This story is about something that happened to me when I was 14. I went to babysit my
neighbor's kids (whom I had known since birth) and wound up also being babysat.
Back when I lived in Memphis, I went to babysit my neighbor Tammy's two
little boys named Tyler and T.J. They both were actually nicknamed TJ
because Tyler's full name was Tyler James and Timmy's (the youngest)
was Timothy Johnathan. But anyhow we arranged for me to come over and
babysit the two kids. But that night something funny happened. She was
getting ready to move and she had a bunch of diapers that were left
over from a child that passed away and Tyler and TJ were too small for
these diapers. So, she took me in another room while the two boys were
playing and asked me this unusual favor:
She told me about the son that had passed away (whom was 10 and about
my build then) and showed me all of the boxes of diapers (Pampers,
Luvs, and Huggies) that she had left over from him. The diapers were
all too big for the two little boys because they were size extra large
but they would probably be just big enough to fit me. So she asked me
since I was staying the night to help with the two boys if I would like
to wear diapers too and sleep in this room which was complete with a
crib, changing table, and every other kind of baby paraphernalia you
can think of including the diapers.
At first I thought, "Well this is quite unusual for someone to ask me
this". But I could see that she wanted some help in this so I told her
I'd do it. She then closed the door to the room while I got undressed
and she then asked me first if I would like to be fully dressed as a
baby (including diaper)or wear just a diaper. I said it didn't matter
so she put a Luvs Deluxe for boys diaper on me with planes, trains, and
cars on it baby blue in color and did the tapes up tight. Much to my
surprise and hers, the diaper was a perfect fit not too tight and not
too loose with adequate room for me to move around in it comfortably.
So I then wore diapers all day with my diaper changes whenever Tyler
and TJ needed their diapers changed as well.
That night, she asked me if I would like to sleep in her son's old
crib. At first I was uneasy due to the fact I was wearing his old
babyish clothing and diapers that he would have worn and using his old
baby equipment but I thought to myself It would be a good place for me
to sleep. She then gave me a bath with the boys and then put another
diaper on me and some footed pajamas and gave me a blanket, teddy bear,
and a pacifier and then I lay in the crib and she put the railings up
and covered me up with the blanket and turned on the trimester and
turned out the lights. I was having so much fun I didn't want to leave.
I got a call the next morning from my grandfather who told me that he
was admitted to the hospital and would not be home that night and asked
me if I had a place to go since I didn't like being home alone at that
time. I told him I had somewhere to go and I came over to Tammy's and
played with the boys and to also help with the diaper thing. It really
helped her out by me using those diapers. But at the same time, It made
me incontinent and I had to resume wearing diapers all the time then.
Have worn diapers since.