
	After I left Sue's place I went to Tony's house first instead of 
going straight home. Tony was going to come over with me for a 
sleepover and to help me plan tomorrow's meeting. Kara came to the door 
holding a very wet and poopy Thickies diaper that she had just taken 
off of her older brother. She invited me in and told me Tony was in his 
room. As I went in there I saw Tony writing something.
	"What are you writing. A diaper story?" I asked him.
	"Yeah, it's one that I want to share with the club tomorrow and 
then submit it to the club stories."
	"You mind if I read it?" I asked Tony.
	"Not at all," Tony said. He handed me his handwritten copy, which 
had a few words scribbled out.
	"We can type this out on the computer when we get to my house," I 
suggested as I tried to read Tony's less-than perfect handwriting (mine 
was no better.) The story was about two boys who had lived next door to 
each other and had been best friends since the second grade, but for 
three years had never known each other's secrets, that they both liked 
to wear diapers. One day one of the boys saw the other boy's stash of 
diapers and this was how the rest of the story unfolded from there. The 
only thing I thought the story could have used were some sisters since 
I was so used to sisters changing their brothers' diapers, knowing so 
many examples of this particular family arrangement.
	About halfway through the story I was getting excited and rubbing 
the front of my diapers. I had taken my sweat pants off, of course. 
Tony then told me to hold the page with both hands and let him do the 
rubbing. I figured this worked better, and I knew Tony was enjoying it 
as the front of his diaper tented up. I heard the phone ring out in the 
living room but I thought nothing of it until Kara suddenly barged in, 
catching Tony rubbing the front of my diapers. She just smiled and 
said, "Chris, it's your mom." With this, she handed me the cordless 
handset. Tony, of course, was red in the face. He asked Kara to knock 
before she comes in.
	"Why?" she asked. "It's not like you're ever dressed anyway."
	"Yeah, but, well, I'm older now, and things are, you know, 
	"I know what you're talking about, big brother," she said as she 
smiled and trotted back out of the room. I then picked up the phone to 
talk to Mom.
	"Are you boys coming over soon?" Mom asked me.
	"Yeah, we were just getting ready to leave," I answered.
	"We're going out to the mall and then we'll probably get pizza 
someplace afterwards," Mom said.
	"Sounds good," I said. "We'll be right there."
	Tony gathered his materials for tomorrow's meeting and put them 
in his book bag. He then put on his shoes and then his jacket. He, too, 
had gotten some sweat pants so that he could just slip them on over his 
diaper when he had to go out of the house when the weather was too 
cold. We got on our bikes and headed over to my house. I noticed that 
Lisa was wearing perfume.
	"You haven't even smelled me yet," I said to Lisa as a I caught a 
whiff of the fragrance.
	"What is that supposed to mean?" Lisa asked me.
	"I thought you might be wearing perfume to mask my diaper odors."
	"It's a good idea, come to think of it," Lisa said.
	"Why are you wearing perfume?" I asked Lisa.
	"I'm going out," she said. I assumed she meant with Betty, so I 
wasn't sure why she felt perfume was needed.
	"You boys ready?" Mom asked me before I had a chance to ask Lisa 
why she was wearing perfume just to go out.
	"Well, if you don't mind me smelling the whole time, yeah," I 
said, being that I had on soiled diapers.
	"Won't be the first time," Mom said. "Maybe we should put some of 
Lisa's perfume on you."
	"No thanks!" I said as I quickly backed away, waving my hands in 
front of me, gesturing staunch refusal. In doing this I backed into 
Cindy, who was right behind me. I ended up knocking her over. As she 
fell she grabbed onto me and ended up taking me down with her. My 
diapered bottom felt soft as I found myself sitting on her chest.
	"Sorry, Cindy," I said.
	"Watch where you're going, Chris," she said as she pulled down on 
my sweat pants and exposed my diapers.
	"You need to be changed," she said. "Are you going like that?"
	"Well, yeah, unless Mom wants to wait for you to change my 
	"We don't have time," Mom said. "Besides, you changed him after 
school, right?"
	"Yeah, of course," Cindy said. "How he can poop so much in so 
little time, I haven't figured it out."
	"It's called degenerative bowel incontinence syndrome," I said, 
making it try to sound like an official medical term.
	"What's that?" Cindy asked me.
	"It means I can't control my bowels anymore because I've worn 
diapers for so long."
	"I already knew that," she said, "not that I feel sorry for you 
since you chose to bring yourself to that condition."
	"I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I'm glad it happened, 
since it means I have to wear my diapers, no matter what."
	"Well, then maybe we'd better borrow some of Lisa's perfume and 
use it as air freshener," Cindy remarked.
	"Is it really that strong?" Lisa asked.
	"A little, dear," Mom replied honestly. "But it does help make 
things more breathable around here."
	"So who all's going?" I asked Mom.
	"Just you boys, Cindy and me," Mom said.
	"What about Lisa?" I asked.
	"She's going out on a date," Mom said.
	"A date?" I said. "Oooh, so, who's the new boyfriend?" I asked 
Lisa, making kissy faces at her.
	"His name's Michael," Lisa said. "And don't make kissy faces like 
that! Not like you haven't kissed a girl before."
	"How would you know?" I said.
	"I know you and Megan have sucked face a few times," Lisa said 
with a knowing look on her face.
	"We have not!" I denied. Of course this was a lie.
	"You have, too," Lisa shot back.
	"No we..."
	"Kids, stop it, please," Mom said. "You kids go out to the car. 
I'm going to let your dad know we're leaving now."
	With this, Mom left the front room for a moment to talk to Dad, 
who was in the kitchen going over some papers of some sort. At this 
moment the doorbell rang.
	"He's here!" Lisa said as she looked at her watch. "He's early!"
	I suddenly dropped my sweat pants to my ankles and start taking 
them off.
	"Chris, what are you doing?" Lisa asked me.
	"I figure he might as well meet me wearing what I'm usually seen 
wearing," I explained. Tony did the same thing and removed his sweats 
so that his diaper was fully exposed, too.
	"Chris, put your sweats back on! Now!" Lisa demanded. "Don't open 
the door yet, Cindy."
	"Lisa, he's going to at least have to know that I wear diapers, 
or does he?" I asked her.
	"He doesn't," Lisa answered.
	"You used to tell *everybody* I wore diapers!"
	"That was in junior high," Lisa said. "Things are different when 
you get to high school."
	The doorbell then rang again.
	"Chris, put your pa-- no-- go to your room and put them on there. 
Cindy, open the door, let him in, all right!"
	Lisa was in a panic now, turning every which way. Cindy then went 
to the door and opened it. I was still standing there in the front room 
with my sweat pants completely off, draped over my shoulder. Cindy 
quickly turned around and looked at me. She pointed frantically in the 
direction of the hall.
	"Boys! Get out of the room!" Lisa motioned us one last time. She 
then came over to us and started pushing us down the hallway. In the 
meantime, Cindy had let Michael into the house.
	"Hello," I heard Cindy greet him.
	"Hi," he said. I hadn't seen what he looked like, but he didn't 
sound like he was the jock or stoner type.
	"Uhhh, I'm here to pick up Lisa," I heard the nervous kid say to 
	"Sure, she'll be right out," Cindy said.
	"You guys, put your pants on right this instant!" Lisa ordered us 
as she detained us in the hall. She had both her arms pushing on the 
opposite walls. Her large girth was enough to keep both of us in.
	"He's going to know sooner or later!" I said. "Why didn't you 
tell him?"
	"Chris, when a guy is interested in me-- which isn't very often 
thanks to my big fat butt-- I'm not about to tell him things like, 'oh, 
by the way, my twelve-year-old brother wears diapers.'"
	"You think he'd break up with you if he told you that?" I asked 
	"Break up? We're not even boyfriend/girlfriend!" Lisa stated. "If 
we get serious, then yes, he'd probably find out and it would be okay 
for him to know."
	"Maybe he likes to wear diapers, too," I said.
	"Chris, you need to get it through your head that not *every* boy 
likes to wear diapers!" Lisa said.
	"It's a possibility, though," I said. "And you know I tend to 
find diaper boys."
	"Well, for your information, I found him, not you. Come on, he's 
waiting for me. You two go put your pants on right now!"
	With this, Lisa left and she went out to the front room. Tony and 
I stood around the corner listening in on the conversation.
	"Oh, hi!" Lisa said to Michael with an embarrassed laugh. "Sorry 
to keep you waiting."
	"Oh, that's okay," he replied shyly. "You sure do look nice."
	"Thank you," Lisa said. "So, uhh, you met my sister Cindy?"
	"Yeah, I did. Nice to meet you, Cindy."
	"My little brother's around here somewhere. You can meet him 
another time, if you want to get going right away," Lisa said.
	"Sure," he said. He then paused for a moment and then quietly 
said, "ummm, could I ask if I could use your restroom before we go?"
	"Sure, down the hall, first door to the right," Lisa said.
	"Damn, so much for him wearing diapers," I said to Tony.
	"Maybe he needs to change his diaper," Tony suggested.
	"Not likely," I said. "Shit, here he comes."
	"Let's go!" Tony said. I knew it was too late. Just as we had our 
diapered butts turned, Michael appeared in the hallway. We turned back 
around and greeted him. He was staring at us, noting, of course, that 
we only had diapers on. He was a rather well-groomed gent. He was tall 
and slender with neatly trimmed hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He was 
wearing a dress shirt and khaki pants. He was a lot more decent than 
that pot-smoking Chuck asshole Lisa brought over back on the Fourth of 
	"Uhh, hello," he said, sounding stunned, as he took another look 
at our diapers and then went into the bathroom. A moment later Lisa 
	"Dammit, Chris!" Lisa whispered. She would have otherwise 
shouted, but with Michael there, I knew this was her only reason to 
hold back.
	"Dammit, I told you boys to get some pants on! Why, Chris, why? 
Why didn't you just go put your pants on like I told you to? Was that 
too much to ask?"
	"We wanted to meet him," I said.
	"Oh God, Chris. What did he say?"
	"He just said hi and went into the bathroom."
	"Great, now he knows!" Lisa said.
	"And now you don't have to be anxious about him finding out, 
either," I said.
	"Now he's going to ask me why you wear diapers."
	"I'll tell him," I said.
	"No, Chris, please, no, please, please, no, please, no!"
	"I'll just tell him that I kept shitting in my underpants until I 
convinced the family that I need to be in diapers."
	"Chris, I'll handle it, okay?" Lisa said. She was barely able to 
contain herself.
	"Are you sure you can?" I asked her, seeing that she was in such 
an unsettled state.
	"Yes," she said.
	"Well, let's go put our pants on," I said.
	"Why bother now?" Lisa said.
	"Because you asked us," I replied.
	"It's too late now!" Lisa groaned and sighed.
	"You're right, Lisa," I said. With this, Tony and I each tossed 
our sweatpants behind us and went back out to the front room. Mom was 
out there. Lisa just groaned and said, "you're so impossible, Chris!" 
Tony and I looked at each other and snickered.
	"What did you take your pants off for?" Mom asked me.
	"Because if he were wearing them during this time he'd lose five 
precious minutes of time off of his in-diapers-only record."
	"That's one reason, now that you mention it," I told Cindy.
	"Get your pants on right now," Mom said. "I'll be waiting out in 
the car. Cindy, you ready?"
	"Well, I have my pants on at least," she said. Tony and I then 
went back to my bedroom. Michael was coming out of the bathroom as we 
met with him again. Tony and I quickly slipped our sweatpants back on 
and then went back out to the front room. Lisa was sitting on the couch 
next to Michael, who was keeping a respectable distance from her for 
their first date.
	"Did you introduce us to him?" I asked Lisa.
	"Which one's your brother?" Michael asked.
	"Chris is the blonde one; he's my brother, the one in the really 
big diapers. That other boy is his friend Tony."
	"Pleased to meet you, Chris and Tony," he said as he got up and 
extended his hand to shake. He was a very polite kid, that's for sure. 
I thought for sure he'd ask the inevitable "WDYWD" question ("why do 
you wear diapers?"). I had a feeling Lisa would answer this for him.
	"Have fun," I said to Lisa and her date as Tony and I left.
	A few minutes later we arrived at the mall. Mom told us to meet 
back at the water fountain in an hour. As we walked by a mirrored wall 
I took off my jacket and looked at myself. I could see how much my 
diapers were showing through my sweat pants. I left my jacket off and I 
carried it around in one hand. I took note of all the people who walked 
by and did a double-take, that is, if they didn't notice my diapers 
right off the first glance. Going up the escalator, I could hear the 
two women behind me talking about me.
	"What on earth is he wearing?" I heard one woman say.
	"Kids will wear anything these days just to get attention," she 
said. "My son likes to wear tattered clothing. It's what they call the 
'grunge' look. Apparently the second woman thought her friend was 
talking about the kids in torn plaid shirts and ripped jeans who were 
leaning on the railing.
	"Does he wear diapers?" the first woman asked.
	"Uhh, not since he was three," she said.
	"I was talking about that boy in front of us," I could hear her 
whisper. "Didn't you notice?"
	"Oh my," she said. "I hope *that* isn't the next trend."
	"I think *both* of them are in diapers," I heard in a whisper. 
Apparently the women didn't think we could hear them. At the same time, 
Tony and I decided to quickly show the two women they were right. On 
the count of three we both quickly dropped our sweat pants.
	"Yep, we both wear them," I said after Tony and I both turned 
around at the same time with our sweat pants still down. The two women 
were so embarrassed, especially since they found out that we could hear 
them. With our sweats at our ankles, this made getting off the 
escalator awkward. Other people were staring, of course, including the 
grungy-looking kids whose attention had turned to us. We pulled our 
sweats back up, hoping mall security wouldn't come after us. We quickly 
disappeared into the crowd and headed to the T-shirt store, where I was 
going to have the shirts made for Cody and Jordan. I made sure that I 
had the photograph that I was planning to use with me when we left. I 
decided to bring one of my own while I was at it. Tony even brought a 
photo of his own so he could get his own diapered butt printed on a 
shirt. We planned to wear these shirts to the meeting tomorrow, hoping 
to encourage the other members to do the same.
	Tony and I walked into the store and we went up to the girl at 
the counter. When she asked us what we wanted we asked her if they do 
custom T-shirts from photos.
	"Oh yes, we do that," she said happily. She saw us with the 
photos and she extended her hand to take them. Tony and I could only 
wonder what she was thinking when she saw the four pictures of our 
diapered butts.
	"Uhhh, I don't think I can do these," she said after some 
	"Why not?" I asked, sounding surprised.
	"Well, uhh, I'm not sure if they'd comply with our policy."
	"What policy?" I inquired.
	The girl showed us a sign on the wall that listed the types of 
images they would not print on T-shirts: copyrighted photos, 
trademarked logos, currency, profanity, and lewd/pornographic photos. 
It also stated that all photos are subject to approval by the staff.
	"I don't see what the problem is," I said. "They're not 
copyrighted, obviously they're not pictures of money nor are they 
logos, there's no swear words, and, well, I wouldn't call them 
pornographic, although we don't have any pants on in those pictures."
	"Uhhh, let me go talk to my supervisor and see what she says," 
the girl told us as she took the photos to the back where her 
supervisor was busy working on some shirts. After she explained the 
situation and showed the photos, the supervisor said, "He's the 
customer. I don't see anything wrong with those pictures, so go ahead 
and do them." Tony and I were glad to hear this.
	"Okay, we'll go ahead and do them," the girl said. She got out a 
small form and asked us which sizes to use for each photo. She asked us 
if we wanted captions underneath them.
	"Yeah, just have it say, 'DIAPER BOYS RULE!" on all of them, with 
an exclamation point at the end. Make it all capital letters."
	"Okay..." she said as she hesitantly wrote out "DIAPER BOYS 
RULE!" on the form. She asked us which type style and color. We 
selected one that looked semi-handwritten and asked that she do them 
all in dark blue.
	"Where on the shirt will the photo be printed?" I asked the girl. 
She showed us a sample shirt where the photo appeared right in the 
middle with the caption just below it.
	"Can you put it up higher?" I asked her.
	"Uhh, sure," she said. "How high?"
	"As close to the neckline as you can get it," I said. "And make 
sure the caption leaves a lot of room at the bottom.
	"I'll try to put it up as close to the picture as I can. I'll 
have to see what the software allows me to do."
	After she finished filling out the four slips she looked up at us 
and said, "I can't help but ask, if you don't mind, but is this for 
some kind of Halloween costume?"
	"Oh no, they're shirts we're having made for our diaper club."
	"Diaper club?" she asked. Her curiosity about this was getting me 
	"Yeah, it's a club we have for us boys who wear diapers. We're 
going to see about getting all our members to get their own shirts 
	"How many members are there?" she asked.
	"We're getting close to twenty members," I said. "You know anyone 
who'd be interested in joining?"
	"Boys, that is," Tony added.
	"Uhh, no, I don't know anyone who wears diapers, other than some 
little kids, really little kids."
	After she completed the last slip she told us that it would be 
about an hour to an hour and a half to get the shirts done. She told us 
she could hold them overnight and have us get them later if this was 
more convenient.
	"Nah, we'll stop by again before we leave," I said. "Just make 
sure the bottom half has nothing on it. We'll be cutting it off to make 
the shirt shorter to make the diapers show more."
	"Okay, I'll uhh, make sure of that," she said with an embarrassed 
look on her face. Since I had been standing right at the counter she 
hadn't notice my bulging diapers. As Tony and I walked away I glanced 
behind me and I could see her staring as I waddled out of the store.
	"Okay, where to now?" I asked.
	"I dunno, let's go look at CDs. I wanna show you some of the CDs 
I want for my birthday," Tony said. We went into Sam Goody, where Tony 
showed me several rock CDs he wanted. While we were looking, the grungy 
kids we saw at the top of the escalator came in. As expected, they came 
right over to the hard rock music where we were looking. We hoped that 
they'd mind their own business, but instead they decided to ask us 
about what we were doing wearing diapers.
	"So, you guys always like to show off your diapers like that?" 
one of the kids asked.
	"Actually, yes, we do," I said affirmatively.
	"What the fuck are you doing wearing diapers?" another one of 
them asked. They all laughed. I wasn't about to tell them why. Besides, 
they wouldn't have cared.
	"Well, what's wrong with it?" I asked him. "What if I asked you 
why you wear all those torn clothes?"
	"I'd tell you it's none of your fucking business," he said.
	"It's because it's what we want to wear."
	"Well, then there you go," I said. "We wear diapers because it's 
what we want to wear."
	"Who the hell would want to wear diapers?" one of the kids said. 
I could smell the pot on his breath.
	Tony was holding a Soundgarden CD at the time. The kids looked at 
him and started laughing.
	"Check it out, the diaper babies here listen to our music!"
	"You guys should go check out the children's music section over 
there," one of them said. "You're too young to listen to that stuff."
	We moved down the row some more, but the kids followed us. One of 
them started sniffing the air.
	"Phew! I think they need their didies changed."
	"Yeah, I wonder where their mommies are?"
	"Where's yours?" I asked them.
	"Home, and they don't give a fuck where we are."
	"Let's go, Tony," I said to him. He nodded as he put back the CD. 
We walked around to the other side to get away from the freaks and then 
left the store. Before we left, I told the clerk-- the manager, 
actually-- to keep an eye on the three kids we had dealt with. I told 
him that they dared us to steal a CD for them. It was a lie, of course, 
but what did I have to lose? I just wanted to see if I could get them 
in trouble for being jerks to us.
	"Thanks, I won't let them leave my sight," the manager said as 
Tony and I left. I had a feeling he may have been suspicious about us 
since it would have been easy for me to hide something in my diapers. 
In any case he had his eye on my diapered butt as I waddled out of the 
	Next, we headed for the toy store and looked around there for a 
while. We both let our sweats hang low on our hips and we pulled our 
shirts up, rolling up the shirttails, doing this so that all the kids 
in the store could see our diapers showing. We got several of the kids 
and their parents to see our diapers. We hoped to see some kids (boys) 
wearing diapers themselves, but no such luck tonight.
	Our next stop was Musicland, where at least Tony and I could look 
at CDs in peace. After about fifteen minutes we realized that an hour 
had already passed and that we'd better get back to Mom and Cindy. 
After we met with them they told us we could shop around for another 
half hour or so and then we'd leave for pizza. Tony said he'd go to 
Kidz Klothez to see how things were going on the Thickies diaper sales 
while I went back to Musicland to get Tony's CD. After I did this I met 
with Tony in Kidz Klothez.
	Mary was working that night. She was pleased to see us. Since she 
wasn't too busy she had time to talk to us about the Thickies diapers.
	"Oh yes, they are selling quite well," she said. "Putting them 
out on the main floor was a good idea. It sure saves on all the special 
ordering we used to have to do," she said.
	"So, who's all buying them?" I asked.
	"A lot of times the parents buy them, and I presume that most of 
them are for their boys since a lot of them have their boys with them. 
I imagine that some of them are for girls, but I know you boys don't 
want to hear that, so I will just leave it at that. I can assure you, 
still, that most of them are going to boys.
	"That's good," I said. "Do any boys themselves ever come in and 
buy them?"
	"Oh yes, all the time," she said. "Sometimes boys, some as young 
as eight or nine, will come in on their own and buy them, dump a whole 
bunch of coins and small dollar bills on the counter when they pay for 
them. These boys are willing to bust their piggy banks for Thickies 
diapers. They'll sometimes look around and make sure nobody they know 
sees them, and we understand."
	"Do any parents ever complain?" I asked.
	"Oh yes, they do," Mary sighed. "A couple parents tried to bring 
the diapers back after they had been used, but of course we couldn't do 
	"So, are there kids signing up for the club?" Tony asked.
	"Yes, quite a few of them, in fact," Mary said. "We've even had 
to make photocopies of our own to replenish the supply of information 
and applications. Anything to help sell diapers."
	"We can make you some more new ones," I said.
