story about the origin of my diaper fetish
Robert - 15 Years Old
This is a true story. None of the dialogue or things that happened has been made up. It all happened a while ago, so some dialogue may not be entirely accurate.
This does contain vivid descriptions of masturbation very far off in the story, and diaper experiences or experiments with myself only or with other people, which I describe as vividly as I can. If you feel you do not want to read a story with these kinds of experiences with diapers, then please hit the back button on your browser. If not, then please read on.
There is little to no talking and not very well-written detail in the very beginning because I could not remember a lot of these things. Remember, these things happened to me almost 12 years ago when I was a little kid, so bear with me. As the story goes on, you will notice more abundant detail and dialogue. But please know that the dialogue is what was actually said.
A little bit about myself:
I am not, in any way, shape, or form gay, a pedophile, messed up, an outcast, or a freak. Actually, if you knew me, you wouldn't be able to tell that I even have a diaper fetish, much less even think I do. I've had plenty of girlfriends, I like boobs, I want to get laid, I have a lot of friends, I keep in shape, and I'm a pretty funny and outgoing guy. I love classic rock like AC/DC, Metallica, Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath (Always loved the lead guitarist, Toni Iommi [thanks, Deeker!]), and some Green Day songs. No, I'm not 'Gothic' or 'Punk', I'm just a normal, every day guy like most of you reading this.
Part 1: The Diaper Thing. My age range in this part of
the story is 3-8 years old.
The story of me having a diaper fetish all started when I was about three years old. For some strange reason, I always loved diapers, especially the plastic ones (which I really am trying to find very badly so I can buy them without my parents knowing). Whenever I would go to my grandparent's house, when I was 5, I would try to find the diapers that I wore about a year ago. My grandparents literally kept everything that they bought, and had many boxes and bags of Pampers. When my parents and grandparents were occupied, I would sneak into the room where the diapers were kept and open up the closet. They were fairly deep closets, extending very far off to the right from the inside. In one of the closets held a Pampers Ultra box. I would take one of the diapers and go inside of another closet and close the door so only hardly any light went through. I would take my pants off and try to put the diaper on, but to no avail because it wasn't big enough. They were probably about size 4 or 5, and I needed a 6 because I was 5 years old (that's a lot of numbers in a few words). I brought two diapers with me each time in the closet, in case one of them broke. I had an idea one time I did this to get the diaper on: I would tape them up first, THEN I would try to put them on like underwear. It was worth a shot. As I tried this, the side of the diaper split, ruining it. I put the diaper down and got the other one. Again, I tried to get it on but I couldn't. It was just not big enough. I remember I liked the crinkly noise for some reason. I thought it sounded great, and the inside of the diaper felt really comfortable on my skin. Every time I would go to my grandparent’s house I would do this. For some reason I was attracted to the diapers, but I didn't know why. That is probably the reason I refused to be potty trained until I was in my late 4's.
The earliest I can remember it all beginning to start was one day at my cousin's house in Libertyville, Illinois. My cousin is one year younger than me, so he was about three or four years old, and I was either four or five. My parents were dropping me off at my cousin's house that day so him and I could play together and my mom, dad, aunt, and uncle could chat. When we arrived at his house, I immediately went to find my cousin. He told me to come up to his room, where he wanted to show me a secret that his dad could not know about. He guided me over to his bed, where he moved it backwards to reveal a large happy face he drew on the wall with crayons. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to "scare the monsters away" (yes, he believed in them when he was little). I do not remember much after that, but the next thing he asked me I remember very well. He has a little sister, who was probably one or two years old at the time, obviously in diapers. Back then they made those great plastic diapers, which made that distinct crinkling sound whenever you moved in them. My cousin asked me if he wanted to have a diaper fight. I asked him what in the world a diaper fight is, and he took me into his sister's changing room, locked the door and took out a diaper. As his hand was placed on it, it made that wonderful crinkling sound. He pulled it out of the Pampers Size 4 bag whacked me with it. Of course it didn't hurt, because it was just a diaper. I laughed when he did that, and I took out a diaper and whacked him with it. Pretty soon we were hitting each other with those diapers and laughing our heads off. We had an absolute ball doing this. My cousin then suggested turning off the lights, so it can be a night fight. I agreed, and he turned the lights off. It was very quiet, only with the crinkling of the diapers. I moved around to try to find him, but I couldn't see him at all. I then felt a large *WHACK*! He hit me with the diaper. I asked him how he could see me, but he never told. I later found out I was wearing light up shoes and he saw me by me moving around. I searched around in the dark for him, but he kept hitting me and hitting me repeatedly. I finally had felt him, and whacked him with my diaper over and over again. At this point we were on the floor laughing so hard we couldn't control it. Suddenly, my Aunt unlocked the door and came in. With diaper fluff everywhere, she was furious at us for making such a mess! After that, I cannot remember what happened. I remember seeing my aunt picking up the fluff while my uncle was lecturing my cousin and I, and that is all.
When I turned 6 years old, I moved to Kansas City. It was my first time ever moving while I was old enough to remember. I was very excited about my new home. We moved into a nice little area, middle to high-class neighborhood with not many kids. My mom had told me there was a kid named Sam Thomas who lived a few houses down from me, for my mom talked to his mom. I walked to his house and was introduced to Sam. His house was quite large, with a massive basement all full of boxes, a giant plastic pool on its side, a very old couch, sliding glass doors, and endless stacks of Sports Illustrated Bikini Edition. As I walked up to the porch and knocked on the door, Sam's mom greeted me very happily.
"Oh Hi! You must be Robert! Well, don't just stand there, come on in, come on in. I need to introduce you to Sam!" she said. She showed me to his room, where he was playing F-Zero on his Super Nintendo.
