I started to like wearing diapers when I was about 4. I used to go take
my sister�s doll diapers and put them on under her bed. My mom caught
me on a few occasions asking me if I wanted to be a baby again, each
time I replied no. She would take them away from me and then just be on
her way. I didn�t really mind but forgot about them until I was about
eight. I started to want them again because I would walk through Wal-
Mart or other stores and see them and just be curious. To be quite
honest I used to take diapers from stores and wear them at home. I felt
bad about stealing but I really wanted them.
Around the time that I was nine I started to get weird feelings about
them and that�s when I started to masturbate. I always felt bad about
wearing diapers afterwards, or ashamed, and I still do lots of the
time. But I still can�t replace the feeling of wearing them with
anything else.
When I turned probably 12 I think I started to be a little attracted to
boys. Not a lot but a little. Like I would have thoughts from time to
time like oh he�s cute or if a girl was talking about another boy
sometimes I would think I wouldn�t date him or that�s a good choice he
would be a nice boyfriend. Don�t get me wrong I�m not gay, I don�t have
a problem with people being gay� but imp not. I�ve thought maybe imp bi
at times but I�m still very very veryyyy confused.
Nowadays I think I�m more into guys than I was before but I don�t think
I would date one. I want to have kids later in life that are mine, not
some other person�s, and I want to have a wife. But right now I�m in
high school and what I do now is what matters.
I have only had sex once and that was with a boy my age. And although I
like women I want to have sex with guys, but I do want to have sex with
girls to. I think that now in my present state I don�t like guys
anymore. I would love to have a boy diaper and have fun with me.
I usually wear disposables because they're the most comfy. I pee in
them a lot but sometimes go #2.
The thing about writing this is I am kind of scared no one will talk to
me, I mean, I�m doing this to meet more people that are like me in the
sense that we wear diapers. But I don�t know if you�ll want to respond
and that�s what scares me.
I really hope you guys do talk to me no matter what. Either way, thanks
for reading this.