	"Actually, the company is going to be sending applications and 
club information to all the stores selling Thickies diapers. It will be 
all done up in a nice, slick brochure. They're even going to make a 
brochure to educate parents on why their kids want to wear diapers and 
how they should handle the situation."
	"That'll be cool," Tony said.
	Mary then asked me if my sister was working.
	"You mean Lisa?"
	"Yeah, the oldest one," Mary clarified.
	"Not now, why?" I asked, wondering why Mary asked me such a 
	"We're looking to hire some seasonal help within a month or so. 
Do you think she'd be interested in working here during that time?"
	"I don't know," I said. "She had to quit her last job because of 
the late hours and a couple other things."
	"We close at 9:00 during the week and 10:00 on weekends," Mary 
said. She then grabbed an application and asked me if I'd take one to 
give to Lisa in case she was interested.
	"Sure, I'll give this to her and ask her about it," I said. I 
then looked at my watch and realized that we only had about fifteen 
minutes left.
	"Well, we better get going."
	"Have a good night, boys," Mary said as we left.
	Before meeting with Mom and Cindy again we stopped by the T-shirt 
shop to see if the shirts were done. Fortunately for us they were since 
Tony and I wanted to have them for the meeting tomorrow and to give 
Cody and Jordan their birthday presents.
	"Here you go, guys," the girl said as she grabbed the shirts and 
laid them out on the counter. "How do those look?"
	"Great!" I said. "And you left plenty of room to trim off the 
bottom, too."
	By this time a mother and her daughters stepped in line behind 
us. I could hear the girls giggling as they must have noticed my 
bulging butt. When she held the shirts up before folding them the girls 
started laughing as they saw the diaper butts that had been printed on 
them. The girl took my money for the shirts and then she put them in a 
sack. She then handed me the photos and my receipt.
	"You wanna wear yours right now?" I asked Tony as we left the 
store and headed for the water fountain.
	"Let's wait," he said. "Knowing me, I'd probably slop pizza sauce 
on mine."
	"Same here," I said as I rethought this. "Maybe we should request 
bibs." We took our seats and waited for Mom and Cindy to show up, which 
they did a couple minutes later.
	"So, what did you buy?" Cindy asked me.
	"I got Tony's birthday present here," I said as I showed her the 
Musicland bag. I then reached into the T-shirt shop bag and pulled out 
the contents, saying, "And these..."
	I unfolded the shirt that was mine and I handed it to Cindy.
	"Oh my God!" she said. "I can't believe you had them make 
*this!*" Mom just looked at me, as if she expected me to do something 
like this.
	"I don't see why you don't," I said. "Remember that you and Lisa 
did the same thing for me back when I was first put into diapers?"
	"Ohhh, yes, of course!" Cindy said. "How could I forget? You 
still have that shirt?"
	"Of course I do," I said. I then showed Cindy and Mom Tony's 
shirt before handing it to him. I explained that the other two shirts 
were for Cody and Jordan's birthdays.
	"Go ahead and put it on, wear it with pride!" Cindy said.
	"Cindy, I don't want him to wear that shirt around while we're 
out," Mom said.
	"What difference does it make?" Cindy said. "It lets people see 
what they almost see already, just that Chris has sweatpants on."
	"We're about ready to leave here, and it's not like a lot of 
people will see us at the pizza place," Cindy said.
	"Yeah, and if we do wear them, we'll wear bibs because we don't 
want to slop pizza sauce on our new shirts, and the bibs will cover up 
the pictures."
	After Mom thought about it for a couple seconds she said, "Do 
what you want to do, boys. Cindy's right, it's not like people don't 
already know that you're wearing diapers."
	The people who were sitting on an adjacent bench looked at us. A 
boy who looked to be about eight or nine said could plainly see that I 
had thick diapers on. He said, "so *that's* what smells so bad!"
	"I thought it was you farting as usual," I heard his older sister 
tease him. We didn't get a chance to hear the rest of the dialog as Mom 
told us it was time to get going. Once Tony and I were out in the car 
we took off our regular shirts and replaced them with the diaper-butt 


	After we left the mall we went out to pizza. We went to the place 
where Lisa used to work. It was a busy Friday night, just like the 
nights Lisa often complained about having to deal with. We stood in line 
and wait to place our order. Several kids were running around. Tony and 
I, of course, were on "diaper alert" examining the butts the boys we saw 
in hopes that we'd spot one wearing diapers. Unfortunately there were no 
confirmed sightings. In fact, since many of them had on their coats it 
was impossible to tell. We also sent "brain waves" into their heads, 
saying "Don't get toilet trained! Stay in diapers!" over and over. For 
the girls we thought might still be in diapers, we were thinking, "Get 
out of diapers! Get toilet trained like a big girl!"
	Tony and I each let our coats hand wide open so that the people in 
line could see our shirts. While it was dimly lit where we were (as this 
was the case with most older pizza parlors such as the one we were at), 
the pictures we had of our diapered butts emblazoned onto our shirts, 
not to mention the captions, stood out too prominently for any casual 
observer to ignore. A couple of girls who looked to be a little older 
than us were coming the other way, heading out the door. As they went by 
I could see their eyes fixed onto my shirt. This was followed by some 
giggling. I had a good feeling I knew what the giggling was about. There 
were two boys in front of us, estimated ages seven and nine. We had to 
get their attention somehow without making it too obvious. I then 
quietly asked that Tony give me a light shove so that I'd "accidentally" 
get pushed towards the two boys. I'd then turn around and ask Tony why 
he did what he did, as if to be surprised. Tony lightly pressed his 
hands to my back three times before actually pushing me. I knew on the 
fourth push I'd be thrust forward towards the two boys. As Tony did this 
I lurched into the backs of the two boys, though not very hard.
	"Hey, Tony, what did you do that for?" I turned around and asked 
him, sounding like I was miffed at him for doing it.
	"Just to get your attention," he said in mock defense.
	"Well, you got *their* attention, too," I said, referring to the 
boys in front of us. I winked at Tony, just to further acknowledge that 
this was all an act.
	"Sorry, guys," I said as I turned back around and let the two boys 
know that I didn't mean to push into them (even though I did.)
	"Yeah, I was just trying to get my friend's attention," Tony told 
the boys. As the boys looked at our shirts we could tell they were 
looking at what was printed on them. They started giggling. I could hear 
the words "diaper" and "butt" amid their laughter before their mother 
told them to settle down.
	"Look at those kids' shirts behind us," the older of the two boys 
	"Benjamin, it's rude to point out, out loud, what other people are 
wearing," his mother corrected him. She then turned around and 
apologized to me.
	"That's okay," I said. Just before she turned back to her sons she 
did a double-take when she caught a glimpse of our shirts. How I wish I 
could find out what the mother would say to her boys about my shirt once 
they were away from us.
	After the pizza was finally ordered we went to a separate area to 
get our drinks where there was another line, though shorter. A girl who 
was bringing several cups and pitchers back from the dining area looked 
at us and recognized who we were. It was Mandy, one of the delivery 
drivers who had come to our house a few times. According to Lisa, she 
often commented on how big and thick my diapers were, on top of the fact 
that I was wearing diapers in the first place.
	"Oh hi, guys!" Mandy said after she set her tray full of dishes 
down and looked directly at me. "You are Lisa's brother, right?"
	"Yep," I said.
	"Chris, right?"
	"Yep," I replied again. She stepped forward and furtively looked 
over the edge of the counter to see that I was the Chris she remembered 
seeing wearing the huge diapers.
	"How's Lisa doing?" she asked.
	"She's doing better," I said.
	"Better, better than...?" the girl started to ask. I realized that 
Lisa probably wouldn't want me telling her former co-workers why she 
	"Well, she's been nicer to me, is what I meant," I covered myself.
	"Is she working anywhere?" Mandy asked.
	"Not right now," I replied.
	"We sure do miss her around here," Mandy said with a sigh. "If 
Lisa were here then I'd probably not have to be covering for the girl 
who called in sick...again! I'd be out delivering pizzas like I usually 
	"She may come back, who knows?" I said. Until now she hadn't 
really noticed my shirt as the lighting was even dimmer where I was 
standing. She then caught the shape of my bare legs and my big white 
diaper butt printed on the shirt.
	"I see you really like to express yourself by what you wear," the 
girl said. I could tell she was referring to my diapers, not the shirt, 
when she said, "by what you wear."
	"Oh yes, that I do," I said. "My friend Tony got a shirt done like 
this, too."
	"I see that," she said. "I can tell yours are much bigger," she 
said, not saying the word "diaper."
	"So you noticed?" I said.
	"How could I *not* notice," she said. "Even with the low light in 
this place?"
	"Can we get some bibs?" Tony asked.
	"Bibs?" the girl asked him.
	"We don't want to slop pizza sauce on our new shirts, you know," I 
	"Oh yeah, sure," she said. She reached under the counter and 
handed us each a plastic disposable bib, which was normally worn by a 
little kid. Mom got my attention and told me to take my cup of ice. Mom 
had ordered a pitcher of Sprite for all of us.
	"Mandy, can you fill a couple pitchers for me, please?" her co- 
worker asked her.
	"Well, I gotta get back to work," Mandy said, rolling her eyes, as 
she resumed her duties. "Say hi to Lisa for me."
	"I will, thanks," I said as she began drawing a couple more 
pitchers for the people who had joined the line.
	We located a table close to the video games where a small room had 
been partitioned off. It was going to be about 20 to 25 minutes before 
the pizza would be ready. I asked Mom if Tony and I could play some 
games while we waited.
	"You got your own money now, guys, do what you want," Mom said, 
implying not quite so subtly that she would no longer foot the bill for 
any short-term electronic diversions such as video games. "I'll send 
Cindy in to get you when the pizza comes."
	Tony and I went into the game room and saw that most of the games 
were in play. We went to the change machine to get some quarters. I 
realized after getting three dollars worth of quarters that I had no 
pockets to keep them as I was wearing sweat pants. Tony had the same 
problem, so we ended up having to hold them in our hands. We then 
spotted the boys we saw standing in front of us earlier. They were 
playing together on a racing game that Tony and I really wanted to play, 
and they were finishing up anyway, so we waited.
	When their turn was over they turned around and saw Tony and I 
standing there. We had shed our coats and left them back at the table, 
fully exposing the diaper butt photos on our shirts.
	"Do you guys want to play this?" the younger of the boys asked 
	"Uh yeah, we do, but, I mean, if you guys still want to play it, 
don't let us scare you away. Just because we're older kids doesn't mean 
you have to be afraid of us."
	"Well, for one thing, you wear DIAPERS!" he said to me. The other 
kids in the game area turned away from their games to look. One of them 
crashed his player as a result and ended his game. He walked away, 
looking at me like he was pissed off because apparently it was my fault 
that his attention was diverted from his game to look at my diapered 
butt bulging. I saw him talking about me to his family as he returned to 
his table.
	"Yeah, I do," I said. "How did you notice?"
	"Because I can see them showing!" he said.
	"Showing? You mean like this?" I said, as I pulled down my sweat 
pants about halfway.
	"It says it on your shirt, too," said Benjamin, who was the older 
boy. "Do you like wearing diapers or something?" he asked. My dick was 
getting hard and my heart rate was accelerating. These boys were real 
cuties! Could I have been so lucky as to have found two *more* boys who 
like to wear diapers?
	"Oh yes, I love wearing diapers," I said. I was too excited to go 
about this subtly. I asked Benjamin, "Do you?"
	"What, wear diapers?"
	"Yeah, lots of boys wear diapers, you know."
	"I don't," he said. Even though he probably didn't, I couldn't 
resist thinking that he might have wanted to tell me that he did, but 
didn't want to admit to it in a pizza parlor's video arcade.
	"That's too bad," I said. "I mean, you'd never have to go to the 
bathroom ever again when you needed to pee or poop. And think about how 
they'd feel, being so big and thick and soft like mine are."
	"I've never seen any big kids like you wear diapers," he said. He 
didn't seem to be too weirded out by what I was telling him.
	"Like I said, a lot of boys do wear diapers," I said. "Most of 
them don't, but I mean, you'd be surprised how many of them do."
	"There's this one kid at school who says he wears diapers and he 
belongs to this club for boys who wear diapers."
	"Cool!" I said. "I betcha it's the DBA club, the Diapered Boys of 
	"I don't know what it's called," Benjamin said. "He has a couple 
friends and they all wear diapers. Nobody else wants to talk to them 
because they wear diapers and they stink all the time, and I do mean, 
all the time. Their pants stick way out, too, and they wear these really 
big and thick diapers."
	"Must be Thickies," I said. "How much do they show?"
	"You can see their diapers through their shirts, you can see it at 
about right here," Benjamin pointed out as he demonstrated. He pointed 
to the spot on his body between his stomach and his chest.
	"That's about what my diapers are like," I said. I lifted my shirt 
and let Benjamin see how high up my diapers went. A couple other people 
were looking, too.
	"That diaper's huge!" Benjamin said, keeping the attention of the 
others in the arcade area as they observed.
	"That's the way they make Thickies," I said. "They're actually 
meant to be worn by themselves because they're so huge, but they're also 
meant to be seen when you wear them in public."
	"I saw something for Thickies in one of my Mom's magazines," 
Benjamin said. Why he was looking at his mom's magazines made me wonder 
if perhaps he wasn't a potential diaper wearer since he was probably 
interested in the diaper ads like most young boys who look through 
women's magazines.
	"You can get them at Kidz Klothez at the mall," I said, although I 
wasn't really sure if Benjamin was really interested in wearing diapers. 
He didn't say anything after I mentioned this, but he appeared to be 
entrenched in deep thought. I didn't want to lose him by letting the 
conversation fade away.
	"Do you ever want to talk to them?" I asked Benjamin.
	"Talk to who?" he asked me.
	"Those kids at school who, I mean, that one kid," I replied. "I 
cut myself short of saying "those kids who wear diapers."
	"Nah, I don't want people to think that I wear diapers," he 
	"What about if you talked to him away from school?" I asked 
	"Why would I want to talk to him?" Benjamin asked.
	I realized that I was getting ahead of myself and I was wrapped up 
in the assumption that Benjamin was a potential diaper-wearer. For some 
reason it seemed that he was. He just had that "diaper boy" look to him, 
kind of like me.
	"He sounds like he could use some friends," I said.
	"He seems like a nice kid, doesn't bother anyone, hardly even 
talks to anybody but his own friends, and I feel sorry for him because 
everyone picks on him and his friends for wearing diapers."
	"I'm sure you could arrange something, maybe find out if he goes 
to any diaper club meetings."
	"I still don't want people to think I wear diapers," Benjamin 
	"If you go to the meetings, everyone else there already wears 
diapers," I said.
	"Meetings? What are these meetings?" Benjamin asked.
	"The DBA club meetings," I said. "Anyone who's a member can attend 
any of the club's meetings, or you could go to one as a guest if someone 
invites you, maybe that one kid. I noticed you don't seem to mind that I 
am telling you all this."
	"Well, uhh, now that you mention it, I kind of would like to try 
wearing diapers," Benjamin said to me really quietly. Even in the low 
light I could tell how red his face turned. Now my dick was standing at 
full attention. I wanted to rub it to badly, but I couldn't do that 
where I was.
	"You serious?" I asked Benjamin.
	"I've never told anybody this, but yeah," he said in a whisper. "I 
just know my mom would never let me or my brother Jacob wear them."
	"You mean, your brother wants to wear them, too?" I asked 
	"Yeah, in fact, he wore them to bed every night until about a year 
ago, and I always liked to watch him run around in his diapers every 
night, and now he tells me he wants them back and wishes he was still 
wetting the bed. When he told me this I told him that I wished I could 
wear diapers."
	"What did he say when he told you that?" I asked Benjamin.
	"He said--"
	We were suddenly and rudely interrupted by a couple of young 
teenagers who came up behind us.
	"Are you two dweebs just gonna sit there and dick around or are 
you gonna play that game?"
	"Uhh, we're gonna play it," I said as I repeatedly passed my stack 
of twelve quarters between my sweaty hands. "You want to play this with 
me?" I asked Benjamin.
	"Sure," he said. I looked over my shoulder and I saw that Tony and 
Jacob had paired up on a shooting game across from us. The two teens got 
pissed and left since it turned out we were going to play the game they 
	During the game play I talked to Benjamin and asked him where he 
lived. He was from across town, unfortunately, so there was no chance 
for inviting him to our club meeting, not that we weren't already maxed 
out on capacity. I asked him about the boy he knew at his school who 
wore diapers, but he really didn't know very much about him, other than 
that his diapers really stood out and that everyone teased him.
	After we raced a few rounds I asked Benjamin if he had ever tried 
wearing his brother's diapers, which he explained to me were some thick 
cotton training pants.
	"I tried them, but they wouldn't fit," he said.
	"Ever try wearing a bunch of underpants together?" I asked 
Benjamin, suggesting that he try this sometime. Seeing that he had white 
briefs showing above his pants, I knew that he had the right kind of 
underwear for making diapers.
	"No," he said. "That might be a good idea," he said as a smile 
appeared on his face. "I think I'll tell Jacob to try that, too."
	"Does he wear white underwear like you do?" I asked Benjamin.
	"Yeah, why?"
	"It just looks more like diapers when you use plain white 
	"I sometimes put on my underwear and make believe it's a diaper 
and then I make believe that I'm using it."
	"How do you do that?" I asked.
	"I pour water down there, and then one time I took a rotten banana 
and crammed it into my butt and pretended that it was poop," Benjamin 
whispered to me. It was as if I had known him all my life and I had 
forgotten that I had only met him tonight. Benjamin then asked me the 
inevitable and almost predictable questions on why I wore diapers. As I 
gave him the customary answers he was surprised that I let my sisters 
get involved in it.
	"I had no choice at first," I said. "And only one of them changes 
me now." With this I pointed Cindy out to him. At about that time 
Benjamin's mother came into the arcade partition and told him and Jacob 
their pizza was ready.
	"I gotta go," he said. I know he would have stayed there with me 
if he could.
	"Wait, hang on a second," I told Benjamin. Before he left I told 
him that I'd give him one of my cards for the diaper club. If nothing 
else, he could contact the main office via its 800 number and find out 
if there were any active clubs in his neighborhood in case he never got 
the nerve to approach the kid he knew at school. Out of habit, I reached 
behind me for my wallet, only to remember that I had left my wallet in 
my school pants back at home.
	"Damn!" I muttered. I went up to Tony and asked him if he had any 
cards on him. Luckily he did, having kept some in the pocket of his polo 
	"Gotta start wearing polo shirts more when you go out, Chris," 
Tony suggested.
	"What's this?" Benjamin asked as Tony handed him the card.
	"It's our club card," Tony said. "You can call the 800 number and 
find out if there's a club in your area and maybe they'll even sign you 
up as a member over the phone."
	"I think I'll talk to that one kid and find out more from him," 
Benjamin said. At this moment his mom came back into the arcade and said 
angrily, "Benjamin, come on! I shouldn't have to tell you more than 
	"Bye," he said, sounding upset that he had to go. I saw him slip 
the card into his pocket. I just hoped his mom never knew he had it. I 
just hoped that somehow, someday I could see him again and find out if 
he and his brother eventually succeed with getting put back into 
	Tony and I talked about the boys while we played a couple rounds 
of the auto racing game ourselves. Just as we were finishing up Cindy 
came to get us. We returned to our table and we put our bibs on. They 
weren't designed to fit around the necks of twelve-year-old boys as we 
found out. To solve this problem, Mom had some of my old, pre-Thickies 
(and therefore smaller) diaper pins in her purse. Cindy dug them out of 
Mom's purse and she used them to attach the bibs to our shirts. They 
looked silly on us, but at least they protected our shirts from getting 
pizza sauce dripped onto them. A couple of stray drops of pizza sauce 
did happen to land on my bib, so I was glad to have put it on. Tony 
managed to keep his shirt clean, although he got a spot on his sweat 
	Our table was close to where the two boys were sitting. Every now 
and then we'd look over at them and they'd look at us, each of us 
exchanging smiles.
	"Do you know those kids?" Cindy asked me as she noticed that I was 
acknowledging them.
	"No, not really," I said. "I found out that they'd like to try 
wearing diapers, though."
	"So, are they going to join your club, too?" Cindy asked me, 
sounding sarcastic. "What's that make now, a hundred members?"
	"We're only at about twenty members," I said with my mouth stuffed 
with pizza. "They don't live around where we live, but they might join 
the club and go to the meetings that this one kid they know at school 
goes to."
	When the boys and their mom left they waved a goodbye to me and I 
waved back. A moment later Benjamin came running back in after they had 
gone outside. He came up to our table.
	"You got a pen?" he asked me.
	"I do," Cindy said as she reached into her purse. She handed it to 
Benjamin, who then pulled a napkin out of the dispenser and wrote his 
phone number on it. He told us not to call after 5:30 since that was 
when his mom got home from work. I then did the same by giving him both 
mine and Tony's phone numbers. I told him he could call either of us at 
any time.
	"How did you get to come back in here?" I asked Benjamin.
	"I told my Mom that I had to go the bathroom."
	"How ironic," I said.
	"How what?" he asked.
	"Ironic," I said.
	"What's that?" Benjamin asked.
	"In this case, it means, you said you had to go the bathroom when 
you really came in here to give me your phone number and tell me that 
you got put in diapers so you won't have to go to the bathroom anymore, 
as in the toilet."
	"Well, I really do have to go to the bathroom," he said. I don't 
think he really understood my loose explanation of the irony in his 
excuse to come back to talk to me.
	"Just do it in your pants," I told him.
	"You kidding? My mom would kill me!" Benjamin said with emphasis.
	"Sure, she'd get mad if you did that a few times, but sooner or 
later she'd have to put you in diapers so that you don't get everything 
all smelly."
	"I don't know about that," he said. "I gotta go. I'll call you 
sometime." With this, Benjamin trotted off to the bathroom. What a 
shame, seeing a cute diaper-boy hopeful going into the men's room.
	"Now Chris, you weren't telling that boy to go to the bathroom in 
his pants, were you?" Mom asked me.
