Title: Degrading Punishment
Name: Darren
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 28
Whom Story is About: Myself, my friend
Posting Date: 11/22/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: After reading a lot of these stories I'm not so sure mine is the type you prefer on your site. I do not have a diaper fetish although I can see many people do by reading these stories. I can see some or most are fantasy and many true to life. I noticed some of the boys or men in these stories developed a fetish because of similar treatment I had. When I was 13 years old I was subjected to what you refer to as diaper discipline. To be blunt, it was the worst summer of my life even though in some ways I did deserve it. I grew up in Rhode Island and from the time I was a toddler until I was almost 19 lived with my grandfather. My mother was unwed and I assume the black sheep of the family. She evidently dumped me on my grandfather and joined the Army. I rarely saw her growing up and even today we are not at all close. My grandmother died when I was 5 so it was just the two of us until he got married again when I was about 8 or 9. He was never very strict with me and I pretty much did whatever I wanted. His new wife Marcia, was usually kind to me at first but I knew she really didn't like me being around most of the time.  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 12 (60%)
I think I was around 10 or so when I started getting into trouble. I 
know now it was probably because I had little or no real supervision. 
The older I got the more trouble I got into and had some friends who 
were just like me. We shoplifted mostly at the large stores in 
Providence and would break into cars to steal things. Whenever I was 
caught my grandfather would punish me but I was usually only grounded 
or given chores for a week or two. It didn't stop me and I continued 
stealing and even vandalizing other people�s property. By the time I 
was 12 my friend and I would steal beer and whiskey mostly from their 
parents or my grandfather and I got drunk often on the weekends and 
more so in the summertime. My grandfather�s wife Marcia became furious 
with me and tried to get my grandfather to punish me more severely. He 
never spanked me and was very lenient most of the time.

Marcia was a big woman and about 8 years younger than my grandfather. 
The first time she ever touched me was when I was 12. I was grounded at 
the time but snuck out that day and started arguing with my grandfather 
and her. I was using some bad language to them when she grabbed my hair 
and pulled me over to the kitchen sink and forced soap in my mouth. I 
couldn't believe it and she even smacked my rear end a few times while 
doing it. I tried to get away from her several times but I was always a 
skinny kid and a light weight compared to her. My grandfather just sat 
there and she continued pulling my hair and made me apologize to both 
her and my grandfather. I couldn't believe my grandfather let her do 
that to me, but he actually approved of it and told me so. It wasn't 
like he actually gave her permission to punish me but said I must obey 
her and that I had to respect her. They made me sit at the table as 
they discussed how to punish me. She insisted I be grounded another 
week and began scolding me and telling me what a brat I was as my grand 
father just sat there. She even scolded my grandfather for not 
punishing me enough for the things I did and all the trouble I got 
into. She then ordered me to my room telling me no TV for a week, no 
friends over and no phone calls. I sat shocked looking at my 
grandfather and he just let her dole out the punishment to me without 
saying a word. It was summertime and the next morning both she and my 
grandfather came in my room and took out all my pants and shorts and 
even my bathing suit. She told me if I wanted to sneak out again I 
would have to be in my underwear. For two weeks I never left the house 
and was finally allowed out again when I got my clothes back.

If I was smart I would have changed my ways, but didn't. I continued as 
usual and was punished the same way several times where they took my 
clothes away so I couldn't go out. She began hollering and scolding me 
more even when my grandfather was at work. Her sister Reba was there 
one night and Marcia and my grandfather were telling her all the 
trouble I got into. That�s the first time I ever heard of diaper 
discipline only she called it diaper training punishment. They talked 
about it for a short time and Reba said it was done to her neighbor�s 
boy last year and it was the best way to straighten me out. I remember 
thinking at the time that it was ridiculous and that my grandfather 
would never approve of such a thing. The rest of that year, Marcia 
threatened me with it many times telling me I better behave or else. I 
even laughed a few times figuring my grandfather would never allow that 
to be done to me.

School was done that summer and I had just turned 13. My grades weren't 
very good but I did pass everything and would go to high school in the 
fall. I hadn't gotten into trouble for a month or so mainly because I 
wasn't caught. A week after school let out 2 of my friends and I were 
drinking beer on a Saturday. I did a lot of bad stuff but had never 
stolen a car before. It was a Chevy pick-up and the three of us took 
turns driving it. We were drinking beer and smoking and having a good 
time until Josh hit a tree. Josh ran away but me and Terry got hurt and 
the cops got us. I only got a broken arm but Terry had a concussion and 
broken leg. None of us had seatbelts on and Terry's head hit the 
windshield. Josh was caught the next day but only had a few cuts from 

