Title: He Really Does Like Me
Name: John
Email: taibethegenie@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 14
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 09/28/08
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8) R- Sisters, other girls 
B- Pre-teen (9-12) S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers V- Gay
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- PoopY- Accidents
I- Exposed diapersZ- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers 1- Female Domination 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
Summary: Hi, I'm Tai and this is my story on how I found a guy who not only liked me back, but also was okay with me wearing diapers.                  

Hi my name is Tyler but my friends call me Tai and it�s what I put on 
my homework. There are two things about me that make me different from 
other boys. The first is that I am gay and the second is that I wear 
diapers to bed. I wear diapers because I bedwet, so every night before 
I go to bed my mom puts a diaper on me. I know how to do it myself but 
just out of habit I like it when she does it. Other then those things I 
think of myself as normal. I�m a little short for my age being 14 and 
only 5�3� but I�m skinny and my rather loud personality makes up for 
it. This is my first year of high school and already there�s a guy I 
find really hot. His name is John and he�s a junior. He�s extremely hot 
and he�s like 6 foot. He�s also like the most popular guy in the high 
school due to his �take crap from nobody� attitude. I take gym with him 
and sit at his table which is so cool since I�m a freshman and the 
table is basically the holy grail of the school, desired by all.

So far my high school year was going great until last Friday when John 
was talking about how his family was going through a lot of drama due 
to his parent�s divorce. That�s when I made a fateful mistake. �Why 
don�t you stay at my place?� I said partially because I wanted to help 
him, the other part because I wanted him in my room and in my bed. 
That�s when reality kicked in and reminded me that if he found out that 
I bedwet, my reputation was down the drain. As I hoped for him to say 
no, I heard a voice next to me say, �Good idea. Come on, John, getting 
away from the house will do you some good.�

It was John�s sister Kelly. Kelly was my age and she was in most of my 
classes. She�s sweet and always has some flower in her long black hair. 
After hearing her say that I looked back at John who was across the 
table from both of us. John was looking down as he asked �And what do 
you get out of this if I do, Kel?� John raised his head as he gazed 
straight into his sister�s eyes. �A little extra time on the computer 
if you�re away� Kelly said cracking a half smile.

John gave a quiet laugh as he said, �You really are my sister. I take 
pride in that.� His eyes became colder and more serious as he turned to 
me and said �Thanks. I know where you live so I�ll come over around 5�.

�Got it,� I said, realizing all the things that could go wrong today. 
For one my mom wasn�t going to be home all weekend and two if he found 
out about my diaper situation then everything would be ruined. I was 
about to say something but the bell rang and since I wasn�t really used 
to the bells of the school yet I looked at it. I then looked back to 
see that John was gone. My heart started beating faster as for the rest 
of the day I kept focusing on what was going to happen. As the bell 
rang signaling that it was time to go home I got an idea. I took out my 
phone and called John. He picked up after a ring and two and greeted me 
with a, �Why are you calling?� My heart was on the verge of exploding 
as I covered my nervousness with a loud voice.

�My mom isn�t going to be home,� I said rather loudly and rather 
quickly, waiting for what he would say. My heart skipped a beat as he 
said, �Then it�ll just be you and me. I�m good at cleaning after myself 
so she�ll never know.�

�See you at 5,� I said because one he was determined to come, two 
because I got really excited when he said it would be just be him and 
be. When I got home I cleaned everything. I was in such a rush to make 
my house look good for him that I almost didn�t hear the house bell 
ring. I looked at the clock and saw it was a little after 5. I threw 
the last throw pillow onto the couch as I opened the door and saw John 
with his backpack even more stuffed then normal. I showed him where all 
the basic things were like the kitchen and the bathrooms and ordered 
some pizzas with him. We then turned on the TV and watched some Law and 
Order. I didn�t think of John as a Law and Order kind of guy but at the 
same time I was really happy. When the pizzas came, we moved it to the 
living room so we could continue watching TV.

After we were done I asked John if he wanted to watch a movie. John 
didn�t answer but instead walked to the movie rack and took out �300�. 
He then threw the movie to me and said, �why not?� I smiled as I put 
the movie into the DVD player and looked up and realized what time it 
was. I normally put my diaper on now and since we weren�t going to do 
anything else other then watch a movie then sleep I figured it would be 
a good idea to do it now. After I started the movie I sneaked into the 
bathroom and took off my pants and my underwear. I then opened the 
bathroom closet and took out a diaper and the baby powder. I powdered 
myself up really well and then I taped up my diaper. I then put on my 
pants and threw my underwear into the dirty laundry pile. I walked back 
into the living room and watched the rest of the movie with John. When 
the movie finished I took the DVD out and put it in its case. I then 
felt something on my shoulder as I saw John hand. I turned around and 
heard John say, �What did you go to the bathroom for?� I felt blind 
struck but answered it to the best of my powers.

�Too much Coke,� I said trying to make a joke.

�For twenty minutes?� John asked, sounding colder with each word.

