Name: Alex B.
Ages: 6, 9, 14
Current Age: 14
A Little About Me

Since I was little, I always had a "thing" for diapers, but I didn't 
really understand it until I found Deeker's website. Being ignorant, I 
used to think that I was the only one who felt attractions towards 
diapers. At around 8, I thought it was something bad, and kind of 
locked it away for a few years. Then, at 13, it resurfaced. Now, I 
enjoy my scant opportunities to get diapers (my parents don't know, and 
I'd just die if they found out) and relish using them. But I'm getting 
a bit ahead of myself; let's begin with how it all unfolded.

Age 6: My first diaper encounter

When I was small, I never exactly knew what my fetish was, but 
nonetheless I followed my needs. The first incident of this that I 
really remember was at around age 6. I had a friend who lived around 
the block, whose house I always used to go to; neither of us were in 
diapers anymore, but he had a baby sister who was. This was one of the 
first times I had been over there, before this I hadn't discovered his 
sister. We were playing upstairs and his sister had crawled in, and was 
exploring the room when her mom came in to check on us. She checked the 
baby's diaper, and made some comment about changing her. She went into 
the baby's room, across the hallway. As soon as she had said something 
about changing a diaper, my attention had soared. I sneaked glances 
over there, but she had shut the door. Later, my friend had to go to 
the bathroom, his mom and sister were downstairs, and it was pretty 
much time to go; now was my chance. I snuck into the room, and upon 
seeing the huge supply of diapers, stiffened in more than one way. I 
stuffed 3 under my jeans, the only place I could think of, then quickly 
went back to my friend's room. He finished in the bathroom, and his mom 
had come up and said that it was time to go home. As I was walking down 
the stairs, in front of them, the most dreadful thing happened. One of 
the diapers had fallen down the left leg of my jeans, and was sticking 
out! His mom asked what it was, and I said it was the lining of my 
pants; my friend was not fooled and exclaimed that it was a diaper. In 
shock, I denied it, going beet red at the same time. I fled to my 
house, where I was almost discovered by my mom, who asked why I was 
"walking up the stairs weird". I immediately closed my door, and pulled 
down my pants. Excitedly, I took out the diapers, opened one up, and 
put it on. This caused a huge boner to erupt in the middle of putting 
the tapes on. My mission was accomplished. I can't remember where I hid 
the diapers, but when I was younger, I wasn't exactly the brightest 
bulb on the Christmas tree, and my mom soon discovered and trashed the 
diapers, causing extreme anguish.
Age 9: Desperate Beyond Description

After 6, I pretty much forgot about diapers for a while. Until this. My 
parents and I were at a department store, sine they wanted to buy some 
stuff (whatever it is parents buy in their free time). I was getting 
bored, so they said that I could look around the store for things I 
wanted and meet them back at the cashier;) I was walking around looking 
for the snacks aisle (it not a small store to say the least) when I 
confusedly found myself in the diapers section! I looked at all the 
packages of diapers, and there were some big ones that would definitely 
fit me. There was a huge urge, like some invisible force was pulling my 
hands towards the packages. I looked around nervously; nobody was 
around...I hastily ripped open one of the packages (thank god for easy-
open seals) and stuffed 2 diapers into each of my pockets, at this 
point I was shaking a lot, and went back to looking for food, trying to 
hide my boner (I thought my pants might rip with its force). Then this 
middle-aged woman passed by, and I stuffed my hands into my pockets to 
further hide the diapers. I had gotten smarter since age 6 (thank god) 
and I tried to look casual, hoping she wouldn't notice how much I was 
shaking. I always get really jittery when I'm stealing diapers, it must 
be the tension. Anyway, I grabbed a bag of combos and hurried back to 
where my parents were waiting. They paid for everything and we drove to 
a big Italian restaurant. As we were eating, I tried to fight the urge 
to go into the bathroom and do stuff with my diapers. I failed. As I 
was there, I managed to use my common sense (didn't have much back 
then, thinking, "No, I can't, what if they find out, that's really bad, 
I can't let that happen, I have to wait, I can't do it now, wait until 
we get home!!" So I just took a leak, carefully making sure the diapers 
did not stick out of my pockets. On the way home, the car would not go 
fast enough for me, I was so impatient from anticipation. Finally, we 
got back, and I walked around downstairs so my mom would not notice me 
walking funny up the stairs (I did that to avoid bending or otherwise 
harming the diapers). As I got to my room, I closed my door to a crack, 
so I could still hear if they came upstairs. Luckily, I had a real high 
loft bed, so I took refuge up there. I had the perfect space to stash 
things; my bed was in the corner of the room, both ends also supported 
with large drawers for my clothes etc. There was a small space between 
one drawer and the corner that I could access by slipping behind it (it 
was too small for anyone else ;). I had always thought of it as my 
secure, special headquarters. Putting 3 diapers in there, I climbed up 
my loft bed and pulled down my pants and underwear. Yep, you guessed 
it; a strong boner snapped to attention as I started unfolding the 
diaper. I placed it under my butt and pulled up the front and then 
brought the straps around my waist. I attached them - the diaper fit 
perfectly, to my joy. Now, back then I didn't have the biggest bladder; 
I needed a good pee by now...I lay back, propping my head up on a 
pillow, and let loose. I watched the yellow spot appear and grow on the 
front of the diaper; it was one of those cool old ones that had the 
part in front to show when you were wet. This one had Mickey Mouse 
fishing in a lake; as the spot grew, the word WET appeared on the 
front. As I emptied, still watching the spot, I bathed in the sensual 
warmth in my pelvis and around the bottom of the diaper, becoming 
really aroused. Unfortunately, I did not know was masturbation was at 
this point; I bet it would have been great right about then. As I 
checked the inside of the diaper, my "woody" was leaking clear, sticky 
stuff (pre-cum?). I continued to lie there, basking in the warmth until 
dinner. Of course this had to lead to more diaper experiences...

Age 9, part 2 is coming soon...sorry for the late update.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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