Name: Andrew
Ages: 15
Current Age: 25
Already a week had passed of summer vacation and things were great. In 
two weeks we (my family) were going to a friend’s cabin in Canada with 
another friend. I was sitting in my room playing on the computer when 
my dad burst in waving my report card.

“A C. How could you get a C in math?” I just shrugged.

“Don’t you realize that you are in high school now? You can’t get these 
kinds of grades!” he yelled. I just shrugged again.

“We need to fix your attitude this summer, and we need to make a 
drastic change.” He said as he left the room. I didn’t care and when I 
heard the car pull out the driveway I just figured that he was going to 
work. When my dad got home in my room reading a book when the door flew 
open and my dad walked to my dresser and grabbed all of my boxers and 
left. I didn’t know what was happening. Less than a minute later my 
door opened again and he threw 2 packages at me and said, “Put these in 
you dresser.” I looked down and saw that one was a package of GOODNITES 
and the other was a package of PULL-UPS with Disney characters on them. 
I was petrified. I ran downstairs just in time to see my dad cutting up 
all my boxers. I tried to grab them but he slapped me across the face 
and told me to go rearrange my dresser. By this time, all the boxers 
were in shreds and I was crying, begging him for a second chance. 
Meanwhile, my little sister Annie was laughing at me. I stormed back up 
to my room and threw the diapers across the room. Then Annie came up to 
gloat, she is 13, and she told me that the pull-ups were for the day 
and the Goodnites were for night. Then she told me something that 
scared me even more. She told me that dad had ordered an oversized 
changing table. I told her that I didn’t need anyone to change me 
because all the diapers were pull-ups. She just smiled and told me that 
dad would be up in 1 minute to make sure that my diapers were put away 
and I had one on. I cried the whole time as I took the diapers from the 
packs and stacked them in my top drawer. When I heard my dad stomping 
up the stairs towards my room I quickly grabbed a PULL-UP and put it 
on. I felt so babyish and noticed what a tight fit it was. I quickly 
picked up the boxers that I had been wearing and kicked them under my 
bed right as my dad walked in. He immediately looked under my bed and 
found the boxers I had been wearing. He took those and then walked over 
to me and pulled down the soccer shorts that I had just pulled up and 
told me to make sure the diaper stayed on.

Then he said, “Those look tight on you. It’s a good thing I ordered the 

I had no idea what he was talking about. As soon as he left I went on 
my computer and Googled “Bambinos”. What I found scared me more than 
anything. Adult baby diapers.

I spent the remainder of the afternoon playing on the computer. I began 
to feel the urge to pee. I got up and walked down the hall to the 
bathroom. Unfortunately I had to walk right past Annie’s room. When she 
saw me she asked where I was going and I told her I was going to the 
bathroom. She immediately yelled, “Ddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd, 
Andy is going to the bathroom.” My dad then came out of his room, 
barring the way to the bathroom. He told me that I had to use the 
diaper for pee and could only poop in the toilet and if I wanted to get 
changed, Annie or he had to be present. I was in shock, the urge was 
building and I couldn’t hold it any more. My face must have given away 
what had just happened because my dad told Annie to take me and get 
changed. He then saw that is was already 6:30 in the evening, and told 
Annie to put the night diaper on me. I was completely humiliated. Annie 
grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the hall in my soaking wet diaper. 
When we reached my room, Annie made me stand in the middle as she 
pulled down my shorts. I closed my eyes out of embarrassment. I felt 
the wet diaper being pulled down my legs and heard Annie telling me to 
step out. I did as I was told. Then she told me to lie down, which I 
did, as she wiped my genitals and applied a generous amount of baby 
powder. Then she went over to my drawer and pulled out a Goodnite. She 
then told me to stand up as she held out to Goodnite for me to step 
into. Then she pulled it all the way up and pulled the front out as she 
shook more baby powder in. I went to grab a pair of pants but she told 
me that I can’t wear pants without permission. I started to cry again 
as I realized that my idea of summer vacation had just changed 
dramatically. Then we both went downstairs for dinner.

