Name: Alex
Ages: 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Current Age: Not given
Summary: A story about my first taste of the diaper buying world

A Basic Buy-The Buy

My names Alex I'm 15 and crazy about diapers. However, I was never too 
enthusiastic about buying them. I never told my parents or anything. I 
used to get spare diapers from a nursery over the road, but when I 
moved away I left all that behind but not my love of diapers.

I had lived in this town for just short of six months and was dying for 
another set of diapers so I had to start plucking up the courage to get 
them. The house I lived in was about a 5-minute walk from the nearest 
shop that sold diapers. It wasn't so much a supermarket but it sold the 
typical set of diapers. One night when my parents were out and my 
brother was at a friend's house for the evening I�m headed out (having 
planned weeks ahead). I had the route cemented in my mind; it was 
basically up my street down a path along the sports field and into the 
local shop, not too hard (or was it?).

It was a cold evening with the sun setting behind the trees; I didn't 
want to be out at night where I was. I started to walk ,my heart 
beating a mile a minute, I had bought a rucksack ( a necessity in the 
buying diaper world) but before I knew the 5-minute walk had set me 
outside the shop and by know I was a frightened as I don't know what. I 
walked in the shop the bleep of the door behind me and the stare of the 
shopkeeper. The shop was busy (for reference this might make it easier 
because the shopkeeper has to go quicker and nobody gives a rat�s arse 
in a queue in England. I walked around the shop picking up the normal 
shop, bread and cheese and a few others until I came to the baby isle, 
this being a small shop all the stuff was in one section, so you 
couldn't pull a fake in one direction if you needed, I did a quick 
look-around to check for people before I moved forward. The aisle was 
set up basically but I wasn't biding my time on that, I knew what 
diaper I was looking for active fit the biggest one, but with plenty of 
money I got some backs and stuff to clean up with because you soon 
learn how much of a need that stuff is when you�re changing yourself. 
My basket was full to the brim but I made sure it wasn't too much; 
(being this a true account the next bit is scary but true.)

Over the road from me lived a little boy called Zach, he was a hell of 
a kid but a bedwetter and you can see where this goes in this story. I 
hadn't looked around recently as I knew I might blow my cover. But when 
you least expect it, "Oh, hello, Alex."

I darted around knocking some stuff out of the basket but only the 
wipes. She asked how I was doing and I did the basic reply, this didn't 
help my confidence. By now I was dreading the front of the queue but it 
came a second later. I put the basket on the cashier desk and she 
started to unload. I guess my first bit of luck was when the shop died 
down when I was checking out because in every bleeding shop the 
checkout is right next to the door. I glimpsed over as diaper went from 
the shops hand to mine but this was only half the job I saw Zach�s 
mother who�s called Lucy, give the diapers a good, long stare as the 
went into the bag along with the wipes and the bags. I paid off the 
money quickly, got the change and receipt and walked at a pace out the 
door, the cold air smashed my face, I hadn't realised I was as hot as a 
oven, I sorted out my money and began to walk of home but not before 
Lucy caught up to me.

A Basic Buy-Spilling the Truth

Before I knew it Lucy was behind me. She looked like she meant general 
talk but by the first word I could tell my Pampers where going to fill.

"I couldn�t help noticing what you bought," she said politely, I 
replied in the typical surprised "Huh?"

"Well, some of those items are a bit strange for somebody like you," 
she whispered, trying to act loving.

"What d'u mean?" I muttered in reply; my heart dropped its beat by now.

"Well, they seem more, not what I would..." she was obviously finding 
it hard to send over her message. She was struggling a bit.

"Alex," she muttered, "Can we sit down here please?"

I didn't hold back and I sat down on the park bench next to her.

�Can I see the bag?" she said. She sounded like she was talking to an 
under-minded toddler with a watergun. I hadn't put the bag in the 
rucksack so I picked it up of the ground and gave the bag to her. By 
now I had a banana in my pocket and I was sweating like mad. She hummed 
slowly as she fished out the bag of diapers. She looked at them and 
said, "What are these?" and I replied, "Diapers."

She told me to hold them as she looked in her bag. She pulled out a set 
of similar-looking diapers and said, "I buy them for Zach." I turned my 
head away and looked into the distance. She then asked, �Who are these 
for?" still in here polite voice. I held my breath and the world seemed 
to be all ears as I whispered rather childishly, "they�re mine."

She looked even and neutral against the dying sun and more open than 
anyone you could imagine. I felt like I could confess everything but I 
held back waiting for her to say the next word. She came forward and 
said, "It�s all right, Alex, let�s get moving." She got all the stuff 
and stood up. She walked back towards the shop and she hurried me along 
with her, you would expect me to feel nervous but I felt good. We 
walked over to the car park at the store and found her car.

