A little background: I�m 23 years old. I have been living with my
parents again for almost two years. After I graduated form college in
the top 5 of my class I moved back home to be with my fianc� and son
only to be dumped six months later. I can�t find a job that makes
enough to move out so I�m stuck.
OK so now for my story. I had been living with my parents for about a
year I sleep on the couch because of the lack of room 5 adults and one
baby �my sister and her family lives there, too� in a 780-square-foot
house. I can only go so long without my comfort and I started wearing
diapers again at first only at night then during the day when I was off
and then 24/7. That only lasted a max of 5 days in a row. I was getting
really comfortable with wearing them around everyone and relaxed a lot.
No one knows and they aren�t going to find out, or so I thought. One
night I put my favorite type of diaper on and I didn�t tighten it too
much, just enough to keep it on. It was getting close to summer and I
was using a large, thin blanket to cover up with. I didn�t bother with
pants or a shirt. The next day when I woke up my diaper didn�t feel
right but I didn�t really care. I was late for work. I jumped up, I got
up before everyone else, pulled my clothes on over my diaper and went
to work. It was about three hours later that I needed to pee. I don�t
use my diapers at work so I went to the bathroom, untaped my diaper and
started to do my business. Then it hit me. I untaped my diaper because
it was too tight to just pull down. I know when I wake up in the
morning I usually have to tighten it but today I didn�t. Someone
tightened my diaper the night before. Come to think of it, the blanket
this morning wasn�t fully covering me, either. I was freaking out the
rest of the day expecting to hear about it when I got home, but when I
got home, nothing. After that it took awhile before I would wear them