Name: D-Diaperman
Ages: 14
Current Age: 14
This is my story of how 2 months ago I was put permanently into 

I had started wanting to wear diapers again a little after I turned 14 
(about 3 months ago). I kept looking for teen diapers and teenage 
diaper stories when I came across I soon went looking 
crazily all over it at the stories and QOTW's. Soon I found the diaper 
rating survey and looked at disposable diaper ratings for seeing how 
well different diapers that were available at the small grocery mart 
near my house (about a mile). I found that Luvs and Pampers Cruisers 
would be the best for me. (I did not want to buy cloth because I did 
not want to have my parents find out I wore diapers as I would have to 
wash them and keep the smell down eventually).

I then biked to the mini grocery mart and found they did not carry Luvs 
but did carry Pampers Cruisers. Since this was a baby diaper I needed a 
big0sized diaper and luckily for me, there was a pack of 18 size 7 
Pampers Cruisers! I was so excited! I quickly paid for the diapers the 
way that said to pay for them and left (also it is a good 
idea to look like you are getting diapers for your "mom in who is in 
her car" by having the money kind of clenched in a fist of your hand 
(meaning already out); this will look like your mom gave you the money; 
getting your wallet out or getting the money out of your pocket might 
make the clerk suspect something). Halfway home I stopped and stuffed 
the bag of diapers in my backpack and sped home.

When I got home I hid the diapers in a bush in my backyard and went to 
see if anyone was home. When I got in the house my younger sister was 
at her friend�s house, my dad working in our basement as we were 
remodeling it, and my mom was out getting groceries at stop and shop. 
SO CLOSE! My dad was in the basement and my room was down there (we had 
already had that part finished, he was putting in flooring where the 
basement TV room would be) so, I waited in the living room on the floor 
watching TV with the diapers concealed under the couch and I waited for 
him to go to the bathroom or get more flooring from the store (I knew 
we needed more because my dad buys it whenever he needs it, not in 
bulk) he soon left to get more flooring and I ran downstairs as soon as 
his car was out of view and I went and took the diapers to my room in 
the basement and took one out.

I was surprised at how big the Pampers Cruisers size 7 was for a baby 
diaper. I put it on and it fit me very well but a little tight around 
the waist so it had a lot of room in the bottom. It felt really good to 
be in diapers again. I walked around in it and sat in it. Soon I 
decided to use it and peed in it after waiting for so long to do so. It 
felt really good to have the warm pee run down the diaper and get 
absorbed into it.

My dad was gone longer than expected, long enough to pee two more times 
into and change my self (I followed the instructions on, 
they work well). Considering I had time, I then proceeded to test the 
diapers on how well they held poop. I then took a good load into the 
diaper and walked around with it squished against my butt. Again, 
another good feeling that I had missed. Right in the middle of changing 
out of the poopy diaper, I heard a car pull in. I quickly wiped myself 
(not very well) and threw the diaper into my closet underneath some 
dirty clothes. Then I hid the package in the ceiling as I had a paneled 
ceiling in my room. I finished just in time for my mom to come 
downstairs to get me to have me help her with the groceries. I went up 
to help her.

She soon left to go with my sister to my sister's soccer game (my 
sister went with her friend as her friend was on the same team). My dad 
had come home after this but left again to go meet his friends to hang 
out (it was Friday night and a college football game was on). This was 
great! I had all this time to hang out in diapers. With my family away 
I soon got back into my Pampers diapers and hung out in them. I soon 
got the idea to see how much one of these diapers could hold. I 
proceeded to poop into the diaper three times over the next two hours 
and pee in them 4 times. After the fourth wetting the diaper started to 
leak. I was wearing pants so I stripped them off so I could clean up 
the mess. Unfortunately, though, the pants were supporting the diaper's 
weight and the tapes let go, spilling the 3 loads of poop all over the 
kitchen floor.

My parents were to be home soon and I freaked. I frantically cleaned up 
the mess, got back into my underwear, and sprayed Lysol all over the 
kitchen. My parents came home around the same time about 20-30 minutes 
later. When my mom got home she smelled the Lysol and asked why I 
sprayed Lysol. Having no other good excuse, I blamed my dog as she was 
old and was having trouble holding it all in. My mom believed me and 
soon went on her way. I had to be more careful.

I left the diapers alone for about 3 days when I started wearing them 
to bed only and forcibly pooping or peeing in them at night or when I 
got up in the morning. I would then change myself before I came 
upstairs for breakfast. If my diaper was clean I would wear underwear 
and pants over them until I got in just underwear. (this was summer 
time so I had no school). Luckily for me with my bedroom in the 
basement once I say goodnight to my parents I would not be heard from 
until the morning. So that meant my parents will never know (hopefully) 
that I am using diapers at night. I started putting my dirty diapers in 
a garbage bag and putting the garbage bag in the back of my closet.