Needless to say both my grandfather and Marcia were furious with me. 
They brought me home from the hospital and hardly spoke to me only 
talking about how much it would cost my grandfather. I understand now 
that I am older, how disappointed and angry my grandfather must have 
been. I was sent to my room right away when we got home and I did say I 
was sorry but to deaf ears and could tell both of them wanted to kill 
me. The next day they didn't even speak to me at breakfast and again I 
was ordered back to my room. They soon came in and took my clothes away 
just saying I was grounded indefinitely leaving me in my underwear. 
Later that afternoon again without talking to me my grandfather, Marcia 
and her sister Reba came in my room and took out my desk and TV set. 
They replaced it with a picnic table from the backyard. Then they 
walked in again with a stack of diapers telling me to take off my 
underwear and lay down on the table. No way was this going to happen 
and even though my arm was in a cast and sling, I was able to break 
away from Marcia and tried to run out of my room until my grandfather 
grabbed me. The three of them forced me onto the table with my 
grandfather holding me down by my shoulders. I was completely 
hysterical and crying as both Marcia and Reba held down my legs and 
pulled off my underwear. All I had on was my t-shirt and I don't think 
I have ever been more embarrassed in my life. Marcia held my legs up at 
one point and spanked me very hard. I couldn't believe my grandfather 
was letting them do this. Marcia then put two diapers on me and a pair 
of rubber pants, telling me I would be in diapers for the entire 
summer. She had these real large diaper pins and even pinned my t-shirt 
to the diapers. I was probably screaming and remember sobbing so hard 
for so long it made me sick at my stomach.

They made me walk to the kitchen and sit down. All my grandfather said 
the whole time is that I better learn to behave myself. From then on 
Marcia did all the talking except for a few times that Reba said 
different things to me. Marcia is the one to make all the rules. It was 
only late June and she informed me I would be in diapers until I went 
back to school. I was not going to have my TV back and could only watch 
TV in the living room if they allowed me to. At one point during this 
time I had to go to the bathroom and that�s when she informed me that I 
had to go in the diapers from now on. I must have looked pathetic 
because I started crying all over again when told I even had to poop in 
them. I begged them not to do this to me but my pleading and promising 
to behave had no effect. I was informed of daily chores I had which 
consisted of moping floors, doing dishes, washing windows and even 
washing my own diapers when needed. By lunchtime I had already peed in 
my diaper twice and even with rubber pants some ran down my leg. Marcia 
and Reba took me back to my room and made me lay on the picnic table 
again to change me. I begged again to let me put the diapers on myself 
but she just told me that as long as I misbehaved and got into trouble 
I would be treated like a baby. My t-shirt was even wet at the bottom 
and I just laid there not resisting this time. My grandfather just 
stood at the doorway the whole time they changed me. This time she put 
three diapers on me again with the rubber pants but no t-shirt which 
left me all the more embarrassed. I had to poop but held it in as long 
as I could and still think sometimes how uncomfortable it felt when I 

It was after dinner when I finally did poop and was also wet. I knew 
Reba was going home soon and Marcia had only changed me the one time. 
It was embarrassing enough for her do it but even worse when I was 
naked in front of Reba because she was quite a few years younger than 

As luck would have it just before Reba was ready to go home Marcia 
decided to change me. I never told her I pooped and as I walked to my 
room I began crying again knowing Reba was also going to see me this 
way. When Marcia took of my diaper she didn't say a word about it but 
wiped me off a little. I didn't know what she was doing but left the 
room with me lying naked on the table in front of Reba. She was only 
gone for a minute or two and came back in with a wet wash cloth and 
began cleaning me off. She kept telling me to stop crying but I 
couldn't. Then to my horror she made me get up naked and go into the 
bathroom where the tub was filling up. I always took showers and don't 
even remember the last time I was in a tub. Reba just stood there the 
whole time as Marcia gave me a bath and they just talked about everyday 
things but would often scold me. I might not have cried loudly but 
continued to cry the whole time. Reba went home and later that night 
Marcia changed me one more time but made me wear 4 diapers and rubber 
pants at bedtime. It was only the first day of my diaper punishment but 
I actually thought about killing myself.

Each day it became worse, I wore three diapers every day and four at 
bedtime always with the rubber pants. I had to do all my chores like 
that and washed diapers almost everyday. Friends neighbors and 
relatives of Marcia and my grandfather came in and out of the house and 
I would usually try to hide but couldn't if I was doing one of my 
chores. Marcia would mostly change me on the picnic table in my room 
but also changed me on the floor in the living room. She always asked 
if I had a bowel movement before changing me and if I did she always 
changed me in my room. If I only peed she made me go get diapers and 
bring them downstairs so she wouldn't have to go up the steps. My 
grandfather never changed me but was there many times when Marcia did. 
As the summer went on she changed me right in front of other women 
friends and aside from Reba also changed me in front of her other 
sister Doris. I think she did this just to humiliate me knowing I would 
start to cry all the time. The few times I tried to resist her she 
would have my grandfather hold me down or would call Reba to come over 
if my grandfather was at work. If I tried to resist her she would 
always spank me. Thank heaven she never changed me in front of my girl 
cousins but I know a couple of them peeked into room sometimes. They 
did see me in my diapers all the time and I knew they laughed about it 
but very seldom actually teased me about it.

