I remember it like it was yesterday! I was in 5th grade and I was
trying to figure out what I wanted to be for Halloween when it hit me!
I always wanted to be a "baby" so I thought it would be a great time to
do it since it would just be a "costume". I talked to my mom about it
that night and made her think that it would just be a costume, too, and
she thought it would be cute if I did it so she said we would go
shopping the next day for stuff. I was so excited I could barely sleep
that night.
The next morning I woke up and wanted to go right away but I didn't
want to seem too excited so I made sure to pretend like it wasn't that
big of a deal even though it was! My mom then said ok lets go get some
stuff. So we left and then went to Babies R Us in the next town over.
We were looking around and she asked me how far I wanted to take it and
I said "I think it would be fun if we went all the way!" she just
smiled and said ok. We picked up a couple things like a pacifier and a
couple onesies with different designs on them and a couple footed
We then got to the best part! The Diaper section! We looked at all of
them when she finally picked out some pack of diapers that had Sesame
Street on them. I was so excited as we walked up to the counter to pay
for everything! When we got home that night she asked if I wanted to
try everything on and I said why not. I really wanted to but didn�t
want her to know that so I stripped down to my Superman briefs and lay
down so my mom could put the diaper on me and it fit perfectly! Then
she asked what I wanted to wear and I said a onesie so she grabbed the
one with bears on it and slipped it over my shoulders and then snapped
it between my legs. She thought I looked so cute and asked if I wanted
to stay like that for the rest of the night and I said sure!
Later that night after dinner I felt my tummy ache and knew I had to
poop soon. So I told my mom that I needed to poop and she just smiled
and said, �Just go in your diaper; it would be a shame to waste it.�
And I said ok and went! It was an awesome experience and I wish it
would happen again!