Name: Brandon
Ages: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1two, 13, 14, 15
Current Age: 15
Baby Brandon: the beginning

My name is Brandon, I am 14 now, living in Texas. My story starts at 
the age of 7, at my daycare, Heritage Daycare. This story is 100% true, 
and because of what happened at that place, my life is permanently 

My day as a second grader at Mark Twain Middle School was like any 
other. I went to school, hung out with my friends during lunch, and 
recess, like every other kid. My typical bully picked on me, but I was 
feeling so good today, I decided I didn't want to put up with him 
anymore, and punched him in the mouth. He ran away crying.

"Wow, man, I can't believe you did that!" My good friend Charley said.

"Bound to happen one day. " I said. I hang out with the cool kids, as 
considered the head of two Cool. (our club. ) Pretty much what I said 
was in, or out, was right. I had lot's of friends, and no one really 
disliked me, including the bully I punched. He does that to everyone.

After school was over, and I was on my way to Daycare, I was relieved. 
While I didn't particularly care for the Daycare, I knew I had friends 
there, and I was closer to going home. When we got there, we always 
went into the Lion's Den, that's what my room was called. It was for 
the kindergartners, to 3rd graders. I was a second grade. I joined my 
friends, Cody, and Kaleb, and played on the Nintendo. (Old School, 
baby!)We always got 30 minutes free play, before we took a mandatory 
nap. this always made me a bit nervous, because you see, I'm a 
bedwetter. Always was, thankfully no one but my parents knew. Although 
I knew I probably wouldn't wet the bed, during an hour nap, but I could 
never help but be a little paranoid. I went to sleep within 5 minutes 
of getting put to bed on my little stinky cot.

I was having a great dream. I was floating through the clouds. over the 
highest mountains, and over rivers, and even oceans. I floated over 
Niagara Falls, and winced at the sight of the huge pounding sound the 
river made. I kept floating closer and closer. I tried to flail away, 
hoping to get away, but it just kept pulling me closer. I was scared, I 
wanted to abort this dream, I tried frantically to wake up, but I 
didn't wake up in time. The fall had sucked me in. I was soaked, 
falling fast, feeling the water shoot up my nostrils. I suddenly hit 
the bottom, and got sucked under.

I woke up, out of breath. I looked around, and remembered where I was, 
I checked the clock, and saw nap time was almost over. In 5 minutes 
time, we would be going out side. Then I felt something else. I was 
soaked, the blankets were sticking to me, I thought at first it was 
sweat, but then I lifted up the blankets, and saw that I had completely 
soaked my jeans, shirt, and cot, with pee. I suddenly got horrified. My 
worst dream had come true. What was I going to do? Ms. Watson would be 
coming in any minute to get us up. I then remembered my extra set of 
clothes, from gym, in my backpack. I jumped, ran over to the rack, 
grabbed my bag, and ran into the bathroom. I changed into a similar set 
of clothes, and just hoped no one would notice my clothes were 
different. I put my pee-soaked ones back into my bag, ran out, threw my 
bag back onto the rack. Then I switched my cot, with an empty one 
opposite of me. I then climbed in the fresh one. Just as I had pulled 
the blankets over me, Ms. Watson, turned the lights on. "Ok, children, 
get up, time to go outside!" I heard groaning as the other kids got up. 
I got up, and walked to the backdoor, waiting for the others to line 

"Hey, Brandon. Want to go up into the robot head with me? Since I know 
you just turned 7, and you've never been up there?" Kaleb asked. The 
robot head was a part of a 150 foot tall robot we had outside, in the 
play area. You had to be 7 or older, to go into the head. The robot was 
cool, it had two 100 foot slides down the front, and a big hiding 
place, the kids had made over the years, in the butt. "Oh, K, sure that 
sounds great!" I said with absolute enthusiasm. The doors opened, and 
we were off! Past the long fence, guarding the parking lot, around the 
corner, past the maintenance shed, through the gate, to the play area! 
The best part about being a kid! Kaleb, and I went to the robot. We 
climbed the steel bars, to the first floor. "The password is StagFlax, 
okay?" Kaleb said to me. The robot head was guarded, and only the older 
kids, knew the password, to get up into it. We approached the hatch, 
that revealed the head. Kaleb slid a piece of metal out of the way, and 
a pair of eyes appeared.

