Name: DEPENDable Email: Ages: 13, 15, 16 Current Age: 16 I was in the hospital in the seventh grade, and I was going to have surgery the next day. The nurse was giving me some stuff to clean out my stomach, and she said I should probably use some protection because I might have an accident in my pants. I don't remember much of the details but I remember ending up in diapers. I don't think I actually used them but if I could go back in time I would. Anyway the only thing I remember of that night is what the stack of the diapers looked like. I think that's what made me want to find some. It was like a year later and I had a craving for diapers, I always looked on diaper sites, and envied the people. So then I decided I would check my physical therapy. There was this big changing table and a couple cabinets under it. So I checked under it, I had struck gold! Most of the diapers were too small but I could kind of fit some goodnights on. I did this for a while when one summer I decided to get my own. In summer my little brother has Little League, and my parents usually go to watch him, so I would have the house to myself. I decided to go out and get some diapers of my own. I walked down to a local Walgreen's and but some depends my size. I hid some in my backpack went home and peed in some. Every now and then when everyone was gone I would do my routine. My routine is: Go get to diapers, some Vaseline, and some gloves. I put one diaper on and act like a baby. I watch some TV and I pretend to have done something bad. I spank myself and go into the bathroom. I take off my diaper, put the glove on and put some Vaseline on my finger and insert it into my anus, and rub the Vaseline all over my butt crack. I'm straight, but I just love the feeling on valuing in my bum. I finish up that, put on a new diaper, crawl around a while, and sit down and take a dump. I love the feeling. The Vaseline really adds to it, it slips around. Anyway I sit around in it for a while like watch TV, and then I dispose of the evidence. I have been doing this for a while, and know one knows about it. -I would like to talk to other people with diaper experience around my age group, and also female if possible but I would also like to talk to guys.