She had the typical Mum 4x4 Range Rover. She put the bags in the boot 
and said, "hop in, Alex." I opened the door to find Zach�s car seat 
there. I thought to ask her to move it but I quite enjoyed the idea, 
she shut her door leaned over and whispered, "Are you all right with me 
doing this?" not helped by the fact I didn't know what this was I 
replied in a civil, "yes."

A Basic Buy-Passenger Diaperer

Lucy started up the car, knocked in the gear and we went off. I didn't 
know where we were going but it would be something with the diapers.

�So Alex,� she said in a soft voice. "I'm going to pick up Zach from 
the nursery." I couldn't reply. I had nothing to say to her. She let 
out a long painful breath and said, "Do you want me do to diaper stuff 
for you?" This question came a bit out of the blue; "If you want me to 

I murmured a reply which she took as a yes.

"When we get to the Nursery do you want me to put you in a nappy like 
Zach?" She sounded quite intimidating when she said that but I didn't 
mind, I replied with a more enthusiastic, "yes, please," almost happy.

"Alex, d'u want me to treat you like a baby?" she said. I thought I 
might have to be careful about my words.

"I would like it, it's what I always wanted."

She didn't seem enthusiastic but I couldn�t care less.

"In that case it's probably best you get in a nappy and poo poo and wee 
wee in it know then, baby." she put on a bit of a voice but I think she 
really liked this idea (don't know how). I clambered into the back and 
reached for the diaper bags at the back, but not knowing which was 
which, I got the ones she had bought and the ones I had bought and 
asked her, she replied, "Try the ones I bought, they�re better for this 

I didn't know what she meant but it would be good. The diaper she had 
got was a Feel n Learn things; anyone from England will know what I'm 
on about.

I lay on the back seats and stripped down to the core and then put it 
on like a pant. I was about to put my stuff back on when she said "We 
are 5 minutes away." I replied, "What should I do?" She told me to 
leave my stuff off and then just make sure I messed up the diaper. I 
clambered back to the front put on my seatbelt and with one big heave 
let out all or Dinner. I had been the first time for ages since I had 
done that, the fluid washed round my diaper and the poo sat at the 
back, squidging every time I sat down. She reached down the back and 
the front and flicked her hand then she looked down at my diaper and as 
the prophet stated, the graphics vanished.

A Basic Buy-Baby Bastic

The car began its way down a small country lane bouncing as it went. 
Bouncing the contents of my diaper as it went. She told me I would go 
inside with her and then she will get me changed in the changing room 
and pick up Zach. Before long we pulled up at the old house which had 
been converted to be used as a part-time nursery. I got out slightly 
embarrassed but still happy enough. She went to the back of the car and 
I guessed to the bag diaper stuff. She shut the door and had in her 
hand a diaper along with a bag and some powder. I was resistant to go 
in but I had no choice. The waiting room had 1 other woman in it but I 
avoided her stare. Lucy dragged me up to the counter and said, "I'm 
here for Zachary" the woman replied, "O.K., just 5 minutes," Lucy 
whispered to the woman behind the counter. "Any Nappy Changing 
Facilities around here."

The woman behind the counter gave me a good stare and then before I 
knew it Lucy grabbed my shirt and lifted it up so the woman could see 
the leak and the lack of a character.�

Had an accident," Lucy whispered. The woman behind the counter held 
back a admittive smirk and said, "Well, they�re over there and I would 
have thought that you sir." She gave me a pat on the head.

"Would be able to hold your bladder, you should be in here learning 
where to go potty."

Lucy knew this annoyed me and took me over to the door and through into 
the baby change. It couldn't have been more babyish if there had been 
babies in there. See sat me down on the white table and took of my 
shoes my socks and stripped of my shirt so I was lying in front of this 
almost stranger in nothing but a soaking brown diaper and a pacifier 
she gave me a moment later. She was very quick with the change to such 
a degree I barely knew what hit me.

But sitting down there let me reflect on the days turn and why on earth 
she was picking up her kid at night? When she was finished she popped 
me up and put on my shoes, socks and shirt and escorted me out still 
sucking on the pacifier. She sat down in the waiting room and told me 
to lie down and she rolled my shirt which was short already so that 
everyone can see my diaper but by now I didn't car too much; however, 
the woman at the desk came over and started to talk to her. The first 
thing she said is, "What�s wrong with him?" I shut my eyes in fury 
trying not to listen to what they said but I heard Lucy saying that I 
had Hyronetoxinfantilsitic something or other which made me stay a 
child. It was weird the way she was defending me, but a minute later 
Zach came out and him and Lucy and Me walked out.

This story will continue in A Basic Buy-Diaper Toned

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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