Name: Dave
Ages: 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16

The Life of Dave

	My first DL experience was when I was 6 or 7 (hard to remember 
how old I was back then) and was in Idaho visiting family. My cousin 
was 3 or 4 at the time and still in diapers. While everyone was outside 
enjoying the sun I had gone in to use the bathroom and passed my 
cousin's room and saw the diaper changing table. I don't know why but 
it suddenly occurred to me that I wanted to wear on of his diapers, so 
I grabbed one and went to the bathroom and put one on. The next time I 
had to go I used the one I was wearing, but having little common sense 
at the time I attempted to flush the soiled diaper down the toilet. 
(Yeah, yeah, laugh it up). I claimed I didn't do it and claimed it had 
to have been my cousin.
	My second time wasn't for another 6 years. I had just started Jr. 
High (for anyone curious, Spanaway Jr. High in Spanaway, Wa.) and had 
just made a new friend who lived a block or so from my apartment. He 
introduced me to his Foster Mom and his Brother (who was 12, But 
bedridden). For the first time I saw youth/adult type diapers, even 
remember the brand to this day (Provide). Since it was a Friday and my 
dad was going fishing for the weekend I was invited to stay at my 
friends place. As we were getting ready for bed his mom asked me a 
fairly good question, "Do I ever wet the bed?". Though I hated to admit 
it, I said yes and she asked, "Would you like to wear a diaper to 
bed?". How could I say no, Not that I leapt at it, but I did agree to. 
At the end of that weekend I took a few home with me.
	A few months later that friend moved, thus cutting off my supply. 
When by chance opportunity struck again. My teacher (I was an SBD 
"Socially Behaviorally Disturbed" Student and as such had about 2 fewer 
classes than other students and had one special class for those other 
2) had elected me for a special school position for one of my class 
periods, Office TA. This position allowed me to fill the soda vending 
machine and incidentally, access to the money within the machine thus 
giving me the resources I needed to get my own diapers. This I did 
covertly hiding my fetish (so I though) from my father until a few days 
before graduation. He had come home and decided to throw away all my 
Toys (GI Joes/Transformers) and clean out my room since his girlfriend 
and her son were moving in and while cleaning my room discovered my 
diapers (Some of which were soiled) and questioned me about them, then 
declared I was weird and that I was going to go live with my mother. I 
was 16.
	Now I am 29, an have been wearing them since "97" (now "02") I 
had moved to Bellingham, Wa (Now in Renton, Wa.)to move in with my mom. 
One day on one of my days off (I was doing construction at the time) I 
was watching TV when I decided to wet myself, I went about putting on 
an act about actually accidentally wetting myself since my mom had been 
present and a few minutes later left to go and get some diapers to help 
me take care that it didn't happen again. A few days later I had a 
nasty bout with diarrhea and was glad to have the diapers handy. I've 
been keeping up the act ever since... Though I have wet/soiled a few 
accidentally (normally when I have diarrhea or bedwetting) most of the 
time its voluntary. I really don't like wearing regular undies 
anyway... Only wear them if I'm out of diapers. 
	Soon I'll be able to have them 24/7 and put my undies in the 
trash since with my new job (Kidsitting my niece after school) will 
give me the funds I need to stay in diapers.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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