"Hi, my name is Robert," I said.
"I'm Sam. Wanna play SuperNintendo?" he asked.
"Sure!" I said. Videogames and computers were my favorite things back then, because I thought they were so amazing. And just like that, I knew Sam and I were going to get along just fine.
Over the months, Sam and I became best friends. One night, I received a phone call from him.
"Hey, wanna sleepover tonight? My mom says it's OK." He said, even before I said 'Hello'.
"Yeah, let me go ask my mom first," I said. I called up to my mom, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!! CAN I SLEEP OVER AT SAM'S HOUSE?!"
I told Sam on the phone, "Yeah I can. What time can I come over?"
He replied, "You can come over now if you want."
"K," I said. I went to find my Ninja Turtles sleeping bag, a pillow, toothbrush and toothpaste, and something to wear for the next day. I packed up all my things, and I ran on over to his house. I immediately went to his room, where he was making something with some Legos.
"Whatcha makin'?" I asked.
"A really cool space ship, but I'm missing this one piece here. I'm going to check my closet to see if I can find it." He said.
As he went over to his closet, I heard him say, "What the heck is this?" He pulled out a large box, which had a baby, a diaper for the baby, and a bib. On the top of the box, it said, "Baby-Born". Once seeing this, we were instantly curious on what it did.
"What do you think it can do?" I asked
"I dunno," Sam replied, as puzzled as I was, "But I bet we can feed it stuff because its mouth has a little hole in it."
"Well, let's try putting water in it then!"
"OK," said Sam. We went over to his bathroom and stuck the plastic baby's mouth under the water faucet. We turned it on carefully, making sure the tiny stream of water we let out went into the baby's mouth.
"It doesn't do anything." Sam said.
"Well, maybe if we turn it right-side up, it'll do what it s'posed to do. Let's try it!" I said. We took the baby and turned it right side up, and we saw water come out from where it's butt should be.
Sam told me, "Hey, I bet that's what that diaper is for. Wanna put it on it?" I saw the diaper and noticed it was actually kind of big. I looked at it and said,
"I dare you to put it on!"
"No way dude! You do it." Sam shot back at me. I didn't want to put it on first, so I figured out a way to convince him.
"OK Sam, I'll make you a deal. If you put it on, I will, too."
"Fine," he said. He took the diaper and unfolded it. This time around, I really noticed the crinkle sound, and it made me feel funny and gave me an erection. I didn't know what it was at the time, but as I grew older I would know why. He took the diaper and pulled it up over his crotch very tightly, making the crinkle sound louder with a distinct noise to it I cannot describe, but one that I especially like. He did this for about a second, and then took it off.
He handed me the diaper and said, "Now it's your turn."
I took the diaper and noticed how smooth it was, and the sound of the plastic. As I put the diaper over my pants, I began to get an erection. I pulled the diaper up really high like he did, making that distinct noise I can't describe very well. I noticed that when I pulled this up, it made it feel very good. I put the diaper back on the bed, where I noticed Sam had a hard-on, too. I didn't say anything, but I think we both knew that the both of us had really enjoyed the diaper. After that small diaper idea, we went back to finding the Lego piece, played some Super Nintendo, played outside, and watched some TV. Before we went to bed, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Sam came in, too, saying he had to go to the bathroom. This wasn’t too weird for us, because I wasn’t looking at him use it. As I searched for my toothbrush, Sam, with his pants still down, walked over to me. “Hey, wanna know what my cousin and I do secretly?” He asked me.
“What?” I asked him back.
“Take off your pants and I’ll show you.” He said to me.
I slowly took off my pants, a little embarrassed at what I was doing.
“OK, now take your dick and hold it out like this.” I saw him holding his penis up and out, and he started moving it to left and right. I copied as best as I could what he was doing.
“K, get closer and make it so your dick hits the top part of mine.”
He and I moved our penises a little closer, and our penises started to softly hit each others’ left to right.
“Why do you and your cousin secretly do this? Does it supposed to be like sex or something?” I asked him.
“Yeah.” He said back to me.
We heard the door handle start to turn, and we stopped immediately and pulled our pants up.
Sam’s dad was at the door when he said, “What are you both doing in there? It’s time for bed now.”
“Uhh…we’re brushing our teeth.” I said. He believed us, and told us that once we were done we had to get right to bed. We brushed our teeth, and did just what he asked: went right to bed.
The next thing I knew it was morning, about 10:30. I went into the bathroom and changed into some new clothes. Sam and I then went down and ate breakfast and watched TV. As we were watching TV, Sam's mom came to us and said,
"OK, I'm going to be working upstairs in my office, so if you need me just go up there and get me."
Once his mom was up and we heard the door close and we knew we were alone, Sam said to me,
"Hey, last night when you put on the diaper, did you notice that it felt real good?"
"Yeah," I said, "It felt real good to me, too."
Knowing what he was going to say next, Sam whispered, "Wanna go get that Baby-Born diaper and do it again?"
I whispered back to him, "Do you have any diapers for me? I don't want to share a diaper, really."
He whispered back to me, "Yeah, my Mom has some Size 5 Huggies still from when I was a kid. I'm going to go get that diaper upstairs, and you wait here."
I was getting very excited by this moment. I couldn't wait to put that diaper back on again and hear it's crinkly sound. I wondered to myself if a real baby diaper, like those Huggies, would feel any better. Sam returned about five minutes later with his diaper.
"OK," He said, "Let's go get you some Huggies."
