Name: Donny
Ages: 5, 7, 8, 9, 10
Current Age: 53

	My name is Donny. When I was 18 months old mom got me potty 
trained and I was very good at staying clean and dry. Every 20 or 30 
minutes I went to my special potty and use it like a pro. Mom was so 
proud of me because she was going to have another baby and she did not 
want two diaper babies to care for.
	For the next six months I only had one accident during the day. 
But at night I still wet my bed every night so I wore Pull-ups at 
nighttime only, I was a big boy and did not need baby pants during the 
day. Every morning I would get out of my big boy bed and pull off my 
wet Pull-up and put it in the diaper pail that used to be used for my 
diapers when I was a baby.
	Then two weeks after my second birthday Ryan was born I had a new 
baby brother I could play with but I had to wait until he was big 
enough to walk and play. I was happy to help mom take care of my 
brother holding his bottle and giving him his pacifier and tell mom 
when he needed a diaper change. By the time his was 8 months old he 
could walk and we started to have fun together.


	By the time I was three-years-old and Ryan was one we were 
sleeping in the same bedroom. Ryan had a crib next to my race car bed 
so I could take care of him and make sure he stayed quiet. He never 
made a noise when he slept and his pacifier always fell out of his 
mouth if he woke up without it he would cry and I would have to put it 
back into his mouth.
	One night I woke up with a wet Pull-up and so got up and changed 
my wet clothes, when I went back to my bed I found Ryan�s pacifier on 
my pillow. He must have thrown it so I got an idea I could try sucking 
it just to see what it was like. So I lay down and started to suck 
Ryan�s pacifier and quickly fell asleep.
	I woke up the next morning to Ryan crying. I jumped out of my bed 
and went to see why he was crying. I climbed into his crib to comfort 
him since I was still quite small there was plenty of room. I still had 
his pacifier in my mouth before I realized I was sucking his pacifier. 
He pulled it out of my mouth then put it in his mouth quieting down. I 
felt so ashamed just then mom came in and asked what was wrong. I said. 
I don�t know as I started to check his diaper he was clean and dry. I 
told mom he doesn�t need a diaper change.
	Mom picked him out of the crib and put him down to walk with her 
to the kitchen. I needed help to get out of the crib because I could 
get into the crib but had trouble getting out. I started to follow when 
I realized my Pull-up was soaked. I remover the wet Pull-up and put it 
into the diaper pail. I put my big boy pants on and ran to the kitchen.
	When I walked into the kitchen Ryan was being fed in his 
highchair mom had my food on the table ready for me. I sat in my 
booster seat because I was so small for a three-year-old I needed a 
phonebook under the booster seat to get me high enough to eat at the 
table. I still needed a training cup because I still spilled a lot. Mom 
put my bib on so my clothes did not get so messy when I ate my 
	After breakfast Ryan and I played in the playroom we had all 
kinds of Playschool toys to have fun with. I had to use the potty 
several times while we played but Ryan just used his diaper he was just 
a baby and did not know how to use the potty. I was a big boy and proud 
that I could use the potty and not baby diapers.


	For the next year my life did not change. Ryan was still a diaper 
baby doing all the baby things a baby does. I was four years old, 
learning to read at a second grade level and do math at the fourth 
grade level. I still liked to play with baby toys because toys are my 
favorite thing in the world. Ryan was still diapered. Mom had no 
interest in potty training him; besides, he only pooped once a day and 
wet three or four diapers a day. He never wet when he slept. Ryan was 
very little trouble for her to care for, almost like me.
	Six months later Ryan potty trained himself, telling mom when he 
needed to be potty before he wet or messed his diaper. After three days 
for doing good and not wetting or messing a diaper mom bought him real 
big-boy underwear since he was bigger than me. He had his own; mine was 
too small. Mom bought him a new bed and he started to eat at the table 
with the family. Dad was so proud of Ryan being so grown up. He started 
to play with us more and more.
	Mom told us she was going to have another baby in about six 
months, one month after Ryan and my birthday. That meant the baby 
things were going to come back and Ryan and I were going to have a 
brother or sister to play with when they get old enough. I was still a 
bedwetter and Ryan did not know I knew he did not wet, so I wanted to 
keep my bed wetting a secret.
	Ryan always looked up to me because I was the big boy, even if he 
was almost a head taller and 15 pounds heavier than me. I did not want 
him to know at night I was still the baby. It worked out very well 
because I woke up before everyone and could dispose of my wet Pull-up 
before he woke up. Mom helped out. She would put my Pull-ups under my 
pillow so I could put them on before I went to sleep. Ryan would never 
know what a baby I am at night.


