Name: Brian Email: Ages: 6-17 I started to wear diapers again when I was 6 years old. I was fully potty trained when I was 4 but had occasional accidents at night. When I started school I began to have more accidents at night. As a result my mother decided to put me back in diapers at night. At first I was very upset, thinking that diapers are for babies and I didn't want to be a baby. My sisters, who were younger, were out of diapers, so this made me feel really bad. So every night when it was time to go to bed, I was put into Pampers. After sometime it became routine, but one morning my mother woke up and saw me watching TV and I was still in my diaper that I wore the night before. She told me, "take your diaper off and get dressed." I told her that "I want to wear diapers all the time." After sometime I realized that I like wearing diapers. I could never explain why, but I just enjoyed wearing diapers. My mother tried to compromise with me saying that big boys don't wear diapers, but I kept insisting I wanted the diapers. It was around the summer by then and my mom gave me an ultimatum, either I get to have my diapers full-time or summer clothes. I opted for the diapers and have been wearing diapers ever since. My mother changes me and my sisters changed me while I was younger. Now that I'm older I've met a women that has no problem with me in diapers. She actually thinks its cute. So there is how I got into diapers and I love being in diapers.