I followed him over to a door near the basement door. He opened it up, and it contained a vacuum cleaner and many random boxes scattered around. He got a footstool and stood on it to get up to the high shelf above him. He reached up and pulled out from a Huggies box hidden behind the other useless junk a Size 5 Huggies with Muppet Babies characters on it. I remember that diaper well, and I'll never forget the characters on it for some reason.
"Alright, where should we put this on?" I asked
"We can't do it in my room because my mom will hear and wonder what we're doing." Sam said.
"We could go down to your basement and see if there are any places down there." I inquired.
"Yeah! Good idea. OK, let's go look."
Sam and I walked down into his basement, and we instantly saw the perfect place to hide our diapers and to put them on. On a wall to the front of the basement was a very large plastic pool tipped to its side, making one giant shield. Next to it was a big table stacked with boxes, and on the left side of the pool was a large Ronald McDonald plastic cutout-like figure, another table stacked with chairs, and an old dusty, but surprisingly comfortable, couch. Inside the pool "shield" were boxes to the right of it, stacked very high, almost up to the ceiling. It was literally the perfect spot, where nobody could see us put on our diapers. We also had an "Early Warning Protection System", because we could easily hear the basement door open and stick the diapers in-between some boxes for hiding.
We walked towards the pool and went behind it. I saw Sam taking off his pants, and I asked him what he was doing.
"Those diapers felt really good even with our pants on, right? Well, just think how they'll feel with our pants off."
"Aren't you embarrassed to take your pants off in front of me!?" I said, surprised.
"Not really. I mean, we're both boys, so it's not like we've never...umm...seen 'one' before. We saw ours in the bathroom. Remember? I think it’s OK."(We were way to young to know about what being 'Gay' or straight was, so I figure that it was OK). As Sam took off his pants, I saw his underwear. It was the same color as mine, which was a dark purple color. For some reason I thought it was kind of cool that we had the same kind of underwear. Sam picked up his diaper off the floor and started to slowly unfold it, making that crinkling sound. As he unfolded it, I saw a boner begin to grow from his underwear. He finally took off his underwear, exposing his fully erect dick to me. For some reason, I wasn't too shocked at seeing my friend naked. He took the back of the diaper and stuck it between his legs, and then pulled the front up as high as it could go, the crinkle sound making me want to put my diaper on right away.
"Well, how does it feel, Sam?" I asked.
"Really, really good..." he said, sounding satisfied.
I nervously started to take my pants off, revealing my underwear. My pants dropped to the floor, and I picked up my diaper. I had already gotten a half-boner from watching Sam unfold and put his diaper on. I began to unfold my diaper, making that wonderful crinkling sound that sounded even better than Sam's. This started to give me a really big hard-on, and I could tell Sam was enjoying his diaper very much. I made the unfolding of it very slowly, so I could savor the moment and the sounds. When the diaper was completely unfolded, I looked at it and noticed the Muppet-Babies on the front tab, and the plastic feel of it. I was getting very excited now, so I dropped my underwear and did the same thing Sam did with his diaper: put the back in between my legs, then pull the front as far up as it can go over my dick. I did this, and it felt absolutely wonderful. I noticed the crinkle noise, which was that distinct noise that made it all seem like it felt so much better than it really did. Sam asked me,
"So, how does it feel?"
I whispered almost, "Really good…”
I saw Sam enjoying his diaper very much, because he was playing around with it and squeezing the top of it to make it feel better. I took my diaper out and scrunched it all on my dick, which felt very good to me, too.
"Hey Sam." I said
"Does that crinkle sound make your dick get really hard, too?"
"Yeah. Does it make yours?"
"Yeah. It makes mine really hard for some reason. Are you liking your diaper a lot?"
"Oh yeah. Big time. I like to take it and pull it up as high as it can go."
"I like to do that, too, but I mostly like to take mine and scrunch it up all on my dick."
As we made our diapers crinkle and scrunch them, we heard a door close from upstairs. We knew right away it was his mom, so we hid our diapers in-between some boxes inside the pool, pulled our pants up, and walked upstairs.
“Where were you?” Mrs. Thomas asked.
Sam replied, “We were in the basement playing.”
Mrs. Thomas said, “Why would you want to go down there? There’s nothing down there, and it’s dusty and full of boxes.”
“It’s fun!” Sam said enthusiastically.
Mrs. Thomas had told me that my mom called and wanted me home. It was about 12:00, and I was definitely ready for lunch.
“See ya later!” I told Sam.
“K, see ya!” He said.
As I walked home, I thought about what we did in the basement, and if we were ever going to do that again. Actually, I hoped we were going to do that again.
“How come my dick gets all hard whenever I think about diapers or even see them? Why does the plastic on the diapers make me feel strange, especially when they make that crinkly noise?” I thought to myself. About half way to my house, I remembered something: I was going to have a little sister very, very soon! That meant that my mom was going to be buying diapers! The thought that I was going to have a little sister within a week and that we were going to have diapers brightened my day.
Two days later I went on over to Sam’s house again. It was cloudy out, and it looked like it was going to rain soon. I saw Sam outside playing on his small jungle gym in his backyard.
“What’s up?” He asked me.
“Nothin’ really,” I replied.
“Hey, wanna go do something before it starts to rain and we have to go inside?”
“Sure!” I said.
Sam’s neighbors had two massive trees in their yard, and when there’s a giant tree, every little kid is going to want to climb it. We approached the trees and climbed as high as we could go. Before we could get to the very top, Sam’s mom came out and yelled at us to get down because they weren’t our trees. We climbed down and looked for something else to do. Sam’s other next-door neighbors weren’t home, and they had a giant fence that was fun to climb on the sides of. We pretended we were on a giant mountain, and the bushes below us were jagged rocks. I watched Sam climb around it, go about half way down the fence, then jump onto the other side. I did the same thing and followed him back to do it again. Unfortunately, before we could get to the fence, it started to rain. We quickly ran towards his big sliding basement doors and went inside.
