Name: (Amy) for story of Curtis
Ages: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Current Age: 22
My name is Amy; I'm 22 now and 7 years older than Curtis who was 
adopted by my mother and stepfather when he was 4 years old. My mother 
was unable to have children after I was born and when she divorced my 
father and remarried a few years later they decided to adopt a little 
boy. He was in and out of foster homes for his first few years and was 
not too well behaved right from the start. My mother was always very 
strict with Curtis and I and we were both spanked numerous times over 
the years.

I'm pretty sure Curtis was 10 when my stepfather told my mother about 
diaper punishment and that his family had done it to him and his 
siblings when he lived in Brazil as a child. At first my mother refused 
to do that but would threaten him with it and say, that if he kept 
acting like a baby he would be treated like one.

Finally, and I don't remember now what he did, after school on a Friday 
she made me watch as she made him take off his pants and underwear and 
spanked him right in front of me. She had never done that before, and 
my stepfather was also there and just said he had to be humiliated when 
punished because it was more effective then the spanking. He then made 
him stand in the corner naked from the waist down for over an hour.

Afterwards my mother put a diaper on him and said he would stay in them 
all weekend and could not use the toilet. I felt really sorry for him 
at the time and new he was really embarrassed since I was present the 
whole time. I had seen him naked before but he was a lot younger and 
was more protective of his privacy the last few years. I was 17 at the 
time and my mother would make me watch as she changed him and told me I 
had to learn how to do it. I admit that I started to enjoy seeing him 
naked especially when my mother bathed him and I knew it was 
humiliating for him by the way he would try to hide his penis.

The first time this was done to him was only the beginning, as he 
didn't seem to behave any better and would talk back to my mother and 
stepfather fairly often. He was spanked, had soap shoved in his mouth 
and diapered many times that first year. I would change his diapers 
sometimes when my mom was at work or out somewhere and he'd blush and 
sometimes even cry with embarrassment, especially when he had pooped in 
his diapers and had to be washed. I didn't mind too much if the diapers 
were wet , but really didn't like when he pooped in them. I think he 
was more upset also since he was starting to grow pubic hair and 
started getting erections when I would wipe him and wash him off.

I'm not sure how old he was at the time but my mother caught him 
masturbating one night in his room. My mom is sort of old-fashioned and 
thought it terrible that a young boy would do that and she really 
spanked him bad and punished him for almost a week in diapers. He was 
probably about 12 at the time and I new that he was masturbating and 
didn't think it was a big deal since I masturbate myself a few times a 
week. He would sometimes have to wear 3 or 4 diapers as he was getting 
older. The more I changed him the more I realized he was starting to 
like it. He didn't want my mother to change him since she was fast and 
rough with him and I don't think he got erections when my mom changed 

I got to the point where I would tease him and let him see me in my bra 
and panties often, and a few times when my mother wasn't home I even 
let him see me naked. Once in a while I would find semen in his diaper 
and would tease him about it. He has gotten to the point today where he 
is pretty much fully developed and doesn't care who sees him in 
diapers. He even walks around the house when 1 or 2 of my girlfriends 
are there and he actually walks around most of the time in his 
underwear even when he's not being punished. I've probably caught him 
masturbating 5 or 6 times. He is the one who showed me this web site 
and told me he thinks he has a diaper fetish.

I moved out of my mother�s house last year and Curtis kept asking me if 
he could stay over at my apartment sometimes on the weekends. My 
roommate Sally new he was diaper disciplined but I was leery at first 
to let him stay over since she didn't realize that he now likes 
diapers. When I told her she was all right with it and I let him stay 
over every 4th or 5th weekend. He wears his diapers the whole time and 
has talked me into changing him and I agreed, but told him only to pee 
in them. He asked me to let Sally watch and even let her change him. 
She did agree to watch when I change him but so far she won't change 
him. I will change him in my underwear most of the time and he always 
gets an erection.

He is so brazen with it now he will masturbate in front of Sally and I 
and to be honest we like watching him. I don't think my mother or 
stepfather realize he enjoys diapers now and I won't tell her about it. 
His days of embarrassment are over and he truly enjoys being treated 
like a baby. He even tries to get me to give him a bath, which I 
haven�t done yet, but am really considering it and Sally said she would 
help. I know he would like that.

Notes: I never knew so many boys and men enjoy diapers and do find it 
odd, although I am open minded and think people should do whatever 
makes them happy. I don't know if Curtis will continue wearing diapers 
when he gets older but he really seems to like it now.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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