"Password?" The eyes said.

"StagFlax" I said. The hatch opened, and we were in, and what a sight 
it was!

We climbed in, and I immediately saw all the older kids looking at me. 
"Hey, guys!" Kaleb said to them. "We got a first-timer here!" He said, 
and I noticed an odd little grin on his face.

"You know what that means?" Kaleb asked the oldest looking one.

"Yes, of course, Kaleb! It's been a while since we had a newbie! 
Brandon, you must pass The Test!" the eldest said.

"What test?" I asked, clearly showing fear.

"Come over here, and lay face down, and we'll tell you about it, "the 
eldest said. I did as I was asked, and I lay down at the spot he 
pointed out. As soon as I lay down, two boys jumped on me, holding me 
down. I struggled, but they pulled out some restraints, from a 
compartment I didn't see, and strapped me down at my ankles, wrists, 
chest, and waist. They took off my shoes and socks.

"You see, only those who can prove they are a big kid, can come up 
here. If you can withstand the tickling test, you can come up here, all 
you want. If you pee your pants, then you will be busted by Ms. Watson, 
and you go to the baby room," he said. I didn't have anything to say, I 
was terrified! I had to pee already, and I'd already had one accident 
today. No way could I afford another.

"Let the test begin," The eldest boy said.

Suddenly, 10 boys started tickling me. My feet, ribs, belly, armpits, 
and legs were all targets. I was laughing uncontrollably, and I felt 
the pressure in my bladder building. I fought the urge to piss myself, 
and held on. Kaleb grabbed a feather and started tickling my feet with 
that. I roared with laughter. I wiggled, trying to get away, but the 
tickling continued. I felt a bit of pee leak out. I held it back, 
desperate to not be a little kid. I couldn't hang on and pee started 
flooding my jeans. The tickling kept going, and I kept peeing. The 
tickling stopped, and as they unstrapped me, and flipped me over, all 
the children started laughing, I started crying, still peeing 

"Kaleb, get that baby outta here!" Kaleb threw me down the hatch, shut 
it, locked it, and left me be. I had no where to go, and they knew it. 
I walked out the robot, and went towards Ms. Watson, while I heard 
laughter form the other kids, who saw my wet pants, I got really 
embarrassed and scared. I suddenly pooped my pants in fear, and I 
didn't even know I had to go.

"I had an accident!!" I said, still crying.

"Oh, that's okay, come with me, baby, we'll get you cleaned up," she 
said with compassion in her voice. As I walked with her back into our 
room, I just hoped she wouldn't know about my other accident. Daycare 
policy stated that if a child had two wetting accidents in one day they 
shall be put into Pull-Ups for the rest of the day if a child had a 
messing accident.

"I know about your accident in the cot. When I went to put the cots up 
I noticed one close to you was wet, but no one slept in it. I noticed 
you had different clothes on, so I checked your backpack, and found 
your wet ones. I'm sorry, but you�re going to have to wear diapers 
today," Ms. Watson said.

"No, please, it wasn't my fault! The big kids made me do it!" I 
pleaded, starting to cry again.

"Excuses won't save you the humiliation. I suggest you cooperate, as 
this will go quicker," she said, with a little grin. She led to the 
back of the daycare down the hall with footprints of all the babies who 
have attended there. We walked into a room that had cribs, and changing 
tables. I noticed that four of the cribs were occupied. She led me to 
the changing table in the back.

"Okay, hon, lay down," Ms. Watson said.

"I don't want you to see me naked... or the babies," I cried.

"Don't worry about it, baby! You don't have anything I haven't seen 
before. Besides, I'm pretty sure the babies don't care," she said. I 
lay down on the baby table, totally defeated. Ms. Watson took off my 
shoes and socks, and placed them aside.

"You won't be needing those anymore," she said coolly. She undid my 
belt, unzipped my pants, and one pull removed my pants, and undies. She 
then told me to sit up, and she pulled my shirt off. I was now 
completely naked in front of a woman I barely knew. I tried to cover up 
my tiny prepubescent penis, but she pushed me back down, and I had to 
grab the table to avoid hurting myself. She pulled out some cream, a 
bottle of baby powder, a stack of diapers, Pull-Ups, plastic pants, and 
a strange looking set of pajamas. I knew this was it.