Once we were in, Sam asked me, “Wanna do the diaper thing?”
I thought he would never ask. I very happily said, “Yeah!”
We walked towards the pool, and I saw some more boxes piled up on a table near it.
“Hey, let’s climb those before we do the diaper thing. It’ll be kind of cool.” I suggested.
We went on top of the boxes and pretended we were in a giant lookout tower. About five minutes later, Sam and I noticed the Bikini Editions of Sports Illustrated. We were instantly curious at the extremely hot women on the covers, so we opened it up and looked at it. Sam and I really focused on the women’s boobs, and we pointed them out all the time.
“Rob, look at these!” He said to me excitedly.
“Yeah, those are huge!” I told him.
20 minutes later, Sam started getting a little impatient because we had read that magazine a few times already. “Can we do the diaper thing now?” He asked me.
“Yeah,” I said. “I really wanna do it after seeing those babes.”
As we climbed behind the pool, Sam asked me a very strange question at the time.
“What do you think sex feels like?” He asked me.
“I don’t know at all. What do you think it feels like?” I asked him back.
“Well, I saw from a movie once that the guy and the girl hug and kiss a lot when they’re doing it, and they sound like it feels good.” He told me.
“Well, then it probably does.” I said to him.
We moved the boxes away to retrieve our diapers. The moment I saw and heard the diapers, I started to get a hard-on. I noticed that, but I also noticed that I enjoyed it. I dropped my pants and underwear and got my diaper. I put it between my legs, and pulled it up as high as it could go.
“Wanna know what’s weird? These diapers are supposed to be used so babies can pee and poop in them, but we’re using them because they feel good.” I told Sam.
“Yeah, that is kind of weird, but even though it’s made for babies, I like the designs they put on the front tape thing, because it makes me know what these diapers are really for, and I love how I’m using them to feel good, not for pooping and peeing.” He said to me.
“Hey Sam, do you think we can actually put these diapers on?” I asked him.
“I dunno, let’s try it.” He said.
We walked over to the couch and Sam laid down on it. I took his diaper and slid it under his butt, then pulled it around and placed it over his crotch. I tried to reach for the tabs to tape the diaper on, but the diaper was too small for them to go all the way around.
“I can’t do it, Sam, your butt’s too big. You try it to me now.” I told him.
I laid down on the couch and he slid my diaper under my butt. He pulled the diaper over the front of my crotch and tried to tape it.
“I can’t do it either. Your butt’s too big, too.” He told me.
“Oh well,” I said. “We can still put them on our dicks and stuff.”
We walked back over to the pool and started scrunching our diapers on our dicks and putting on the diapers in ways so it felt good. As I was scrunching the diaper, I suddenly saw Sam walk over to me and his diaper fall down and hang in-between his legs. He grabbed me, almost like a hug, and started sort of squirming around making “muah muah” noises (no he wasn’t kissing me, that would be really, really nasty. He was just imitating the sound I think). His dick was pressed up against my body and my diapered dick was pressed up against his.
“What are you doing?” I asked him, very, very puzzled at the situation.
“It’s like sex, right?” He said.
“No, you need a girl for that.” I told him.
“I know, but I’m trying to do things to see if I can make it feel like it.”
Sam and I once again resumed the diaper thing, when he had to go to the bathroom.
“So? Do it in your diaper. That’s what it’s for.” I told him.
He responded, “Well, what if it leaks? The one I have isn’t exactly a real diaper.”
“Don’t worry, I think it can hold a lot because of the plastic on the front. Nothing can get through plastic.” I said to him.
“Well….OK. I’ll do it.” He told me.
“Come to think of it, I need to pee, too. Maybe I’ll use a diaper.”
I watched as Sam took his diaper and put it as best as he could over his dick. Since he and I had a boner, it was sort of hard to get the diaper in a way so it wouldn’t leak. He scrunched it up over his penis like I would when we would be doing the diaper thing.
I saw him standing there holding the diaper on his privates for a little bit.
“Are you doing it?” I asked him.
“Yeah, I am. It’s holding, too.” He said to me.
I stared at the diaper as it filled up with pee. He must have had to go very badly, because I could hear the plastic start to crinkle as the diaper expanded.
“It feels really good because it’s all warm. It’s making my dick even harder.”
He finished up going to the bathroom, and he folded the diaper back up as best he could.
“Wow, it can really hold a lot, even for a Baby-Born diaper!” I said, very surprised.
I didn’t want to use up my diaper, so I asked him if I could use his. He agreed and gave it to me. When he gave me the diaper, I noticed how the outside of it was warm, almost a nice warm feeling in my hand. It was strange, because it felt as if my hand was wet when it really wasn’t. I opened up the diaper and put my penis inside, then scrunched it up so it wouldn’t leak. I felt how warm the pee was already in it, and it did make my penis a lot harder, too. The smell of the pee seemed very different than it would normally smell if you would pee in the woods. This smell was almost a nice smell, rather than a gross smell, and it really seemed nice with the warmness on the outside of the diaper. I began to pee in the diaper, and the diaper crinkled even more as it expanded to its full capacity. It felt even warmer now, which made it feel really good. I could see Sam watching me intently as I peed in the diaper. Suddenly, it began to leak a little from the sides, and I was too far into peeing to stop! As I let more pee into the diaper, it started leaking even more. It leaked all over the floor, and when I was finally done, it was all over the place. I got very scared, knowing that Sam’s mom would probably find out!