	"Actually, I did tell him that," I said.
	"Chris!" Mom said.
	"He wants to wear diapers, Mom. I'm just trying to help him out."
	"Well, next time you think about doing that, consider what it 
would be like if every boy in the world wore diapers. It'd be no big 
deal to anyone."
	"I know," I said. "But he'd look really cute in diapers, anyway."
	"You think any boy would look cute in diapers," Mom said quietly.
	"Not necessarily," I said. "I can't imagine Sean or Travis or 
Chuck or Steve or any of those assho -I uhh, I meant, ass-suming they 
don't already wear diapers."
	"Too late, Chris," Mom said. "Watch your mouth, we're in public."
	"Cool, that means I can say bad words at home now!" I said.
	"You already do, Chris. Just keep it to a minimum, okay?"
	I went back to eating my pizza. A moment later Mandy came to our 
table. The place had slowed down by this time.
	"So, how is everything?" she asked us.
	"Good, very good," I told Mandy.
	"Would you like a refill on your pitcher?" she asked us.
	"Sure," I said. "I think we can handle it." With this I pointed to 
my crotch and my bulging diapers.
	"I'm sure you can," she said as she took the empty pitcher with 
her. "Be right back."
	When she brought a new pitcher of Sprite back I asked her if she 
has had any other diaper sightings on her deliveries.
	"A couple," she said with a smile. "I saw a seven-year-old looking 
boy in disposable diapers a couple weeks ago, and then there was another 
one in cloth diapers, he was about nine. They must have been Thickies as 
they were huge and they came up so high on him."
	"Wow," I said. "Maybe I'll be a pizza delivery driver when I'm old 
enough for it."
	"It's not a bad job, though you deal with drunks, druggies and 
other weirdos every now and then."
	"Is there anything else I can bring you right now?" she asked us 
in a friendly voice. "You think you'll need a box for the pizza?"
	"Not really, thanks," my Mom said. "These two will devour the rest 
of it, I'm sure."
	And that's exactly what we did. After we finished our pizza we 
left and headed for home.


	After we got home at a little after 9:00 Dad told me that Derek 
had called while we were gone. Naturally I went straight for the phone 
upon hearing this. Dad interrupted me before I dialed the number, 
	"Call him tomorrow, Chris," Dad said. "It's late and it's probably 
past his bedtime anyway."
	"It's hardly nine o'clock, dad," I said. "Besides, it's a Friday 
night, so I'm pretty sure he's still up."
	"You're going to see him tomorrow, right?" Dad asked me.
	"Yeah, but, well, maybe, I mean, maybe that's what he called 
about, to tell me he can't make it to the meeting. Did he say why he 
called?" I asked Dad.
	"No, he just asked if you were here, and I told him you were out 
with your Mom."
	"His mom should still be up," I said.
	"Okay, if you think it's that important," Dad said with a sigh as 
he resigned from his suggestion that I not pester Derek's family at such 
a "late" hour, according to Dad. I finally proceeded to dial the number. 
Jenny answered.
	"Is Derek there?" I asked.
	"Oh, hi, Chris," Jenny said. "He's in his room with Eric, I'll 
take the phone to him."
	A moment later Derek picked up.
	"Can you and Tony come over?" he asked me.
	"Uhh, sure, I mean, if your mom doesn't think it's too *late*," I 
said as I glanced at dad, mildly expressing my disagreement with his 
definition of "late", especially on a Friday night.
	"Nah, she said we could stay up and watch a movie," Derek said. "I 
want you to meet my friend Eric. He's in really thick diapers just like 
me and Steven!"
	"Is he coming to the meeting tomorrow?" I asked Derek. "For that 
matter, are *you* coming?"
	"Of course I'm coming!" Derek said adamantly. "And so is Eric, 
too, that's why he's spending the night with me. I told him all about 
the club and he said he really wants to come to it and see all of our 
big white diaper butts!"
	"I can guarantee that he will see lots of big white diaper butts," 
I said.
	"I know," Derek said excitedly. "I told him that one of the things 
we do at the club is that we hafta wear just our diapers and nobody can 
wear pants!"
	"Let me ask my Mom if we can come over," I said. Just as I pulled 
the phone away from my ear I could hear Derek shout "Wait!"
	"Yeah?" I asked him.
	"Ask her if you can watch a movie with us!" Derek said.
	"Okay," I replied. I went up to Mom and asked her if Tony and I 
could go over to Derek's house.
	"If his mom says it's okay," Mom said.
	"She said it was fine," I told Mom.
	"Okay, I don't imagine you'll be back too late," Mom said.
	"Midnight at the latest," I said. This was good with Mom. I think 
she just wanted to have a quiet evening without me and Tony being there 
	"We'll probably be in bed by then, so come around to the back 
door; we'll leave it open for you."
	"Okay, sounds good," I said to Mom.
	"Before you go, do you want Cindy to change your diapers?" Mom 
asked me, or rather, very strongly suggested by her tugging on my 
plastic pants as I started to walk away, preventing me from going any 
	"Yeah, that might be a good idea," I said. I told Derek that we'd 
be over in a few minutes, after I got my diapers changed.
	"Jenny can change your diapers," Derek suggested.
	"Sure," I said. "I'd just have to bring some of my diapers over."
	I hung up the phone after I told Derek I'd be right over with a 
change of diapers.
	"I thought you were going to have Cindy change your diapers," Mom 
said as she overheard the tail end of the conversation.
	"Jenny's going to change me while I'm over there," I said.
	"Oh, that's right," Mom said. "You said you'd be *home* by 
midnight, not go over there at midnight after Cindy's finished diapering 
you up. I'm sure she won't mind the reprieve."
	Before Tony and I headed over to Derek's house we went into my 
room to drop off our sweat pants. Tony also grabbed a diaper for himself 
as his butt was bloated from all the pee he had put into his diaper. I 
opened my diaper cabinet and grabbed an armload of diapers along with 
two pairs of plastic pants. I also brought some extra pins with me so 
that Jenny could pin up my shirt. I wanted to give Jenny her money's 
worth as long as she was going to be diapering me. I held out my arms 
like a forklift and told Tony to grab several diapers and lay them 
across my arms. He gave me enough diapers for me to rest my chin on top 
of the stack as I carried them out of my room. Cindy was coming towards 
me as I met with her in the hallway.
	"What are you doing with your diapers?" Cindy asked me.
	"I'm taking them next door with me so that Jenny can change me," I 
	"Oh, well, okay," Cindy replied. "I know I'll get plenty more 
chances to change you before you're potty trained," Cindy said as she 
walked past me and slapped my butt. I turned around and gave Cindy a 
dirty look.
	"You did *not* say that," I told Cindy in a low, cold voice.
	"I didn't say what?" Cindy asked me.
	"Good, you've already forgotten," I said in a serious voice.
	"Come on, Chris, lighten up," Cindy said. "I know you'd never give 
up wearing diapers."
	"Damn right I won't," I said in a low voice.
	"So, what would you do if we took away all your diapers?" Cindy 
asked me.
	"I'd piss and shit all over the house, everywhere but the toilet. 
I'd even piss and shit in all your beds just to make my point. I 
guarantee I'd make sure I got my diapers back. I know you and the rest 
of the family wouldn't put up with my pissing and shitting all over the 
furniture for very long."
	"Would you really do all that, Chris?" Cindy asked.
	"You think I wouldn't?" I said, maintaining a serious tone.
	"Well, then I guess it's official, you're dedicated to diapers for 
	"It's been official since November 8, 1989, and it's just one 
month to my fourth anniversary of being a diaper boy," I said. Tony and 
I then left for Derek's house. I had Tony ring the doorbell as my arms 
were obviously too full for me to easily get to it with my arms full of 
diapers awaiting to grace my butt. Jenny invited us in and she led me 
directly into Derek's and Steven's bedroom. As I entered I saw the three 
diapered boys all down on the floor with their diapered butts up in the 
air. All three of the boys had on very high-rising diapers which were 
amply pinned to their shirts. Eric's shirt had more material folded and 
rolled up since his shirt wasn't trimmed off at the bottom, unlike 
Derek's and Steven's shirts.
	"Hi Chris, hi Tony," Derek said. "This is my friend Eric." Eric 
turned around and looked at us. He stood up and showed me his well-
diapered stomach, running his hands up each side of his frontal area, 
idly feeling the pins brush over his fingers. I could tell he was 
silently counting the number of pins he could feel brushing each hand, 
something I often did when I was first put into diapers. Clearly Eric 
was very pleased to be diapered, and very heavily at that. He smiled and 
said hello. He noticed Tony's smaller and thinner, but still thick 
disposable diaper.
	"Why aren't you wearing diapers like mine and Derek's and Chris's 
diapers?" Eric asked Tony.
	"I just prefer disposables," Tony replied. "Nothing wrong with 
cloth, but they're just not the same."
	"Yeah, but they're, they're not as thick, and they're smaller."
	"Like you said, they're just not the same," I said to Tony. "I 
gotta admit, at least you don't suffer from cloth diaper withdrawal 
symptoms when you're at school like I do."
	"Hey guys, check out our shirts!" I said as Tony and I pulled on 
the fronts and stretched them out. The boys and Jenny were all quite 
impressed and amused. They all giggled as they noted the images of our 
diapered butts prominently contrasting against the dark backgrounds in 
the photos. Derek then stepped up to me and he ran his hand over the 
front of my shirt, feeling the texture of the print.
	"It's a picture of your diaper butt!" he said.
	"You mean *this* diapered butt?" I said as I pointed to my 
diapered ass and spanked it a couple times, sticking it in Derek's face. 
Eric was giggling as he watched us call so much attention to each 
other's diapers.
	"Yeah, your big, stinky diapered BUTT!" Derek shouted as he 
slapped the very cushiony seat of my plastic pants several times, saying 
"diaper butt" each time, emulating what I had told him about my sisters 
doing to me. He sure had a big fixation on the word "butt."
	"How did you do that?" Derek asked as he looked again at the print 
on my shirt.
	"They do it at the mall," I explained. "The place is called A 
Shirt Thing. It's close to Kidz Klothez."
	"How do they do it?" Eric asked as he, too, closely examined the 
photo of my diapered butt.
	"They'll scan a photo of anything-- as these shirts are proof that 
they'll do *anything*-- and put it on a shirt; they use a computer," I 
	"You mean you have pictures of you in diapers?" Eric asked. I 
looked at Tony and we exchanged knowing chuckles with each other.
	"Pictures? Heh heh heh, did he say pictures? Let's just say that 
Kodak isn't about to go bankrupt anytime soon, I'll tell you that much," 
I said. Eric didn't seem to understand the reference, so Jenny explained 
it to him.
	"It means his family buys a lot of film to take pictures of Chris 
in his diapers."
	"He has a LOT of pictures of him in diapers, and most of them are 
of his BUTT!" Derek commented. "He's shown me his photo albums. They're 
THIS BIG (Derek held his Eric was doubled over laughing as he thought 
about this.
	"Yeah, my sisters always sneak up to me and get pictures of me in 
my diapers when I am not able to see them behind me, plus, they really 
like to take pictures of my diapered butt anyway."
	"I wanna get one made!" Derek said. "I wanna picture of my 
diapered BUTT!"
	"Yeah, I want one too, and I wanna get it for my birthday!" Steven 
said excitedly.
	"And I want one for Christmas!" Derek said. "My birthday's not 
until March, anyway, but I think I'll ask for another one then, too!"
	"How much does it cost?" Jenny asked.
	"They had a special, $11.99 per shirt," I said.
	"Hmmm, might have to think about that," Jenny said with a smile as 
she looked over our shirts for a moment and traced the outlines of my 
diapered butt with her finger. "What did they say when you showed them 
the pictures you wanted them to do?"
	"The girl at the counter wasn't sure if she should do them, but 
then her manager or supervisor, she said to do it since we were paying 
customers and that the pictures didn't show any nudity or copyrighted 
stuff. I'm going to tell *everyone* at the meeting about it and 
encourage everyone to get their own shirts made. I wonder how many 
diaper butt shirts they'll be printing if everyone goes and gets them 
done there!"
	"Well, Chris, your diapers aren't going to change themselves," 
Jenny said as she hinted at being ready to change me. She had me lie 
down on the floor. There was a section of the floor that Derek said he 
and Steven had to keep clear of toys so that diaper changes could be 
done there. I set the tall stack of diapers on the bed and then I lay 
down on the floor. She rolled my shirt up a ways.
	"Hmm, this shirt seems a little long," Jenny commented. "It covers 
too much of your diapers from view."
	"I know," I said. "It'll shrink after it's washed."
	"Not enough to bring more of those diapers into view," Jenny said. 
"But I think I know the perfect solution to that problem."
	I was just going to ask if maybe you could trim them up for us," I 
said, pleased that Jenny was already thinking ahead of us.
	"Oh yeah, sure," Jenny said. "I'll make them into diaper shirts 
for you. Well, they're already diaper shirts because have *pictures* of 
diapers on them, but I mean I'll trim them up and reinforce the bottom 
so they can be pinned to your diapers."
	Jenny then began to undo the diapers while four other diapered 
boys watched. Eric saw how there were more diapers underneath after 
Jenny got the first diaper off.
	After Jenny had me in clean and fresh diapers she asked Tony and 
me to hand over our shirts. We each took our shirts off and momentarily 
went around bare-backed. Jenny said that she's be back with our shirts 
trimmed up, but that it would be several minutes since she had to do 
some sewing. We asked if we could watch her do it, but she said she 
works better when nobody is watching her. I certainly didn't want her to 
screw up a shirt on which I spent a day's pay to get (twelve bucks for 
three hours of babysitting two boys). While Tony was used to going 
shirtless, especially at bedtime, I felt rather naked. Before Jenny left 
the room I asked her if she needed to measure out where to cut the 
	"No, I've done this enough times to my brother's shirts that I 
know about where their diapers come up," Jenny said. She then left the 
room and told us to go ahead and start watching the movie as she had 
seen it before. Before we went out to the front room Derek wanted to 
show Tony and I something.
	"More 'Poopitus' cartoons?" I asked.
	"Nah," Derek replied. "I ran out of ideas for it."
	"Or, the boy ran out of poop, right?" I said.
	"Something like that," Derek replied. Eric was laughing.
	"He showed me his Poopitus cartoons and they're really funny! He 
goes around like this: PTTHTHHHHHH!!!!!" Eric ran around the room waving 
his hands behind his butt to suggest uncontrolled pooping.
	"Yep, we've seen them all," I said. I looked at Derek as he was 
getting out another stack of papers with drawings similar to the 
Poopitus cartoons. I asked Derek what it was.
	"I call it 'The Pooperhero!" Derek exclaimed as he showed me the 
front page. It was a little boy with a cape and an emblem on his chest, 
similar to Superman. His cape was blue. Naturally he wore diapers, but 
he wore no leotards.
	"It's about this kid, and he flies around and looks down into 
people's houses with his x-ray vision, and if he sees a boy who is 
getting potty trained and getting his diapers taken away, he'll fly down 
there and hold the parents hostage until they let their boy have his 
diapers back and let him wear diapers all the time and not make him use 
the toilet!"
	I looked through the first couple of comics that Derek had drawn. 
I thought it was really funny how he drew the parents being held hostage 
by the Pooperhero. He used giant diaper pins to brace them to the floor. 
He held them there and threatened to take his own diapers off and pee 
and poop all over the parents until they agreed to let their son wear 
his diapers and to let the Pooperhero destroy the boy's potty chair, 
videos, books, anything related to his potty training. While Derek could 
only express a few ideas visually, I was thinking about how I could 
write a series of stories about the Pooperhero.
	"I love this!" I said as I handed the pages back after Tony and I 
both looked at Derek's latest creation.
	"I'm gonna do one about you and Tony getting potty trained and 
then getting rescued by Pooperhero!" Derek said. A moment later Derek's 
mom came into the room and asked us if we were going to come out and 
watch the movie.
	"Yeah, we'll be right there."
	"Where are your shirts?" she asked us.
	"Jenny's trimming them up," I said.
	"Is your mom going to mind if she does that?" Mrs. Brooks asked 
	"It's my shirt, I even paid for it myself," I explained.
	"Well, okay, since you bought it," she said as she left the room 
and told us she had some popcorn and Kool-Aid ready for us. We all 
gathered in the front room as Mrs. Brooks started the video. A few 
minutes later Jenny called for us. Derek asked his mom to pause the 
video while we went into Jenny's room to see our modified shirts. When 
we walked in she was holding them both in front of her. She trimmed off 
about six to eight inches. It still didn't seem like quite enough was 
trimmed off in order to maximize the exposure of our diapers. I politely 
asked Jenny about this.
	"I didn't have time to sew up the shirttails to reinforce them," 
she said. I left a little extra material at the bottom so that you can 
fold it up like this." With this, she demonstrated by rolling up my 
shirttail. While she was at it she began inserting the pins into the 
shirt and attaching them to my diapers.
	"Either your sisters can sew up the shirttail, or you can bring 
them over tomorrow," Jenny offered as she continued to insert diaper 
pins into my shirt. With the bottom two inches rolled up the fit of the 
shirt lined up nicely with the top of my diapers, allowing for virtually 
maximum exposure and the inability for me to easily take my diapers off. 
Jenny wanted to try pinning Tony's shirt to his diaper, but this wasn't 
going to work with his disposable diaper.
	"You don't have to worry about me taking my diaper off," he said 
with a smile.
	"I hope you wouldn't," she said. "You probably don't have anything 
else to wear anyway."
	"Nope," Tony said as his smile grew. When we returned to the room 
we showed Derek's mom our shirts.
	"Oh my," she said with a bit of a chuckle. "You don't plan to wear 
that to school, do you?"
	"I don't know, I might," I said. "There's nothing against it in 
the dress code, as far as I know."
	"Well, it's not any secret that you wear diapers, that's for 
sure," Jenny said. "People still talk about you and your diapers at my 
	"I'm so proud, I've left behind a legacy," I said just as the 
video was resumed. By the time the movie was over it was past 11:30.
	"You boys better get to bed," Derek's mom told him, Steven and 
Eric. She told Tony and me that we should get back home since she knew 
we all had a big day tomorrow with the meeting.
	Tony and I walked back over to my house. Jennie had given me my 
soiled diapers and put them in a large sack. It was quite chilly that 
night and we wanted to get back in the house and warm our legs up. Mom 
and Dad had already gone to bed as expected. The lights in the front 
room were off as expected, so we went around to the back as we had been 
instructed to do. Just as we went around the corner of the garage I 
heard Lisa talking to Michael while the two of them were sitting on the 
patio. We could barely make out the silhouettes of their heads.
	"Shh," I said to Tony as I held my arm out, signaling to him to 
stay back.
	"Let's listen in on them," I whispered as quietly as I could while 
being audible to Tony. We thought about moving closer, but our white 
diapers would have stood out in what little light there was. We also had 
to step lightly as the leaves that had fallen on the ground sounded like 
walking on corn flakes. We wanted to find out if Michael was as 
straight-laced as he wanted the rest of us to believe he was. For ten 
minutes all he and Lisa talked about were things like school, family, 
things like that. Tony and I were getting cold and we wanted to get 
inside soon. Still, we remained out of view and kept quiet as we 
listened in some more. Michael then asked Lisa about me wearing diapers. 
He seemed to be shy about bringing this subject up. Perhaps he was 
trying to reveal to Lisa that he liked to wear diapers, too.
	"So, uhh, I hope you weren't too embarrassed when your little 
brother was going around in diapers," he said.
	"Well, I was embarrassed, to be honest," Lisa said. "I hope *you* 
weren't too embarrassed," Lisa said.
	"Well, I was surprised, that's for sure," Michael said. "I mean, 
you don't see anyone that age, you know, wearing diapers!"
	"With all my brother's friends, I see *plenty* of boys his age who 
war diapers. I never thought there were so many boys out there who like 
to wear diapers, but Chris has managed to find a lot of them. I'd get 
used to it if I were you," Lisa said, sounding hopeful that Michael 
would make frequent appearances. "It's all he ever wears around the 
house, and even around the neighborhood. I mean, he hates wearing 
	"I don't see how he could wear any pants," Michael said. "Those 
diapers I saw on him were pretty huge."
	"That's my brother for you," Lisa said. "Diapers is *all* he ever 
thinks about. Seriously. He has all these friends who wear diapers, and 
it's all they ever talk about. They draw pictures, write stories, I 
mean, he's obsessed with diapers! He could even tell you, down to the 
exact number of days, how long he has been in diapers and away from the 
toilet. He's a boy, that's all I can say."
	"I hope I don't sound too nosy to ask, but, uhh, why is your 
brother so much into wearing diapers?"
	"It's just an obsession of his," Lisa said. "It all started when 
he was eight years old. He was pooping in his underpants, putting 
several of them on like a thick diaper, and pooping in them. My Mom and 
Dad tried to get him to stop, but he just kept doing it, so they decided 
he was going to wear diapers and diapers only, no pants, and he was 
going to use his diapers, no toilets. They even had me and Cindy change 
him, just to hopefully embarrass him out of wanting to wear diapers. 
They thought this might make Chris stop, but all it did was feed his 
diaper urges. So now he's twelve and he's hit puberty, and this whole 
diaper thing with him has really taken over him. He jacks off in his 
diapers a lot. He loves to show off his diapers, he loves it when 
everyone sees him in diapers, especially girls, because he likes to let 
all the girls know how much he thinks boys and only boys belong in 
diapers, not that I disagree, mind you. He loves to wear his diapers 
really thick and big. He even belongs to this big club for boys who wear 
diapers. You should see all the things he writes and draws. Had my 
parents known that this would be what became of Chris I don't think they 
would have put him in diapers."
	"And I would have kept shitting in my underpants until they did," 
I whispered to Tony. Lisa paused for a moment.
	"What?" Michael asked.
	"Nothing. I just thought I heard something," Lisa said.
	"We're the only ones out here," I heard Michael say. I noticed 
that he moved a little closer to Lisa.
