Title: He Really Does Have a New Friend
Name: Tyler
Email: taibethegenie@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 14
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 12/21/08
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Hello everyone! I am so sorry that I have not been able to send this. My computer broke and it took forever to get it fixed. I am so sorry and I had this already written before it broke. It'll take me a while to write all the other experiences so just give me a little time. Trust me they're worth it because John and I are still together! This is the story that I mentioned in my first story about when I went over to John's house. I hope you enjoy.              
Chapter two: He really does have a new friend

So it�s been two weeks already that John, the hottest and most popular 
guy in school, and I have been together. Honestly telling the school 
went so much better then I envisioned. There were a few comments here 
and there but John with his social status made those things go away. I 
like John. Underneath that controlling guy there�s a guy whom I really 
care for-- one, because John is my boyfriend; and two, because he�s 
still keeping my diaper-wearing secret safe.

Anyway, it�s been a week and John wanted me to come over this weekend 
because his sister was spending the weekend at her friend�s house for 
some bio experiment, and two because his mom is going out of town for a 
business trip so it will again just be him and me. While this idea 
makes me a bit uneasy it also makes me more aroused. John knows my 
secret and still wants me as his boyfriend so I honestly figured that 
nothing could go wrong.

After school ended on Friday I went home and packed a few things. I 
packed my toothbrush, some clothes, and a few diapers. Now I know when 
we went to the mall together he bought some diapers for his house but 
just incase they were lost or something I figured better safe then 
sorry. So I went over to his house at five like I said I would. When I 
saw the door open I felt John pull me in as he pressed his lips against 
mine. Already I felt ecstatic about what was happening so there wasn�t 
a doubt in my mind that this weekend was going to be good. As we 
continued or kiss I felt his hand get lower and lower. It wasn�t until 
he felt my crouch that he broke our kiss.

�Why didn�t you wear on the way over?� John asked in his usual cold and 
uncaring tone.

I found my voice as I tried to say �I only wear when I need to� calmly 
and without being rude.

John looked at me with his chilling eyes as he said, �also when I�m in 
charge of changing you. Now let�s go to my room so I can diaper you�

I nodded as I let his hand guide me to his room. Honestly I liked it 
when John diapered me. It makes me feel more connected to him and also 
it�s something that he enjoys it as much as I do.

As we went into his room I felt myself be pressed onto his bed. I then 
unbuckled my pants and let them fall to the ground. John then came over 
and took my boxers off as he then went underneath his bed and pulled 
out the package of attends we bought at the mall before. He opened the 
package and took a diaper out and unfolded it. John then took out of 
the bag the baby powder. The feeling of the powder just made me even 
harder as he diapered me up and then pulled me onto my feet. I wondered 
about pants but figured that no one was home so it was safe. We then 
went through the rest of the day rather easily. Once it got late we 
ordered some pizzas and talked about everything. During our 
conversation I felt that I had to poop. I knew that I was wearing a 
diaper and I already wet this diaper a few times so it needed to be 
changed. I didn�t hold it back as my droppings filled my diaper. Once I 
was done John knew the stench and brought me to his room to get 

Once he re diapered me I asked what he had planned for us to do. He 
smiled as he said �Movies.� I was confused at what movie but then I 
remembered that so far everything that John did for me I have enjoyed. 
After that we went to sleep. I fell asleep in his arms as he kissed me 
goodnight. When I woke up I saw my wet diaper and it needed to be 

John was still asleep so I gave him a shake to wake him up. When he 
woke up, he looked at me and smiled as he said �Couldn�t change it 
yourself could you?� I was in shock of this remark as he got out of bed 
and took out a diaper. He picked me up and laid me on the floor as he 
quickly took my diaper off and powdered me up straight for the new one. 
When he was done he went down stairs to make breakfast as I followed 
him to help. After a few eggs and a couple pieces of bacon was made we 
then started talking about what we were going to do today.

After a little talking we decided that �Maxx Payne� just came out and 
it looked good so that was the plan after we finished breakfast. Once 
we cleaned everything up John asked me if I was wet. I told him no and 
he threw a pair of pants at me as he started to put on his own. Once we 
were properly dressed John took his backpack and put a few diapers in 
it incase I needed a change. The strange thing was though that this was 
only the second time we went out and already I felt comfortable to be 
in diapers in public and for him to change me anywhere. We took a bus 
into the city and then we made our way to the movie theatre. Once we 
got the tickets we then made our way to the bottom floor to get popcorn 
from Target. Target has better popcorn and it�s cheaper so it�s a win-
win situation. Once we got into the popcorn line though I felt that I 
needed to pee. I knew what John would say so I just went in my diaper. 
After I was done I whispered in his ear that I went.