“Uhhh…I really gotta go, Sam!” I hastily told him.
“Wait! Are you sure you can’t stay?” He told me back.
“Nope. I’ve really, REALLY gotta go.”
I hurried out the door and started running to my house as fast as I could, getting soaked in the rain. I was so scared, that I remember pooping a little in my pants, which was really embarrassing.
Two days went by since the incident, and I walked on over to Sam’s house to see if he wanted to play. When I got into his house, I found Sam eating lunch.
“Mom, we’re gonna go down to the basement and play.” Sam said to his mom.
”Why do you even play down there? What’s so interesting about it??” Said Sam’s mom to us.
“Cause it’s fun!” We both replied.
We walked down into the basement and stopped at the bottom of the steps for a moment.
“Let’s do the diaper thing.” I told him. He didn’t say anything, but he smiled and walked towards the pool. As we went towards the pool, I could feel myself getting an erection already, and I could see Sam was, too. When I saw behind the pool, I was surprised to see what I had found.
“Hey, how come all my pee is gone? Did your mom clean it up?” I asked Sam.
“No, it just went away on its own.” He said to me.
I let out a sigh of relief. “Good!” I said.
We pulled our diapers out of the cardboard box, and I noticed Sam had gotten a new diaper. He decided to get a Huggies, too, but for some reason he had out his soaked Baby-Born diaper, too.
We pulled down our pants and began doing the diaper thing again. I saw Sam stretch the front of the diaper over his crotch, put on his underwear, and then put on his pants. I did the same with my diaper, too. We started walking around in the basement, happy that we could put on the diapers somewhat.
“Dare me to go outside with my diaper on?” He said to me.
“Are you crazy? Your mom is out on the deck! She’d kill us if she saw you!” I exclaimed to him.
Before I could stop him, I heard the “crinkle crinkle crinkle” of the diaper as he moved about to the sliding glass door.
“Sam!” I said.
He opened the door and walked outside.
“Hi, mom!” He said, and waved.
“Hello, Sam.” His mom said back to him.
He walked back inside and closed the door.
“See, she didn’t see it at all.” He told me.
“Well…OK. Let’s go back to doing the diaper thing.” I told him.
We walked back over to the pool and pulled down our pants again. I saw Sam pulling his diaper up, when he walked over to me and started doing the “muah muah” thing again.
“Stop, Sam, that makes me wanna pee.” I told him.
He stopped, and we sat there holding our diapers. Sam looked over to me and said, “Wanna suck each others’ dicks?”
“No!” I said to him. “We could get germs that way!”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He said.
To this day, I still wonder why he asked that question. I am guessing because he was experimenting with things that you could do to make it feel good.
Every time I would go over to Sam’s house, we would do the diaper thing, and each time would do that, I grew more and more fond of diapers, and I think he did, too.
About two weeks passed since Sam asked me that question when I had a baby sister. I was very happy to be getting a sister, and I was very happy at the fact that we would be getting diapers.
About a year or so went by, and my mom had accidentally bought Size 6 Pampers Baby-Dry. One day, I asked her where she kept the diapers. She showed me, and they were kept in a drawer that I had never checked. That same night, I snuck down when my parents were asleep and took a diaper up to my room and locked the door. The diaper was quite large, and I tried to put it on. I unfolded it, listening to every crinkle it made, and loving the smell of the aloe Vera that was put inside the diaper. I took the back of the diaper and put it on my butt, holding it with my right hand. With my left hand, I pulled the front of the diaper up as far as it could go over my penis to cover it up. I grabbed one of the tabs and struggled to get it all the way around. I carefully placed the tab over the little Baby Loony Toons strip on the front.
“Yes!” I thought to myself. “I think I can actually put this diaper on!”
I grabbed the other tab and placed it as carefully as I could over the Loony Toons strip. “Pop!” The other tab had fallen off.
“Dang!” I thought to myself.
I took the tab again and placed it very slowly on again, and this time they both stayed. The diaper was tight, which made a pressure that felt good to me. I was extremely happy that I could finally get the diaper on, and started dancing around for about three seconds humming the Rug Rats theme song. I hopped into bed, and thought to myself, “Why doesn’t everybody wear these? Then we would never have to get up and go to the bathroom. It’s great!” I began to drift asleep, and had the best night sleeping I’ve ever had.
Part 2 of this story contains vivid and graphic descriptions of masturbation, and me wearing diapers or using them for such things. If you feel you do not want to read about me wearing diapers or masturbation, then please stop reading. My ages from this point on are 12-14.
Four months later I found out that another company bought my dad’s company, so we had to move to Missouri to go to another job. When I moved there, I had a next-door neighbor with kids. They had a kid that was about 2 years younger than me, named Tony, an older kid 1 ½ years older than me, and a two year old sister, who was still in diapers. I met Tony and his brother, and we became best friends over the years. One day when I was playing with Tony and his brother, and for some random reason, we got into the conversation of really good masturbation (I was about 12 at the time, and I discovered it when I was 11 because I heard about it from a friend. Tony was really advanced in knowledge about sexual things from his brother, so he had done it, too). I told Tony that diapers felt really good, so he got two diapers from his sister’s bedroom. He was real scrawny, so the diapers would obviously fit him.
“You want one?” He told me.
“No, not really.” I said to him. In reality, I really wanted one, but I was embarrassed to put it on in front of him and his brother.
Tony laid down on the floor and his brother put the diaper on him. I thought it was kind of weird that his brother saw him naked, because I would never let my brother see me naked or diaper me or anything. That’s just weird.
When Tony was diapered, he got up and walked around.
