This is a story about my diaper fetish and its origins.
Hi, I�m Chase and I�m 12 years old. I am a Mensa Member and in 6th
grade. I was reliably toilet trained at age 3 but I have no idea what
happened. I never wet the bed, and I never had any accidents after I
was 3. I don�t know why I have this diaper fetish.
My story starts less than a year ago, when I was 11�. School had just
gotten out and I had graduated 5th grade. I was notoriously known for
annoying the hell out of people and making immature jokes, and so I
didn�t have many friends. Now, I was going to middle school where I
could get a fresh start.
At this age, I began to have sexual feelings. I had my first crush on a
girl and I started puberty. One day, in late June, I decided to make a
makeshift diaper with a few pieces of toilet paper. It leaked
everywhere. Then I used cling wrap and covered the toilet paper with
it. Finally, I made larger �diapers� to cover my whole loin. I pooped
and peed in it and it didn�t leak. Hooray! All of these diapers were
flushed down the toilet or thrown out.
I eventually discovered that I had a fetish and then googled �diaper
fetish� to see what I would find. I found and I went on that
website almost every day. It�s my favorite website. I read stories and
stuff and I enjoyed it. I found out there were other DLs like me.
This is my most intimate secret. Nobody else knows about it. Not even
my sister, my parents, or any of my friends know about it. I hope to
�come out of the closet� with my diaper fetish soon, but I don�t know
when. This is my story untold.