	"Is there a reason you said that?" Lisa asked him, encouraging him 
to get a little closer.
	"Well, uhh, just so you know, uhh, that I didn't, I didn't hear 
	Now things were starting to happen. I could see Lisa's and 
Michael's lips lock with each other as they embraced each other. While 
they were doing this Tony suddenly let out a loud fart.
	"Oh, shit!" Tony whispered. "I was trying hold it, really, I was. 
I was hoping it'd be silent."
	"It wasn't silent, and it sure was smelly," I whispered to Tony.
	"Did you hear that?" Lisa asked Michael, interrupting their 
	"It wasn't me," I heard Michael say as he let up from kissing 
	"Well, it had to be someone," Lisa said. "I'm turning on the 
	Tony and I hid around the corner as Lisa flipped the switch to the 
back patio light.
	"You see anything?" Michael asked Lisa.
	"No, but it came from over there," Lisa said.
	"I'll come check with you," Michael said, likely using this as an 
opportunity to keep close to Lisa.
	"They're coming!" I said to Tony. "Open the gate!"
	"I heard you, Chris!" Lisa said as she came around the corner and 
saw Tony and I opening the gate.
	"What the hell are you guys doing out here?!" Lisa asked me.
	"What are *you* doing out here?" I asked her.
	"You were spying on us!. Twerp!"
	"We weren't spying!" I contended.
	"You were, too!" Lisa argued back.
	"We were just coming back from Derek's house," I explained.
	"Yeah, at this hour, right," Lisa said.
	"Come on, Lisa, they invited us over to see a movie, and we're 
coming home. Mom said to come to the back since the front door would be 
	"Whatever," Lisa said. "What's in the bag?" she asked me.
	"Look!" I said, holding the bag open for her. The smells of my 
dirty diapers wafted out.
	"Phew! I should have known!" Lisa complained. "Why are you 
carrying your dirty diapers around in a sack?"
	"These are the ones I had on before I went to Derek's. Jennie 
changed me while I was over there."
	"Fine, just get your diapered butts in the house and leave me and 
Michael alone, all right?!"
	"Can't we watch?"
	"Shut up, dork!" Lisa said. "How would you feel if I spied on you 
and Megan?"
	"Excuse me?"
	"Oh come on, Chris! I know what you and Megan do together!"
	"You can't prove it."
	"I don't have to prove it, Chris. I just know."
	I didn't know what to say after this, so Lisa had the last word on 
this one. We followed her back towards the house. Tony and I went in to 
the house where it felt good to warm our legs up. We hid behind the 
curtains of the glass sliding door to see if Lisa and Michael would kiss 
each other again, but they moved away, knowing that we were likely 
watching. Tony and I then went into my room and climbed into my crib 
together. Before going to sleep we diaper-humped each other.


	Tony and I got up pretty early for a Saturday that followed a 
sleepover, about 8:00 AM. We had a lot to do before the meeting which 
was scheduled for 11:00 that morning. We went over the things we wanted 
to talk about with the other boys while we went into the kitchen and ate 
some breakfast. There really wasn't much of an agenda per se, not that 
it mattered whether or not it was followed anyway. We just planned on 
sharing our diaper stories, drawings, photos, videos, anything to 
further pursue our goal of promoting diapers as an alternative for 
toilets and to make those who already wear diapers feel better about 
	While I was sitting there stuffing my face full of Lucky Charms I 
thought about how the weather was going to be today. The sky was clear, 
no clouds in sight, but it also looked cold, too, as there was frost on 
the leaves that had blown onto the patio. I got up after I finished up 
the last couple bites of my cereal and pulled the sliding door curtain 
	"So, what's the temperature?" Tony asked me as he saw me looking 
out onto the patio to check the large-faced thermometer that Dad got for 
Father's Day.
	"Looks like about 34," I said. Suddenly, I heard Lisa's voice 
behind me.
	"What are you looking at?" Lisa asked me.
	"Just checking the temperature," I said.
	"Why?" Lisa asked. "You don't mean to tell me that you're going to 
go outside in just your diapers when it's this cold, do you?"
	"I might," I said. As I turned around and looked at Lisa I noticed 
she was wearing sweat pants.
	"I don't know how you can even sleep comfortably wearing nothing 
over your legs when it's cold, not that we'd ever in a million years 
expect you to wear anything over your diapers, anyway. I had to put 
these sweats on last night."
	"I don't see what difference that makes," I said. "I mean, the 
house is the same temperature inside year round, more or less."
	"Maybe inside your diapers it is," Lisa said.
	"Yep, ninety-eight point six," I said with a smile.
	By the time Tony and I had eaten breakfast and discussed today's 
forthcoming meeting it was about 9:00. We had to go get Cody and Jordan 
as well as Richard, the boy whom Tony now babysat. We then had to bring 
them back with us so that we could get Derek and his friend Eric, plus 
Steven. Most of the other boys were on their own with getting to Aaron's 
house, such as Bryce, Nathan and Luke, just about everyone except for 
Jay, who would be picked up by Aaron's sister Diane.
	At around 9:00 Tony and I decided that we'd better get our diapers 
changed. Cindy was still asleep, and I wasn't sure whether to ask Lisa 
to change me. Since her overall mood has improved since she quit working 
at the pizza place and had been getting some counseling I thought that 
perhaps I could ask her if she could change our diapers. When I asked 
her, she said that she just didn't feel comfortable about changing my 
diapers given my sexual maturity and that she felt that she was nearly 
an adult now. I didn't argue with her over this, so Tony and I decided 
to change each other after we took a shower together, partaking in the 
usual "back scrubbing" activities that we liked to do.
	Once we had clean diapers on each other we were ready to go. We 
slipped our sweat pants on last thing and headed out the door at about 
9:30. Our first stop was Derek's house next door. Jenny greeted us as 
usual and she invited us in. Their mother had to work today, so they had 
the house to themselves. Derek, Steven and Eric were all gathered in 
front of the TV watching Saturday morning cartoons, and all three of 
them were in heavily soiled diapers as the strong poop odors clearly 
indicated. While I thought this was cool, especially as it was Eric's 
first time wearing ultra thick diapers, Tony and I wanted to get going 
right away and pick up the other boys so that the meeting could start on 
time. I didn't want to have to come back this way after getting Cody and 
Jordan as well as Richard, the boy Tony has been babysitting. We had to 
get to Aaron's house after that.
	"So, how did you like those diapers last night, Eric?" I asked 
	"I thought they were great!" he exclaimed. He spread his legs even 
farther apart than the amount by which they were already forced apart by 
the thick diapers he had on.
	"So how did it feel?" I asked Eric, hoping that he would want to 
keep wearing diapers.
	"Well, it was all warm and gooey and wet, and the poop went up my 
butt crack because the diapers were so tight, and then it went the other 
way down to my balls, and it spread all over my butt, and it smelled bad 
too," he said. He sounded somewhat embarrassed and guilty, but at the 
same time very excited.
	"Well, most poop smells bad," I said. "Besides, I meant how did 
the diapers feel?"
	"They're really big!" Eric said. "I've never worn so many diapers 
	"So, since you boys are all leaving for your meeting, do you want 
to go in dirty, wet diapers, or do you want to start with clean 
	"We need to be changed; we've been in these diapers since last 
night," Derek said.
	"Since we're in a hurry, Tony and I will help," I said.
	"Okay, so who's gonna change whose diapers?" Derek asked. I looked 
at a pile of diaper pins that were piled into an ashtray, a vestige of 
Derek's mom's former smoking habit. Just like in my house, there were 
stray diaper pins lying around just about everywhere. Most of the pins 
had white plastic heads on them, but some of them had blue heads, and 
the others were plain metal. I picked out two of each and put one set of 
each in my hands.
	"Okay, boys, I am holding three diaper pins in this hand," I said 
to the three younger diaper boys. "Everybody close your eyes. I am going 
to open my hand flat with the pins in it. With your eyes closed, pick up 
one pin."
	With this, Derek grabbed a diaper pin from my outstretched hand, 
followed by Eric, and then Steven. I then held out my other hand and 
told Tony and Jenny to each close their eyes and take one diaper pin 
each. When this was done I told everyone that the two who each had 
matching diaper pins would determine who his diaper changer would be.
	"Okay, open your eyes everyone and look at your diaper pin!" I 
	"I got the shiny one!" Steven said.
	"Mine's blue!" Derek said.
	"I got the white one!" Eric exclaimed. "That's the one I wanted 
since that's the color of my diapers!"
	"What do you have, Tony?" I asked him.
	"The metal one."
	"And I have the blue one, which means I get to change you, Derek!" 
Jenny said. With this, she pulled down the front of Derek's plastic 
pants and stuck the pointy end of the opened diaper pin into the front 
of his high-rising diaper. Derek flinched, anticipating the feel of a 
diaper pin poking into his stomach.
	"Watch it!" Derek said.
	"Relax! You've got a lot of diapers on, Derek," Jenny said. "The 
pin isn't long enough to penetrate all of them." She then pressed in on 
the blue head that was showing at the surface of Derek's diapers.
	"See, can't even feel it, can you?"
	"Just your finger poking into my tummy," Derek said.
	"Oh, you mean like this?" With this, Jenny began poking at Derek's 
stomach and then she began tickling him. Derek tried to tickle her back, 
but Jenny managed to get most of the tickling in.
	"Well, then that means mine must be the white one," I said while 
the tickling match was going on, examining the pin. "Yep, it's the white 
one. I'm not Penn and Teller, guys, sorry."
	With the diaper changers and change-ees now determined, Tony 
changed Steven's diapers, Jenny changed Derek's diapers, and I changed 
Eric's diapers. The six of us crowded into Derek's and Steven's small 
bedroom and we made use of the floor space. Tony and I each took off our 
sweat pants first as we liked to perform diaper changes while wearing 
just our diapers.
	"Why are you taking your pants off?" Eric asked me.
	"Because we think diaper changes are better when we do it in just 
diapers," I said.
	"How's that?" Eric asked.
	"Well, it's like this," I explained. "When a girl changes your 
diapers and you can see that she's wearing pants or shorts, or whatever, 
especially tight pants, this tells you that she has the choice to do so 
and that she can wear regular clothing, and most of all, that she 
doesn't wear diapers. Now, if another diaper boy changes your diapers he 
should take his pants off-- if he's wearing any, that is, and he 
shouldn't if he's at home-- and let you see his thick diapers, that way 
you can see that he is a diaper boy, too, an equal to you."
	"But I already know you wear diapers," Eric said, probably 
thinking that the whole thing was silly, which, admittedly, it was.
	"Yeah, but I'm sure you'll also enjoy the diaper change more by 
seeing me in just my diapers."
	"You have a big diaper butt like I do," Eric said with a smile. "I 
want you to diaper me up really thick like Jenny did last night."
	"Trust me, I will," I said. I then bent over and pointed to my 
butt and said, "I'll make it look just like the picture, if you know 
what I mean."
	I cracked my knuckles a couple times just for dramatic effect 
before I began taking off his plastic pants and his diapers. He watched 
me intently as I took out all the pins that Jenny used on his diapers 
last night. The boy could hardly hold still, he was so excited about 
seeing just how many pins and diapers he had been wearing since he 
arrived at Derek's house last night. When I got his diapers off his 
little penis was sticking straight up as I expected it.
	"Derek says that his weewee does that when he's in diapers, and 
when Jenny changes him," Eric said.
	"It's normal and natural for that to happen to boys when they are 
wearing diapers," I said. "It's one of the reasons we diaper boys love 
our diapers so much. You want that to happen!"
	Several minutes later the room smelled strongly of little boy pee 
and poop and the diaper pail was overflowing with piss-soaked, yellow-
tinted and shit-brown-stained diapers. Jenny looked at us five boys 
crowded into the room all in diapers for a moment before she lugged the 
heavy large pail full of diapers out to the washroom to leave them 
soaking. When she came back into the room she told us that she had taken 
the pail into the bathroom first to weight it on the scale.
	"Guess how much all your dirty diapers weighed?" Jenny asked us.
	"Do we get a prize if we guess right?" I asked.
	"Yeah, I'll give the winner a prize," Jenny said.
	"What's the prize?" Eric asked.
	"You'll find out after you all guess."
	I decided to go first. "23 pounds."
	"Whoa!" Eric said. "I'm gonna say ten pounds."
	"25 pounds," Tony submitted his guess.
	"I say it's a *hundred* pounds!" Derek said.
	"A hundred pounds!? Come on, Derek, I couldn't carry that much! 
You don't even weight that much! In fact, I don't even weigh that much!" 
Jenny exclaimed.
	"All right, 20 pounds," Derek changed his answer.
	"Stephen, how much do you think all you guys' stinky, poopy 
diapers weighed?" Jenny asked her little brother. He stood there for a 
moment with a confused look.
	"Uhhh, I dunno, twenty," Stephen uttered.
	"Hey, that was my guess," Derek said. "Try again."
	"Well, we have 10, 20, 23 and 25 so far," Jenny said.
	"Make Steven's guess 21," Derek said. "He's still learning how to 
count, you know."
	"Okay, Chris is the winner!" Jenny said. "It was 23 pounds!"
	"Okay, gimme my prize!" I said.
	"Okay, Chris, but you have to close your eyes first," Jenny said. 
I was no amateur. I knew from growing up with two older sisters that 
being told to close my eyes gave me reason to feel suspicious.
	"Come on, Chris, you have to close your eyes," Jenny said.
	"Oh no, I'm not falling for that old gag!" I said.
	"What gag? You won the prize, but you can't get it until you close 
your eyes."
	"Oh, okay," I said. I figured what was the worst she could do to 
me? I closed my eyes. Suddenly I felt her hands at the back of my head, 
followed by her wet lips smacking against my face. Everyone was 
	"Gotcha!" Jenny said. "And you said you wouldn't fall for it!"
	"Well, I didn't think *you* would do it!" I said. I didn't wipe 
off my face like I would have done had my own sisters kissed me.
	"You don't seem to mind that I did it," Jenny said.
	"Nah, you're not my sister, so it's okay," I said. "Just don't 
tell Megan."
	"Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't get the prize!" Derek said. "But I 
should have said a hundred pounds!"
	"Actually, it was a hundred pounds!" Jenny said. With this, she 
chased Derek out of the room, but she was able to catch up with him 
since Derek's super thick diapers slowed him down, as well as the fact 
that Jenny had long legs and could make greater strides. She grabbed him 
and then pinned him to the floor before kissing him.
	"Stop that, Jenny!" Derek complained.
	"Oh come on, you'll be kissing girls before you know it!" Jenny 
	"Yeah, but not you!" Derek replied as he tried to wipe "sister 
germs" off of his face.
	"Well, we'd better get going," I said as I looked at the time, a 
little after 10:00. "The meeting starts in an hour."
	"Wait, guys, your diapers aren't done yet!" Jenny said.
	"What do you mean?" I asked Jenny.
	"Look at your shirts!"
	I looked at my shirt, the shirt with my diaper butt photo printed 
on it, which I had been wearing since last night.
	"You need your shirts pinned to your diapers before you leave!" I 
would have gladly let Jenny pin up my shirt to my diapers, but right now 
time was running short.
	"We don't have time for that," I said. Jenny picked up Tony's and 
my sweat pants and carried them out of the room with her. She ran 
outside with them and tossed them up on the roof. We tried to catch her, 
but she was too fast for us boys wearing multiple thick diapers to slow 
us down.
	"You have time now!" Jenny said as she came back into the house. 
"That is, unless you want to freeze your butts off going to the meeting 
in just your diapers."
	"We may have to do that," I said.
	"What's gonna happen if you're late? It's not like you're going to 
school, or work. Besides, you guys are the Directors. Just call Aaron 
and tell him that you won't get there until twelve."
	"I'll give Aaron a call," I said. "We'd be rushing it anyway." 
With this, I grabbed the phone to call Aaron and let him know that we 
weren't coming until twelve. Unfortunately, when I called there was no 
	"Dammit!" I said as the answering machine picked up. After I left 
a message I decided to call the other boys while I was at it. I called 
Bryce and then Luke and Nathan to let them know that the meeting was 
starting at twelve. I even called Jay to let him know what was going on, 
not that he would have been able to leave until Diane arrived to pick 
him up, anyway.
	When I returned to Derek's bedroom I saw that Jenny was having 
Steven count the pins as she stuck them into Derek's shirt to fasten it 
to his diapers.
	"Okay, what comes after eighteen?" Jenny asked Steven as she stuck 
another pin into Derek's diapers and his shirttail.
	"Nineteen!" Stephen said. Jenny was concentrating most of the pins 
in the back as she often did.
	"And twenty!" Stephen proclaimed proudly, thinking that this was 
	"What comes after twenty?" Jenny asked Steven.
	"Uhh, you mean there's more?" Stephen asked.
	"Yes, there's more," Jenny said.
	"Uhh, twenty-eleven?" Stephen said.
	"No, it's," Jenny said slowly.
	"How many pins are you sticking in there?" Derek asked, as he 
remained bent over in between Jenny's knees as she continued to pin up 
his shirt.
	"We'll see if Stephen can get to thirty," Jenny said. "Then we'll 
work on forty, then fifty, then sixty...and guess how we're going to 
teach him!"
	"Uhh, you mean, with diaper pins?" Derek asked.
	"You got it!" Jenny replied.
	"When you get to a hundred just call me over," I said to Jenny she 
smiled at this and continued sticking the pins into Derek's diapers, 
going all the way to thirty. She told me to go ahead and pin on Eric's 
shirt while she proceeded to pin Steven's shirt to his diapers. She had 
Stephen count the pins as she stuck them in. Again, she had enough pins 
to put thirty of them into his shirt. I only had enough to put twelve of 
them into Eric's diapers, but he was happy with it.
	"I love this!" he said as he pulled up on his shirt, only to feel 
it fastened securely to his diapers. "I like knowing that I can't get my 
diapers off!"
	When Jenny finished pinning Steven's shirt to his diapers she said 
it was my turn.
	"Uhh, I got one problem with that," I said. "We're out of pins."
	"So, get some from your house," Jenny said. I looked at my watch 
again and saw that it was getting close to 10:30. Aaron hadn't called 
	"We have to get our pants off of the roof first," I said. "It's 
still pretty cold outside. Do you guys have a ladder?"
	"No," Jenny said.
	"I'll have to get the ladder from our garage then," I said.
	"You have to go over there to get your diaper pins anyway," Jenny 
said. "Come on, boys, let's all go over there," Jenny suggested.
	"Wait a minute," Eric said before he left. "I don't have anything 
to wear over these diapers!"
	"Well, then it looks like you're gonna have to go without any 
pants then!" Jenny said.
	"You mean, I have to walk outside in my diapers?" Eric asked, 
stunned upon realizing this possibility.
	"Either that, or you'll have to borrow Derek's, and he only has 
one pair."
	"I can handle it," Derek said. "I'll let you wear my sweats and 
I'll go in just my diapers!"
	"You sure?" Jenny asked. "It's still cold out."
	"The sun's been up for a little while, so it's probably warming 
up," Tony said. He then looked outside and saw a jogger go by who was 
wearing shorts.
	"That guy that went by is wearing shorts, so if he can handle 
being outside with his legs bare, so can we," Tony said.
	"Yeah, since Derek's gonna go without his sweatpants, we might as 
well all go that way," I said. "It's what I was wanting to do anyway, 
even if it was a little cold. It'll get warmer by this afternoon."
	"So, don't you want to get your pants down from the roof?" Jenny 
	"We can deal with that later," I said. "We need to get going. I 
just wish Aaron would have called back by now."
	"Did you give Aaron Derek's phone number?" Tony asked me.
	"Oh shit!" I said as I realized this. "Dammit!"
	We all went outside. As we went out into the yard I looked up at 
our sweat pants sitting on the roof. As we started to go over to my 
house we saw Cindy coming towards us.
	"Cindy!" I hollered.
	"Chris! Not that I am your answering service, but two people have 
called you this morning. I thought you were gone to your meeting!"
	"Who called?" I asked.
	"Let's see, Sue called and wanted to know if you were coming by to 
pick up the twins, and then Aaron called because you called and left him 
a message, but you didn't give him Derek's number, and I didn't know 
what it was."
	"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" I said while pressing my wrists to 
my forehead and gritting my teeth, realizing that I had so much more to 
do now.
	"Are your diapers dirty already?" Cindy asked.
	"No, but why do you ask?"
	"Because you said 'shit' five times! Did you change since last 
	"Yes," I said. "Tony and I changed each other before we came over 
	"Did you wear just your diapers out here?" Cindy asked. She had 
come outside in her jeans and a T-shirt. "It's cold!"
	"No, I wore my sweats over here," I said.
	"So why aren't you wearing them now?"
	Without saying anything, I pointed to the rooftop over at Derek's 
	"What in the world?" Cindy exclaimed.
	"I threw them up there," Jenny said. "We're coming to get a 
	"You know where it is," Cindy said unsympathetically. "You might 
want to call all those people first."
	We went into the garage, where Dad was working.
	"Mornin' boys," dad said. "What's up?"
	"Well, right now, my pants," I said.
	"Actually, it looks like they're off," my Dad said as he glanced 
at me for a moment before returning to his work.
	"Uhh, umm, Dad, can we borrow the ladder?"
	"What for?" Dad asked. I had a feeling dad would flip if he knew 
why we needed the ladder, so I was hesitant to tell him what happened.
	"We, uhh, threw something up on the roof over at Derek's house," I 
	"It was a ball," Tony said. He could also sense that my dad 
wouldn't be too happy about our pants getting thrown up on the roof if 
he knew this was our real reason to ask for a ladder.
	"Must be a flat ball," Dad said in a wry tone. "Otherwise it would 
have rolled off."
	"It rolled into the gutter," I said.
	"Do you really need it back right away?" Dad asked.
	"I'd like to get it soon," I said.
	"It's just a ball, and it must not be very big if it could fit in 
the gutter. What kind of ball was it?"
	"Uhh, it was a tennis ball," I said. "Can we get the ladder?"
