
The Wolf Within, Matt


My name is Matt, and I am currently 17 years of age, born of the twenty fourth day of the second month of 1990, and this is my story, the beginning of my love for diapers.


            Like any ordinary boy I was toilet trained at about 3 or 4 years of age, but somewhere in my fourth year of my life, something happened that would change me forever. I was diagnosed with a severe case of constipation. between the ages of 4 and 9 I was constantly given suppositories for my bowels and kept in diapers. I took an oral suppository that was mixed with my morning orange juice. I was also given a small white capsule which was taken through my anus. On top of all of that I was also given a fleet enema every other day. I was usually rewarded with good behavior for taking my suppositories without argument.


            When I was about seven years of age I had just received an enema and was taken to the toy store to pick out a toy. Turns out my diaper wasn’t fastened tight enough and I ended up leaking through the store as my father carried me to the men’s room. Over the years, I was surprisingly not ridiculed for having to wear diapers. When I was nine years of age my parents were finally able to find a doctor who is qualified and willing to operate on me, a one Doctor Perdome, local to the children’s medical hospital in Columbus, Ohio. I was kept there for a week and a half due to preparations for my surgery. After the first six days they started to take me to the facility to be operated at but realized the IV was not in properly. They removed it and replaced it, and I was forced to spend another few days for re-preparation. After the next three days I was taken to the facility of operation. They gave me a bit of knockout gas and I was under for two hours. When I had awoken it seemed as if only two minutes had passed, and they brought my parents in. They had showed us what they had to take out of my bowels and it was a large orb about four or five inches in diameter, clogging my bowels.


            Due to the fact of my constant messing of one's self, I had adopted a love for wearing diapers. I continued to wear diapers, but they were only able to be a makeshift of sorts, and had been kept secret for about a full year before my parent caught me. The first few months they figured it was a short stage and I would soon grow out of it, how wrong they were. I constantly found ways to make makeshift diapers and wear them around. I had even gotten desperate enough to even steal adult diapers from the packages at my fathers store, a rite aid. soon enough at about fourteen years of age, they had caught me several times before but at about 14years, they had attempted to force me to wear a makeshift diaper I made from a pillow and some bed sheets. I somewhat refused because I had no sort of protection from leaking.


            Over the years I had been caught and grounded several times until I ran into a mental block and threatened to end my own life by hanging myself. This threat gave me a one-way ticket to a youth mental institute. I spent a week in the facility, max time for a single admittance, though I could be readmitted. During the week my parents finally figured that there was no way to change my love for diapers so they now just ignore it and I finally have privacy from my parents not searching through my room every other day.


            Added to my love for diapers I had also found out many things about myself over the past years or so, I have a fetish for messing myself in my diapers, as well as a slight bondage fetish, one to where I cannot use my hands, talk, or walk on my own. I had also found out that my friends have no real problems of my "fetishes", as long as I don’t try to involve them. I had also found out that I am a bisexual, having crushes on both men and women, good looking men like Johnny Depp, lol ^^.


            I am constantly wearing diapers, mostly during the night, respecting my parents because I know they don’t like it. I had also been accidentally wetting the bed on the occasion, and I have been buying my own diapers with my weekly allowances.


            If you have read this story, Which is absolutely 100% true, and have anything you wish to talk to me about, I am always looking for diaper friends, especially around me because I have no one around me I know of, then just simply email me at Diaper.Dragon@yahoo.com.



Hope you liked the story.


The Wolf Within, Matt

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Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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