�Do you want me to change you?� He asked in his usual apathetic tone. I 
was about to say no but then I remembered that Maxx Payne was a long 
movie and once the warm feeling went away then it would feel 
uncomfortably cold. Before the popcorn line moved any farther I 
whispered �yes, please.�

John nodded and we left the line and went to the changing room. We were 
then stopped because people weren�t allowed in the changing rooms 
without clothes to change into. Just looking for something to lie about 
we went into the pajama section. I then said, �Wanna find each others 
pajamas to wear to get in?� thinking that it would be a fun thing to do 
since neither of us wore pajamas.

He nodded and I went through all the pajama pants to find pajamas that 
said �If you think I care, think again� I thought that if John himself 
made those pajamas they still wouldn�t be as perfect. I started to walk 
over to the changing room with my pair of pajamas for him when out of 
the corner of my eye I see him with a one piece adult size sleeper in 
his hand. I gave a light sigh as I knew he got that as my pajama 
bottoms. We then inside the room and threw the pajamas on the side of 
the room as he laid me down and took off my pants. As he was about to 
change my diaper I looked up and much to my dismay saw a kid crawling 
on the floor looking at me through the gaps of the changing rooms. 
Seeing me look at him I saw him try to get away but John saw him first 
and grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him straight into out changing 
room. He then picked the kid up by his shirt and pinned him to the 
wall. I then realized that the kid was much taller then his face gave 
him credit for. I couldn�t tell since I was still on the floor, sitting 
down but I guessed he could be as tall as me.

�Look� John said with a newfound anger that I haven�t seen yet. �There 
are a million things I will do to you however since I�m sure your 
attention span won�t last that long I�ll just give you the abridged 
version. Tell anyone about this and I will break you!�

I could see the tears filling the kids face as I felt really bad for 
the kid. As I followed the tear down though I caught a glimpse at the 
kid�s pants and immediately knew what was happening. �You can put him 
down� I said really calmly and trying to sound parental. John did so 
trying to understand my attitude and the kid quickly got to his feet as 
he was still in a shock of fear. I then stood up to talk to the kid 
only to find much to my dismay that the kid was taller then me. It 
wasn�t too noticeable but when you�re already in a diaper even an inch 
makes you feel short.

�What�s your name?� I asked trying to retain the same tone as I did 
before. The kid gave a nervous look at John before he looked back at me 
and said �Will, my name is Will� His voice was still high-pitched 
because he was still afraid. Trying to make talking to him easier I 
asked what grade he was in. �8th� he said which was what I would have 
guessed once I saw how tall he was. Since I got him talking I figured 
now would be a good chance to ask why he was watching us. He didn�t 
reply but he started to crawl back into his changing room. Feeling 
alarmed John started to run to catch him but Will already came back 
with a pair of pants. He then went into the leg of the pants and pulled 
out a pampers diaper. John was about to ask but Will then said �I just 
wanted to know to put a diaper on. I�m sorry.�

�How did you know Tai was wearing a diaper?� John said quietly in his 
cold tone. Will looked down at the floor as he said �I was in line 
getting these pants with my mom and my baby brother Patrick when I saw 
you guys in the popcorn line. I then saw that your friend�s pants 
expanded. At first I thought it was an erection but then my mind 
connected with Patrick so I thought that you wet yourself. I then asked 
my mom if I could do a little more shopping and she said yes. Before I 
left her however I took one of Patrick�s diapers and quickly started to 
follow you. When I saw you guys get stopped by the changing room people 
I quickly hid in the pants section and grabbed a pair to hide the 
diaper. When I saw you holding a sleeper, I knew that your friend was 
definitely wearing a diaper. So then I went into the room next to you 
so I could watch. I always like to watch mom change my brother�s 
diaper. I love changing them as well and I don�t know why. Please don�t 
tell my mom.�

I was completely blindstruck by what Will just said. I had to wear 
every night because I needed to. It wasn�t until John came over last 
week that I actually felt more relaxed in diapers. For this kid to want 
to wear so much made me feel as though I was abnormal for not liking 
them. I took a glance at John who looked like he was thinking about the 
whole conversation. �Do you want to wear a diaper?� John asked still 
showing no signs of caring. �That pamper will never fit you and I 
brought extra diapers for Tai. If you want to wear one speak now or 
forever hold your piece�. I was so confused at what John just asked but 
it seemed like Will was actually thinking about it. After a few seconds 
he nodded his head and John pointed at him to lie down. He did so and 
John quickly took off the boy�s pants and boxer briefs. It was so odd 
seeing the boy naked because for one he was harder then a door nail and 
he had his pubs still. John powdered the boy up since he still had the 
powder out and then used the diaper he was going to change me with and 
put it on him. It was funny now that since he was wearing a diaper I 
didn�t feel as short anymore. John then pointed to me and told me to 
get down as well. With all the action I almost forgot that we 
originally came here to change my diaper. As I got down Will got up. I 
could tell that he was getting used to the space between the legs as he 
was getting up. He then picked up his pants and his underwear. While he 
put on his pants he slipped his underwear into his pocket. He was about 
to crawl back into his own changing room when John said �You should let 
Will change you� Will immediately turned around and I gasped at what he 
just said. Before I could say anything, John intervened �Since he�s 
wearing a diaper now he won�t rat you out. Also I feel he�s got 
experienced changing diapers so you should let him. After all he�s just 
a year younger then you. It�s not like he�s four�. While that really 
didn�t matter to me, I knew that Will would keep the secret as well. 
After all he did see me in a diaper and John did just change his diaper 
so whatever modesty was in the room died with that. I gave a light sigh 
before I agreed with it. John then pulled another attend out of his 
backpack and handed it to Will. Will sat down and proceeded to take my 
diaper off. He then powdered me up and taped up the diaper. I was truly 
impressed at how well he could change a diaper. Will�s diaper changing 
jobs were almost as good as John�s. When he was done John took out a 
pen and paper out of his backpack and wrote down both of our numbers. 
He then handed it to Will as he thanked us and left the stall. After 
that I put on my pants and we left the stall. The popcorn line was 
empty so we got our food and left for the upstairs. Before that John 
had to use the bathroom and I waited outside of target. As I was 
waiting though I saw Will and who I assumed were his mother and brother 
leaving the store. Will saw me and gave a smile and waved as he walked 
by. I did the same to him and I heard his mom ask who that kid was. 
While I couldn�t hear Will�s excuse, I figured that he must have lied 
and said I was from school or something since I didn�t hear any yelling 
from her or anything that indicated she knew the truth.

John then returned and we went upstairs to see out movie. The movie was 
okay but the first half an hour I felt like I didn�t know anything. We 
then went home and the first thing was taking off my pants so I was 
back into only my shirt and diaper. We then made some hot pockets along 
with a two liter of mountain dew. Once we were done eating we watched a 
little TV before realizing that we should go to sleep soon. As we 
turned off the TV I noticed that John wasn�t where I just saw him. I 
was about to ask but I already knew the answer so I laid down and 
waited for him to change me. John came over and then took off my diaper 
and asked why I didn't tell him it was wet. I told him that I knew that 
I would be changed for bed so it didn't matter. Once my diaper was off 
he took off my shirt and socks was well and put me into the really warm 
bath. It felt so warm that I was feeling so light minded. John then 
slipped himself into the tub so that way he could wash me up. After he 
cleaned me up I asked if I could clean him as well. He nodded and I 
cleaned him as well as he cleaned me. Once we were done he grabbed a 
clean diaper and put it on me. I went to grab my shirt but he stopped 
me and told me that he had a surprise. John then took me to his room as 
he went into his backpack and pull out the sleeper from before. I gave 
a light laugh as he told me that he got it for me while I thought he 
was in the bathroom. He hen placed me on his bed as he put on the 
sleeper and zippered it up. I felt like such a baby right now and yet 
it didn't bother me. After the sleeper was snuggly on he then thrust 
himself on top of me as he proceeded to kiss me and hump me through the 
clothes. After a nice time of fake sex we went to sleep.

The next day it was my turn to leave. I woke up to him taking off my 
sleeper and then taking off my wet diaper. When he finished he put me 
in a new one and I put on my shirt as being bare-chested bothered me. 
After a while of cleaning and making sure there was no chance of John's 
mom finding out about this I started to put pants on as I knew I wasn't 
going to leave the house without a diaper on. I just figured that I 
would take it off when I got home.

Before I left the house John gave me one more kiss before saying, "What 
do you want to do for Halloween?" I Didn't think of that but I told him 
we would play the same game again that we would find each other's 
outfit. He gave an evil smile and I figured it was baby related. As I 
left I yelled I will see you at school tomorrow. He said the same thing 
back but in his own frozen voice.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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