Soon I had 2 diapers left and needed to get more. When my family was 
not around I biked to the same mini-mart and went through the same 
procedure. This time though they had the "economy" size with 108 
diapers or something like that. My wanting took the best of me and I 
bought the economy size diaper pack of Pampers Cruisers size 7. When I 
got to the register the clerk asked that one dreaded question: "So who 
are these for?" This time I was prepared for and said for "My mom... 
she's in the car and sent me in." The clerk took this well and I went 
on my way. I had to put the diapers in my backpack but had some of the 
pack sticking out and had to cover it with the bag that I got from the 
store to hold the diapers in. Right when I got home I hid the diapers 
under the same bush in the backyard and went to see if anyone was home. 
It seemed no one was home so I also checked the garage, just to be sure 
that the cars were gone (you never can be too careful). There were no 
cars. I then went out to the backyard and grabbed the giant pack of 
Pampers and went and hid them in the paneled ceiling of my room. They 
almost were too big to fit in the ceiling. I got so excited that I had 
so many diapers at my disposal (no pun intended) that I peed myself out 
of sheer excitement. Just my luck, too. My mom had just walked in the 
door. She saw that I had wet my pants and asked why. I lied by saying, 
"I was taking a nap and it just was an accident." She followed this up 
by, "Try not to have it happen again." I then proceeded to go bike 

When I got back I heard my mom call me from downstairs. I went down 
wondering what she wanted and pondered that she found my diapers.

She did.

When I got downstairs she asked me, "What are these?" pointing to the 
108 pack of diapers. I noticed that the ceiling panel was broken and 
all over the floor.

I replied with, "Um, I don't know. How'd you find them?"

She replied with, "I think you know what these are. When I was putting 
dress shirts in your closet I noticed a really bad smell. I looked 
around your closet and came across this bag." she then proceeded to 
pull the bag out. "I found this filled with dirty diapers. While I was 
wondering why you had these and why you were using diapers this 
happened.-" she then pointed to the ceiling where the panel was 
missing. "Those packs of diapers came out of it when the ceiling panel 
broke. First you wet yourself, and now this?! I think you are using 
those diapers and you shall be punished for this. Diapers are for 
babies, not 14-year-olds."

And of course, some more news. The news I was somewhat dreading and 
somewhat happy to hear.

	"I just talked to your father on the phone and we both agreed 
that you will finish using these diapers that you bought. When you run 
out you will be using the same brand. Also, I will be doing this. She 
then pulled out a trunk with a lock on it. She opened the trunk and 
started putting my pants and shorts in it. While doing this she said, 
"you will wear only diapers for the rest of the summer, so this means 
no shirts or pants until the day after labor day. I will only let you 
use the clothing when you go outside. But at home, you will wear 
diapers 24/7."

She then proceeded to take all of my shirts and put them in the trunk 
with my pants and shorts. Now for the underwear, t-shirts, and socks. 
She then said, "I hope you friends will be accustomed to you wearing 
diapers, because even when they are at the house you still will be 
wearing just diapers. Once all of my clothes were put in the trunk and 
locked up, my mom proceeded to put all of the remaining Pampers 
Cruisers in my dresser drawers.

At first I was dreading my parents� decision, but then I was happy. No 
more secretiveness, and no more of only wearing diapers on a fixed 
schedule of when my family was not around. I would be wearing diapers 
all the time.

My mom then had me stripped of all my clothing and I was stark naked in 
the middle of my room. She then lay me on the floor and took out a 
diaper. She then lifted up my legs and put the diaper under me. After 
securing the diaper she went on her way. On the way out the door she 
said, "oh, and if you need to be changed, please don't hesitate to 
ask." I knew she meant anytime I needed to be changed I would have to 
ask, even with company and friends around.

I decided to go bike riding so my mom gave me some clothes to put on. I 
was out a while as I went around town. I was away for about 2 hours 
before I returned. When I came home my mom came over and had me take 
off all my clothes. She then checked my diaper if it needed to be 
changed by pulling the back of the diaper to check for poop and pulling 
the front of the diaper forward and stuck her hand down the diaper to 
feel for wetness. I had both peed and pooped in it so she laid me on 
the couch and changed me. When she changed me I started getting an 
erection. This did not bother her and she continued to wipe me with a 
damp paper towel. When I went to go look at myself in the mirror with 
just diapers on I found that the bathroom doors had locks on them. My 
mom then saw me there and said, "Oh, I see you can't get to the 
bathroom. That's because little boys who wear diapers don't need to use 
the bathroom."

I went downstairs to my room to find that there was now a changing 
table in my room that was big enough to fit me. On it was baby powder 
and lotion. Next to it was 2 more "economy" size pack Pampers Cruisers. 
I noticed she knew to get the size 7. I went into my dresser (or should 
I say, diaperer) drawers and all 5 drawers were filled to the brim with 
fresh diapers. I thought that it could've been the diapers out of the 2 
boxes of diapers, but those were unopened. I went upstairs to ask why 
there were enough diapers to last a lifetime (I exaggerated). She said, 
"Your father and I decided that you would be wearing diapers 
permanently," (yes, meaning for good I would be wearing diapers.) "and 
since those diapers worked so well and do not leak, that's what you'll 
be wearing from now on."