�Well, I�,� I said trying to cover my tracks but he put his finger on 
my mouth. I felt extremely aroused as he said, �I�ve had a theory about 
you, Tai,� John said still sounding cold. �You�re young, and you live 
with only your mother so you two must have a good bond. For you to let 
me spend the weekend without her knowing means only two things. One is 
that I�m wrong and you two aren�t as close as I�m thinking. However, 
since I am never wrong I�m going with door number two and saying you 
like me.�

My heart skipped a beat as he said this.

�That�s not true� I said as I moved to the side to release myself from 
his finger.

�Is it?� John said with a cold tone.

�Yeah it�� I was saying but then I was cut off by his lips. At that 
moment nothing else mattered. I completely lost myself as I felt him 
smile through the kiss. John broke away from the kiss and said �If I�m 
wrong, then how come my lips can easily subdue you?�

At that moment I lost my self control and I pressed my body against his 
so I could kiss him. My lips just reached his as I latched myself 
around him. He kissed me back and slipped his hands under the back of 
my shirt. I was too lost in his lips to pay attention as his warm hands 
went lower and lower. It wasn�t until he reached my butt that he broke 
from the kiss to ask, �What is this?�

I returned to my senses as I jumped off him and started to apologize. 
John ignored my comments and raised and saw the plastic of my diaper. I 
started to cry as he unbuttoned my pants and saw the rest of my diaper.

�I�m sorry� I said through the tears. �I can�t help it. I�ve been 
bedwetting my whole life. Please don�t laugh.�

John cracked a half a smile as he grabbed my waist and said �So my 
boyfriend has a problem. Nothing that matters.� I think my heart 
exploded as he kissed me again and we sat on the couch. When I woke up, 
I found that I fell asleep on the couch and that it was really early. I 
checked my diaper and saw that I wet myself in my sleep. I then 
realized that I had no pants on. Normally I slept without my pants so 
if it weren�t for the fact that John spent the night over I probably 
wouldn�t have noticed it. I smelled something in the kitchen but not 
before I saw a note on the table. It said �When you wake up come to the 
kitchen. Don�t bother changing out of your diaper yet. Oh and in case 
you were wondering, we didn�t have sex.�

I blushed as I read that last part but I walked into the kitchen 
without even putting pants on. I then saw John wearing only the t shirt 
he was wearing the night before and he was in just his boxers. This is 
when I got a reality check as I saw his hairy and muscular legs. While 
my legs were skinny they were also hairless due to my diaper wearing. 
Originally I just shaved my privates but then I realized how awkward it 
looked so I�ve been shaving my legs ever since. He saw me and pointed 
at a seat while motioning me to sit. I did so and felt the coldness of 
my wet diaper like a splash of water. John then sat right in front of 
me with two plates of toast. One he put at his own plate the other he 
gave to me. I tired to eat but I was still too nervous. I was sitting 
in front of the boy I really liked who called me his boyfriend the 
night before in a wet diaper.

�Relax,� John said as if he was reading my mind, �If I was going to 
leave I would have left in your sleep.� Those words made me feel at 
ease as I started to eat my toast. That�s when I worked up the courage 
to ask him, �What happened after we fell on the couch?� John stopped 
eating and turned to me as he said �you literally cried yourself to 
sleep. You think telling you that we were going out would be enough to 
calm you down?�

�So then you were serious when you said that I could be your 
boyfriend?� I asked excitedly.

�I don�t lie,� John said as he got up from the table and walked over to 
his backpack. He then returned to the table and threw a pair of pants 
at me. I nearly didn�t catch them as I bounce them from hand to hand 
for a few seconds.

�Try them on,� John said as he gently placed me onto my feet and saw 
how wet I was. �You can change after� John said as if he was hearing my 
thoughts again. I slid them on and felt how tight they were. The 
wetness of my diaper really pressed on me as I zippered them up and saw 
the discreet bulge in my pants. John cracked a smile as he said, �I was 
right again.� I was about to question him but he said just as quickly 
and just as coldly as I was used to hearing him talk.

�Those are my sister�s pants. You guys looked like you were the same 
size and I just wanted to check since they�re looking pretty good on 
you.� I was so lost in emotions that I didn�t even realize John 
grabbing my hand and walking me to the bathroom. He then started 
looking around and then I realized what he was doing. �I only wear when 
I go to sleep� I said trying to sound serious but the idea of him 
changing me only made me harder. John turned around and smiled and gave 
a cold look at me as he said, �Want to bet?�

I didn�t say anything as he found the diapers and also the baby powder. 
He then grabbed the stuff and walked over to me. He then picked me up 
bridal style and placed me onto the floor. John then took off the pants 
I was wearing and then got to the diaper. Once he saw it he took it off 
and revealed my hard penis. John smiled as he said that I was bigger 
then his last boyfriend. I smiled back as he then returned to the 
closet and grabbed some wipes. After he wiped all around my privates he 
then unfolded the diaper and placed it under me. John then taped up the 
sides and he grabbed his sister�s pants just so he could slide them 
onto me. After he was done he stood me up and I looked myself in the 
mirror. As I looked into the mirror and John grabbed my waist and held 
me close as he told me that I was a good boy. We then walked into the 
living room and watched a little more TV. After an hour of two and a 
half man, John got off the couch and grabbed his and mine shoes. He 
placed my shoes in front of me and started to tie his as he said, 
�We�re going out to the mall. Get your money because after this mall 
trip when I see you at school we both got look at out best for when we 
tell everyone.�

As I tied my shoes I realized I was still wearing a diaper. I looked at 
John and said, �Should I change out of my diaper?� John looked at me 
while tying his shoes and said, �no� as cold as I would expect from 
John. I tied my shoes and went to my room so I could grab my money. I 
have a lot of money saved but never use it. This just made me even 
happier as now I had a reason to use to use it. I ran back to the 
living room and followed John out of the house. I locked the door and 
continued to follow my boyfriend. When we got there we first went to 
hot topic and John found some more tight pants for me to wear. I tried 
them all on and found they all fit. John then found some tight shirts 
with some cool designs on them and I tried them on as well. After 
getting notions of approval from John, I paid for my new clothes and we 
went to the food court. After eating some McDonald�s we started to walk 
around some more and I found some fingerless gloves that I liked. John 
liked them too and I bought it. After I bought it I put them on and 
John smiled at me. �Not bad� John said as he gazed to the side, �I 
still pull the look off better� I put my hands on his waist while 
smiling saying, �I�ll take that as a compliment.�

�Good� John said as he looked into my eyes and kissed me. �Because 
that�s as close as a compliment as you are getting from me� As John 
broke his kiss to say that, I felt that I needed to pee. �Hey John� I 
said sounding sweet, �I got to use the bathroom.�

�Then go,� John said as he looked me in the eyes and whispered into my 
ears. �I changed your diaper for a reason.� As he said this I felt my 
bladder empty and saw the front of my tight pants expand and showing a 
bulge. John smiled again and said, �You really are a good boy. I�ll 
remember that later.� For some reason John�s cold words warmed me to 
the point of melting.

�Let�s go home so I can change you� John said as he started walking 
again and I followed without hesitation. As we were walking out of the 
mall John turned into a store and I followed. It was a pharmacy and I 
started to think what we were doing here. We went to the back of the 
store and went to the diaper aisle. He pointed at the Attends diapers 
and asked if those were the diapers I wore. I nodded and he grabbed the 
package. We then walked up to the cashier and John paid for it with his 
own money.

�Why did you buy them?� I asked wondering the options.

�So that I have some when you come over to my house,� John said as we 
walked back to my house and I opened the door with my key. Once inside 
we put all the bags into a corner in the living room and walked 
upstairs to the bathroom. Once he changed my diaper we went to my room. 
He didn�t put any pants on me and I didn�t ask for any. It was truly 
amazing how open I was with him. In my room we played some Super Smash 
Bro Brawl. He kicked my ass and after we were done I went to the 
kitchen and made some sandwiches. I was greeted with a kiss as I 
brought the sandwiches and gave him his. As we were eating I noticed I 
peed myself without even knowing. It wasn�t until John pointed it out 
to me that I noticed it at all. I was just so comfortable with John 
that I didn�t care. I asked if he was going to change me but he said he 
would after I pooped my diaper. Reality hit me again as I said �John I 
don�t poop them� John looked into my eyes with the chill to create a 
second ice age as he said �Want to bet?� I didn�t question him as we 
played more brawl. I wet my diaper again before I finally felt the poop 
inside me. My immediate reaction was to go to the restroom but I 
figured I should try and poop my diaper. After a minute or two I could 
feel the poop go into my diaper and the smell start to become 
intoxicating. John smiled as he looked into my eyes and said �You are 
going to be fun� John then grabbed my hand and walked me to the 
bathroom. He then took my diaper off and wiped me clean. After he 
powdered me he then diapered me and then I returned to my room. Once 
there John laid me onto my bed and took his shirt off to reveal his 
muscular body. The six-pack he had could turn coal into diamonds. There 
was no fat on him just the sheer sexiness of muscle. He then took his 
pants off and lay on top of me in just his boxers. I could feel his 
erection through his boxers and he could feel mine through my diapers. 
He then took off my shirt and made out with me. The only thought that 
went through my mind as I had John on top of me and putting his tongue 
in my ear was that thank God he came over to my house. After we were 
done we slept in the same bed and I woke up with him still not awake. 
My movement however woke John up as he kissed me on the lips and got 
out of bed. I was wet from my normal bedwetting, but that wasn�t 
anything that John changing me couldn�t fix. After he did we got rid of 
all the evidence he was over. Once we were done cleaning John kissed me 
on the lips and said �Tomorrow we�re telling everyone about us so wear 
some of the clothes we bought yesterday� I nodded and he gave me a kiss 
on the cheek. �Don�t forget to put some pants on before your mom comes 
home� John said as he started to leave. �I won�t� I said before I 
looked at John and said �thank you� John turned around and cracked a 
smile. �Don�t worry about it my good boy. Next time you�re coming over 
to my house� John said as he left the house and I smiled back. This was 
the best weekend to ever happen to me and I hope the next time is just 
as great.

(P.S. I plan to write another one after what happens when I go over to 
his house.)

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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