She popped off the end of the cream and squirted it on her hands. She 
rubbed it all over my crotch and bottom area. She even went up to my 
belly button and around the cuffs on my legs. I was so warm, and I 
couldn't help but enjoy it. She then opened the powder and applied it 
over the areas she put cream on. I had powder pretty much everywhere. I 
smelled like a baby. She opened one of the diapers and laid it in front 
of my crotch. She lifted my legs and slid the diaper underneath me, 
then set me down on it. I could already feel the bulk. She then pulled 
the front up and with expertise she fastened it tightly.

"Almost done, baby," she said with a smile. She then made me stand up. 
She opened up a Pull-Up and made me step into it. I did. She then 
pulled out some plastic pants which had Barney prints on them. I 
stepped in them even though I didn't care much for Barney. I now looked 
like a baby. I glanced over myself in the mirror, by the door, and saw 
just how bulky the diapers were. I couldn't close my legs, let alone 
walk. I stood there with my legs like two feet apart. Ms. Watson then 
had me step into the footed pajamas. I saw they too, had Barney prints 
on them, and were baby blue in color. She pulled them up and zipped up 
the back. She snapped the crotch in place.

"Okay, baby, let's go meet the other babies in here," she said. Seeing 
as I couldn't walk, she picked me up and carried me. It felt like she 
was my mommy and I was two again. I liked the feeling I felt. She 
carried into a large nursery, where I saw about two five-, two three-
year-olds, and to my amazement, I saw three kids my age being diapered! 
She set me down by them.

"If you need to go, just go," Ms. Watson said.

"Hi, I'm Tommy," said one kid in the middle.

"I'm Larry," said another.

"I'm Billy," the last one said.

"Hi, everyone," I said.

"So, I see we have a new one," Tommy said.

"Were you another victim of Kaleb�s test?" Billy asked.

"Yes,� I said. �I failed miserably."

"Yeah, us too, but it's fun being a baby. At first, I was nervous, but 
it is really nice."

"Your mom will probably start treating you this way, like ours, so you 
better get used to it," Larry said with a smile.

We played with some cars for about 30 minutes, when I realized I had to 
poop and pee, bad. I wiggled a little, not wanting it to come back. 

"You gotta go, huh?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah", I said. "The first time is a little weird."

"Just don't hold it, and let it go. I suggest you do something else to 
keep your mind busy while you poop," Tommy said.

I focused on my cars and stopped holding. As soon as I felt a trickle 
of pee come out, the dams broke, and I totally soaked both my diaper, 
and my Pull-Ups. A little pee was leaking onto the floor. It took me a 
moment to realize that I had also pooped out everything. I guess I had 

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Tommy asked. "I do think you need a 
change though," he said.

I sat in my mess for a few minutes and really enjoyed the feeling it 
gave me. I felt so much like a baby, like nothing else mattered. I felt 
so secure, so peaceful.

"PPPHEEW! Looks like me have a stinky boy in here!" Ms Watson said, 
picking me up and carrying me to the very nearby changing table. She 
unbuttoned my crotch and peeled odd my plastic pants, Pull-Ups, and 
diaper. I was now naked in front of everyone.

"Do we have to do this here?" I asked, starting to cry.

"Yes, we do. Don't worry, they don't care. You'll get used to it," she 
said back assuringly.

"We better put you in the thick ones, seeing as you pee so much," she 
said, reaching under the table and pulling out, bar none, the thickest 
diaper I have ever seen. I swear to you, it must have been 6 inches 
thick, and much longer. She cleaned me up, with a Wet Ones and then put 
the massively thick diaper on me. She then followed up with an 
additional regular diaper, and then two pairs on Pull-Ups, and a pair 
of plastic pants.

"Can I leave my pajamas off, like the others?" I asked nicely.

"well, seeing as it looks as though I'm going to have to change you 
frequently, I guess so," she responded back. She took my jammies off, 
and let me crawl back over to the others. I was in absolute heaven.

