Summary: Chad when he received his first trial of bambino diapers. His favorite diapers of all times. Hi, my name is chad Williams and this is a story about me and when I got my first sample of Bambino diapers. I was surfing the net on my old windows 98 computer, when I suddenly decided to look up adult diapers with the plastic feel. I got the usual brand of diapers like Depends and the other diapers that I don’t like. Then as I searched even further I came across a site called so I decided to look around and after a few days of debating about whether I wanted them or not and looking at reviews, I decided to order a sample of the medium size. About 7 day’s later they came in the mail in a white envelope. I got them home and opened them up, took one out and immediately put one on. It felt really, really great, that lovely feeling of the old type plastic backed diapers. I think the plastic feel of the diapers help me regress even more back into the years of a toddler aged 1 to 2 years of age. After that I decided that I would soon order more of them, only this time I would order the small size since the medium size was a little too big on me. I really love the design of the blocks on them and the wording baby on them. But I do wish they would come out with some other design maybe I can come up with another design for them and send it to them. I am wearing one right now as I type this on my new hp computer. And I just pooped in it and it feels great I don’t ever want to change out of this diaper. Sorry this is such a short story but I just wanted to tell you about me and my first Bambino diapers. Thanks, Bambino, you have a remarkable diaper. If anyone wants to email me they can at Or at my website email address