“It feels sooooo goooood!” He said to me. “I feel like a baby!” He started crawling around on the floor making baby noises, with the crinkle of the diaper sounding especially loud.
“I’m peeing in my diaper now.” He stood up and didn’t move an inch. Just like when Sam peed in his diaper, I could hear the plastic crinkle as the diaper expanded more than it was made for, but it still held.
”It feels like, ten times better now that I peed in it.” He said to me. He crawled around outside his door, making baby noises again, and laughing.
“Hey mom! Look at me!” He yelled down.
His mom walked half way up the stairs and saw him.
“Tony, you get that diaper off right now!” His mom yelled at him.
He took the soaked diaper off and threw it away. We then went downstairs in the basement and started playing with the numerous game systems he had. That night I slept over at his house, and when everyone was asleep, I went searching in the toy area of his basement because I saw his sister had a Baby-Born. I looked in one of the boxes, and sitting right on the top was a brand new, folded up Baby-Born diaper. I was extremely happy, and I took it and hid it inside my pillowcase, where the next day I snuck it home.
That next day, I kept asking my mom when she was going to be leaving.
“I’m actually going to be leaving now. Why do you want to be home alone so much?” She asked me with a strange look on her face.
“I dunno. It’s fun to be home alone, I guess.” I lied to my mom.
Once my mom finally left, I went into my room, locked my door, closed all my blinds, and got the diaper out I hid in-between my mattress. I looked at the diaper and smelled it, which smelled wonderful. It also had that same crinkly noise as I remembered it. I put the diaper in front of me and started to take off my pants. At this point, I had a massive hard-on, and couldn’t wait to get in that diaper. Without unfolding it first, I started to rub the outside of the diaper around my penis, because I was so amazed I found one and hadn’t worn one for years. I was breathing slightly heavily by now, and I began to unfold the diaper. I took it and scrunched it up over my dick, but for some reason, it didn’t feel as good as I remembered it to be. I tried pulling it up over my dick, which felt semi-good, but not as good as I remembered it. I couldn’t figure out why, so I decided to have some fun with the diaper. I tried putting it on, but even though I knew it was too small, I just wanted to hear that indescribable noise it makes when it gets stretched. My dick was as hard as it could ever be, and I still wanted to do things with the diaper. I scrunched it up, tried putting it on many times, listened to its crinkle, and even folded it back up without putting the sides in and biting on the back of it, which made another crinkle noise that sounded great. I did the biting thing because when I was about two years old, I would do that to diapers for some reason, probably because I just liked to chew on things. I sat there, looking at the diaper, almost not knowing what to do. I then laid down on my bed, and placed the diaper over my dick. I moved the diaper up and down, which felt unbelievably good. As the diaper moved up and down on my dick, I breathed a little faster. It started feeling better and better. Each time the diaper moved up and down, it crinkled, which made the pleasure I was receiving feel much better. As I worked the diaper up and down, I began to moan. Suddenly the pleasure was overwhelming, and I moaned even louder. My penis got extremely hard, and without believing how good it felt, I had my first orgasm inside of a diaper. I kept moving it up and down, which made me twitch sometimes. I sat there, breathing heavily and holding my diaper very tightly. I pulled the diaper off my dick and looked inside it, where there was a blob of semen sitting inside. I suddenly lost my desire to wear the diaper, and thought to myself, “What am I doing?” I put the diaper back in-between my mattress, walked downstairs, sat on the couch, and watched some TV.
Two years had passed without any other diaper experience for me. We had to move again, this time to North Carolina, which is where I live today. Some uneventful months had passed, and school was going absolutely great. I had a lot of friends, a girl I really liked and wanted to ask out (and I did go out with her in 8th grade), and life was just wonderful. Then one day, I received very tragic news: my grandpa was diagnosed with a terminal cancer, and my grandma became extremely ill. I had a terrible fear of flying, but I still wanted to see my grandpa. I was torn on what to do. I had to see him one last time, one way or another.
The day after I heard the news, we went straight to the airport and got a ticket to Missouri. I was so scared when I was walking on the plane that I was shaking and crying. I had taken almost 6 pills, which would make me drowsy, and somehow my fear overcame them. I walked onto the plane and found my seat, staring up at the overhead bin. I have a fear of the oxygen masks coming down, but I do not know why. They just scare the crap out of me, because they just come down at any given time. However, right now I am in pilot training, and I know the exact reason why they would come down and when they wouldn’t, and what the pilot could do to prevent them from coming down in case of a slow cabin decompression. I quickly covered myself up with blankets and pillows so I couldn’t see or hear anything, and as soon as we reached cruising altitude, I put on my headphones and listened to my best Rage against the Machine about 3 times. I have to say, it was the longest, most fearful two hours of my life. It was a completely uneventful flight, without any turbulence.
Once we were out of the airport, we picked up a rental car at Dollar Rent-a-Car. I can see why they have such a cheap name, because their customer service sucked. We drove in the direction of the hospital where my grandma and grandpa were. They were able to be in the same room together, so I could see them both at the same time.
When we arrived at the hospital, I looked and saw my grandpa hooked up to all those instruments and tubes. I cried hysterically, knowing that my grandpa was going to die and I couldn’t do anything about it. He held my hand and told me it was all going to be OK. I ran out of the room and into the hall, where I cried so badly for my grandpa that I threw up all over the hospital floor. It was the saddest thing I had ever seen…seeing my grandpa deteriorating before my eyes, knowing that he would only have a few days where he would be in “our world” and could speak to me, instead of in “his own world”, where he would narrating his life without actually knowing he was, and traveling back through time in his mind writing a research paper he probably did in high school. I will always remember what my grandpa told me….”Robert, there will always be a place for you inside my heart.”