During snack time we all got a warm bottle of milk. I had never drunk 
out of a bottle before. I slowly sucked on the nipple, feeling the warm 
milk go down my throat. It felt great. I sat there sucking on a bottle 
like a baby, wearing diapers. I suddenly felt a growing warmth in my 
diaper and I recognized I had wet myself. I watched the diaper bulge 
out from my pee. I peed for two minutes. By that time, I had drunk the 
bottle and was getting sleepy. The last thing I remember I was being 
picked up by a different lady I had never seen before and being laid 
down in a crib. Then all went blank.

When I awoke, Ms Watson told me my mom was here. I suddenly got scared. 
What would my mom think of this? I panicked and pooped my diaper. It 
was then I noticed how bulky it was. It had sagged down to my knees, 
and there was no way I could walk. I could barely crawl.

"Let's put in some rompers, so you can go home with your mommy," she 
said, picking me up again. She laid me down onto a changing table, and 
put a pair of the rompers on me. There were the same as the footed 
ones, except they stopped at my diapers and my legs were exposed, along 
with my feet. My diaper clearly bulged through, and you could it 
sticking out the leg holes. They were red, with what looked like random 
cartoon characters.

"Your mom said, she�d change you at home, so you'll be okay until then. 
These diapers can hold much more than this," she said, as she carried 
me towards the front. She grabbed a towel and wrapped me in it. I was 
glad. I didn't want anyone else seeing me like this, not that it really 
mattered. I'm sure by now everyone has heard about my accident.

She put me down in front my mom and she didn't look angry, but I felt 
really scared and really small. I started pooping myself. It just came 
out, I didn't even feel it until after it came out.

"It's okay, I'm not mad, but I have decided to keep you in diapers 
forever," my mommy said. "You've had a lot of accidents lately, and 
frankly I don't know how else to deal with it. Come, on let's go." She 
picked me up, and I waved goodbye to Ms. Watson.

The ride home was a long one. I was scared to think what my dad would 
say but for some reason, I felt at peace with myself. I couldn't help 
but enjoy what was happening. I felt a warmth spread between my legs, 
and knew that I has soaked my diaper. I looked down at my near naked 
body and unwrapped the towel I was sitting on. I had to poop again, so 
I stopped holding my bowels closed, and let it relax. As soon as I did, 
poop came shooting out so fast I thought the diaper would rip.

"Phew, well it looks as though I'll have to change you," Mom said. She 
pulled over to a gas station and stopped by the front door. She got out 
and walked over to my side of the car, and opened my door, and helped 
me out. She grabbed a bag from the front seat. I was really embarrassed 
as she picked me up, wearing nothing but a clearly very used diaper. 
She carried me through the store, and surprisingly, nobody said 
anything, or even looked at me. We went into the ladies restroom, where 
she pulled down the changing station and laid me on it. She unstrapped 
my diaper and pulled it away, throwing in the trash. She opened the bag 
as I lay there naked, poop and pee smeared all over me. She got out 
some Wet Ones and wiped me clean. Then she applied some cream, and some 
powder, then pulled out a thick diaper I hadn't seen before.

"I bought you these, as they are cheaper and hold just as much. They 
are Pampers size 4 diapers," Mom said, taping the new diaper in place. 
She then pulled out a onesie and put it on me. It had Sesame Street 
characters on it. She gave me some Flip Flops to wear and we left the 
bathroom, me for the first time since I was in big boy clothes, walked 

When we got home I watched TV for a while until my dad came home. I was 
scared and I peed my diaper for 5 minutes straight. These new diapers 
were awesome! They didn't even drip a drop, as they sucked up my pee 
thirstily. My dad said hello with a confused look on his face. I said 
hi back. I heard him talking to my mother.

"Why is he in diapers, and baby pajamas?" He asked my mom.

"Because he had two accidents in daycare, and they put him in them, and 
I decided since he's had so many accidents lately, and wetting the bed 
every night, I might as well keep him in them," Mom said.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense, but I'm not changing him," Dad said.

"Okay, whatever," mom said back. I was relieved dad was cool with it.

Around 8:30, my diaper was fully loaded so my mom changed me, getting 
me ready for bed. She put me in a Barney-themed footed baby sleeper and 
handed me a bottle full of warm milk. I was drinking my bottle and 
watching Looney Tunes, when I fell asleep.

