Name: Jacob M.
Ages: 14
Current Age: 14
The Family Conspiracy
By: Jacob Meyers

Everything in this story is 100% true. It is extremely embarrassing and 
I still can't believe it happened. Names have been changed to protect 

I am Jacob Meyers, I am 14 years old, this happened 2 weeks ago. I woke 
up, thinking it was an ordinary day. Little did I know that in 24 
hours, my life would completely change.

I woke up, stretched, then walked to the living room in just my PJ's. 
It was another great day of summer vacation. I was hungry, so I got up 
to get myself a bowl of cereal. Just a the milk hit the cereal, the 
phone rang...(Bring )(Bring) I answered it, hoping it wasn't a 

"Hello,?"" I asked.

"Hey Jacob, this is Judy. I was wondering if you be interested in 
babysitting some of the kids, for 3 days. Me and Linda and Carrie are 
going to Minnesota, for a business venture.

"OK, I said, no problem," I said. "When are ya' leaving?" I asked.

"In about 20 minutes, hon," she said.

"Ok, I said, I'll be there in a few minutes." I said.

"Bye," she said. I said Bye and hung up.

I quickly ate my cereal, then went and packed enough things for 3 days. 
I was excited about babysitting, I always enjoyed it, maybe it's mostly 
because my aunt (Judy) is a big tipper. But I loved kids and wanted 
some one day. After Today, my mind would change, but I didn't know that 
now. I got on my bike and started towards there house, they were 3 
minutes away, not trying to rush there. As I pulled up I was greeted by 
my little cousin Greg, he was 4, and still in diapers, it would be my 
responsibility to be changing him while my aunt was away.

"Hey boy, go put some shoes on, and some pants!" I said as he ran off, 
he was very hyper.

"Hey, all the other kids are in bed, so just let them sleep. I left a 
list of things to do on the fridge, Bye, bye I really appreciate it," 
she said, giving me a kiss and running off.

"Bye!" I yelled as she drove off. I turned around to go inside to go 
use the bathroom, but as soon as I turned around, (WWHHHHACCKKk!!!)

Everything went black.... I woke up and couldn't move, I noticed I was 
tied down. I screamed loudly. My little cousin Christina ran in, she 
was 8 and the oldest of the younger ones.

"What�s a matter, baby Jakie?" she said.

"You�re the one who wets your bed!! I'll remember this, when you need 
me to change your sheets and diapers"! I yelled.

"That is why we are doing this. We are tired of you making fun of us 
for wearing diapers!!" she yelled back. She whistled and Greg 4, Chad 
7, Jack 7, and Zoe 6 and Conroe 7 ,ran in.

"Let's do it!", Christina said. Suddenly they all started tickling me 
at once.

"Stop, Please!" I yelled.

"You are going to know what it feels like to have accidents, and wear 
diapers, and there�s nothing you can do about it!!" she screamed. They 
were all laughing and tickling me everywhere, my feet, stomach, arm 
pits, everywhere.

"PEE!" "PEE!" "PEE!" They yelled. They knew I was very ticklish and 
couldn't hang on muck longer. I was laughing hard, begging them to 

Suddenly the pressure got to intense and I started pissing all over 
myself. I didn't even try to stop. I couldn't even if I would've tried.

"HAHAHAH, look at the little baby!! They all chanted in unison.

"Uh oh, it looks like baby needs his diapeys!" Christina yelled, 
snapping pictures of me. "Get his clothes off, I want him naked when I 
get back!" She commanded. I struggled, and squirmed, but my pants and 
shirt were no match for scissors. My cousins started cutting through my 
pants, then pulled them off, they cut through my shirt. Then they 
pulled that off. I knew that it was going to be a long weekend. They 
cut my underwear off... pulled it off.

"AWWW look at the baby�s cute tiny peepee!" Jack said, taking more 
pictures, giggling.

"Hey Greg, I think yours is bigger!" he said. I started crying. 
Christina returned.