By August I didn't cry as much but still did once in awhile if she 
changed me in front of some other lady. I begged Marcia every day to 
stop diapering and bathing me and pleaded with my grandfather to have 
her stop. Reba was as bad as Marcia sometimes and would come over to 
watch me if my grandfather and Marcia went out. She even watched me a 
few weekends when they went away to the shore. Reba had a couple of 
different friends over at times and purposely let them watch as she 
changed me and one time let her one friend see her give me a bath. I 
was at the age then that I did get erections sometimes even though I 
didn't want to. It was extremely embarrassing when I got hard while 
getting changed or when they bathed me. None of them ever said anything 
about it but I knew they would laugh about it. I heard Marcia and Reba 
talk about me getting an erection once and they both laughed about it. 
I tried not to but sometimes couldn't help it. It mostly happened when 
they would wipe me off before putting clean diapers on me. They never 
touched me with their bare hands but would wash my anus, scrotum and 
penis with a wash rag.

I guess I just gave up after awhile and accepted my fate. The 
humiliation and degradation continued the whole summer. I continued to 
be embarrassed each time Marcia or Reba changed me or gave me a bath. I 
constantly begged them to let me shower but I was told the bath was 
part of my punishment. I hated pooping in my diapers and the 
humiliation was worse and I was exposed naked for a longer time. I 
would listen from another room at times and could hear Marcia or Reba 
talking about me not just the two of them but with other woman friends 
and relatives. The things they said about me sometimes were not only 
humiliating but down right insulting. At times they talked about my 
penis, pubic hair and even my testicles and anus. They even talked 
about what a mess it was to clean me after I pooped. They told people 
all the bad things I had done and how stupid I looked in the diapers 
and rubber pants. They told people how much I cried about it and said 
things like I am not as tough as I thought I was and how I reacted when 
she spanked me. I guess most of it was true but it further degraded me 
and made me feel awful.

When school started it all came to an abrupt end. I got all my clothes 
back and was able to use the toilet again and shower all by myself. The 
bad thing was that during the course of the summer a lot of 
neighborhood kids found out I was diaper punished the whole summer. 
Some of them even saw me in the diapers a few times. I was teased about 
it but if someone asked or talked about it I just denied it. Some of 
the older kids teased me for months. From time to time my grandfather 
and Marcia would threaten me about getting into more trouble. She told 
me she wouldn't hesitate putting me back in diapers and I knew she 
wasn't kidding. I guess it was fear but the only trouble I got into was 
minor things and was never put back in diapers again. Marcia even 
helped me with homework at times and I got good marks all through high 
school and never got into any serious trouble again. When I graduated 
high school my grandfather and Marcia even bought me a car. It was used 
but still the best gift I ever got. I graduated college and now am 
married and live in Boston. Only my wife and a few friends know about 
my diaper experience and both my wife and I agree it was extreme and 
cruel. It certainly worked on me and did straighten me out but I hated 
every minute of that summer. My grandfather died two years ago but I 
still see and keep in touch with Marcia occasionally. We never talk 
about that summer but she still tells me to be a good boy. At least I 
can now laugh about it now when she says that and don't hate her 
anymore. At least I only had it done to me for that one summer and have 
read some stories of boys that had it done to them years. I suppose 
someone could develop a fetish from it but it never did for me. I think 
the humiliation was the worst part of it. Even though I was 13 that 
summer I was treated like a two year old and was in diapers no matter 
who was in the house. Just the way people saw me in the diapers was bad 
enough but it was ten times worse if they saw me naked or being changed 
or bathed. I realize now what a crybaby I must have been that summer 
when I think about how many women saw my privates. I also think it was 
done intentionally by Marcia and Reba just to embarrass me as much as 
possible and purposely change me in front of other women. They rarely 
ever changed me in front of other men or even my uncles or male 
cousins. I only remember one time when Reba changed me in front of her 
husband. I don't know if they ever talked about it or planned it that 
way but they must have. There were a few times my female cousins 
watched from my bedroom doorway when I got changed. Two in particular 
who were 16 or 17 at the time. I think Marcia and Reba knew they were 
there but never chased them away although they never let them come into 
my room. When I was changed on the living room floor by Marcia I think 
the motive was to humiliate me. She always said it was too hard for her 
to go up and down the stairs but most of the times she changed me on 
the living room floor, there was some other women friend, sister or 
neighbor sitting there. I don't know who ever thought of diaper 
discipline but believe whoever did planned on the humiliation it would 
cause the victim of it. It is certainly a deterrent to bad behavior.

Editing level: Low
Editing Notes:
  • Just a few spelling/typo corrections                      

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<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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