	"I don't want you guys to scratch the car getting it down," Dad 
said. "I thought you had one of your diaper club meetings to go to 
	"We're gonna start it at 12:00," I said.
	"Okay," Dad said. "You don't really need that ball right now, do 
	"Uhh, no, I guess not," I replied in resignation.
	I'll go get that ball down for you later," Dad replied.
	"You'd better go make those phone calls," Jenny suggested. With 
this, we all went into the house from the garage. I grabbed the phone 
and started calling everyone. I started with Sue and let her know that 
we were running late but would be by soon. She said this was okay, just 
as long as she knew that we were coming.
	"The boys are driving me crazy wondering where you were," Sue 
added. "They're really excited about meeting all your friends who wear 
	"Well, tell them to keep their diapers on and we'll be there just 
as soon as we can," I said. After I hung up the phone Tony realized that 
he should call Gary, Richard's father, to let him know about the delay. 
According to Tony, Gary was pretty cool about this. My next call went to 
Aaron to let him know what was going on.
	"That's cool," Aaron said. "See you when you get here."
	I realized that it was now past 11:00 and Jenny still insisted on 
pinning my shirt to my diapers. I didn't want to show up for the meeting 
without presenting myself as the hard-core diaper boy that I am. I 
thought about inviting everyone over here to have the meeting, so I 
asked Mom.
	"I don't want all you boys in the house," Mom said. "Unless you 
can talk Dad into surrendering the garage for a couple hours."
	"Fat chance," I replied.
	"We can have it at our house," Jenny said. "My mom won't be home 
until 3:00 or so."
	"Let's do that then," I said. With this, I had to call everyone 
back again to tell them about the change of plans. I started with 
calling Aaron to make sure that he was cool with the change of venue, 
and fortunately he was. I then called everyone else to let them know to 
come to my house.
	Next, Jenny went into my bedroom with me and she got out the 
diaper pins for my shirt.
	"Oh, wow, we got LOTS of pins here!" she said. "Let's see if you 
can count to fifty, Steven!"
	"Do you think we'll have time?" I asked Jenny.
	"We do now," she said. "We're having the meeting at our house, 
	"I know, but we still need to get those other boys," I said.
	"I'll hurry," Jenny assured me. While Jenny was busy doing this 
Tony asked me, "when do you think your dad is going to go get that 
'ball' we supposedly threw up on the roof?"
	"I don't know," I said. "But maybe we'd better throw one up there 
just so he won't get pissed in case he does go over."
	I told Tony to grab a tennis ball out of my closet and then go 
throw it up on the roof at Derek's house. After digging around for a 
little bit he found a ball and went next door.
	"Throw it up on the back side of the house, from the back yard, 
that is, and then tell my Dad this is where it is. That way he won't see 
the pants out front."
	"Okay," Tony said as he went to carry out his mission. Jenny was 
up to 47 pins stuck into my shirt by the time Tony came back.
	"I had a hell of a time throwing it up there," Tony said. "It kept 
bouncing down off of the roof, and one time it even went over to the 
other side, and I thought that it landed in the front gutter, but then I 
found it and threw it just right, so now it's up there."
	"Good," I said. "Did you tell my dad this was where it was?"
	"Yeah," Tony replied.
	Jenny got all fifty pins into my shirt. I just say that it was 
quite an impressive display with a diaper pin spaced about every half 
inch or so around my waist, actually, several inches above my waist due 
to the high rise of the diapers. Derek, Eric and Steven were all 
impressed. They even asked Jenny to add more pins to their diapers, so 
she did. By this time Steven was counting to thirty on his own, and he 
was able to count to forty, which was where Jenny decided to stop due to 
time constraints.
	"Well, let's get going," I told Tony.
	"Can we go?" Derek asked.
	"Sure, if you want to," I said.
	"You guys are in a hurry, maybe I'd better stay with my brothers 
and let you guys take care of what you need to take care of without 
having these guys slow you down."
	"But we wanna go!" Derek complained. "I wanna meet those other 
diaper boys!"
	"They'll be coming right back with Chris and Tony, so you will get 
to meet them then. I'll let you boys go with them when Chris and Tony 
take them back home."
	"All right," Derek sighed.
	"See you in a little bit," I said as Tony and I high-tailed it to 
get Cody and Jordan. Wearing just our diapers, shirts and our jackets, 
we hopped on our bikes and headed out. While it was getting a little 
warmer, it still felt cold given the wind chill factor at the speed we 
were riding our bikes.


	As we rode through the neighborhood we attracted some attention as 
usual, even from the people who had seen us riding our bikes in our 
diapers before. As people were busy raking leaves in their yards they 
stopped as they saw our white butts whiz on by. As we went past Megan's 
house I remembered that I asked her if she wanted to come to the meeting 
to see what all goes on there.
	"Holy shit!" I shouted as I skidded my bike to a sudden stop. Tony 
nearly ran into me.
	"What, what, what?" Tony asked.
	"I forgot to tell Megan about the meeting! Dammit!"
	"Oh yeah, you said you were going to invite her," Tony said.
	"Let's go back," I said.
	"Do we have time?" Tony asked.
	"Not much, but I'll let Megan know we're in a hurry."
	Tony and I parked our bikes in the driveway and then we went up to 
the front door. Megan's brother Scott answered. He was shirtless and 
wearing boxer shorts.
	"Yeah?" he greeted us with about as much enthusiasm as a garden 
	"Uhhh, is Megan here?" I asked him, as if he needed to know what 
my reason for visiting was.
	"Yeah, but she's not supposed to have boys come over when our 
parents aren't home," Scott said.
	"Really," I said, thinking that Scott was just being the usual 
full-of-shit jackass he always is to Tony and me.
	"Yeah, really," Scott replied sardonically. "New rule."
	"Well, it's not like she has other boys coming over besides us," I 
said. Suddenly I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. "There 
aren't any other boys besides us who come over here-- are there?" I 
asked Scott.
	"Fuck, I dunno," Scott shrugged dismissively.
	"Well, we're not here to stay and visit because we have to get 
back so that we can have our meeting," I said.
	"Meeting?" Scott asked. "What meeting?"
	"Our diaper club," Tony elaborated.
	"Oh yeah, of course, I should have known that," Scott scoffed in 
his reply.
	"In fact, Megan's going to come with us, that is, if she can," I 
said. "Or wants to," I added as my suspicious feelings intensified.
	"Why is she wanting to go with you guys? You didn't get her to 
wear diapers, did you?"
	"Uhh, no, I don't think so," I replied plainly. "Only boys in our 
club wear diapers, but girls are invited to join us, so that they can 
see how we diaper boys think and see all the things we like to do, and 
it gives them ideas, in case they want to start diapering their 
	"Well, count me out, and you can count Bobby out, too," Scott 
stated. "He thinks you guys are real freaks and he complains about the 
smell you guys always leave behind when you're here. To be honest, so do 
I. How can you stand it? Phew!"
	"A lot of people think that about us," Tony said. "But that's 
their problem."
	"So, is Megan here?" I asked Scott again.
	"I told you she is, but she can't have boys over here since our 
mom and dad are gone."
	"Like why the hell would you care?" I asked Scott.
	"Because if I have girls over, Megan says she'll tell on me, and I 
get to do the same thing to her if she has boys over, so if you don't 
want her to be pissed at you because you got her in trouble, you'd 
better scram those stinky-ass diapers of yours out of here."
	"If you think Megan and I are going to do anything together, look 
at how I'm diapered! Take a look at all these thick diapers and all 
these pins and tell me if you think we're going to do anything." I 
showed Scott all the pins that were stuck in my shirt as well as the 
pins in my diapers themselves. Scott looked at me for a moment as he 
examined the magnitude of my diapers and the amount of pins used. I 
pulled up on the huge mass of white cloth stacked over my genitals to 
show him the magnitude of my diapers.
	"Somehow I don't think I'm going to be able to get into her pants 
that easily, if that's what you're worried about," I said.
	"That ain't the point, dude," Scott said. "No boys means no boys."
	"Then maybe *you* shouldn't be here," I said, knowing it would 
piss him off, but I was getting pissed myself. "I mean, you're a boy, 
aren't you?"
	As expected, this remark pissed Scott off. He said, "I ought to 
kick your ass for saying that. I don't know what you and your sisters do 
together, but I'm not about to do that incest shit with Megan, if that's 
what you're getting at!"
	"Scott, who's at the door?" Megan asked before I had a chance to 
say anything else.
	"Just a couple of diaper dorks, you might know them," Scott said 
as he stepped away and let Megan approach us. As usual, she was in her 
high-cut cutoffs and a tight T-shirt which accented her large boobs, her 
erect nipples piercing through the thin veil of her shirt.
	"Hi," she greeted us.
	"Hi," I said as my eyes were naturally drawn to her visibly 
braless state.
	"Isn't it a little chilly to be going around like that?" Megan 
asked us as her eyes were drawn to my amply diapered state.
	"A little," I said. "I was going to wear my sweats, really, I 
	"So why aren't you wearing them?" Megan asked in a flirtatious 
	"I don't really have time to explain," I said. My worries over 
Megan possibly seeing other boys were showing to Megan.
	"What's wrong?" Megan asked me. Now I suddenly felt like I was in 
the middle of a "Wonder Years" episode where Megan was Winnie and I was 
	"Well, nothing, I mean, I'm just in a hurry. We've had some delays 
getting things organized for the meeting, and Cody and Jordan are 
expecting me."
	"Oh yes, the meeting! I was going to come with you guys today!" 
Megan said.
	"Well, can you?" I asked.
	"Sure," Megan said. She then looked at me again and asked, "You 
sure nothing else is bothering you?"
	"Yes, I'm sure, I'm just in a hurry, that's all," I said. I didn't 
want to accuse Megan of seeing other boys if she wasn't, Besides, we 
were only supposed to be just friends, anyway. I wanted to change the 
subject, so I said, "look, uhh, not to be rushing, but are you ready to 
leave right away?"
	"I will be," she said. "Let me slip on some sweats first. You want 
to borrow a pair? Between your thick diapers and my big butt, they 
should fit you."
	"I'm okay," I said.
	"They're dark blue, perfect for a boy to wear," Megan said.
	"I'm fine, really, I am," I said to Megan politely.
	"Okay, you don't know what the weather's going to be like later in 
the day." With this, Megan went into her room to slip her sweats on. She 
came back out with her jacket and shoes on and was ready to go.
	"You seem concerned about something," she said as we went to the 
side of the house to get her bicycle.
	"Well, okay, your brother said that you couldn't have any boys 
over anymore. What's that all about?"
	"He's just pissed because I caught him making out last night with 
his girlfriend and told on him, so now he's trying to get me back," 
Megan explained. "Are you worried that I'm going to get in trouble for 
going with you today?"
	"Yeah," I replied. "I'll accept the blame if you get in trouble."
	"Well, my parents know that you wear diapers and you wear them 
very thickly and with lots of pins in them, so they really aren't too 
concerned about us doing anything. My mom told me that you'd have to be 
very determined to have sex with me after she's seen how many diapers 
you're wearing in the pictures I have of you."
	"She's seen those pictures?" I asked Megan.
	"She found them when she was cleaning my room one day," Megan said 
glumly. "I was mad at her for going in there in the first place."
	"So, do you still have the pictures?"
	"Oh yeah, I do," she said. "My mom said that when boys start 
taking me out on dates she'll make them all wear diapers just like yours 
so they don't try anything."
	"Well, of course, because I'll probably be the one taking you 
out," I said. "As soon as I'm old enough to drive I'll take you to all 
kinds of places."
	"What makes you say that?" Megan asked.
	"Well, because, because we're friends," I said.
	"And just friends," Megan reminded me. "I'm sure you'll want to 
date other girls by then."
	"I don't know," I said. "I mean, you're the only girl who really 
understands why I love diapers so much."
	"What about Angela? That girl in your art class? She understands 
why you're into diapers so much. I mean, she even has a brother who 
wears them, so if anything, she'd be even more understanding."
	"Well, she's just a friend," I said as we all mounted on our bikes 
and headed out to the sidewalk. Megan, of course, remained behind us so 
she could stare at our diapered butts, though she seemed to have other 
matters on her mind.
	"Isn't that what I am to you?" she asked me.
	"Well, she's, she's a 'friend' friend," I said. God, I felt just 
like Kevin Arnold now.
	"So, what am I?" Megan asked.
	"Well, look, I mean, I know we agreed to be just friends, but, I 
lost my virginity to you. To me that makes you still more than just a 
friend. Not my girlfriend, but, somewhere in between friend and 
girlfriend. Okay, I got it, it makes you a special friend, how's that?"
	While all this was going on I felt like I was ignoring Tony, as if 
he were Kevin's friend Paul, a third wheel to Megan and me, so to speak. 
I could tell he wanted to get some attention and also change the subject 
at the same time.
	"Haven't you noticed our shirts yet?" Tony asked Megan.
	"Yeah, I saw those!" Megan said. "When did you get them?"
	"Last night," I replied. "I got them at A Shirt Thing. I'll let 
you look at them when we stop."
	A moment later we arrived at Cody's and Jordan's house. Before we 
went up to the door Tony and I let Megan look at our shirts. She thought 
they were really cute-looking.
	"I see they cut them shorter for you to show off your diapers."
	"Actually, Derek's sister Jennie cut them shorter for us," I said.
	"Oh," Megan replied. "Is she a friend-friend also?"
	"Megan, look, I'm sorry if I said that you're a different kind of 
friend than those other girls. You're not upset, are you?"
	"No," she replied.
	"Are you still coming to the meeting?"
	"Of course I am, Chris!" she said. "That's why I came along!"
	I rang the doorbell and Sue answered.
	"Goodness, Chris, I didn't think you'd ever make it!" she said.
	"It's been a crazy morning already," I said.
	"Aren't you boys a little cold?" Sue asked us.
	"It's not bad, really," I said. "I was going to wear my sweats but 
they got thrown on top of my neighbor's roof."
	"And that's what happened to mine," Tony said.
	"How did that happen?" Sue asked us.
	"We were playing around this morning, and by the time they got 
thrown up there it was too late and we had to get going."
	"My boys are ready to go!" she said. Cody and Jordan were both 
dressed in their overalls and of course, their very thick diapers, 
clearly bulging underneath.
	"Hi Chris!" they greeted me. "You got just your diapers on!"
	"Of course," I said. "That's the dress code for the meeting, if 
you're a boy, that is."
	"Hey Mom, can we wear just our diapers, too?" Jordan asked her.
	"No, boys, you can take your pants off when you get to your 
meeting. It's still a little cool out."
	"All right," Jordan and Chris moaned. The boys then noticed our 
shirts and they were very intrigued by them.
	"Mom! Look at Chris' and Tony's shirts!" Cody said. "They got 
pictures of their diaper butts on them!"
	"I see that," Sue said. "I definitely can *see* that!" She winked 
at me, knowing that I had gotten her boys some diaper butt photo shirts 
of their own.
	"Can we get some shirts done with pictures of our diaper butts on 
them, too?" Jordan asked his mom, jumping up and down so excitedly.
	"Maybe, if you boys are good," she said.
	"I wanna get one for my birthday!" Cody said.
	"I'll think about it," Sue said. "Remember that Christmas will be 
here before you know it, too."
	"I want one for my birthday, because my birthday's gonna be next 
week!" Jordan said.
	"Mine, too!" Cody added.
	"Well, we better get moving," I said as we all went back outside.
	"Remember, stay on the inside of the sidewalk," Sue told her boys. 
"Ride closest to the houses, not the street. Let Chris and Tony and 
their friend stay on the outside."
	"We will," Cody said. The two boys got their bikes and then they 
joined us as we made our way over to the apartment complex where Richard 
lived. We had lost more time, as I didn't plan on stopping at Megan's 
house, so we went as fast as the two little boys could keep pace with.
	"It's hard to ride fast with these diapers on!" Jordan said.
	"I wanna take my pants off and ride in just my diapers like Chris 
and Tony!" Cody said.
	"Maybe after we leave Richard's house you guys can take off your 
pants," I said. All along the ride the boys kept asking us questions 
about the club. We assured them that if they love diapers, they'll enjoy 
being in the club.
	"Yeah, we love diapers!" Cody said.
	"Me, too!" Jordan added.
	We arrived at the apartment complex and parked our bikes next to 
the tennis courts. The people who were playing stared at us, seeing that 
Tony and I only had diapers on. They didn't resume playing until we were 
out of their sight. Tony led the way up the stairs to the apartment. He 
rang the doorbell and Richard's dad Gary answered.
	"Hello boys, oh, and uhh, I guess I should say hello to the girl, 
too. So who are all these others?"
	"This is Chris," Tony started.
	"Yeah, I met him last time," Gary said. Tony then introduced 
everyone else.
	"Now, you're not wearing diapers, too, are you?" Gary asked Megan, 
knowing that the club only had boys in it.
	"Nah, I'm just a guest," Megan said.
	"So, is Richard ready?" Tony asked.
	"Yeah, he is, he's probably just playing. He's been waiting 
	"We know, Gary, sorry about being late. We've had a few things to 
take care of first."
	"I understand," Gary replied. "Let me go get him."
	As Richard approached the door he hesitated when he saw all of us 
standing there.
	"Who are all these people?" Richard asked his father.
	"They're all diaper boys, just like you."
	"Except for me, I'm a girl," Megan said. "And I don't wear 
diapers, either."
	"They're all nice, you're going to have a good time with all of 
them," Gary told his son, who was still shy.
	"I seen him before," Richard said as he pointed to me.
	"Yeah, that's Chris, he's Tony's friend."
	"I can see he's a big diaper boy!"
	"You mean, a big boy who wears diapers, or a boy who wears big 
diapers?" I asked Richard.
	"A big boy who wears big diapers," Richard said quietly.
	"Well, I'm not that big, I mean, for my age, but I do wear big 
	"We wear big diapers, too!" Jordan said. "Chris said we could take 
our pants off when we got here, so we're gonna take our pants off! 
C'mon, Jordan!"
	The two boys stripped their pants off and showed Richard the big 
diapers they had on.
	"You boys came over here like this?" Gary asked us.
	"Yeah, we know, it's a little cold out, but we're doing okay," 
Tony said.
	"I must say you boys are mighty brave to do that in a neighborhood 
this size," Gary said. "Back in the town I grew up, kids could go play 
naked in the water fountain in the middle of town and nobody would have 
cared. You can't do that these days."
	"Well, we're not naked," I said. It's no different than wearing 
shorts, except that they're all white, which some shorts are, they're a 
lot thicker, and they don't cover up the legs at all, but other than 
those things, they're shorts."
	"Well, I gotta say that's really stretching it, but if you boys 
have been doing it all summer and nobody's cared, I don't suppose 
anybody would have a problem with it."
	Just as we left Gary asked us how long we'd be having the meeting.
	"Give us a couple hours or so," I said.
	"How about you call and I'll come get Richard," Gary suggested.
	"Sounds good," I said. We then left the apartment and grabbed our 
bikes. Again, the people who were playing tennis stopped to stare as we 
mounted our bikes wearing just our diapers, all except for Richard. Even 
Megan decided to strip off her sweatpants and wear just her tight, butt-
hugging shorts on the ride back. If I didn't know better I'd have 
thought that Megan didn't even have her panties on from the way her 
shorts crept up into her butt crack. Cody and Jordan had a hard time 
carrying their overalls while riding their bikes, so Tony and I each 
agreed to carry them. Cody and Jordan tried to get Richard engaged in 
conversation, but he was still too shy to say much of anything. We 
finally got back to my house just in time to meet the other boys at 
Derek's house and start the meeting at long last.


	By the time we got back to Derek's house Luke and Nathan were 
already there waiting for us. Jimmy had also shown up with his friends 
Andy and Troy, whom I hardly knew. I didn't even feel that I knew Jimmy 
all that closely since I mostly only saw him at school. Nathan had also 
brought along with him his new friend and my long-lost acquaintance, 
Mark Stillwell. He was still the small, shy boy I remembered seeing at 
school when I was in the third grade. While Luke and Nathan had already 
stripped to their diapers and had their pants "confiscated" by Jennie, 
Mark was still wearing his pants.
	"Hey Mark," I said as Tony and I went up to him.
	"Hi," he said quietly, not even making eye contact.
	"So, do you remember us?" Tony asked him.
	"Yeah, Bryce told me about you guys," Mark replied.
	"So, uhh, I know we didn't talk much back then, but I've thought 
about you a lot. I didn't think we'd ever meet again, but it looks like 
we did," I said to Mark. It was hard to make conversation with him since 
he was so shy. I was surprised he decided to even come to the meeting.
	"Yeah, we have," he said. He actually looked at us for about a 
second this time.
	"So, what's happened since we last met?" I asked Mark, hoping to 
start some dialog.
	"Not much," he said.
	"What did you do this summer?" I asked. Certainly he had to tell 
me that he did *something*.
	"Me and Sheila went with our aunt and uncle camping," he said. I 
had forgotten about him having a sister.
	"Sheila's your sister, right?" I asked, just to be sure.
	"Yeah," came his muttered reply.
	"So, does she still change your diapers?" came my next question, 
which was inevitable.
	"Yeah, she does," Mark said with an embarrassed tone. "I think 
it's kind of embarrassing that my sister has to see me naked, and my 
thingie is usually stiff when she does it."
	"Let me tell you a couple things," I said to Mark. Finally, some 
real dialog was going here. "First, your dick is going to get hard 
whenever you get your diapers changed, no matter what, and don't be 
afraid to call it a dick. All boys get hard-ons, and diaper-wearing boys 
usually get them during diaper changes. We can't help it; it's just 
natural, the way the penis responds to your diaper area being rubbed. 
Besides, it feels good, so there's really no reason to try to resist it. 
You can't really escape it since your diapers rub up against that part 
of you all the time anyway, especially if you wear them really super 
tight. If you like wearing diapers, it just makes diapers all that much 
more enjoyable."