Four days had passed since I had seen my grandpa, and my mom would visit him every day. Over those four days, I was beginning to accept the fact that he was going to be departing into Heaven soon, and I felt a little less sad. I tried to keep my mind off it. One day when my mom left, I remembered that when I was 3 years old I hid two diapers in that back closet in my room! I quickly ran over to my room, locked the door, and felt around in the closet in the exact place where I put them.
“Damn!” I thought to myself. “They’re not there. But grandma and grandpa keep everything. I’m sure they still have some diapers somewhere!”
I went down into their basement and walked to the back, where they kept almost all the things they have gotten over the years. It was one large storage cabinet that is about 6 feet high, and extends almost to the length of the basement, which was pretty wide. I looked in each one of the cabinets, only to find nothing. I then looked in a small closet next to it, but alas, there were no Pampers. I then decided to look on top of the cabinet. I walked along the length of it, when I spotted a box.
“Oh my God!!” I thought to myself with much excitement.
I pulled the box down, and there they were: Size 5 Ultra Pampers for Boys, the same diapers I tried to put on when I was four years old.
“I can’t believe it! I just can’t believe it!! They’re the plastic diapers I’ve been wanting for all these years, and now I have them right in front of me in a huge box!” I thought to myself.
The box held 48 diapers, but about 24 of them were still left. It was still hard to believe those were the diapers I wore 13 years ago when I would be over here at my grandparents’ house. I gently pulled one out and smelled it. It still had the new diaper smell. I then bit the back of the diaper, noting the crinkly noise. I opened it up and saw how large it was, but still wasn’t large enough to fit me. I put that diaper back in the box and pulled three out and hid them under my shirt. I hurried back up to my room and locked the door.
“YES!!” I said out loud.
I put the diapers on my bed, and started to take my pants off. My penis was extremely hard now, and if I didn’t get into those diapers right away, I was going to go crazy! I unfolded one of them slowly, listening for every single crinkle it made. I was extremely turned on now, and every single crinkle and smell turned me on more. I tried to put the diaper on, but to no avail. Instead, I just pulled it up like I used to for old-times sake, and looked at the front of the diaper. It had little bears on it, holding balloons. It was extremely comfortable on me, and I absolutely loved it. I rubbed the front of it a little, and saw its bulginess. I then pulled the diaper off, folded it, and put it back on the bed. I then took another diaper, unfolded it all the way, and walked into the bathroom.
I turned the faucet on and waited for it to get pee-warm. I then put the diaper under the stream of warm water and watched it fill up. They could fill up a lot, all because of the plastic cover holding the excess water in, unlike those “cloth-like” diapers which can’t hold anything at all. Plus, they don’t make a crinkly noise very well, except for Luvs, because they use the same material, only made cloth-like. It crinkled at it filled up all the way, and I love mentioning this, because it really gives a good description of how full the diaper was getting. As soon as it reached its maximum capacity, it felt pretty heavy, and all parts of it were stretched out. I walked back into the room and laid down on my bed with the piss-warm diaper in my hand. The outside felt wet, but it really wasn’t. It’s something that plastic diapers do for some reason, and I like it. I opened the diaper up and placed my penis inside. It felt wonderful. I squeezed the diaper and played around with it, looking at the picture of the bears on the tape. I was really turned on by now, with my heart racing.
I took the soaked diaper off and placed it on the floor. It made a very loud plop/crinkle as it hit the ground because it was so heavy. I grabbed the last diaper I had and, very slowly, started to unfold it. Once it was completely unfolded, I placed it over my penis. I placed my left hand on the diaper next to me involuntarily. With my right hand, I started slowly moving the diaper up and down. The pleasure was amazing, and I started to breathe a little faster. I wanted even more pleasure, so I moved it slightly faster. The diaper moved up and down, crinkling each time it got to the bottom. It started feeling better and better, so I moved the diaper even faster. The pleasure was just unbelievable, and I had to get more. I moved it faster, and kept it at that speed, and my hips made small thrusting motions. Suddenly it started to feel even better, just when I thought it couldn’t. My penis became extremely stiff. I squeezed the diaper next to me as my penis started throbbing involuntarily; with each throb sperm came out. My left hand squeezed the diaper next to me even more as I came into the diaper being manipulated by my right hand. I came so much in the diaper that a small, warm wet spot formed on the front of the plastic. It was possibly the best orgasm I had ever had.
When I was done, I took the diapers and scrunched them up into as little of a ball as I could and threw them in the trashcan outside. I then went downstairs and took out three more diapers, which I put into my backpack. But, because of the security nowadays, I took them out and placed them back in the box the night before I had to go because I was worried that if the airport security decided to randomly check my bag, my mom and dad would see the diapers. I really regret doing that, because they didn’t bother checking my bag, and my grandparents’ house was sold. I wonder what the auctioneers thought when they saw a bunch of “used” rolled up diapers thrown up above the giant cabinet, and a box of diapers hidden in a spot behind the furnace?
This is basically the end of my story on how I got my diaper fetish over the years/became a diaper lover, and how it evolved as I had more contact with diapers. Today I still live in North Carolina, and I secretly do have diapers hidden in my room. I bought some size 5 Luvs, hidden inside a box with clothes in it, which I cleverly labeled as “charity” inside of my closet in case my parents opened it and saw the bag full of diapers. I would then be able to tell them that they’re for charity, and they would believe me 100%. I “use” the diapers a lot, especially at night. Sam, if you ever read this, then I want you to know that I still like diapers and I hope that you do, too, because I want to do the diaper thing again. If you do, please, please, please send me an E-mail telling me all about your diaper stories you’ve had over the years. If you don’t, well, that’s OK. Just remember how much fun we had putting them on when we were younger, though.
