Mike stays home from school pretending to be sick so he can wear diapers and gets caught.
When I was 7 I convinced my mom that I was sick in order to stay home
and wear diapers. I had stolen 3 diapers from my friend John's baby
brother. As soon as I heard my mother start her car and drive away I
was at my hiding place retrieving my diapers. I put one of the diapers
on and went downstairs to watch TV. After about 2 hours I felt the need
to pee so I stood in the middle of the rug, spread my legs and let it
rip. As I stood there flooding my diaper I couldn't believe how amazing
it felt. I decided that if peeing my diaper felt this good that I'd try
pooping it and see how that felt. So while lying in the middle of the
living room rug I forced a bowel movement into the seat of my diaper. I
liked the way the messy diaper felt especially as I sat in it and
squished the mess all over my ass and even up the front of my diaper.
Once the poop began to cool off it didn't feel quite as good so I went
upstairs and took off the messy diaper and hopped in the shower. Once I
was cleaned up I rolled up the used diaper and threw it into my closet.
Then I put on one of the remaining 2 diapers before going back
downstairs. I decided to really get into baby mode and crawled around
the house for another hour. I was having such a good time playing baby
that I failed to notice that it was noon and that my mom would be home
at lunch to check on me. While crawling around I began peeing my diaper
just as my mom pulled up in front of the house. I didn't even know she
was home until I heard the front door slam. I stood up just as she
entered the room and found me in a t-shirt and a diaper that I was
peeing in. Mom was furious and demanded to know why I was wearing and
wetting a diaper. I couldn't answer her until she asked where I had
gotten the diaper from but when I told her she turned me over her knee
for stealing. After she was done spanking me she asked if I had any
more diapers. I said that I had one left in my room, then she grabbed
me by the arm and dragged me along behind her. When we got to my room
she immediately smelled the messy diaper that I had tried to hide in my
"I cannot believe this... I come home and discover my 7-year-old son
crawling around the house peeing in a diaper like a baby and when I get
to his room I find out that he's also been pooping in diapers as well.
Now where is the clean diaper you said you had?"
I pulled the diaper from it's hiding place and handed it to her and she
told me to lie down on my bed and changed me into a fresh diaper. Then
mom dragged me out to the car and when I asked her where we were going
she told me we were going to get me more diapers and other baby
supplies since I seemed to enjoy wearing diapers and acting like a baby
so much. At the store mom bought 4 boxes of Pampers, wipes, lotion,
baby powder and all the other things that a baby might need then drove
back home. As soon as we were home she called the daycare that I went
to when I was younger.
"Hi it's Maggie, I was wondering if you could do me a favor and look
after Mike for a few hours. Well, the reason I'm calling you is that I
came home to find Mike wearing diapers, not only wearing them but
wetting and messing them too. So I've decided to return him to diapers
full time. And since I apparently can't leave him on his own I thought
returning him to daycare is the only proper response."
More to come.