	"Well, yeah, I know that, I mean, Bryce and Nathan and Luke, they 
all tell me that, but, I mean, it's a boy's thing and I wish I didn't 
have to let my sister see my, uhh, you know�"
	"Your dick, that's okay, don't be afraid to call it that," I 
prompted him. Clearly he was very shy about using vulgar words.
	"Call it your penis if you want; that's the 'official' medical 
word for it, nothing wrong with saying that," I told him. "You gotta 
call it something."
	"Yeah, Sheila calls it a lot of things, so I guess I'm just 
embarrassed about using the words she uses," Mark said. "She calls my 
rear end a lot of things, too, but usually she calls it my butt."
	"Again, you gotta call it something, and there's nothing wrong 
with saying butt, or ass. I prefer butt myself."
	"I just wish Sheila didn't always have to change my diapers," Mark 
repeated himself, apparently trying to change the subject. "I mean, she 
always talks about how my, uhh, my dick� always looks bigger every time 
she changes me."
	"There, now God didn't strike you down with lightning for saying 
that, did He?" I said to Mark.
	"No, I guess He didn't," Mark said. "If He did that, Sheila would 
have been struck a million times by now."
	"I'd be a non-stop lightning rod if that were the case for me," I 
	"How long as Sheila been changing your diapers?" I asked Mark, 
hoping to keep the dialog going.
	"As long as I can remember," he said. She was six when I was born 
and my Mom said that she changed my diapers for the first time when I 
was like only a couple weeks old. We even have pictures of her doing it 
	"Well, Lisa first changed my diapers when she was seven and I was 
three, and I remember that," I said. "Lisa doesn't talk about it much, 
but she liked to diaper me and I remember her telling me that she hoped 
I would never be toilet trained and always wear diapers because I was a 
stinky boy. Maybe that's what started me on wanting to wear diapers."
	"Sheila tells me how she thinks my butt looks cute in diapers and 
all that," Mark admitted with some embarrassment.
	"She's used to seeing you in diapers, no doubt, and she knows what 
to expect, so you really have nothing to hide," I told Mark.
	"I know, but, I mean, it's still that she's a girl and that I'm a 
boy, and she seems to think that because I wear diapers it's because I'm 
a boy."
	"Lots of girls think that," I said. "Especially girls who have 
diaper boys for brothers. I mean, there's my sisters Lisa and Cindy, 
Tony's sister Kara, Bryce's sister Gina, Derek's sister Jennie, Jay's 
sisters Lori and Jolene, Aaron's sister Diane, my cousin Darren's sister 
Nancy, my cousin Suzy, I mean, shit, the list goes on."
	"Do any girls wear diapers?" Mark wanted to know.
	"Well, according to my view of the world, no, they don't. All 
girls are potty trained sometime between two and three years of age and 
then they never, ever touch another diaper again, except to diaper 
either their brothers or other boys, or until they start babysitting, or 
they have children of their own. Well, that's how I'd like to think of 
it, anyway, but I'll admit that's not true. As much as I hate to admit 
it, I'm sure there are some girls out there who do, and I will I try to 
be prepared for the shock and the disappointment when that day comes, 
and I really prefer not to think about it and I'll just be happy now 
with the fact that I personally don't know of any girls who wear 
	"So, are there more boys than girls who wear diapers?" came Mark's 
next question. I was surprised that Luke and Nathan hadn't already 
instilled into him our philosophies. Perhaps that was why he was brought 
to the meeting.
	"If what I have observed and have been exposed to is any 
indication, then I'd definitely say yes, there are more boys than girls, 
and by a wide margin I might add, about as wide as the crotch of my 
	At this point I couldn't help but to look down at my diapers and 
remind myself once again of how great it was to be a diaper boy. As I 
was sitting I rubbed myself there a couple times. Mark looked at me 
funny, asking me why I did this.
	"Because it feels good and it's what we diaper boys do when we 
reach puberty," I told Mark. Just as Mark was asking me about puberty I 
saw Diane pull up out front. As the truck stopped Aaron and his friends 
Jason and Peter emerged from the back. Jay was sitting in the front. 
Aaron opened his door and he helped Jay get out of the truck, allowing 
Jay to use Aaron's body for support while he scooted his diapered butt 
off of the seat. Peter had been holding Jay's crutches, which had been 
kept in the back of the pickup. He handed them to Jay. All four of the 
boys had only diapers on. Even Jay was in real diapers, not just a bunch 
of underpants worn together, at least not on the surface of his diapers.
	Upon their arrival, the nose count, or, as I prefer to call it, 
the butt count was 20. It was getting to where I could hardly keep track 
of who was whom:


Chris (myself)
Tony (my lifelong friend)
Bryce (friend, brother of Cindy's friend Gina)
Luke and Nathan (friends we met at diaper camp last summer)
Jay (friend Tony and I met in gym class)
Aaron (friend Tony and I met at diaper camp last summer)
Derek (friend, next-door neighbor)


Jason (Aaron's friend)
Peter (Aaron's friend)
Jimmy (friend Tony and I met in gym class)


Cody and Jordan (twin boys I babysit)
Richard (boy that Tony babysits)
Eric (Derek's friend)
Mark (Nathan's friend)
Andy (Jimmy's friend)
Troy (Jimmy's friend)

	That made 18. Counting Derek's little brother Steven, who was too 
young made 19 diapered boys. If Jennie's friend's little brother Tyler 
were here we'd have an even twenty diaper boys stinking up the house. As 
if this weren't enough, there were three girls present: Jennie, Diane, 
and Megan.
	Even without Tyler being there, one thing was becoming more and 
more evident. Our group had become too big, taking into account those 
who were merely guests at this time. It was time to have Aaron take on 
the role as a Club Director and run his own meetings, which was the top 
item on the agenda. I had envisioned at the outset of establishing a 
chapter of the D.B.A. club a huge gathering of every diaper boy in ours 
and other surrounding neighborhoods and having a group that would all 
band together as one and promote diapers as an alternative to toilet 
training and to promote the pleasures of wearing diapers. I have wanted 
to have the biggest gathering of diaper boys among all of the D.B.A. 
chapters out there. Some chapters had 15 or more actual members, to say 
nothing of their guest attendance, so I was hoping to become among the 
top five at the very least. It seemed that as the group got larger, it 
was more difficult to have everyone in one place. Cody and Jordan were 
out back playing with Richard and getting to know him. Derek, Eric and 
Steven were playing in their room. Jimmy had Andy and Troy with him. Jay 
was with Aaron, Jason and Peter, who were accompanied by Diane as she 
was taking pictures of them in their diapers. The other boys were split 
off into their own groups as well. Mark was standing in the corner 
feeling isolated. There were 22 of us in all, counting the girls, and we 
all had to either gather out back and take advantage of the Indian 
summer day that we may not have had and are not likely to have next 
month, or cram into the front room. 18 boys with potentially poop-filled 
diapers would sure stink up the small room!
	Tony and I went around to tell everyone that the meeting was about 
to begin. When I went outside to the back yard I notice the wind had 
picked up and it felt like it was getting a little cooler, so gathering 
in the house seemed like the only option if we were to have the meeting 
at all. It made for some very close quarters for all of us to gather in 
the front room, not to mention smelly as I had anticipated, as it was 
probably a safe bet that at least half of us did, in fact, have poopy 
diapers on, and by the end of the meeting we'd probably all be in poopy 
diapers. Jennie even had to open the door to let the smells of 19 
diapered boys (including Steven) circulate out of the room.
	Tony and I stood before the group using the old workbench that dad 
had given me to use as our podium. Megan also joined us at the head of 
the group. By some miracle we managed to find enough seating for the 
whole gathering. Derek, Steven and Eric crammed into their mother's easy 
chair together with Steven sitting on Derek's lap. Jay sat at the end of 
the couch with his broken leg protruding outward. Crammed in with him 
were Aaron, Bryce, Nathan, Luke, Mark and Jimmy. Cody and Jordan sat 
together in the rocking chair. The five chairs from the kitchen had been 
brought in to accommodate the diapered butts of Richard, Peter, Jason, 
Andy and Troy. Jenny brought in a chair from her bedroom, and Diane was 
standing as she was video documenting the meeting and taking pictures, 
so she had to be standing to move around anyway. Diane took several 
pictures of the large gathering before the meeting began.
	Tony and I called the meeting to order and had everyone announce 
who he was and how he got into wearing diapers. Because there were so 
many of us I gave everybody exactly one minute to tell the group about 
why he wears diapers. For the benefit of those who didn't know me that 
well, I had to hurry through my story so that the others would 
understand why I am such a diaper freak. Tony also hurried through his 
story. We let the rest of the members tell their stories, followed by 
the ones who were about to become members. Lastly, we had the guests 
share their stories, each in one-minute time blocks. Diane instructed 
each of us to turn around and moon the camera for her before we spoke. 
While this was going on, Jennie was preparing drinks for us. We all had 
grape Kool-Aid served in 8-ounce cups. We would have had baby bottles 
had their been enough to go around. Megan helped Jennie distribute the 
drinks to everyone. We were strongly warned to not spill our drinks 
since Jennie didn't want her mother to know that the meeting had been 
held in their house in the first place.
	Mark was the last to speak. He was really shy, of course, and all 
he said was that he has to wear diapers. He was also the only boy who 
still had his pants on. I had a feeling that the meeting and the club 
were too much for him. I could tell that he wasn't very comfortable 
being around all of us at once.
	After the introductions were made I brought up the all-important 
item of dividing the group into two, making Aaron a Club Director. If we 
were to divide by members, we would have Peter and Jason join Aaron's 
side along with Jay as they all lived closer to Aaron. Jay didn't want 
to part ways with Tony and me as far as the club was concerned, but at 
the same time he realized that it was a necessity and that he could get 
to Aaron's meetings more easily.
	"We could even hold the meetings at separate times, there's no 
reason you can't come to both of them," Tony suggested. Jay agreed with 
	Even if Aaron were to branch off and start his own meetings, this 
still left several "core" members: myself, Tony, Bryce, Luke, and 
Nathan. Luke was open to the idea of serving as Aaron's co-director, but 
Nathan didn't want to be separated.
	"It's not like we're competing or anything," Luke said. "We just 
can't have this many boys in one place and still have meetings."
	Other problems seemed to arise as the discussion went on. Even if 
Aaron were to take on his own group, there was an even greater imbalance 
as far as guests were concerned. On the other hand, it didn't seem that 
everyone who was there would necessarily become members. I had a good 
feeling Mark wasn't going to want to join the club at this time. Cody 
and Jordan were still a little young to be attending meetings as they 
were getting restless, as was Richard, not to mention that he was shy, 
though he did take his pants off to be in just his diapers like everyone 
else. It seemed that Eric was the only remaining guest who was likely to 
become a member in our group. Andy and Troy were likely to join Aaron's 
group. In the end, it seemed that things would work out. We conferred 
with Mark, who said that he wasn't ready to join the club, or if he did, 
he didn't want to come to the meetings since there were so many of us. 
Richard also wasn't really comfortable. Tony and I decided that we could 
get together with the younger boys at a separate time and do things that 
they would enjoy more, so Cody and Jordan agreed to this.
	With the split decided, Tony and I "officially" swore in Aaron as 
a new Club Director, with Luke serving double-duty as a member of our 
group as well as a Co-Director for Aaron. We used the clean Thickies 
diaper that Aaron had donated for swearing new members in when we had 
Aaron recite the D.B.A. Oath, promising, among other things, that he 
will use his diapers and only his diapers for all bodily wastes (not 
that he needed any reinforcement). He will wear only his diapers (and a 
shirt) whenever it is possible to do so. Again, this was something he 
was already used to doing anyway. He swore to denounce any and all evil 
toilet training practices forced upon boys who did not wish to use the 
toilet, and he agreed to make it a lifelong mission to promote diapers 
for boys as an alternative to toilet training. With the serious issues 
out of the way, we moved on to lighter, more fun things, getting to what 
the meetings are all about.
	Next on the agenda was a presentation of the T-shirts Tony and I 
had made at the T-shirt store. We walked around the room and let 
everyone get a good look at the diaper pictures on our shirts. We told 
everybody where to go to get them made and how much it would cost. I 
could only imagine what the people working there would think once 
several boys started coming in all wanting pictures of themselves in 
diapers printed on their shirts.
	After this, Derek presented his latest creation after having 
retired his Poopitus cartoons. He debuted his "Pooperhero" cartoons. 
These were cartoons he drew out in which a diapered boy flies around 
like Superman looking to rescue boys who are being forced out of diapers 
because of potty training. The first cartoon was a series of panels 
showing a boy who was bawling his eyes out and being forced to sit on 
his potty chair. The Pooperhero then shows up, tells his mom to give her 
son his diapers back or he would make her poop and need diapers. The 
mom, of course, immediately complied and let her son wear diapers, 
anything to avoid having to do the same thing herself. Aaron was quite 
interested in the cartoons as he wanted to re-draw them with color and 
more detail, using his artistic skills for this purpose.
	Our next item was to show the boys that the first Thickies diaper 
ad featuring Tony modeling the disposable diapers. The ad showed him 
playing badminton with another boy (not me) in a back yard setting. The 
caption read "It may be after Labor Day... but he can still wear white." 
Tony had been sent a framed copy of the ad, which was passed around and 
shown to all the boys. We had also collected several copies of this ad 
out of as many magazines as we could get a hold of.
	Before we knew it an hour had passed by. We exchanged toilet 
training horror stories and let the girls tell us how much easier they 
thought toilet training was for them. This helped to reaffirm our 
feelings about being boys and being in diapers longer, much, much 
	Soon it was 2:00 and some of the boys were getting restless, 
namely Cody, Jordan and Richard. Mark also said that he wanted to go 
home, but he didn't want to leave by himself. Tony and I assured Mark 
that we understood and hoped that he would want to come by and visit, or 
allow us to see him sometime. Nathan excused himself from the meeting 
and went to Jennie to retrieve his pants for him so that he could escort 
Mark back home. I felt sorry for the guy. He just didn't seem to be able 
to fully come to terms with his need for diapers.
	We needed to adjourn the meeting shortly since Derek's mom was 
expected to come home before too long. There was hardly enough time for 
us to initiate the three boys who were ready to join the club. As they 
were all going to be members of Aaron's club anyway, they decided to be 
initiated at Aaron's first meeting.
	We still had one other matter to take care of, which was to get 
Tony's sweatpants and mine down from the roof. We all needed to get 
outside anyway and breathe some fresh air. With the wind that was 
blowing we were thinking that Tony's sweatpants and mine may have 
already blown off of the roof. We went out to the front and saw that our 
pants were still right where we had left them. I didn't want to go back 
to my house and ask my Dad for his ladder again, but I really had no 
choice. I went back over to my house again so that I could ask Dad if we 
could use the ladder for just a moment. I opened the garage and 
discovered that the car was gone. I went into the house to ask Mom where 
Dad had gone.
	"He went to the store to get some bags for the leaves, and a new 
rake since the one he was using broke on him. Is your meeting over with 
	"Not quite," I said, suppressing a snicker as I imagined what Dad 
must have said when his rake broke.
	"It must have not lasted very long if you came back from Aaron's 
so soon."
	"We're not having it at Aaron's, we're having it at Derek's," I 
	"Okay, if his mom doesn't mind all you boys stinking up their 
	"She's not even home. We're not making a mess of the place, if 
that's what you're concerned about. We are making messes of our diapers, 
though and stinking up their house"
	"I figured as much," Mom replied snidely. "You smell like you're 
contributing to the stink, that's for sure. What do you need anyway, 
besides a diaper change?" With this, Mom patted my butt.
	"I need to get the ladder," I replied.
	"What do you need a ladder for?" Mom asked me.
	"We threw a ball on the roof," I replied.
	"I see," Mom said, not sounding like her concern for the "ball" 
was mutual.
	"Dad wouldn't let us get it earlier because he was afraid we'd 
scratch the car with it. Well, the car's not there now."
	"Okay, then get it, get the ladder," Mom said.
	"I would, but, I can't reach it, not without the car being parked 
there for me to climb on."
	Mom let out a sigh and then asked, "Isn't there a stepstool out 
	"I didn't look," I said.
	"Well, use it if it's out there," Mom told me. With this I went 
out to the garage again and located the stepstool and then climbed up on 
it. The ladder was within reach, though it was still a stretch. There 
were also a couple of sheets of plywood that Dad had laid on top of the 
	"Dammit," I muttered as I tried in vain to scoot the ladder out 
from underneath the plywood. After a couple of futile tugs I said, "aww, 
hell with it, screw this." I sighed in resignation and wiped the flecks 
of dust from my eyes after pulling on the ladder. As I returned the 
stepstool to the hook it was hanging on I looked in the garbage can in 
the corner of the garage and saw the handle to the rake that broke on 
Dad. I figured maybe we didn't need the ladder after all. I pulled the 
handle out of the trash and saw the broken end. The rake's head was in 
the trash, along with a pile of my soiled disposable diapers from my 
after-school diaper changes over the past week. I couldn't help but 
laugh as I thought about how my dad must have sounded when the rake 
broke; his muttered swearing would crack me up at times. I could just 
see him angrily tossing the rake head into the trash.
	"This will have to do, I guess," I said as I went back out of the 
garage and over to Derek's house again. The boys were still all gathered 
inside. I immediately noticed that Megan wasn't there. I assumed that 
Megan might have been in the bathroom (a good likelihood since none of 
us diaper boys would ever be caught there). Jennie then came up to me.
	"Megan had to leave," Jennie said.
	"Really?" I said as I felt a knot forming in my stomach, 
rekindling my once-settled worries that I had about her feelings towards 
	"Did she say why she had to leave?" I asked Jennie.
	"She just said that she had to get back home," Jennie replied. 
"She told me to tell you, so at least she was thinking about you."
	"Yeah, I guess that's true," I said, trying to deny my suspicions.
	"Hey Chris, did you get the ladder?" Tony asked me.
	"No, but we can try this," I said as I showed him the handle from 
Dad's broken rake. I then tried twirling it around ninja-style, but I 
must have looked ridiculous as I dropped the stick, not to mention that 
most ninjas wear black, and they certainly don't wear white diapers.
	"You think it'll reach?" Bryce asked.
	"Only one way to find out," I said. We all went outside standing 
in the front yard in just our diapers (except for Jennie and Diane, of 
course). As some people drove by I could just imagine what they must 
have thought of seeing so many boys in diapers with their butts facing 
the street while standing outside on a cool October day. Diane made sure 
to get pictures of the moment, of course. I stood back far enough to see 
the edge of the roof. I stretched my arms out as far as I could while 
scraping the stick along the roof. From where I was, it seemed like I 
was a few inches short.
	"Shit!" I said. "Can't reach it!"
	"Let me try, I'm the tallest one here," Luke said as he took the 
stick and gave it a try. He too, could not reach the stick. Diane, of 
course, was busy taking pictures of us all standing around as 
	"Actually, guys, I'm the tallest one here," Diane said as she 
offered to retrieve the pants. Even she couldn't reach them, but she was 
close, at least it seemed that way.
	I need one of you boys to get up on my shoulders," Diane 
suggested. She figured one of the smaller boys could do this. Derek 
volunteered, and since he wasn't too big for Diane's broad shoulders, 
she got down on her hands and knees and told Derek to sit on her neck, 
as if getting on a horse. Derek sat his well diapered butt down on 
Diane's shoulders. As Diane stood up she firmly held onto his legs.
	"I know I don't have to worry about those diapers leaking onto my 
neck or my shirt," Diane commented. "I used to carry Aaron around like 
this and I made sure he was diapered thickly enough that he'd never leak 
on me."
	With Derek sitting on Diane's shoulders, I handed him the stick.
	"Hey, I think I can reach them!" Derek exclaimed proudly. He then 
got the first of the two pairs of sweatpants. He dragged them along the 
shingles and then flung them to the ground. They were Tony's pair as it 
turned out. Meanwhile, Aaron had been taking several pictures of his 
older sister holding Derek with his diapered butt contrasting sharply 
with Diane's large shapely derriere clad in jeans.
	"Can you get the other ones?" Diane asked Derek.
	"Yeah, but you'll need to move me over," Derek told Diane. She 
scooted to the left. While this was going on I heard another car go 
past. As I heard it slowing down, I turned around and looked and saw 
that it was Dad returning from the store. I know he had to have been 
wondering what we were all doing.
	Derek had to stretch as far as he could reach to get my sweatpants 
down. After a few tries he got enough of a hook on them to bring them 
down. Everybody applauded as Diane let Derek back down from off of her 
	After this was over with we went back in the house and talked 
about the meeting itself, who would become members and who would 
regularly attending future meetings. As expected, Richard didn't really 
seem to want to be there with so many boys, so I counted him out. The 
twins had a good time, but their presence limited the things that we 
older boys could talk about such as jacking off in our diapers. I asked 
the twins if they'd like to have a meeting of their own with Derek, Eric 
and Steven so that they could do the things that kids their age liked to 
do. They all agreed with this. Aaron's friends were already settled on 
joining his new division of the club. One thing that didn't occur to me 
until now was that without Aaron or Diane there wouldn't be anybody 
there to take pictures at the meetings.
	"Don't worry about that," Diane said as she patted my butt. "Aaron 
and I will still come to your meetings and both of us will take pictures 
and video for you guys."
	"Thanks, I appreciate it," I said.
	"I know Aaron would come just to see you all in diapers anyway," 
Diane added. "And you're certainly welcome to come to our meetings if 
you want."
	"Sure," I said. "But then, well, if we all come to each other's 
meetings, then aren't we back to the same problem as before, and that 
we'll be having two overcrowded meetings a month?"
	"Not really," Diane said. "I'm sure you all won't be there all the 
	It was about 2:30 in the afternoon. We helped Jennie straighten up 
the living room and gather up all the cups. We also gave the room a 
generous dose of Lysol to help freshen up the stinky air. Jennie offered 
diaper changes to anyone who needed one. Only Derek, Eric and Steven 
indicated they wanted to be changed as they had their own diaper 
supplies available to them.