"Ok, let's diaper the baby!" She squirted this white cream all over my 
balls and penis and rubbed it in. Then she put some on her hands and 
rubbed it my butt crack. Then she squirted baby powder all over the 
creamed area. Now I smelled like a baby. She wiped the cream off her 
hands and slid a very thick diaper under my butt, I noticed it had 
pictures of Sesame Street on it. She pinned it up with laser precision. 
She pulled out some Pull-ups from out of the bag on the floor, and 
slipped them over my feet and over the diaper, pulling them up to my 

"Almost done, baby Jacob," she said with a smile. She pulled some 
plastic pants out of the bag, and then did the same thing with them, 
slipping them over my Pull-ups. They had cute pictures of Barney on 
them, and were very wide-crotched. I could not bring my legs together.

"Okay, one last thing for you to wear, you have a choice, either you 
cooperate, or we�ll and post the pictures we took everywhere, all over 
town." She asked.

"I'll cooperate" I said, beaten by grade-schoolers. They were taking 
pictures the whole time. I wanted to cry. She unstrapped my legs and 
started pulling something up my legs, then my waist, up my stomach, to 
my chest. She had my cousins hold me down. She strapped my legs back 
in, and undid my arms, she then pulled my arms through sleeves, I knew 
now what I was wearing... She zipped up the back, buttoned the crouch, 
and it was done. I was now wearing a footed baby pajamas, with pictures 
of the Teletubbies and other various cartoons, and a button-up crotch.

"Now, are you going to be a good baby and play with us?" She asked me. 
I nodded. "Are you going to do whatever we say?" she asked me. I nodded 
again. "Ok, let's play house, guess who�s the baby?" She unstrapped me 
and I sat up, tried to get up, but fell because the diapers were too 

"Aww baby can't walk, because his diddies are too thick. Go get the 
stroller Jack, and the paci and bottles too!!" she demanded. Jack left 
for a moment. I looked around and the direness of the situation set in: 
I was screwed. I was outnumbered, and when they all got together, 
overpowered, and I was blackmailed from the pictures they took of me 
peeing my pants and getting diapered. Jack returned, he opened up the 
stroller and all of them together pulled me into it. I was strapped in.

"Don't forget your baba!" Christina exclaimed. "Let's go play baby on 
the Trampoline! Zoe said. "Great idea, Sis!", Christina said. They 
wheeled me outside, camera in hand, taking pictures of me getting 
rolled in my stroller. Right then I realized I had to poop. BABLY!! I 
suddenly got an idea: If they wanted to know what a baby was really 
like, I would show them, by making a nasty mess everywhere, gross them 
out and be free! I was bouncing on the trampoline(sort of) and I let 
go, making a low, farting sound, as I completely filled my diapers, I 
started to pee and thought about stopping, then I realized the pee 
would make it smell really bad, so I just let go, peeing for a full 
minute, pooping still. A horrible stench launched in the air, and would 
look at the back of my PJs, told the story.

"Wheeeeooo!, I think baby did a poopie!" Zoe said. "Can I have a 
change?" I said babyishly.

"Well in about an hour I'll consider it, I have strict instructions you 
know." She said.

"What do you mean strict instructions?" I asked, confused.

"Don't you know? It was mom�s idea, for your misbehaving in school, the 
whole family�s in on it, they'll be here later. I heard you are going 
to be treated like this forever!!" she said. I couldn't believe it. I 
passed out.....My plan didn't work.

"How long has he been out?" My mom asked.

"About 3 hours, he just fell asleep on the trampoline. He's a sweet 
baby, oh hey he's waking up!" my mom said.

"Good morning, baby." she said. I looked around the room, everyone was 
there. My mom, my dad, aunts, uncles, all my other cousins and my 
little brother.

"We have all come up with this decision because we love you, you are 
trying to protect you; this is the only way we know how to do it. If 
you are too embarrassed to leave the house, then you can't sneak off in 
the middle of the night and go to parties and you can't play pranks on 
the school, like pulling the fire alarm, or blowing up toilets! You 
will be a baby indefinitely from this day forward, and everyone is 
older than you. Your cousins can treat you however they want, and they 
have the right to change you, any back talk, and I will show these 
pictures to all your friends, and post them all over the internet!!" 
"understand?" She asked.

"Yes, mommy" was all I said. I was now the family baby, never to return 
to big boy underwear again. My mommy put a bottle of warm milk in my 
mouth and tucked me in.

"I'll get the crib and things set up at our house, for now, you are 
staying here." mom said, tucking me in and smiling. I sucked on my baba 
and fell asleep in dreams of diapers....My embarrasing experience, now 
a love for diapers.

The End

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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