"Even in school?!" I asked.

"Yes, It seems those diapers are thin enough for you to conceal under 
your clothing. So you'll wear them to school, 24/7."

Soon after this I had to help set the table for dinner. My 11 year old 
sister had come home from her friend�s house for dinner to find me in 
just diapers. She was all confused at the sight of me in diapers. My 
mom made me explain to her the whole story of how I ended up in 
diapers. My mom had not heard the story that had led to this and found 
out about, and when she asked about it I told her it was a 
site for boys of all ages who wear diapers. She then said, "Oh, so 
you�re not alone. You have friends all over."

I had my dinner and then had my diaper changed in my room on that new 
changing table as I had wet my diaper twice and had soiled it once. My 
mom wiped me down with the new wipes and put baby powder in my crotch 
area. This was a little awkward because I was not used to someone 
seeing me naked and touching my privates. This time, though, she put me 
in 2 diapers. She then said, "Time for bed, little baby."

Then I complained, "Why do I have to go to bed, it's only 6:30!"

My mom said, "because babies don't stay up late and you must be tired 
after all that happened today. Now I put you in two diapers in case you 
go more than once tonight."

She then tucked me into bed and turned out the light and went upstairs.

Getting used to the diapers was easy, for the most part. They were 
comfortable to sit and lay in, especially with 2 diapers on. But, the 
diapers kind of held my legs open and I couldn't sleep on my side. I 
had to lay on my back or stomach. I ended up staying awake all night. 
Since I had lots to drink for dinner and had 2 helpings of everything 
for food at dinner, my bowels and bladder were working a lot. I ended 
up pooping 3 times and peeing 4 times, probably only because I was 
awake. The two diapers held really well, considered to the one diaper 
that had had the tapes pop off. I liked the feel and smell of the pee 
and poop in my diapers and how my poop squished around when I moved and 
the warmness of the pee and poop.

Morning came and my mom came in at about 7:00 to change me before she 
left for work. When she saw how much I had used the diapers that night 
she said, "boy, aren't you a messy one, I'm going to have to put 3 
diapers on you at night and 2 during the day to keep up with this 

She then put me into two fresh new diapers. I had gotten used to 
wearing diapers really fast, as I loved to be in them, no doubt about 
that. I loved the feel of wearing them and the feel and smell of my pee 
and poop. I just loved, DIAPERS. I still do as I write this with a load 
of poop in my diaper. My dad was away on a business trip and my sister 
was still at her friend�s house for a sleep over, and with my mom gone 
to work, I was home alone. After being bored for 2 hours, I went back 
to the idea to see how much my diapers could hold (why I wanted to do 
this at the time, I don't know). I found the laxative that was in the 
medicine cabinet and took 1. I then ate 3 toaster pizzas and drank 3 
bottles of water (after all, it was lunch time).

This.was..a..big.mistake. 30 minutes after eating I felt the urge to 
poop, and it came right out. And I had to pee all of a sudden, too, and 
started to pee my guts out. In the next hour I used the same 2 diapers 
for 4 loads of poop and 4 wettings (I guess four is a lucky number, 
because guess what's next). My mom soon came home to check on me and 
change me as I was not allowed to change my own diapers. When she saw 
the bigger mess I made in my diaper, She said, what you do, eat a whole 
bottle of ex-lax? (funny she should've asked this) I replied that I ate 
only one laxative and it was a big mistake. She said, "What a good 
idea!!!! I'll give you laxative so I have to change you when other 
people are around!!! That should embarrass you right out of these 

My mom was thinking of every way to try to embarrass me enough to make 
me stop wearing diapers. But I wasn't going to give up because I loved 
diapers and she didn't seem to understand that. 

We then went downstairs to my changing table and she had to wipe down 
everything that was covered by diaper because of the size of the mess. 
She then put me in 4 diapers (told you) and said I would regularly be 
in this many diapers from now on. Now I had to waddle to get around due 
to how many diapers I was wearing. Because of this for the next few 
days poop came right out of my body without warning because my legs 
couldn't hold it in. I also became accustomed to wearing diapers really 
fast. It was as if I was made to wear diapers. All of a sudden I would 
not think of having to go or try to hold in my waste. It would come 
right out. I would have the urge to pee or poop for a millisecond 
before my body let it out. This led to more frequent diaper changes by 
my mom and a more stinkier trash can.

Because of all this diaper stuff I began worrying about school as I 
started high school in 2 weeks. My mom told me that she already 
arranged for the school nurse to go and change me and I would only wear 
1 diaper to school (she had given up on the laxative because it did not 
bother me to ask to be changed while company was around).

Now hear I am, finishing up my story of how I ended up permanently in 
diapers two and a half months ago. I am a month into school and no one 
has found out I wear diapers due to how thin the Pampers Cruisers are 
and how quiet they are. My only study hall is spent in the nurse's 
office. She changes me and after that I go to the library and do my 
homework. I still wear diapers (duh) and took a break two paragraphs 
ago to be changed out of my poopy diaper. (For the record this took me 
an hour to type up)

Hope you liked it.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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