A Family Growing Up Their Boys in Diapers


Hi, my name is John-Marc. I was born in 1990 just after my two older sisters. The oldest of them is Patti by about 3 years; then there is Cheryl, a year younger than me. Then came my brothers D.J. or David-Jonathan and Kevin. Then comes later to live with us and be home-schooled our cousin Byron and a boy who is like a brother to me and all of us, Timothy And also later coming to live with us and be a part of the boys’ nursery and home-schooled are Joey Jody and Keith. Also to mention are Joey, Jody and Keith’s sisters Sue and Monica Then there is our parents and grandparents and our Aunt Josey or Josephine who is basically retired from running an infants, toddlers and bedwetter store (actually, more of the boys getting Diapers weren’t bedwetters.) Aunt Josey has for years made all of us boys Diapers and no boy had worn a Diaper (that’s with a capital D) until they have worn Aunt Josey’s Diapers for us boys.


How Aunt Josey makes our Diapers #1: Each and every Diaper is quite costly because of the cloth material that goes into make each and every Diaper.


First, the Diaper itself is of the thickest Diaper cloth available, then cut to fit big boys high up usually just to over— depending on the boy’s size— to the boys ribs. Then, down the middle and eight inches wide is very thick Diaper padding sewn in from front to back of the Diapers. She then takes eight (8!) of these padded Diapers and then sows them ALL TOGETHER JUST TO MAKE ONE DIAPER.!


And then, if these Diapers aren’t enough, she especially orders from an adult supply house these very well-made and very, very, very NOISY Plastic baby Pants.


Ken is our Dad and his story is in true accounts; also Grandpa’s Story is in true accounts.


At age 3 years and just shortly into 4 years, already my younger sister Cheryl was toilet trained and had very good clean hygiene while I was being a holy terror. I would run out side into the dark. I would cry, scream, kick, hit, bite— I simply hated it and would not stay put on a potty, the toilet, or even try, though I to this very day can remember the spankings I got more for, not my refusing to toilet train, than for my biting and fighting.


We as a family have nearly always lived in the same home out in the country outside of Houston. Shortly before I was to start school my parents, who had the credentials to home-school us kids, decided to do so. As my younger brothers came along and grew to the ages of being toilet trained they, too, followed my ways of fighting toilet training, and after D.J. when it was time for Kevin the family made little effort. Our living in the country and our neighbors went along with it and Aunt Josey praised it and encouraged it. She has always loved her boys but especially I have always been her favorite.


Just one short word before I stop this section and get ready to move on. My family, all of us, have always been close with all strive to help one another so that all of us could be the best we can be. All of us boys keep and maintain an A-B average in our schooling and I have been called a prodigy in what I do and am now studying in school. As a child I don’t think I did wrong in fighting toilet training on the high average. I’m different for staying all my life in Diapers. It has even become a very long-time sexual thing to me. I have never done a girl wrong or gotten one pregnant, yet they have played with my genitals upon Diaper changes.


I hope that many will read and enjoy my writing and story of mine and my brothers’ lives in Diapers. Right now Deeker really needs you Diaper boys and Diaper lovers to come to the call of all boys in diapers. We need your stories and don’t stop your writing— finish your story.


Let me hear your input and ask any questions or suggestions. JohnMarcLeighty@gmail.com.


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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