	When Sam and Timmy were born they spent their first eight months 
sleeping in the nursery next to mom and dad�s room. Ryan and I were 
sleeping in our room doing big boy things Sam and Timmy were being 
babies doing baby things. I had to go to school I started second grade 
at the age of five. But I need to use the potty every half hour and 
that was too disruptive to the class so the school put me back in 
kindergarten where the potty was at the back of the classroom and I 
could use it anytime I need to.

	I was tutored in kindergarten class doing fourth-grade work. I 
helped the other kids learn to read better and faster. I still could 
not be too far from the potty because I did not want to have an 
accident in front of the other kids.


	The summer I turned six was when Ryan found out I was a bed 
wetter and I lost all his respect. He told me Sam and Timmy were dry in 
the morning and were going to started using training pants just like 
the ones I used at night. I thought they would not be two until next 
year I hoped they would stay in diapers for a lot longer. I did not 
want to be the only one wearing diapers. Ryan was told by mom if he 
told anyone he would wear diapers until after Sam and Timmy were potty 

	Ryan helped keep my secret but I was no longer the boss; he was 
in his eyes. I started to find a pacifier in my mouth in the morning 
when I woke up. Ryan would just giggle and say, �Baby Donny needs a 
diaper change.� I could not cry until I dropped the pacifier out of my 
mouth and if I cried to loud mom would make me suck on it for a half 
hour that was the rule of the house for criers.


	When I was seven Sam and Timmy were a little over two-years-old 
and starting to learn about the potty from Ryan. He wanted them to be 
potty trained so I would be the only one needing diapers. Within two 
weeks Sam and Timmy were totally potty trained. Mom and dad bought one 
more bed for Ryan so Sam and Timmy could take my bed and Ryan�s old bed 
in the room next to mom�s and dad�s room. Ryan�s new bed was set up and 
one of the old cribs was set up for me. I protested and cried so in 
went the pacifier. Mom said when I stopped wetting my bed then I would 
get a new bed. Ryan giggled and mom told Ryan if he teased Donny any 
more he would have the other crib. When fall came Ryan went to first 
grade with me the potty was still in the back of the room so I had no 
trouble keeping my pants dry. Mom told Ryan that if he told anyone that 
I still wet my bed and slept in a crib he would wear nothing but 
diapers to school for a week and sleep in a crib until two month after 
I was out of my crib. That scared him so much he kept my secret.


	Now that Sam and Timmy were three-years-old they had big boy beds 
and I have one of their cribs to sleep in. They did not see anything 
wrong with it. Their room looked like a toddler room with all the 
Playschool toys that I still liked to play with. I was all the time 
playing with Sam and Timmy and their toys while Ryan was playing with 
older boys� toys. Toddler toys were more my size since I was so small. 
To look at me playing with Sam and Timmy I looked the same age, maybe 
younger; they were just a little bigger than me.
	My favorite toy was their spring horse in their room. But I was 
not allowed on it because mom said I was too old for such a baby toy. 
But I was allowed to play with all the other baby toys that were 
around. We had so much fun until mom told us we would start daycare 
tomorrow and I would be in a class with Ryan and Sam and Timmy would be 
in a class with two- three- and four-year-olds.
	The first two days of daycare was fun but the third we were going 
to the zoo. They told everyone to go potty and I did. Then we were all 
put on the bus and since I weighed less than sixty pounds I had to use 
a care seat that they had to buckle me into. I saw that there was no 
way for me to unbuckle myself and got worried. About one half hour 
later I need to go pee bad and told the caretakers. They just told me 
to hold it but I could not and soaked my pants sitting in a care seat.
	I was so ashamed. I had not ever wet my pants, just wet my bed, 
not my pants now; what was I going to do? When the bus stopped I was 
released and picked up, showing everyone how wet I was. Everyone 
giggled, causing me to wet again. One of the caretakers said she had a 
few diapers and a change of clothes for the toddlers and babies on the 
other bus. She walked me to the other bus just as Sam and Timmy were 
being carried off. She told the other caretaker to take me into their 
class but I my clothes changed first.
	In the back of the bus I was changed from a big boy into a diaper 
baby and had to stay in the baby class for the rest of the summer. I 
had to eat in a highchair nap in a crib play with babies and baby toys. 
I was treated just like a baby. At home I received the same treatment. 
Ryan, Sam, and Timmy were now my big brothers, treating me just like a 
baby. All my clothes were baby clothes. Since I was a lot smaller than 
my brothers their clothes did not fit and I had to wear what mom or my 
brothers put on me.
	I was all the time wetting and messing my diaper after two weeks 
of baby food and bottles. By the time I turned nine-years-old I was 
more of a two-years-old than a nine-year-old. When I was at daycare I 
was put in with the babies and my brothers went in the big boy class.

	This is how I became an adult baby. At first I did not like being 
a baby but now I would have it no other way. I accept my baby life now 
looking back on it.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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