, so I would grab one and run to the men�s room and pee in it, 
throw it under the sink, and go play.

At the age of 9 I got burned playing with gas and got operated on at 
least 20 times and I came to from a drug-induced sleep. I was in the 
most pain in my life but after two days I still did not have to go to 
the bathroom so when my nurse came I seen that I had a catheter, and 
even better, a diaper on, and she changed me, emptied my catheter and 
left, and it hit me that am a diaper lover. After three months I left 
the hospital and went home and went on with my life.

When I went back to the daycare that and stolw a lot of diapers from 
there. Even though the worker never asked I think she knew that I stole 
them. Now that I look back at it she just did things but I later put my 
first catheter in. It was amazing to do. I just peed in the diaper 
without me even knowing but this lead to infection from it. I also 
stole a whole pack from a store and my mom found them and asked me why 
I had them, so I told her that is why I am a diaper lover.

Jeff Aka Jeff bob or jeff 142

Editing level: Medium-high
Editing Notes:
  • Severeal missing "I"'s inserted
  • Some spelling corrections made
  • Removed two superfluous "well"'s

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)

<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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