I awoke 4 hours later, and at first I didn't know where was. I looked 
around, and saw I was in a huge crib, and my room looked different. I 
saw shelves full of diapers, and changing supplies. All my big boy 
clothes were gone from my closet, replaced with baby clothes. I heard 
some weird music, and I looked up, and saw one of those spinning baby 
mobiles above my crib. I saw a pacifier beside me, I grabbed it, and 
sucked on it for a while, until I fell asleep again.

The next day I woke up and it was Saturday. I was glad I didn't have to 
go to school today. I lay awake, enjoying my wet and messy diaper, when 
my mommy came in.

"Hey, sweetie, sleep good?" She asked.

"Yes," I said in a baby-type manner.

"Looks like, a baby has a stinky diapey," She said, picking me up. I 
was surprised to see that I had developed a small leak, and the front 
of my jammies were soaked. She laid me down on my changing table, 
unbuttoned my jammies and took off my very used diaper.

"Looks like you have a rash. Let�s get you in the bath tub," Mommy 
said, picking my naked little body up and carrying me to the bathroom.

After the bath, mommy asked me if I wanted to go to the zoo today. I 
said I did, but I was nervous about people recognizing me and laughing 
at me.

"Baby, no one�s going to laugh. You are small enough, to pass as a 
three year old. No one will say anything, I promise," Mommy said 
reassuringly. Mommy dressed me in double diapers and plastic pants to 
help the baby look a little more, then dressed me in light blue baby 
shorts and a Thomas the Train T-shirt, neither of which did anything to 
hide my diapers. I walked over to the mirror and saw that I did, in 
fact, look like a three-year-old in size and in the way I was dressed. 
I waddled over to my closet and put on my sandals. Mommy got a stroller 
and a diaper bag out of the closet and loaded it in the car. Then she 
loaded me into the car seat in the back, something I haven't sat in for 
years, and we were off.

When we got to the zoo, I was a little nervous, but I was also excited. 
Mommy helped me out and put me and my diaper bag into the stroller. She 
pushed me up towards the entrance and went to pay the ticket guy.

"One adult and one child," Mommy said.

"Ms, that will be no children, as children two and under are free," he 

"Oh, okay then, how much?" mommy asked.

"$6," he said back. She paid the man, and I was reinsured no one was 
going to think I was too old.

The zoo was fun. We saw the lions, the tigers, and bears(oh my!) We 
went to the reptile house and the mammal house. The only thing we 
didn't see was the penguins as the exhibit was under construction. On 
the way out my diapers were full, and started to edge towards the 
leaking zone. I was supposed, because I didn't even know I had gone. We 
went into the bathroom and there was a lady, and her young son about 
the same age as me, that had wet his pants in the zoo. She was helping 
him, clean up.

"I can�t believe you did this! I am putting you back in diapers!" she 
said, to the crying child.

"No! Please mommy, I won't do it again!" The boy pleaded. The woman 
finished off cleaning him up when she noticed us.

"Excuse me, do you have a diaper I can borrow? I don't have anything to 
put him in," she asked my mom.

"Sure, here you go," my mommy said.

"Thanks, I don't know what's gotten into him. He's been having all 
kinds of accidents lately," she said.

"No problem at all!" My mommy said, wiping my naked butt up.

"Cute baby, you got there!" she said. "How old is he?" she asked.

"He just turned two," my mommy said. Mommy finished with me and put my 
shorts back on. As we left the restroom I was left with the image of 
that naked boy screaming as his mom put a diaper on him. We stopped by 
the gift shop on the way out and I got a big turtle stuffed animal, as 
turtles were my favorite animal. In the parking lot, as we were loading 
up we saw that child, and his mom, walking through the lot. He was in 
just a diaper and was pitching a fit the whole way, drawing looks and 
giggles from onlookers. Oh well, he'll learn to enjoy it, hehe!

That was 8 years ago. I am 15 now, and I am still diapered all the 
time. I graduated early from High School with top scores in all my 
classes. My mom still treats me like a baby, and I can't get enough of 
it. I will be a baby boy forever and just the way I want it.

A note to all kids reading this: Wet your pants, poop your pants, pee 
your bed, do whatever it takes to be put into diapers by your parents. 
You will not regret it and you will turn out a better, happier person 
in the end. It is fun, and you have so much less to worry about when 
you�re a baby. Don't you remember those days? You don't have to thank 
me, but one day you will anyway.

The End! More to come, perhaps?

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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