Name: Garret
Ages: 17
Current Age: 18
My name is Garret, I am 18 years old and I wrote this story because I 
needed someway to straighten out my thoughts on my unwanted fetish. I 
know this is poorly written. I'm not the best with grammar so bear with 
me. And many of you will not like this story, but it is more for me to 
get my story out there instead of your entertainment. This story is 
100% true.

I have been a diaper lover/ adult baby, whatever you want to call it as 
long as I could remember. One day I remember when I was about 9 or 10 I 
was playing with my neighbor. She was a couple years older than I was. 
Some how I got some pullups and put them on and I told her I wanted her 
to play my mommy. She agreed, although I don�t think she was as excited 
as I was. She pushed me in a stroller around my driveway and front door 
walk way, but that�s all the babying I would get on that day. I now 
know that was the diaper lover in me coming out. After that day, my 
desires went away for a while. All the way until, I think 6th grade or 
when I was like 14. That�s when my strong desires of being babied 
became impossible to ignore.

Unlike most people, I don�t like my fetish. I wish I did not have this 
diaper fetish. I'm a normal kid, no different from anyone else. I have 
played sports all my life soccer, baseball, and basketball. I am good 
at all these sports also, or at least when I still played them. I only 
play soccer now, but anyway I have always been one of the best athletes 
anywhere I go. I have never had many problems with getting a girlfriend 
or getting the occasional hook up. I listen to Lil� Wayne, and lately 
after watching "Walk The Line" I have been catching up on some Johnny 
Cash. I dream of one day playing professional soccer. How can I do that 
with a strong diaper fetish being in the way?

Even though I wish I didn't have this fetish, I still do, and I am 
completely helpless to my desires. My ultimate "fantasy" would be 
waking up one day in a crib which I could not get out of and wearing 
only a diaper which I could not take off no matter how hard I tried. As 
soon as I would start to panic an attractive, mother-like figure would 
walk up to me and start to baby talk down to me. I would want to be 
completely babied, which means using my diaper, getting changed, being 
forced to crawl, being breast fed, etc., etc.

 When I�m out with my friends and in public, my desires are 
nonexistent. Only when I'm alone is when I think about being babied. 
When I am home alone, I read up on some of Deeker�s stories and 
occasionally masturbate to them. After I finish though, I become 
totally against anything about my desires, and diapers. Which is still 
a mystery to me, one minute I seriously consider asking my mom to 
diaper me, but the very next minute I get turned off of anything to do 
with my whole fetish.

Like I said, I have debated with myself to tell my mom about my 
desires. But I think she would have a hard time taking it in. I have 
promised to myself to never tell anyone about my desires, but with a 
little too much alcohol one night I broke my promise. I was at my best 
friend at the time Travis's house to sleep there. We were both already 
drunk. He had this little closet next to his bathroom where I would 
keep my toothbrush, because I pretty much lived over there during the 
summer. So I went to get my toothbrush, and I saw a bag of pampers. I 
got the shivers just looking at them, it had been so long since the 
last time I have seen diapers so up close in person. I leaned forward 
and sniffed the bag a bit and felt the diapers with my fingers. They 
smelled so good and felt so soft. I quickly began to get aroused. I 
yelled "Hey Travis come here, what are these?" He said that they were 
his baby cousin's left here from when his Aunt visited. I said "Oh" and 
then proceeded to brush my teeth. After that, we decided to go to steak 
and shake, which was walking distance from his house. So we snuck out 
of his house and off we went. The whole time there I would hint to him 
things like, "Wouldn't it be sweet to be able to go pee when ever you 
want, just let it go?" and things like "I want to see what a diaper 
feels like again." So from that point on it was decided that I was 
going to put those diapers on. And my friend didn't seem to be bothered 
by my choice.

So when we got back I took out a diaper and went to the bathroom. The 
diaper was pretty small so I positioned it where I wanted it and put my 
pants back on to keep it from falling off. I taped it straight onto my 
stomach which only made it stick for a few minutes. I went back to 
Travis�s room and told him it felt really good. He got really excited 
and he actually ran and put one on. He ended up liking it also. We both 
fell asleep with them on. In the morning his mom always would come in 
while we were still sleeping and fix out blankets and just check on us. 
To this day I wish she would have some how seen us with our diapers on. 
I wanted to see how she would react because she is an opened minded 
person and probably would have accepted us wearing diapers. I knew that 
she knew we were fooling around with them because after we were done 
with the diapers, we put them back into the bag. The bag was gone a 
week later and that�s the last time me and travis ever spoke about 
diapers with each other. I never said anything to him again because I 
didn't want him to think that I was too into diapers, so I kept my 
mouth shut.

So there I was again, alone with my diaper desires. Until about a year 
later. My grandparents took my family to Disney World for vacation. I 
was also there for a soccer tournament so it worked out well. One of 
the nights I was there, when I was trying to get to sleep, I was 
getting my biggest diaper urge I have ever had before. (my urges were 
getting progressively stronger as I kept keeping them inside me) At 
that same time, my ex girlfriend (Amy) texted me, "hey! :)"

This was it, I was finally going to really tell someone how I felt 
about diapers. At this point I had been seriously thinking about 
telling 1 of the 2 following people for a couple weeks. Amy, and a girl 
named Alix. I knew I could trust both of them, Amy was my most recent 
ex and I knew she liked me. I still was a bit attracted to her, 
especially when I imagined her diapering me. She had light brown hair 
almost blonde, a cute face with blue eyes. She had a big butt with nice 
tits but wasn't really athletic looking, she had a bit of meat on her 
but it was a good thing in her case, not too skinny. Alix was pretty 
much my best friend. Alix and I would talk about everything together 
mostly about each other's relationships. We both had always been 
attracted to each other. Alix also had light brown hair with the most 
beautiful ocean blue eyes. She had the reputation of the nicest butt 
and legs in the grade. Her butt was tight and would stick out in tight 
pants. Her legs were firm like a cheerleader. I always had liked Alix a 
lot but we were such good friends I didn't think we would ever be 
anything, although a little bit later on we eventually told each other 
how we felt.

