Name: Chad Email: Ages: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 One day I was at my babysitter's house watching TV with her son when I had to go to the bathroom really bad, when suddenly I went pee in my pants. I was shy then. Keep in mind I was only 5 years old then. I tried to hide my wet pants when suddenly she smelt some urine then she made me change into some new pants. The only pants she had clean were here son's and they had pictures of Barney on them I hate Barney, but I had no choice. I had to wear them she said the next time I wet my pants I was going to be put into a diaper for the rest of the time I was there. My mom wasn't going to be back for six more hours and I was trying to hold it in for an hour and her son was in the bathroom and it seemed liked hours before he came out. I tried to make it in there when suddenly I wet my pants again. I dreaded it, I would be wearing a diaper for six hours. She grabbed me off the floor and took me into the bathroom and shut the door When she grabbed the diaper It was a Barney diaper. She said, "if you're going to pee your pants like a baby I am going to treat you like a baby." She put me on the changing table and started to wipe my privates. I struggled and she strapped me down to the table and started to powder me. Then she pulled the diaper up between my legs and she taped the diaper around me. She told me to get up and go in the living room. When she came back she had a baby bottle and I asked who it was for and she said it was for me. I didn't want it and then she said, "you'd better drink that bottle of formula because that's all you will get for three hours." Finally, after six hours my sister was there to pick me up I said, "Oh no! I don't want my sister to see me in just a diaper!" so she took me home. Our parents were still gone so she had time to wash my pants. She told me to wait until my pants were clean, until she should take that diaper off of me. I said "okay" and went in to watch TV. When she came back she took off my diaper and put it in the trash. When she was on the phone I snuck it out and went into my room and shut the door, and from then on I loved to wear diapers, but now that I am seventeen I decided to kick the habit and burn all of my baby clothes and car seat. Now I am officially an adult and don't want my kid to do the same thing. I am not married but I do have I girlfriend and hope to have kids in 5 years. Contact me at my email address if you're interested on tips to kick the habit.