	"Well, I'm going to run Jay back home now," Diane said. "If you 
want I'll let you all have a ride with me."
	"That'd be great," I said. With this, we all climbed into the back 
of the pickup and closed the shell door. I decided to go along for the 
ride. Aaron decided to ride with Jay up front. Bryce opted to walk home 
since he wasn't that far away, as did Jimmy and his friends Andy and 
Troy as they rode their bikes over. We made the rounds and dropped off 
Richard first, followed by Luke, Tony, Cody and Jordan, Jason, Peter, 
and then Jay. We stayed and visited with Jay for a few minutes after 
helping him to get back into his house. I apologized to Jay for not 
getting to talk to him much during the meeting.
	"Don't worry about it," Jay said. "There were so many of us 
	"I know," I said. "I don't think I'll try that again. I thought 
getting everyone together would be a lot of fun, but I think we'll do 
better with just you and the other regulars."
	Jay hobbled his way to his bedroom where he lay down. Aaron and I 
followed behind him. Jay's sister Lori knew that he needed to be 
changed, so she removed the diapers he had on top of several pairs of 
underpants. The sides of his briefs had been cut so that they could be 
pinned on like diapers, a necessity while Jay's leg was in a cast. His 
underpants were pinned together in several sets of six to eight pairs of 
briefs each. As expected, they were all thoroughly soaked in piss and 
filled end to end with shit.
	"I've told you this a million times, Jay, but I will never get 
tired of telling you how glad I am that it isn't me who has to wear a 
bunch of underpants around like diapers and shit and piss in them all 
the time."
	"So am I," I commented.
	"Uhh, you DON'T wear diapers, Chris? I hardly believe that!" Lori 
asked me while poking her finger into my thick diapers, having 
flagrantly misinterpreted my statement.
	"No, I meant that I am glad you don't wear diapers like your 
brother does."
	"Because I'm a girl, right?" Lori stated.
	"You got it," I said. Lori just smiled at this as she removed 
Jay's soiled underpants from his body.
	"Well, we better get going," Diane said. "I want to develop this 
roll while my parents still have their store open."
	"Okay, see you Monday, Chris," Jay told Aaron and me as we left 
his room. As Diane was about to run me home I asked her if she could 
drop me off at Megan's house instead. I really needed to talk to that 


	I told Diane that I wanted her to drop me off at Megan's house 
instead of taking me all the way home.
	"I don't mean to be nosy, Chris, but why do you need to talk to 
her? You seemed concerned about something," Diane said to me.
	"Well, I am," I replied as I clutched my folded pair of sweatpants 
on top of my diaper-padded lap.
	"You think she doesn't like you anymore?" Diane asked me.
	"Well, no, I mean, well, she likes me still, as a friend, I think, 
	"But not as boyfriend/girlfriend?" Diane finished, knowing what I 
was getting at.
	"Yeah, something like that," I said.
	"Well, Chris, you're just beginning to go through what all kids go 
through as they approach their teens," Diane said with a somewhat 
parental tone as she reached across Aaron and patted my bare leg.
	"I know," I said. "I've seen Lisa go through it and Cindy's been 
burned a couple of times, and now it's happening to me."
	"How do you know that Megan's feelings have changed?" Diane asked 
me as we sat in the pickup, engine still turned off.
	"That's the problem, I don't really know, I just have a feeling, a 
hunch. She did kind of leave the meeting rather abruptly. I wish she 
would have waited until I got back for her to tell me that she was 
	"She really didn't have a reason to be there," Diane said, playing 
devil's advocate. "I mean, she got to see all you boys in diapers, but 
it was so crowded, and clearly she was out of place, even being just a 
guest. Once you were not there she probably just felt out of place. You 
have to remember that she's not used to being around diapered boys like 
I am, and your sisters are. I'm sure the smell alone was getting to her. 
I mean, twenty-some poopy diapered boy butts can get to really stinking-
- I know just one diapered boy butt can really stink, right, Aaron?"
	"Right," Aaron replied, smiling proudly.
	"It could be any number of reasons, but I'm sure she wasn't upset 
at you," Diane continued.
	"I hope not," I said. "I still want to talk to her."
	"I'll do as you wish, Chris," Diane said. "I was twelve once, too, 
you know."
	"It's not that far to walk from her house back to my house 
anyway," I added.
	"Are you going to put your sweats back on?" Diane asked me, seeing 
that I was still in just my diapers and holding my sweatpants in a 
bundle on my lap. I attempted to re-fold them but couldn't get them 
folded again properly.
	"As much as I would rather not, I suppose I'd better. But I'll do 
that when I get to Megan's house."
	"I'm not *ever* dating any girls!" Aaron asserted.
	"You will, too," Diane said to her brother, mussing up his blonde 
hair. "All boys your age say that."
	"Well, I know none of the girls at school like me because I wear 
diapers and I stink all the time," he continued.
	"Well, diaper-boy brother of mine, that sort of comes with the 
territory when you have to wear your poop around with you everywhere you 
go all the time," Diane said. "But I know you'd never give up your 
didees, anyway."
	"Nope, no way!" Aaron stated. "I have to wear them anyway."
	"You never know, there may be a girl at school who'd like to 
change a thickly diapered boy as you. She just probably doesn't want to 
be embarrassed by letting her friends know that she likes a diaper boy."
	"Yeah, maybe so," Aaron said.
	"That's another reason that I don't want Megan to stop liking me," 
I said. "She thinks I'm cute because I'm a diaper boy."
	"Well, then there you have it, Chris," Diane said. "Does she still 
think you're cute in diapers?"
	"Well, I haven't asked her, but she hasn't told me, either. Not 
like she's going to keep telling me that every day. I'm sure when she 
was in third grade I seemed cuter as a diaper boy since it probably made 
a bigger impression on her then."
	"I don't know, Chris, but I'm sure you will feel better once you 
get to talking to her."
	With this, Diane offered to re-fold my sweatpants for me, so I 
handed them to her and she handed them back. She started up the pickup 
and drove me over to Megan's house. With my diapers still fully exposed, 
I got out of the pickup. I thanked Diane for the ride. Before I closed 
the door Diane asked me if I wanted my stick back.
	"Stick?" I asked her.
	"The stick we used to get your sweat pants from off the roof. 
Derek left it laying the yard, so I picked it up and put it in the back 
of the pickup."
	"Sure, I'll grab it," I said. I didn't know if Dad would ever want 
it back, even though it was in the trash when I found it. I picked it up 
and then carried it with me as I approached Megan's front door. I 
expected Scott to answer as he often did, but instead Megan came to the 
door instead. I noticed that she had changed out of the cutoff shorts 
that she had worn to the meeting. Now she was wearing some looser-
fitting full�length jeans like she'd wear to school.
	"Hi," she said, sounding surprised as she greeted me at the door. 
"What are you doing here?"
	My heart was pounding. I didn't want to sound like I was accusing 
Megan of something that she may not have been guilty of doing, but at 
the same time I needed to clear the air and settle my uncertain feelings 
about her one way or another.
	"Uh, well, ummm, I needed to come talk to you," I stammered, voice 
	"Well, you're here," she said. "What did you need to talk to me 
	"Well, is there a place we can go that's private?" I asked as I 
furtively looked around me.
	"We can sit out back on the porch swing," Megan suggested. "I'd 
think you'd be getting a little cold wearing just your diapers like that 
on a day like this."
	I figured the weather may have been the reason Megan changed her 
clothes and that she was wearing the cutoffs to make a big impression on 
us diaper boys at the meeting by showing off the fact that she didn't 
need to or want to wear diapers.
	"I'm all right, really," I said while holding my sweats in one 
hand and the stick in the other.
	"You could put your sweats on if you get cold," she suggested.
	"I know I could, but I just love to go around in just my diapers 
so much that I'll do it as often as I can. It's good for my diaper-boy 
	Megan smiled at this comment, which helped to put me at ease a 
	"Come on, let's go out back," Megan said as she came out the front 
door and led me around the side of the house to the back yard. She had 
me lead the way, of course, so she could stare at my diapered butt, 
though I wanted to reciprocate and stare at hers (undiapered, of 
course). We went to the porch swing and sat down together. I set my 
sweatpants to my side and sat there on the swing, pressing the stick 
down onto the porch, bracing it in between two of the slats of the porch 
surface. In doing this I was pushing Megan and I back on the swing, 
making the swing sway back and forth each time I released the stick.
	"So, what did you want to talk about?" Megan asked me. Now she 
acted as if somehow she could sense my suspicions. I decided that I 
wasn't going to hem and haw and prolong the agony. I told myself to just 
ask her right out.
	"Well, I was just concerned about why you left the meeting so 
suddenly," I started. "I mean, I would have thought that you might have 
wanted to wait for me to get back and tell me that you wanted to leave--
which if you needed to, then I would have understood."
	"It was sort of an emergency," Megan explained.
	"Really? How's that?" I asked Megan. "Sorry, don't mean to be 
	"Well, I had a little accident," she said. That one came to me 
from as left field as left field can go. My heart about dropped. I noted 
once again the change of her clothes and then I put two and two 
together. I was shocked to hear what I had just heard, a GIRL having an 
ACCIDENT! Those two words NEVER occurred in the same sentence in my 
diaper-boy world, EVER! I was clutching tightly onto that stick in total 
disbelief and in utter disheartenment that Megan, of all girls, would 
turn out to be the first girl I would come to meet that wore diapers. It 
seemed as if time had suddenly slowed to a crawl. I thought that I was 
in a dream for a moment. I pinched myself just to make sure that I 
	"When you say, uhh, accident, you don't mean... like..." I 
stammered, trying to deny having any knowledge of a girl doing something 
that I so strongly felt was only for boys.
	"It's not *that* kind of accident, diaper boy," Megan said as she 
slapped my diapered butt, assuaging my alarmed state. "I didn't piss or 
shit my pants if that's what you were thinking."
	"I wasn't, well, I mean, I was, but, I could never bring myself to 
accept it if that were the case," I explained. "To me, that's just not 
something girls would ever do."
	"Well, what I did *is* something that only girls *can* do," Megan 
	"How's that?" I asked.
	"I was having 'female' problems," Megan restated. Now it all made 
sense and I knew what had happened to her. I just wish she hadn't called 
it an "accident" first.
	"So, how was it an accident?" I asked Megan.
	"I didn't think my period would start when it did and I was 
unprepared," Megan said. "That's why I had to change my clothes."
	"I understand now," I said, feeling better.
	"Well, you boys can have all the fun pissing and shitting in your 
diapers. I don't know how you boys can enjoy it so much, because I hate 
it when I have my period. My mom told me that wearing the tampons they 
made when she was my age made her feel like it was a diaper and she 
hated them. Even the ones they make today, I hate that I have to use 
them when I do. I just can't imagine what those huge, thick multi-layer 
diapers must feel like on your butt all the time."
	"They feel good," I said as I rolled back and massaged my dick and 
balls through the several layers of white cloth.
	"So, was that all you needed to talk about?" Megan asked me. "I 
know that I should have let you know that I had to leave or at least 
told someone, but I was in a room full of boys and I didn't want to tell 
any of them about it. I had to leave right away, anyway. Remember that I 
was wearing almost nothing down there as it was, so there really wasn't 
much that I could do."
	"You probably could have talked to Diane, I'm sure she has to 
carry things like, well..."
	"Tampons," Megan said. "I know, it's not a word you boys use very 
often, but I say diapers all the time, even though I don't wear them, so 
it's nothing to be embarrassed about."
	"Okay, whatever, I'm sure Diane would have been able to help you."
	"Yeah, but by the time I realized what was happening it was too 
late, and Jenny and Diane weren't where I could tell them in private, 
away from the boys.
	There was a brief, but awkward pause of what seemed like eternal 
silence. A moment later Megan turned to me and spoke with a little 
	At least we can be assured of one thing, though," she said.
	"What's that?" I asked Megan.
	"You didn't get me pregnant last time we did it," she replied.
	"That's good!" I said. I was still too young to really understand 
that Megan and I could, biologically speaking, become parents at our 
ages as we had both gone into puberty early.
	"But that's not to say that you won't if you're not careful," 
Megan added with a tone of caution as she patted the front of my 
diapers, making my erect penis even more stiff. The way she said this 
gave me some new hope, that perhaps she expected us to do it again.
	"Well, I can get by doing it in my diapers when those feelings 
strike," I told Megan.
	"I know you do, and I'd still be willing to help out in that 
department," she said with a smile as she rubbed the front of my 
diapers, knowing I had an erection. I wish she had kept going, but 
neither of us wanted her brothers to come out and catch us in such an 
act. While I felt better about Megan's reason to leave the meeting, 
there was still something nagging at me that I needed to get out of her.
	"Megan, I need to ask you something else," I told her. "It's kind 
of stupid."
	"Well, go ahead and ask," she said.
	"Uhh, ummm, well, do you uhh, still think, that, uhh, I look cute 
in diapers?"
	"Of course I do, diaper butt!" Megan said as she slapped my padded 
derriere. "I just love how your bare legs stick out of that huge, white 
mass of cloth pinned up around you so many times over. It makes you look 
like a little boy all the time."
	"Thanks," I said.
	"Why did you want to ask me that anyway?" Megan asked me.
	"I don't know," I replied. "I mean, I just don't hear you say it 
like you used to say it."
	"Well, I'm sure after awhile there's no need to keep saying it," 
Megan said. "I have to admit that it was a bigger deal to me when I 
first found out about you wearing diapers. I mean, to a third grader 
that seriously funny! Some of the girls in our school now think it's 
cute, but some of them think it's gross, and some of them wonder why I 
talk to you. Is this what you really wanted to talk to me about?"
	Megan was amazing. Even though this was what was nagging at me the 
most, I had been avoiding brining it up until she had brought it up 
herself. Now once again I wasn't feeling quite so much at ease. My 
feelings of contentedness and uneasiness kept shifting back and forth.
	"Well, I guess it just bothers me that things haven't been quite 
the same since Ms. Watson separated us in her class."
	"Yeah, that sucks," Megan said. "And I do have to admit that 
everyone makes fun of me for talking to you and your diaper boy friends, 
and the fact that I'm fat."
	"Well, don't ever let that bother you," I told Megan.
	"I try not to," she said. "At least I'm glad to know some boys 
like fat girls."
	"And I'm glad to know that some girls like diaper boys," I said. 
With this, Megan and I embraced in a hug. I wanted to kiss her. I 
started to approach her, but she gently backed off. Now once again I was 
in "worried" mode.
	"We'd better not," Megan said. I figured since either of her 
brothers could come out there or might have even been spying, she didn't 
want to get caught locking lips with me.
	"I understand," I said, though I was disappointed. "So, when can 
we get together again?" I asked Megan.
	"Well, tomorrow's out of course since I'm going to my 
grandparents," she said. "How's next weekend?"
	"Tony's having his birthday party on Saturday, along with the twin 
boys, it's going to be a combined party for both of them. You could come 
to that, I suppose."
	"I could, but, well, I think it might be like having me at the 
meeting. I got to see all your diaper boy friends, and it was cute, but 
to be honest, Chris, I really felt out of place being there, that, and, 
the smell was getting to me. You I can handle, but not all of you 
stinking up your diapers at once. You boys have your fun at your 
birthday party. How about the Sunday afterwards?"
	"That's my Mom's birthday, that is, we're getting together as a 
family that day," I said. "Maybe after we're done with that I could come 
	"I think that will work," Megan said. I felt better once again, 
knowing that Megan still wanted to be friends with me.
	"But we'll have to do a friends-only thing," Megan said.
	"I understand," I said.
	"I mean, all the time," Megan added emphatically. I nodded in 
agreement. She took a deep breath and then told me a couple more things. 
Once again I was back to worried, given the hesitation the preceded her 
	"I know I may have seemed distant, even aside from Ms. Watson 
separating us. I was worried that you might have gotten me pregnant, so 
I was glad to have my period. But I don't want to chance it again, if 
you know what I mean."
	"Sure," I said.
	"Like I said, I'm still willing to 'help you out' when we can. I 
mean, no girl ever got pregnant from jacking off a boy," she said with a 
smile. She then continued talking once she knew I was at ease once 
	"Part of the reason we're going to see my grandparents tomorrow is 
because my cousin Trish is coming up from Twin Falls with my aunt and 
uncle, and we're all meeting at my grandparents'. She just had a baby. 
She's only 16. I just found out a few weeks ago, the day after we last 
did it together, so this made me really worried. My parents gave me a 
stern lecture about boys, sex, pregnancy, date rape, and all that other 
shit. I have a feeling they know we did it."
	"Well, like I said, I can always do it in my diapers when you're 
not around," I said. I decided to shift the subject a little.
	"So, how old is the baby?"
	"Three weeks," Megan replied.
	"Boy or girl?" came the inevitable question.
	"She had a girl," Megan said. I was hoping that it would be a boy.
	"I know, you were hoping for a boy, huh?" Megan said as she 
detected my slightly disappointed expression.
	"Well, I just wanted to think that the diaper industry was more 
secure," I replied. "At least when boys are born I feel better about the 
stocks my Dad has for me in Proctor and Gamble and Kimberly-Clark, and 
of course, CKM Products."
	"You have to allow her at least a couple years in diapers," Megan 
said, paying no attention to what I had said about the stock portfolio 
dad put together for me.
	"I know," I said with a sigh. "I just hope her toilet training 
will come at the right time."
	"Well, think of it this way, Chris," Megan continued. "If my 
cousin someday has a boy later on, then he'll have a big sister to look 
after him and to change his diapers."
	"That's true," I said. "After all, my own sisters had to be babies 
themselves at one time... and wearing diapers, I'll concede."
	A moment later Scott came out to the back patio.
	"Damn, I was hoping to catch you guys sucking face," Scott said.
	"Shut up," Megan told her older brother.
	"Oh wait, it's that time of the month," he added. Megan grabbed 
the stick I was holding and she swung it towards her brother.
	"Stop! I was kidding! Oww!"
	"That's not very nice, Scott!" Megan said as she whacked him in 
the shoulder with the stick a couple times. He then grabbed it and 
pulled it away from her. He held it between his legs and then he started 
rapidly rubbing it.
	"Oh you are soooo funny!" Megan said. "Don't have a real one to 
play with?" Scott gave her a dumbfounded look, realizing that he just 
got burned.
	"Talk about wishful thinking," Megan added, now two up on her 
	"I'd better get going," I said. "Thanks for talking to me."
	"Any time, Chris," Megan said. She and I hugged each other again. 
She then gave me a small kiss on the lips. Meanwhile, Scott had dropped 
the stick and went back into the house to answer the phone.
	"Better get your sweatpants," Megan reminded me as I was about to 
walk away without them. She tossed them to me.
	"See you Monday," she said as she went back into her house through 
the back door. I left out the side gate and returned to the street. I 
thought about how I was going to be walking home in just my diapers.


	As I walked up the sidewalk away from Megan's house going towards 
home I was carrying my sweat pants in one hand and the handle from dad's 
broken rake in the other hand. As I walked along I looked up at the 
trees that were hanging just a few feet over me, admiring the canopy of 
brilliant reds, oranges, yellows and browns brought on by the autumn 
season, along with a few leaves with some vestiges of summer's green 
still left in them. As I walked along I raised the stick in the air and 
touched some of the low-hanging limbs, brushing the leaves and knocking 
some of them to the ground, aiding them in their eventual descent. I 
went past Elaine's house, wondering if Miranda would see me walking by 
in just my diapers. Apparently they weren't home as their car was out of 
the driveway. As I continued on my walk home I came to an oak tree. As I 
had been doing, I raised the stick in the air and knocked several 
orange, crackly leaves down, along with several acorns. I thought with 
self-amusement for a moment how the tree looked like it was taking a 
shit with the brown acorns hitting the sidewalk. I continued to knock 
acorns and leaves down, seeing how many acorns I could "harvest." I went 
onto the lawn and went around the tree, knocking more leaves and acorns 
down. I then gathered a few of the acorns up and put them in my hand, 
having set aside the stick and my sweatpants, still sitting on the 
sidewalk. I held the handful of acorns to my diapered butt and I bent 
over. While doing this I was saying, "Oh no! I'm pooping! Somebody 
diaper my butt, please!" Next I dropped some of them down in my plastic 
pants and then pushed them out the legbands, which was a better way for 
simulating a pooping effect. I knew I'd be embarrassed if any of the 
neighbors witnessed me doing this, but that was part of the fun of it, 
to say nothing of the fact that I was in just diapers in the first 
place. I continued to do this, running around in the yard with acorns 
for poop in my plastic pants, imagining that I had an audience, though 
as far as I could tell I was alone out there on the street. Or at least 
I thought I was. A moment later I saw someone come out of the house I 
was in front of. It was an elderly-looking man. He didn't look too 
happy, either.
	"Kid, just what do you think you're doing?!" he confronted me.
	"Just uhh, well, collecting acorns," I answered sheepishly as I 
reached behind me and felt the acorns that were still in my plastic 
"You have a strange way of collecting them," the man said.
"Well, I don't' have any pockets to put them in," I said as I 
turned around and showed him my butt with acorns in the seat of my 
	"Goddammit, now you leave those acorns alone! The squirrels need 
those to get through the winter!"
	I didn't like this guy at all. I grabbed the stick again and made 
some more acorns fall from the tree.
	"There's more, see? Lots more of them way up there," I said while 
poking at a couple straggling limbs from which a couple dozen more nuts 
fell and hit the ground. "The squirrels aren't gonna starve."
	"I spent all damn morning raking this yard and you're just making 
a mess of it again!" he said angrily.
	"The leaves will come down sooner or later, anyway," I said. I was 
tempted to knock a few more leaves down just to make a point and spite 
this cranky old curmudgeon, but I didn't want to push my luck any 
farther. I figured sooner or later he'd have to make a remark about my 
diapers and/or my lack of pants, and right then he did.
	"Where are your pants?" he asked me, enunciating each word 
individually as he stared at my diapers.
	"Right there," I said as I pointed with the stick to my sweatpants 
sitting bunched up on the sidewalk.