Anyway I ended up choosing to tell Amy for a couple of reasons. I 
thought it was a sign that she texted me out of the blue real late at 
night. Also, I didn't really mind what she thought of me so telling her 
would be a lot easier than telling someone like Alix, who I cared a lot 
of what she thought of me. So I texted her back and started some small 
talk. Then I texted, "Can I tell you something?" of course she said yes 
and our peachy conversation quickly became a serious one. I said you 
have to promise to keep it a secret and promise not to think 
differently of me. She agreed. At this point a started to stall. I 
couldn't build the courage to send the text admitting my fetish for my 
adult baby life. She knew I was stalling because she texted me Garret! 
I knew I had to say something. So I started texting the story of the 
night at Travis's house, "after that night at his house I started 
thinking about diapers a lot and formed like a fetish for diapers..." I 
had my thumb stuck on the send button and I was staring at the text 
for, what felt like an hour but was probably a couple min. Then, I 
finally sent it and saw the green check-mark letting me know that the 
text successfully sent, as the green check-mark flashed my heart 
pounded simultaneously.

I waited for the text back. I was shaking at this point, almost feeling 
like throwing up. I waited, waited, and waaaiitteedd. Then my phone 
vibrated, which sent another pound to my heart. I laid there with my 
eyes closed praying for the response I would like. I opened the text 
and what I saw made me extremely frustrated. All she texted back was 
"oh". It had taken 17 years' worth of courage to finally tell the girl 
who I had debated to tell for weeks, and all I got back was a 
depressing "oh" I couldn't believe it. I quickly said, that�s all you 
have to say about what I just told you? She then told me she didn't 
expect that. I then realized that my diaper fantasy was meant to stay a 
fantasy and not become reality. She later texted me while I was 
sleeping something like, Garret I think its really cool that you can 
tell me something like that, I don�t think of you any differently, and 
I will keep your secret safe. That made me feel a lot better about the 
whole situation.

As you can guess I played terrible during my soccer games, because all 
I could think about was the conversation I had with Amy. In fact, it 
was all I could think about for weeks to come, and when I saw her at 
school I found I had lost all my confidence in front of her. But I 
eventually gained it back after we both kind of forgot about it. But 
every about 3-4 months I get those strong urges and text her saying, 
you haven't told anyone about it have you? Hoping that she will want to 
talk about diapers with me, but she never would. All she would ever say 
was, of course not.

For a long time after all that happened, my desires nearly disappeared. 
Which was nice because it allowed me to kind of get myself back on my 
feet. Slowly but surely though, I became more and more interested in my 
fetish. I began to look up adult baby websites to find out if I was 
alone in my desires. I gladly found that there are millions of people 
with my same fetish which made me feel a lot better about my fetish. 
For the next year or so I did my normal fetish things like fantasize, 
masturbate, etc. It wasn't until recently that I have been seriously 
considering telling someone else about my secret.

A few nights ago actually I got real drunk. I'll even go on and say I 
got more drunk a couple nights ago than I ever had before. I was 
completely unaware of anything I was doing. I woke up in the middle of 
the night with my pants soaked. I had pissed my shorts with out me ever 
realizing it until I woke up. I was already texting Amy that night 
because I was drunk and I am a pretty bad drunk texter. So I don't know 
why but I texted Alix, Amy!! This is so weird I am sooo wet right now I 
need a diaper or a pull up or something. Sorry if your sleeping!! I 
have no idea why I texted that to Alix, or even why I wanted to text 
that to anyone! I guess subconsciously I wanted one of them to know my 

The next morning I had to apologize to Amy about my drunk texts because 
some of them were pretty bad. I read the text I sent to Alix and I just 
tried to ignore it and hopefully she just realized I was drunk because 
she was also a bad drunk texter. She actually told me that she turns 
off her phone when she drinks and I always thought it was a good idea 
but I never do. So Alix texts me later that morning saying things like, 
wrong text? ha-ha, and I think you were very drunk last night! I played 
the "I don't remember" card and she resent the text to me. She then 
asked, �Well, why were you wet?� I was starting to get excited because 
she was very interested on why I was wet. I told her that I pissed my 
shorts without knowing it and to shut up because I know she has done it 
before also. She went on saying stuff like, �Yeah, I know I have, but 
that�s funny that you did that too.�

I know I am probably wrong to think this but the last couple days I 
have been deciding on if I should tell her about my fetish or not, 
based off the way she reacted to my text about pissing my shorts. I 
know she would understand and not make a big deal out of it but I fear 
that I may lose her respect for me and end up losing any chance of 
being with her. I have been thinking of jokingly telling her something 
like, I think we should both wear diapers the next time we drink 
together haha. Or when I drink with her, piss my shorts again and hope 
she says something like "you do need those diapers, don't you?"

Though it seems I do enjoy my fetish throughout this story, I don't, I 
feel trapped inside the wrong body and it sometimes drives me crazy 
that I can't get away from how I feel about diapers. Thank you for 
taking the time to read this and if you have any questions or comments 
my e-mail is listed twice below.

What do you think I should do? (e-mail is

a) jokingly ask her to wear diapers with me next time we get drunk.
b) piss my shorts when I'm with her and hope.
c) completely tell her about my whole diaper fetish
d) have her read this story and try to talk to her about my desires
e) do nothing and try to ignore my urges

E-mail me your answer if you would like to at

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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