Name: Dennis B.
Ages: 8, 9, 10, 18+
Current Age: 22
It was just a normal day. I had just gotten off work and come home to 
no one being home. After about 45 minutes I decided to start reading my 
favorite stories, diaper stories, and to add to the fun I would wear 
just a diaper and a t-shirt. Everything was going well when my mom 
pulls up in the driveway. I was so nervous that all I could do was just 
put my pants back on and hope I could conceal the fact that I was 
wearing a diaper. When she came in the house she came into the computer 
room and sat down next to me at her computer. We sat there talking and 
all was going well. I thought I was going to be able to escape until it 
happened. I had to pee really bad, and I could get up to go to the 
bathroom because she would have heard the diaper crinkle, so I decided 
to wet my diaper. I was hoping I could do this without her knowing what 
was going on, so without hesitation I started to release the piss into 
my diaper.

It got out of hand and it started flowing real hard. The noise could 
have been heard from the door 25 feet behind me. My mom then looked at 
me and asked, "What was that?" I tried to play it like I didn't know 
but she knew better. She then asked if I was wearing a diaper. I denied 
it but she didn't believe me. She made me stand up and pull my pants 
down, which ultimately exposed my NOW soaked diaper. She asked me why 
was I wearing a diaper, and before I could answer she asked if I wanted 
to be a baby again and wear diapers. I mumbled no, she said, "Well, you 
must want to because only babies wear diapers and only babies use 

It was then that she told me to show her were I was hiding them. I 
started to pull my pants back up and she stopped me, she said I was to 
wear just my diaper and shirt. I stepped out of my pants and proceeded 
to show her where I was hiding my stash. When I showed her the pack and 
she saw that it was not a new pack, that some were missing, she asked 
me, "Where are the others?" Once again, before I could answer she 
asked, "Did you use them, too?" I mumbled, �yes.�

She then told me that I was going to wear diapers until the whole pack 
was gone and was to use them just like to a baby would because that is 
what I was acting like, a baby. She then emptied my underwear drawer 
and put the diapers in there place, and then took my pants away and 
told me that I was to wear only diapers and shirts until I was done 
using the diapers.

So here I am writing this story with just a diaper and a shirt on with 
8-10 diapers left to use.

Part 2

It has happened again. I was caught wearing diapers and now I am being 
punished for it. Here is how it happened:

My mother told me that she was going out with her friends and said if 
she was not home when I got home from work then she was most likely not 
coming home until morning. With that information I decided to make this 
night a fun-filled night. How? By wearing diapers. When I got home she 
was not home so I knew I had the house to myself. I came inside, locked 
the door and went straight to my stash of diapers. I wasted no time 
stripping my work clothes off and my underwear and put the diaper on. I 
then proceeded to put on my sleep clothes. (Shorts and a sleeveless 
shirt) Well after about an hour I had to pee so I just used my diaper 
for what is was for.

After about 15 minutes of sitting in a wet diaper I decided to change. 
I went to my stash again and got a fresh diaper. After changing I 
disposed of the used diaper but this time I decided to go without my 
shorts, so I walked out of the bathroom in just a shirt and diaper. It 
was at this time I decided to brave the risk I had always feared, going 
outside in nothing but a diaper and a shirt. So after a few deep 
breaths a went outside to the trashcan to dispose of the diaper. 
SUCCESS!!! I made outside and back in with out getting seen.

So after making it back inside I went to my room and started playing my 
PS2. I had been playing it about an hour when I heard a heart stopping 
sound, my mother opening the back door. I hurried to put my shorts back 
and got back in my recliner and acted like nothing had happened. She 
come to my door and asked some questions about work and went back to 
the kitchen. I thought I was going to be able to get away with it, but 
like last time I was wrong. As she came around the bed to retrieve the 
bag of chips something caught her eye. Apparently the way I was sitting 
caused my shorts to shift so that though the leg my diaper was exposed 
so much that you couldn't help but see it.

She asked me what I was wearing. Well unaware of my diaper showing, I 
told her my sleep shorts and shirt. She told me that that is not what 
she is talking about, that she wanted to know what I was wearing under 
my shorts. Once again unaware that my diaper was showing I said my 
underwear. She then asked me, �When did diapers become underwear?� 
While she was saying that she reached down and opened the leg of my 
shorts even more fully exposing the fact I was wearing a diaper. She 
then demanded I stand up, which afterwards I was told to take off the 
shorts. Well now the diaper is fully exposed.

Now she wanted to know why I was wearing diapers again. I just shrugged 
my shoulders. She didn't accept that. Next she asked if I was a baby 
and I shook my head NO! She then asked if I wanted to be a baby and 
once again I shook my head NO! She stated, "You must want to be a baby 
because you are wearing a diaper like one." By this time I was so 
nervous I had to pee. I said I have to go to the bathroom to pee and 
she grabbed me by the arm and told me that she was not done talking to 
me, if I had to pee I was to pee in the diaper. Well she continued to 
scold me and I finally just let go and peed in the diaper.

She noticed that I had peed in my diaper and I knew I was not in a good 
spot. She said if I didn't want to be a baby then why was I wearing a 
diaper like baby does and why was I using the diaper like a baby does. 
She just shook her head and said that this time is going to be worse. 
She then wanted to know where the diapers were at, I showed her and she 
told me to lie down on my bed. She proceeded to change my diaper and 
told me to just get back in my chair b/c she had to go somewhere. When 
she returned she had two bags with her, one containing another package 
of the diapers I was wearing and the other containing a pacifier and 3 
bottles. She come in my room and took the pacifier out of the package 
and shoved it in my mouth and told me not to take it out. She goes on 
to inform me that whenever I what something to drink that I am to put 
it in a bottle and drink from it like a baby. When I am done drinking 
the pacifier and to be put back in my mouth.

Then she proceeded to remove all my shorts/pants that I normally sleep 
in and my underwear and replace them with the diapers I had hidden and 
the ones she just bought. She then explains the rules of my punishment. 
1-I am to wear ONLY a diaper and shirt at home and must keep the 
pacifier in my mouth no matter who is there. 2-If I leave the house 
just to get the mail, paper or just stay around the yard I still must 
wear ONLY and diaper and shirt and must keep the pacifier in my mouth 
so everyone passing by sees what a baby I am. 3-I will wear a diaper 
everywhere I go when I go out in public and I am allowed to cover the 
diaper up with my pants. 4- When out in public if I use my diaper I am 
to ask for another diaper and she will give me another one and I am to 
walk to the restroom carrying the diaper in plain sight so everyone 
knows that I am going to change my own diaper and must do so on the 
changing table.

I now have about 25 diapers to go through and don't know if more will 
be bought when they run out. So my diaper night has turned into quite 
possibly a diaper month.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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