Davey email: dbkpape@hotmail.com ages: 10-17 This is a true story as I remember it to be: As a young baby boy in diapers at the age of three, I was potty trained and well on my way to be a normal child. However that did change. At the age of 9 I began to notice that when I was scolded harshly I began to have accidents. This would go onto more severe problems. Then at one point I was bare bottom spanked in a public place. When of course many of my friends were there and witnessed this taking place. Of course I tried to be tough and not cry but I couldn't. After my spanking I pulled up my pants and then mom said, "Who told you to pull up your pants?" Because I was so scared of her I dropped them and my underpants down to my ankles. My buttocks were cherry red and my boy friends still watching, and girls, too. I peed uncontrollably. Again, my mommy saw this and took off my clothes so I stood naked. At that point on came the diapers. At age 10 and being spanked in public and being dressed in a diaper in front of all my schoolmates was very awful and humiliating to say the least. No matter what I did was never good enough. Parents would say, "your older bother is a straight-A student and then you are D-C average. You wear diapers and are no good." But the diapers began as a punishment. When I was spanked I would pee in my pants only because they would not let me go to the bathroom. Then spanked again and put into diapers. Mommy would put something up my bottom and let me go to school without a diaper on "just like the big boys" she would say. She must have called the school nurse and dropped off my cloth diapers and pull-up rubber pants. Because at school now in 5th grade sitting at my desk I filled my pants. The girl next to me said, "you filled your pants!!!" She said it loudly enough that the whole class heard this. And yes I did. "Baby baby Davey, baby baby Davey..." So it went on. I then was escorted to the nurses office and sat down in my pooped pants and it showed. Everybody that came into the office just stared at me. Finally, the nurse came and said, "Davey, let's get you cleaned up and back to class. Your mother was here and said to dress you in these." Yep, my diapers. I've been changed by babysitters two years older than me, by neighbor ladies, etc. Would have to go to the pharmacy and get large diapers to fit as I grew. At school basketball games or in gym class everyone had to were white gym shorts except me. I had my diapers and rubber pants to wear only. Yes I was teased a lot and after awhile people started to understand what was going on. My mother broke something in my tail bone area that makes me wet and poop in my pants. I also had bladder surgery. But that didn't work. At the age of 14 I started to have erections when my diaper was changed. My pubic hairs were cut off for cleaning. The doctors put some ointment on my diapered area and the hair came off. Still, at age 17 I was not house broken and never will be. My bare bottom spankings ended at 16 but permanent damage already done. I'm 50 today and still in diapers and sometimes undergarments is enough. You see, it's not a spanking alone, it's spanking in public at bare bottom and then they also used a ping-pong paddle which did the damage. Sometimes a belt was used, too, and a wooden spoon. There was many bad times as I grew up as a diaper child. I remember a time I didn't have one on and was called up to the chalkboard. When I reached up to do the problem and turn around my pants where wet and I was standing in a puddle of pee. Age 16 and then the teacher at that point gave me a diaper to put on. I wear most disposable one now. Still have erections when I'm changed. But That's all part of it. Davey