So, Sam if you read this story, or anyone who wants to tell me if they enjoyed my story, want to hear more stories from me, or if you love diapers too, then send me an E-mail at this address:
ZellDincht100@Yahoo.com I’m using a different E-mail for these so I don’t get floods of mail on my other E-mail address.
So, it's been a long time since I've even read this story or even updated it. I've made some very minor changes to the main story.
You're probably wondering what's happened over the past year or so. I've decided I'll update you all :-D
I never did get that E-mail from Sam. I'm probably not going to get one. I guess I'll never know whether he likes diapers or not, or if he even remembers the whole thing. Oh well. I'll just keep checking every once in a while.
So, lots of things have happened. My parents did actually find out about my secret diapers. It really pisses me off because now I don't know what they think of me. Basically, here's how it happened...
I had just gotten home from school and went up to my room. I was going through a rough time in school because of certain people and dropping grades due to disorganization. My parents wanted to help out, so they decided to help purge useless stuff around the working areas and other places where I usually study or do homework.
Unfortunately, one of
those was my room.
I had walked into my room to go change clothes. To my surprise, I found the WHOLE thing entirely cleaned; everything from the floor to my drawers and stereo. I stared in disbelief at my squeaky-clean room.
All I could think of is "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! What if they found the diapers?!"
My heart was racing a mile a minute. I nervously walked over to my closet doors and slowly started opening them. I peeked through the small crack, but couldn't see anything. I started opening it more. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. As the door opened, I noticed the big pile of clothes was gone, and all that was in there was a box labeled "Charity."
"OH GOD!!" I thought in panic. "OK. Calm down. Maybe they say the clothes on top that were covering the diapers and just left it at that"
I nervously opened the cover to find, to my horror, the clothes removed and all the loose diapers stacked up neatly. After seeing this, I felt sick to my stomach. My parents had discovered my deepest, darkest, secret that I dreaded they would find out. The only people I had wanted to know about this fetish are other anonymous diaper fetishists that share the same interest, and my future wife, who I'd eventually tell. At this time, I felt angry and nervous for two reasons:
I closed my closet and started screaming angrily down at my mom.
My mom apologized and started getting a little suspicious on why I kept telling her about this. Finally, when I asked her for a 5th time, she asked me if it was about the diapers. My face turned red and I told her they were leftover from an 8th grade baby drive. She obviously didn't buy it, and told me there was a perfectly good reason for why I've been using them. I still told her I knew nothing about it. She then said she saw my eBay emails asking about different types of baby diapers and if they were plastic. I kept saying I didn't know about it, and she finally said that she wouldn't ask about it anymore.
And to this day, she hasn't said a word about it. I've tried my best to ignore diaper commercials or newspaper ads and the like while my parents are around. I also moved the diapers to the attic to maje it seem like they really aren't mine. I think they might think I don't like them, but I don't know. They may have seen this story, and I truly hope to God they haven't. I don't think they have, but I don't know,
Well, other than that, there isn't much to tell. I'm a Sophomore now and I'm in the NHS. I've basically had an A or A+ on every English essay/paper his year, and I'm rockin' through geometry and earth science. There's a girl that I really like there, but I won't say her name because I don't want her to somehow find this story and be disgusted. Trust me, you can find ANYTHING related to you with Google if you just type your name.
I've also figured out how crazy amazing AC/DC, Guns N' Roses, and Gorrillaz. Gorillaz just has plain good music. Great band, even though they're technically cartoons. You all should listen to some of their songs sometime. I've also found how Reggae is awesome, too. Especially Bob Marley. By the way, I play World of Warcraft. Been playing it since Beta 3 a year ago. You won't know who I am or what server I'm on, though ;)
I'm still trying to figure out how I can buy some size 5 or 6 plastic Luvs online without my parents finding out about it. I REALLY want some, so if anyone can give me ideas, that'd be really awesome. Just FYI, I live less than a mile from a UPS store. Can I somehow pick it up directly from there?
I haven't bought any new diapers for a while, but I need to now. I've used them all. I'm saving about 5 or 6 that I've used for...well, you know :).
I've checked Luvs.com to see if the diapers changed, Unfortunately, they did. It annoyed me enough that they went from Barney to Blue, but now they have this blue-quilted bullcrap. It doesn't even look like a diaper anymore. And apparently Huggies just switched to Lion King designs, which is stupid. None of these are even remotely babyish. I like the Luvs better because the smell of the diapers in a new package turns me on, but now the diapers suck. Only Luvs has that scent. All I want is a white diaper with a babyish front waist tape thing, like Barney, Mickey, or Muppet Babies. No other designs on the diaper, just those. Having them be plastic is just wishful thinking. Help me out by complaining to Huggies and Luvs to go back to what they used to be. I might have to settle for Drypers or something.
So, over the past year, I've had plenty of REALLY good diaper experiences. I've also found out that stuffing the diaper down your boxers, putting the back between your legs, and pulling the front up tight and sleeping in it that way feels really good. If anybody wants to hear one of these experiences (yes, most are sexual ones, so be warned), I'll be happy to type it up.
Mail me at:
I am checking it more often.
Yes, my grandpa did die while I was in Missouri, and I did go to his funeral. I was absolutely torn to pieces when I heard about him dying, and I couldn’t stop crying at his funeral. We were that close. But now, I know he is in Heaven, and is probably yelling at me for writing this story. I loved him very much, and I still do. I pray for him every single night, and I can’t wait to see him in Heaven one day
~The End~