This is my life as I had grown up from a young child to a adult and then how I became a
adult baby and how my life is now.
I remember my first time I wore nappies was when I was a young child so
I needed to wear nappies, and I grew up with my sisters and brothers
playing games having fun. But when it came to bedtime I was still in
nappies until a late age. I remember even when I was 13 still having to
wear nappies and plastic pants at the time I thought it was normal I
would have my bath and on goes the nappies and plastic pants then my
Then I was starting to be told I need to get up a go to toilet if I
want go wee ,which I did try and I even had a alarm fitting on a
waterproof mattress so has soon as water hit it a alarm would go off.
So then I would have to get up go wee on toilet , but this was too late
I was already wet and I was getting tired keep begin woke to go to
toilet, so I would then sneak out in the night and put myself back into
nappies and plastic pants.
This I thought was normal anyway has I was used to wearing them, but
when I got found out I was told off. Many years passed and I was still
trying to control my bladder and I had many sleepless night and also
worry about begin wet. I finally stopped wetting at the age of about
19. I was fine going to bed no worries at all; it was brilliant.
Then for no reason at all-- I don�t know why-- but I kept getting this
urge to want to wear a nappy, so I went out to shops and I managed to
buy a pack of nappies and I couldn�t wait to go to bed that night. I
went to bed, ripped open the pack and placed a nappy on myself and fell
asleep; it felt so wonderful.