The next morning I woke up when my sister came in. She told me to get 
up because we were going on the boat. I yawned but then suddenly felt 
the cold rush against my genitals. I looked down and saw a sagging, 
yellow, Goodnite. I was shocked. Why was it wet? I slid it down and 
hopped into the shower. When I got out my sister was waiting with the 
towel. I snatched it from her and told her to give me some privacy. She 
walked out as I dried off but she quickly returned with a PULL-UP in 
her hand. She held it out as I, her totally naked older brother, 
stepped in. I no longer felt weird about being seen or even changed by 
Annie. I went into my room and threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt 
and also grabbed my swimsuit. We all got in the car and headed to the 
boat. We were almost there when my dad pulled into the parking lot of 
Wal-Mart. He told us to wait in the car while he went in to get stuff 
for the afternoon. While we were waiting Annie told me to pull down my 
pants so she could check the diaper. It was still dry. 15 minutes later 
dad came back out with a bag that he tossed into the trunk. When he got 
in he told us that he forgot to bring extra diapers. He also got some 
chips and “other stuff”.

Our boat is a 45 foot Bayliner. It is a big, new boat with a large 
below deck area. When we got there, dad had Annie take the bag below 
while I carried the towels and food. I untied the lines while Annie was 
below doing something. There is a U-shaped couch that has a piece that 
can be put in to turn it into a bed. Dad asked me to go below and 
change. I thought he was referring to the swimsuit but, when I went 
below, I saw that Annie had turned the couch to a bed. She had a 
plastic mat spread out with a pack of diapers that I had never seen. 
Annie motioned for me to lie down which I did. She took off my pants to 
reveal a wet diaper. She told me to go poop before she rediapers me. 
When I came out of the bathroom she told me to lay down while she 
diapered me in a little swimmer with a picture of Nemo on it. I went to 
grab my swimsuit but she snatched it up and made me go up in just my 
diaper. At first I was really embarrassed but I soon became more 
comfortable because no one but my family could see me. We spent the 
afternoon swimming.

The next week created a rhythm. Spend the days in diapers and, when 
necessary, get changed by Annie. One day the next week a box arrived at 
the door. It was to me. When I opened it I found 150 Bambino diapers 
with the words BABY printed all over them. Dad informed me that now the 
Goodnites were to be worn during the day and the bambinos at night. 
Later that day, a large truck pulled up and two big men unloaded 
several boxes and bubble wrapped objects. They carried all the stuff to 
the front door where my dad met them. They followed him up to my room 
where my dad had emptied my dresser of everything. The 2 men carried it 
downstairs to the truck. Then they began to assemble the new one. When 
they were done I was left with an oversized changing table nearly 7 
feet long. It had a plastic mat on top and a small ladder.

Now to the biggest thing yet. I just got back from the cabin in Canada 
where I went with my family and one of my friends and his mom. The 
Cabin belongs to a friend of my dad. My friend, Erik, was coming up 
with his mom. We decided to drive up together so we met him at a 
parking lot near his home at 2 in the morning. I was still in a bambino 
and we had brought a whole box of diapers both Goodnites and bambinos 
as well a pack of Little Swimmers. I was really scared about what Erik 
would say if he found out about my diapers. Once we loaded the car we 
hit the road. We both said a quick hello but we were both soon asleep. 
I tried not to move for fear that Erik would hear the tell tale rustle 
of a diaper. I re-awoke around 9 when we stopped for gas. I could feel 
that I was wet and I was really hungry. There was a Perkin’s across the 
street so we decided to eat. Annie grabbed a Bambino so a tried to 
quietly argue by telling her that I wanted a Goodnite. She only told me 
that I would be wearing a bambino. I just followed her. Erik was 
nowhere to be found. His mom just said that he was in the bathroom. Me 
and Annie went into the handicap restroom. We did a quick change and 
when we returned, Erik was still missing. I decided to go to the 
bathroom. When I went in I saw his feet under a stall. I was surprised 
to see that his pants were in a pile to the side and he was standing. I 
decided to wait. I stood there and when Erik came out I was frozen in 
shock to see him holding a soaking Goodnite. As soon as he saw me he 
froze in horror. Then I made the first move, I said, “I see you wear 
diapers.” He didn’t say anything but I could see the tears beginning to 
form. I decided to show him so I pulled down my shorts to reveal my 
diapers. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. We both went back out 
together. In the car we both agreed to go pant less. My sister was 
shocked when Erik, I very hot kid in my class, took off his pants to 
reveal a Goodnite. I found out that Erik had wet the bed for several 
years and had just recently started wearing diapers. When we got to the 
cabin we discovered that we had the whole place to ourselves. Me and 
Erik were put in the same room and between us we filled the whole 
dresser with diapers. We spent the whole week in diapers and now I have 
decided that the summer won’t be all bad after all. I still have 2 
months to go and a camp to get through. I will keep you updated.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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