Name: Cam
Ages: 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Current Age: 16
~~~~~~~~ I am a male, my name is Cam, 160 pounds, and pretty well built 
(keep that in mind throughout the story)... I am now revealing an 
embarrassing story, which is exhilarating at the same time, and I never 
thought I would be able to share this experience. ~~~~~~~~

	It all started when I returned home from a tiring football 
workout. It was now summer and it was time to prepare for next football 
season. Cam was just getting in, when his older sister bumped into him 
and knocked him over. "Watch where you're going, klutz!" Now Sarah 
wasn't the biggest, toughest girl, but she was about the same size as 
Cam, and surprising strong for her age. "Shut up, loser! I'm not the 
one with monster feet and a fat head!" Uh oh, now Cam had done it.... 
You see, Sarah had strength in numbers (although they were the only two 
children) because she was far more popular and social than he. "You 
just wait till tonight, Cam. I'm gonna get you good!" Sarah stormed off 
to her room, and Cam went over to the couch and collapsed.

	He dozed in and out of consciousness, feeling awake and asleep at 
the same time. Then, he awoke with a start. He tried to get up, but his 
arms and legs were tied.... How did he get in Sarah's room?!?! "Sarah, 
why do you have scissors?! What's your problem, seriously!" Sarah said 
nothing, but with the most mischievous smile she began to cut off his 
shorts. "Are you crazy? Those are my favorite!" Cam exclaimed. The next 
layer revealed a nice clean pair of undies. "AWWWWWWWWWW, look at your 
whitie tighties, Cammy! Maybe I should take a picture now! I would've 
thought you were a little more grown up, and would wear boxers by now. 
AWWWWW, LITTLE CAMMY WAMMY!" Next thing he knew, his shirt was cut off, 
and all that was left was his underwear, bulging slightly. "No no no, 
this just won't do". With that, she took one carefully aimed cut on 
each side, and presto, he was naked on his sister's bed. Nothing 
embarrassed him more in his entire life, and his flushing red cheeks 
told the whole story. In anger, Cam shouted "I hate you, you pervert! 
Why would you tie me up and get me naked?! Are you crazy?" Sarah calmly 
replied, "Oh no Cammy, I've had this planned out for awhile now. Never 
again will you question my authority, try to embarrass me, or try to 
order me around ever, EVER again." She reached under her bed (on which 
Cam laid) and pulled out a squishy package, labeled 'DEPENDS' 
Undergarments'. With much precaution, she removed a little of the leg 
restraints, just enough to slip the diaper onto Cam, all the time his 
legs and arms doing the best they could to react and prevent this from 
happening. "I'll never forgive you for this, Sarah. EVER!" With the 
diaper now secure, and Cam fully restrained, Sarah laid back for a 
moment. After this hesitation, she finally started, "So, Cammy, here's 
the deal. I'm going to take some pictures now. Then, later, my friends 
are coming over, and we will have some fun with you, and perhaps take 
some mo! re pictures. SOOO, from now on, you will treat me with 
RESPECT! , do wha t I say, when I say it. No questions asked. In 
return, I will just hold on to these photos, and not expose them to the 
entire school body. You don't need that precious reputation of yours 
ruined, do you?" The look on Sarah's face showed, she knew she had 
finally won this time. Suprisingly, Cam replied "Okay, understood. Now 
please just let me go." With a grin as wide as the ocean, Sarah said, 
"Oh, no Cammy, I couldn't do that. Not for a few hours, when my friends 
arrive. You can just lay around for a little while here until then." 
With that, she turned off the light, strutted confidently out the door, 
and closed it.

	Now alone, Cam exhaled heavily. Only now did he notice the big 
bulge coming from his new undergarment. "Why?" he asked himself. He now 
had a huge hard on, and then realized his yearning to again feel the 
freedom that came with being a baby. It was a kink he didn't discover 
until that very day. He had been outsmarted by his sister, and that 
just tore away at him. It wasn't but five minutes when Cam realized he 
had to take a pee. The restraints held him solidly, and he had no way 
out. What do I do now, he thought to himself. He tried to relax, and 
again fell in and out of consciousness. He started dreaming about 
faucets running, being a baby again, hoses, sprinklers, the crinkle of 
diapers............. OH CRAP! He woke quickly, and in the pitch black 
his face reddened again to unbearing witnesses. He had wet his diaper!! 
In fact he was still releasing urine when he awoke. He tried to stop, 
but it was if he had lost all control of the function. He was so 
embarrass! ed (although he secretly did like the sensation), and prayed 
that his sister wouldn't notice that he wet himself. There was nothing 
he could do now, so he just lied on the bed, in his own uriny diaper. 
Finally he had begun to fall asleep again when....

	Click. The lights turned on, and in entered Sarah, with 11 of her 
older friends following close behind. When they saw him lying there, 
they broke into immediate laughter and pointed at him. Sarah spoke 
above them all, "And now ladies, let the fun start. Cam, I'm going to 
release the restraints now, and I hope you know you can't escape all of 
us. You're ours for the next 45 minutes, until mom and dad get back 
from the movies." He nodded, and she loosened the restraints, allowing 
Cam to sit upright. One of the girls (the cutest one, of course) 
pointed out, "OH MY GOD SARAH, HE WET HIMSELF!" A collective 
"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" followed that up, and now the girls (some in his 
classes at school) all had a new perspective of this athlete. Cam 
decided it was then he would make his move. He ran for the door, and 
was through! He flew down the stairs, and headed for the back door. 
THUD. The littlest girl there had tackled him hard over the couch, and 
now had him by his diaper. "Wow, Tara, you should be on the football 
team!" Sarah exclaimed. "He really isn't too strong; any one of you 
could take him". Just then Tara (5'1) stood Cam (6'1) up, and yanked as 
hard as she could on his diaper. "YOWWWWWW!" She pulled the diaper so 
hard it went half way up his back. Kelly (another friend) shouted "Oh 
my God, Tara, you just beat up a boy! And he's so much bigger than you! 
You must be really tough, and Cam must really be weak! Wow Sarah, this 
really is fun!" Another girl, Emily (again, the cutest one) asked "Can 
I try? It looks like so much fun! And your brother really does bug me 
when I come over". "Sure." Tara told her. "C'mon, big boy." She led Cam 
by his wedgie over to Emily, and gave her control of the reins. By this 
time Cam was red in the face and the first tear had rolled down his 
cheeks. This was just too much pain, and too much embarrassment. He 
began to beg and plead, but all Emily could say is, "Next time don't 
bug me so much!" S! he tugged with much more force than Tara, and Cam 
began to bawl. She said "Wow, Mr. Football, you really are a pussy. I 
look forward to doing this again soon!" All the girls took turns giving 
him the most humiliating experience of his life, with Sarah capturing 
all the action on tape, and camera. Then came the familiar sound of the 
'family car' pulling into the driveway. "Quickly girls, out the back 
door. You aren't allowed to be over here!" They all scurried out the 
back door, while Cam, writhing in anal discomfort, ran up to his room, 
still crying.

	He was so ashamed that he had been fooled. beaten up, 
embarrassed, and cried all in the same day. But then, all of a sudden 
he realized that he really had enjoyed the diapers he was in, and 
quickly ran to his sister�s room. Cam looked fervently under the bed, 
and found the Depends Undergarments. From this day on, Cam had gone 
through some regression, but now he joyfully pulls on his diapers, one 
leg at a time, never forgetting the first enjoyable, yet embarrassing 
return to diapers!

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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