Name: Chris The Teen Baby
Ages: 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16
Current Age: 16
Hi, my name is Chris. This is the true life story of my diaper 
experiences. Everything really happened.

I never wore a diaper until my younger brother Jonathon, who was 2, was 
tired of wearing Pull-Ups. He kept taking it off so my older brother 
Brandon, who was 9 at the time, put on one of the pull-ups to show him 
how fun it is to wear pull-ups. After seeing him put one on I put one 
on, too. It was like heaven, the cloth touching against my butt. I felt 
so secure. The feel of having it on was so good until I almost peed in 
it. But I didn't because I was in front of my brothers, so I waited 
until my brothers left and went in the bathroom with the pull-up on and 
peed in it. It leaked through (thank goodness).The tingling feeling was 
so good. I had never felt so much pleasure before. I took off the 
soaking wet diaper and put it under the bathroom sink. I washed my 
hands and went to play video games.

I didn't use the diapers anymore because I didn't want for me to get 
caught. I stopped thanking about it for a while, until a couple of 
years later when I was 10. My cousin Kim just had a baby not even a 
year ago. She was living with my grandma and my mom went to go see her. 
When we got there, I saw Kim. She was holding Jalon. Jalon was wearing 
a diaper and a small t-shirt. I said hi to everybody and went to sit by 
Kim. My mom and my grandma talked for a while and Kim said she was 
going upstairs to change Jalon. I followed her upstairs. She laid Jalon 
down on the bed in the bedroom. She unfastened him and she found out 
that he did more than just pee. She told me she was going to the 
bathroom to get some wipes. When she left I took one of the diapers out 
of the bag and stuffed it in my pocket. After she returned. She saw 
that I had a suspicious look on my face but she had no idea what I did. 
She finished up changing Jalon and went downstairs.

I stayed up and went to the bathroom. I put on the diaper. It was a 
size 4 but it still fit me because I was skinny. I didn't do pee in it, 
I just wore it until we got home. I waited until night time to pee in 
it then I went to bed in a soaked diaper. When I woke up I took off the 
diaper and put it under the bathroom sink (I seem to always do that).

One year later I talked to my brother Jonathon and told him that I need 
him to pretend to wet the bed. He was 6 at the time so he could do it 
without it being strange but if I did it I would have felt embarrassed 
because I was 12 and my mom would have thought I was a bedwetter. He 
said he would do it but he wanted to know why. I told him that I had a 
school project and I didn't want for her to know about it. I told him 
that I was testing diapers to see which brand held the best. I also 
said that, "you need to go in our mom�s room and tell her that you wet 
the bed and you do it all the time."

"Then tell her that you saw a Goodnites commercial and you want one so 
you would stop wetting the bed."

He did it and my mom went and bought him some Goodnites. I tried one on 
and loved it. It felt just like a diaper but without the tape. I peed 
in it as soon as I put it on. I took it off and put it under the 
bathroom sink. Bad idea.

For the next 2 weeks I wore and peed in Goodnites until I was all out. 
I put all of them in the bathroom sink and was going to take them out 
on garbage day but my mom found them first. She blamed it on my brother 
and told him she wasn't going to buy him any more Goodnites. I felt 

I didn't have anymore diaper experience's until 3 years later. I went 
downstairs in our new house(we moved like almost every year but at 
least we moved in a bigger house every time) and I saw Kim she looked 
kind of sad and greatful at the same time. I said, �hi�, though I was 
wondering what she was doing here, considering it was so late and she 
lived many miles away. Mom told me that we needed to talk. I went in 
her room and she told me that Kim was going to be staying with us for 
awhile. But she didn't tell me why. I don't know all the details but 
later I found out it was because she was raped by her boyfriend, which 
was who she had been staying with. I went back in the living room and 
told Kim that I was glad she was living with us. The room kind of got 
silent and I went back upstairs.

I had forgotten that she had two babies; Jalon and Ryan. Jalon was out 
of diapers but Ryan was still in them. Diaper days were back again! I 
was so happy, an endless supply of diapers. I wore diapers all the 
time. I didn't even wear underwear except over my diapers. I put two on 
because one wasn't big enough for me anymore. I put all my wet diapers 
in the bathroom sink in my room. I shared a room with my oldest brother 
Arthur, who was 18. Arthur is slightly retarded so he never knew I put 
diapers under the sink because he never looked under there. My mom 
found them while she was cleaning our bathroom. She asked, "Who put 
these under there?"

Kim said, �Maybe Jalon did it,� because she always told him to throw 
away the diapers. My mom bought it and took them out of the sink and 
put it in a garbage bag. I still continued to use them and put them 
under the sink. Bad idea. Once again she found them and once again she 
asked, "Who put these diapers under the sink?!" Kim said she didn't 
know because she�s been throwing away all the diapers. Mom got mad. Kim 
said, �Maybe the cats got them out the trash can and put them under the 
sink� (which was extremely dumb.) Mom really got mad. I said, �Maybe 
Jalon put them under them.� Nobody said anything .Mom just cleaned out 
the from under the sink and the conversation was over.

I still used the diapers and still put them under the sink. How dumb 
can I get? I found a new hiding place. It was in the attic in our room. 
I stopped using Ryan's diapers and asked Arthur if he would let me see 
his credit card. He said I could so I went to Schunks to buy some 
diapers. Schunks was close to where I lived so I could walk there. I 
put the diapers in my closet. I used up those diapers in no time. I put 
the used up diapers in the attic but there was still diapers under the 
sink. My mom found them and Arthur told my mom that I bought some 
diapers with my credit card. I was at school when this happened. When 
mom came to pick me up, she waited awhile before she asked me the most 
embarrassing question in the world. She asked me if I wet the bed. I 
was so embarrassed, but I said no. She said if I did I need to tell her 
I thought to myself If I told her that I did wear diapers, I would have 
to have to go to the doctor and all that crap so I just told her I 
didn't wet the bed. We talked about it until we were home.

Kim had moved out a little while later, and less than a year later we 
moved again. I still live here. And this is the first house were buying 
so we should be staying here for good. I'm now 16 and I can buy my own 
diapers. I bought a pack of diapers and wore some I took one wet one 
off and put it under the sink. I later forgot about it and my mom found 
it. She went through my closet while I was asleep and saw the diapers. 
I was caught. When I woke up I saw my mom sitting on my bed. She said 
she needed to talk to me I had no idea what it was about. I had to go 
to work, though, so we couldn't talk. She picked me up after work and 
asked if I had a bedwetting problem. I said no. We talked what seemed 
like forever. After a while I just gave up and said, �Yes, I wear 

She said "So you do wet the bed?"

I said, �No, I don't.�

Then she said, "Then why do you wear diapers?�

I told her I don't know. I told her that there was a website I wanted 
for her to see. I went to the computer and typed in She read what infantilism is and we 
had a long talk. She said that the website says that a lot of AB/DL's 
are gay. Then she said was I... before she finished her sentence I told 
her NO! She said that she understands that I didn't want her to know. 
She said she wasn't mad at me. She also said she didn�t want to treat 
me any differently and we've all got our little secrets. I wanted to 
cry but I didn't. She said that she was going to make me an appointment 
to see the therapist. Then she said, �Clean your closet. There�s 
diapers everywhere.� I was stunned. She walked away after that.

My appointment is on Monday, so I'll update this story really soon 
thanks for reading my story.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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