	"Why aren't you wearing them? Aren't you a little cold out here?" 
the man asked me. He still hadn't specifically said anything about me 
wearing diapers.
	"Me? Cold? Nahh, these diapers keep me plenty warm, especially 
after I pee and poop in them a few times," I said as I pulled up on my 
plastic pants.
	"You're in diapers!" he said.
	"Urine diapers? Yes, they're urine diapers, fecal diapers, too," I 
said as I turned around and pointed to my butt, but I didn't think the 
man understood my play on words.
	"I think I've seen you riding through here before," the man said. 
"Every now and then I see you go by here and you're always wearing those 
big diapers! You realize it's indecent to be going around like that?!"
	"Do you realize I don't give a shit?" I replied back as I bent 
over and diaper-mooned the man while picking up my sweatpants.
	"Now don't you talk that way, young man!" the old man said to me. 
"I don't know what a boy your age is doing in diapers anyway, but I'd be 
taking them off if I were you."
	"That wouldn't be a good idea, sir," I said. "Because then you'd 
really have a mess in your yard! I doubt you'd want to rake up my poop!"
	"I have a good mind to call the sheriff and have him come down 
here and nail your behind to the wall for how you're dressed!"
	"Then he'd better bring some pretty long nails," I said. "These 
diapers are awfully thick, you know."
	The man grumbled and went back into his house. I continued on my 
way, but not before I scooped up several acorns so I could show Tony the 
silly little skit that I had come up with. Since I had no pockets to 
carry them in and didn't want to carry them in the seat of my diapers I 
figured I could put the acorns in my sweatpants instead. I took one of 
the legs and tied the end of it. I then dumped my first handful in the 
leg of the sweatpants and then grabbed a few more handfuls, hoping that 
no sheriff would show up and haul me away.
	I still had several blocks left to walk. The street was quiet and 
there were hardly any kids out playing today. A few cars went by and of 
course the drivers all stared at me. A few of them honked their horns. 
That was the least of my troubles, however, as I was suddenly confronted 
by Chuck! What the hell was he doing over here?! He was alone, at least 
so far he was; I didn't see Steven anywhere. He was on his bike, 
however, giving him the upper hand if he were to give chase.
	"Hey Chris!" I heard him shout as he came towards me about half a 
block away. As I saw Chuck in the distance I tried to hide from his view 
by ducking behind a parked car, but it was too late. There was no way he 
could have mistaken me-- going around in big, high-rising diapers on an 
autumn day-- for anybody else. Chuck came right up to me as I scooted 
out from where I had been kneeling down and back to the side of the 
parked vehicle. I moved so fast that I forgot about my stick, leaving it 
there on the ground where Chuck could pick it up. Fortunately he didn't.
	"Well, look who it is!" he said. "The ol' diaper dork himself!" 
Chuck greeted me.
	"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt 
me!" I said. "I like being called a diaper dork anyway."
	"Gee, what a surprise!" he said. He looked at my shirt, seeing the 
photo of my diapered butt emblazoned on the front, along with the dense 
bunch of safety pins where it had been attached to my diapers.
	"What a stupid shirt!" Chuck said. "As if we don't already know 
that you wear DIAPERS! And what's with the pins? You afraid all those 
diapers are gonna fall off?"
	"Aren't you out of territory?" I asked Chuck, changing the subject 
	"Uhhh, excuse me?" he said as he came a little closer, forcing me 
to back away from him some more.
	"Oh wait, 'territory' has too many syllables in it for you to 
understand," I said as I counted out the syllables on my hand.
	"I understand what it means, you fucknuts," he said. "And I'm 
*your* territory, so how do you like that?"
	"You're not in my territory," I said in a deadpan voice.
	"Yeah, right," he said. "I know you live around here. I'm 
surprised I don't smell it."
	"That's because I *don't* live around here, dumbshit!" I fired 
	"Ahh, the diaper doofus called me 'dipshit', how cute!" Chuck said 
in a mock "cute" voice.
	`"I said 'dumbshit', not 'dipshit', hell, what difference does it 
make, anyway!"
	"I just thought I'd hang around and find out where you live, and 
now I know," he added in a sinister sort of tone.
	"I don't live around here, dammit, all right!" I said to Chuck. "I 
don't live on this street, I'll tell you that much!"
	"Liar, liar, pants on... wait-- DIAPERS on fire!" Chuck said. "I 
saw you in front of that house over there!" With this he pointed to the 
old man's house.
	"I-know-where-you-li-ive!" he taunted. I wasn't about to correct 
him and tell him that he had the wrong house, especially as it belonged 
to that old fart who confronted me. I figured if he had any ill 
intentions, he'd get in bad with the old man. It would be fun to see 
something bad happen to both of them.
	I acted as if I were concerned that Chuck knew where my house was.
	"Fine, so you know where I live," I sighed, as if to be in 
resignation. But my dad will call the police if you even so much as set 
foot on our property!" I said.
	"Ooh, the diaper baby stinky shit-butt has to tell his daddy to 
call the cops! Wahh Wahh!" Chuck mocked me some more. "Oooh, cops, I'm 
scared! Like they really give a shit!"
	"I'll quote you on that, and then remind you about it when I see 
your ass in juvie hall!" I said.
	Chuck then looked at my sweatpants that I was carrying.
	"Nice pants," Chuck said. "Since you're not wearing them, I don't 
suppose you want them."
	"No, it's not that, it's�"
	Chuck then suddenly lunged forward and tried to grab the pants 
from me. As he pulled on them the knot in the leg came loose and my 
collection of several dozen acorns spilled on the ground.
	"What's this?" he said as he picked one of the acorns up.
	"They're acorns, in case you weren't paying attention in class 
*that* day, either!" I replied.
	"You know, these make good ammo!" Chuck said as he picked up a 
handful of the spilled acorns and he began throwing them at me after 
briefly examining them. The first one hit me squarely on my diapered 
butt; I didn't even feel it. The next one, however, hit me on the back 
where there was no such padding like my thick diapers to protect me.
	"Oww! Stop it!" I told him. The next one hit my face.
	"Stop it, Chuck!" I yelled at him. He kept throwing acorns while 
he chased me around the parked car on his bike, stinging me in the back 
each time one of them hit above the top of my diapers, which fortunately 
was quite high, especially now.
	"Stop it, Chuck!" he mimicked me. He started throwing several of 
them at a time, hitting me as well as the car. I ducked down as I ran 
around to the front of the car where I had laid the stick. Chuck kept 
pelting me on my upper back where my diapers weren't covering it. The 
row of pins clearly defined where the acorns would hurt me the most. He 
threw them hard! He was laughing at my expense, at my vulnerability. As 
I turned the corner I quickly reached for my stick, which had rolled 
underneath the car, explaining why Chuck probably didn't see it. Chuck 
came towards me with his bike, hitting me in the shoulder with his bike 
tire, leaving a gray mark on the sleeve.
	"Oww! Dammit!" I said as I felt the pain of the impact.
	"Oww! Dammit!" Chucked mocked me.
	"Fuck you!" I shouted as I shielded myself from another assault of 
arboreal ammunition.
	"Aww, is the poor diaper boy mad at me?" Chucked taunted again.
	I now had the stick in my hand. As Chuck tried to come after me 
with his bike again I rammed the stick into the spokes of his front 
wheel, knocking a few of them loose, enough to render his bike 
unrideable, anyway.
	"All right, fuckwad, you are going to die for that!" Chuck 
threatened. He got off his bike and let it drop to the ground after his 
front tire jammed itself in the frame from having gone crooked.
	I was scared as hell, wishing that a semi-caring neighbor would 
come to my rescue, even the old man I pissed off a few minutes ago. I 
had a feeling he was watching and enjoying the show instead. At least I 
had the stick for defending myself. I held it behind me, ready to swing 
it at his ugly face. He stopped just before me as I stood there, 
shaking, not really wanting to hit him, but at the same time, wishing 
that I could beat the crap out of him once and for all, without feeling 
guilty or fearing further repercussions from him, his friends, his 
parents, my parents, or the police.
	"Come on, chickenshit, take your best shot!" Chuck provoked me, 
making imitative clucking sounds of a chicken. I figured this situation 
wasn't going to end without one of us making a move, so I swung the 
stick towards him. He backed away and I missed.
	"Missed me! Ha ha!" Chuck teased me. Now I was seriously pissed. I 
ran towards him and took another swing, this time whapping him in the 
	"Oww!" he exclaimed as he held his hand to his face, which was 
bleeding. A red mark appeared where the stick had struck him.
	"You fucker! Now you really *are* gonna die!" he shouted. He came 
towards me again. He pushed me and tried to knock me over, but this time 
I jabbed him in the ribs with the stick. He then grabbed the other end 
of the stick and tried to get it away from me, but I was determined to 
not let him get a hold of my only weapon. I pushed the stick towards 
him. He pushed it out of his way and tried to punch me in the gut as he 
let go of his end of the stick. I jabbed it into his rib cage again. He 
doubled over in pain and let out a string of profanity. I hit him 
several more times to keep him down; I was ready to clobber him good. He 
rolled onto his back, writhing in pain. I figured he had enough and was 
going to let it end there, but as he started to get up and come after me 
I made one more parting shot by delivering a debilitating kick to his 
balls. He clenched the crotch of his pants and tried to massage his 
testicles as he winced.
	"Maybe if you had diapers on like I do that last shot wouldn't 
have hurt you so much!" I said. I then ran as fast as I could to get 
away from Chuck while I could. I looked behind me and watched him 
stagger his way over to his bike, barely able to walk. I turned down a 
side street and hid behind another car, watching to make sure he didn't 
come my way. I watched him turn back the way I had come. He was gone 
now. I went around the block and then returned to the street I was on. 
Some people saw me in my diapers and of course they stared, but I kept 
going, carrying my sweatpants and the stick that helped save me from 
Chuck's wrath. How glad I was to finally get to my street and make it 
home. I leaned the stick up by the door before going into the house.
	"Chris, what happened to you?!" Mom said, sounding alarmed as I 
came in the door.
	"I know, I've been out all day. After Diane dropped off the twins 
we visited Jay for a little while, and then I had Diane drop me off at 
Megan's house. I should have called, I'm sorry," I said.
	"What happened?" Mom asked, still sounding concerned. "Did you get 
in a fight?"
	"Yeah, you could say that," I said in a low voice. This got 
Cindy's and Lisa's attention as they both came into the room.
	"You got in a fight, Chris?" Cindy asked me.
	"I'd rather not talk about it," I said.
	"Oh, so I guess Megan dumped you, eh? Join the club," Cindy said 
in mock sympathy.
	"Megan didn't dump me," I said in an annoyed voice. "I ran into 
Chuck on my way home."
	"You don't mean, my ex-boyfriend, Chuck, do you?" Lisa asked.
	"No, a different Chuck, but just as much of a jerk, though."
	Mom asked me what started the fight and everything that had 
happened. I told her about jamming the stick into the spokes of his bike 
and kicking him in the nuts.
	"You realize that his parents may make you pay for what you did to 
his bike?" Mom asked me.
	"If his parents have any sense, they'll know that he brought it on 
himself," I replied. "I only did it out of defense. Tony did the same 
thing last summer, and he never had to pay for Chuck's bike getting 
ruined. I just knocked a few spokes out, that's all."
	"What about kicking him in the nads? What happened after you 
kicked him in the nads?" Cindy asked. Mom looked at Cindy strangely.
	"All right, testicles, sheesh," Cindy said. "I betcha if he tried 
to do that to you, you wouldn't have felt it with all those diapers on, 
	Cindy then started lightly kicking me in the butt, aiming towards 
my crotch.
	"Betcha don't feel that, huh?"
	"Cindy, stop," Mom told her.
	"Well, Chris, since you had to do it in self-defense, I'm not too 
upset, but I would try to avoid getting in a fight with him in the first 
place," Mom advised me.
	"He was on a bike, I was on foot, what could I do?" I said. "If I 
had my bike I would have tried to get away from him."
	"Well, why don't you get washed up and get some clean diapers on," 
Mom told me. "Your new shirt got dirty, too, I see," Mom said as she 
grabbed the sleeve and noted the tire mark that was placed there 
courtesy of Chuck.
	I started taking the pins out of the front of the shirt, but I had 
so many more of them in the back that I could not reach, so I had Cindy 
remove those. She led me into the laundry room where she finished 
unpinning my shirt. Once she had the pins out she told me to take it off 
and hand it to her. As I stood there shirtless I watched Cindy apply 
some Shout spray to the tire mark before tossing it into the wash with 
my socks and white T-shirts that I wore at bedtime.
	Next, Cindy opened up the dryer and loaded several newly washed 
diapers into a laundry basket. Once the first one was full she loaded a 
second basket. She told me to take the first basket to the front room 
and then for me to go to my room. She told me she would be in there to 
change my diapers in a moment. For now she just took my very soiled 
diapers off, knowing that I wanted to clean myself up in the shower. 
With my diapers off, she wiped my butt just enough to not dribble poop 
on the way to the shower. As I was completely naked I walked to the 
bathroom. My dick was still stiff from the rubbing that Cindy gave my 
crotch when she cleaned me up. Lisa was coming towards me, giving me a 
disapproving look and suggesting that I get a robe or at least wear a 
towel around me going to and from the shower. I just ignored her and 
went into the shower to clean myself off. Using the detachable 
showerhead, I sprayed the poop out of my butt and got the rest of my 
body clean. On the way out of the bathroom I held a towel around me and 
told Cindy to come diaper me. She had been folding my freshly washed 
diapers while waiting for me to clean up. She brought with her all the 
diapers she had folded so far. Several minutes later she had me diapered 
up for until my bedtime when I would get my next diaper change. As I was 
feeling tired I decided to take a nap before dinner.


	I spent the rest of Saturday night writing diaper stories, writing 
about the day's event in my "Diary-eah", things like that. When Sunday 
morning came I decided to see about spending part of the day with Luke 
and Nathan as it had been awhile since I had done something with them 
outside of school and the diaper club meetings. I called Luke to ask him 
what he had going on today.
	"My dad's making us do chores and shit," he groaned.
	"That sucks," I said. "I was hoping maybe we could get together 
	"You can still come over if you want," Luke spoke with a sudden 
rise in the inflection in his voice. "My parents are going to be gone 
most of the day. My dad just wanted to make sure we get everything done 
by the time they get back."
	"Okay, I'll see if Tony can come with me and we'll be there soon," 
I told Luke as I hung up the phone.
	My next call was to Tony to see if he wanted to go with me to 
Luke's and Nathan's house. Like most Sundays, he didn't have anything 
going on, except of course, for the weekend homework that we both always 
invariably put off until Sunday evening.
	Cindy changed my diapers that morning and asked me if I was 
planning to go around outside in just my diapers in spite of the cold 
weather. I had already seen how things were looking cold and blustery.
	"It's pretty chilly out," she said. "It's colder than it was 
	"I'd better wear my sweats," I said.
	"Okay, but I'm still going to diaper you as thickly as I always 
do," Cindy said with a determined look in her smile.
	"Go ahead," I said. "I'm probably going to take my sweats off 
first thing when I get to Luke's and Nathan's house anyway."
	"Oh, so that's what you're going to do today, eh?" she said.
	"Yeah, something wrong with that?" I asked her.
	"No, but it seems that you've been doing a lot of running around 
this weekend, which is why I asked you if you were just going to wear 
your diapers."
	"I haven't been to their house in awhile," I explained as Cindy 
took off my plastic pants and then proceeded to remove my diapers. After 
Cindy had me in clean diapers I went up to Mom and asked her if she 
would let me go to Luke's and Nathan's house today.
	"How much homework do you have?" she asked me. I had a feeling 
this would be her first question.
	"Just some math and some reading in Life Science," I replied. I 
didn't indicate that I also had some Social Studies reading to do.
	"Don't be gone all day," Mom said. As she looked at me in my 
diapers she asked me if I planned on wearing my sweatpants while going 
over there.
	"You mean, I don't have to?" I asked Mom, being facetious.
	"I think you should," Mom said. "Besides, it's chilly out there 
	"Yes, I'm wearing them," I groaned. "But as soon as I get there, 
off they go and it's just diapers!"
	"As long as their folks don't mind," my Mom said.
	"Nah, Luke and Nathan go around in just their diapers all the 
time, too," I said.
	"Be home by 4:00," Mom told me.
	"Why 4:00?" I asked.
	"Because I think you need to spend some time to yourself and I 
don't want you gone all day, and you will need time to do your homework, 
too" Mom said. "Oh, and if you run into anyone who looks like he's going 
to give you trouble, try to get away from him, okay?"
	"Depends on how much of a threat he is," I said. "If he's gonna 
punch me I have to do something," I replied.
	Cindy was in the room, so she added, "Why don't I just diaper your 
whole body, that way he can't hurt you!"
	Lisa, who was also in the room, said, "when you look at how high 
his diapers go, most of his body pretty much already *is* covered in 
	"At least you're covered if he aims for your privates, and pretty 
much all the way to your chest," Cindy said as she first ran her hand up 
to the top of my diapers and then pushed her hand into the thick layers 
covering my stomach.
	Next, I called Tony to ask him if he would like to join me. As 
expected, he agreed and said that he would be right over. After he 
showed up I put my coat on as well as my sweatpants, fitting them over 
my huge diapers. We both took off on our bikes and made the long ride to 
Luke's and Nathan's house. I don't know why, but I decided to take my 
"lucky stick" with me, the one I used to fend off Chuck yesterday. I 
felt safer with it somehow. As I pedaled my bike I dragged against the 
pavement the end of the handle with the metal fitting that was left 
behind when the rake head broke off. I looked behind me and watched 
sparks spewing out from it. As we approached Steve's house we built up 
as much speed as we could muster to avoid having any confrontations with 
him or with Chuck, should he be in the "neighborhood" again.
	We got to Luke's and Nathan's house a few minutes later. As I was 
expecting, the boys were busy doing their assigned chores. Luke was out 
in the back yard raking leaves while Nathan was busy reorganizing things 
in the garage and throwing things out. Like me, the two boys both had on 
sweat pants over their thick diapers.
	"How's it going?" I asked Luke. Once Nathan heard our voices he 
stopped raking the leaves and joined us in the garage.
	"I'd like to be playing video games, or watching TV--" Luke 
started to say.
	"Or writing diaper stories!" Nathan interjected. "I've been 
writing stories just like you do, Chris!"
	"I'd like to see them," I said.
	"I don't know if they're very good or not," Nathan deprecated 
	"Are they about boys?" I asked.
	"Of course," Nathan replied.
	"Then they're good," I said.
	"What did you think?" Nathan said. "That I'd write a story about 
	"Yeah, nobody writes a diaper story about a GIRL!" Luke added.
	"If they do, they don't belong in our group," I stated.
	"I still don't know if they're any good," Nathan said.
	"Do they wear cloth diapers?" I asked him.
	"Are their diapers really thick, like mine?" I asked as I pulled 
down the front of my sweats. I decided to take them off at that point.
	"Yeah, they wear a whole bunch of diapers," Nathan answered. "Just 
like what me and Luke are wearing!"
	"Do they poop in their diapers?"
	"Yeah, they have to, because they can't get all their diapers off 
in time. That's what one of the stories is about."
	"I can't wait to read them!" I said. "One more thing, do the boys 
have sisters?"
	"Yeah," Nathan answered with a smile, knowing that I would 
heartily approve.
	"And do they change the boys' diapers?" came my next question.
	"Who do you think puts them in all the diapers?" Nathan replied. 
"Actually, two of them put their diapers on them but one of them is 
grossed out by the poopy and stinky diapers."
	"I don't have to read them to tell you they're good stories," I 
said as I was massaging my hard-on the best I could through all my 
diapers. "But I want to read them anyway!"
	"I'll show them to you after I finish raking the leaves. Wanna 
come help?"
	"Sure," I said. "If it means getting to read your stories sooner 
since if I help you then you'll get them done faster."
	"Aww, Chris, you don't have to help me," he said.
	"I know, but I don't mind," I said.
	"Let's all pitch in," Tony said.
	"Yeah, and then we can finish the garage together," Luke stated. 
With this, the four of us went out to the back yard. I left my sweats in 
the garage and went outside in just my thick diapers and the other 
clothes I already had on. It was still cool, but the tall, mature trees 
helped to shield most of the wind.
	"Come on, guys, let's all do this in our diapers," I said. "It's 
not that cold since the wind isn't blowing as much back here."
	Nathan was the first to remove his sweat pants. He pulled them off 
and tossed them into the garage from the small back door leading into 
it. I watched his diapered butt bounce around as he dove into a big pile 
of leaves he had raked into the middle of the yard. He buried himself in 
the leaves.
	"Hey guys, it's nice and warm underneath all these leaves!" he 
said. I then took my turn and jumped into the pile. By this time Luke 
had decided to take his sweats off and go around in just his diapers. He 
joined us in the leaf pile.
	"Come on, Tony!" I told him. He still left his sweats on when he 
came running into the pile, which was not really so much of a pile by 
	"Why didn't you take your sweats off?" I asked him.
	"My diapers aren't as thick as yours and I'm not wearing diapers 
and plastic pants with super wide crotches like you guys, so my diaper 
won't keep out all the twigs and other things in the leaves, and it will 
get all itchy," Tony said. "I know this from experience. One time Kara 
and I were raking the leaves and we were playing in the leaf pile. I 
ended up getting little twigs and shit in my diaper and my balls itched 
like hell."
	"Well, there was probably shit in your diaper anyway," I said. 
"And if you don't get it cleaned up, it will make your balls itch."
	"That's not what I meant and you know it, smartass," Tony said to 
me as he tried to throw a handful of leaves in my face.
	"Better to be a smartass than a dumbass," I replied.
	"There was shit in my diaper, literally," Tony said. Some of the 
twigs and pieces of leaves went down into my diapers and the poop made 
them cling to my butt, so then my butt itched like hell, too."
	All of us were sitting in the pile of leaves, covering our bare 
legs to keep warm as Tony continued to tell us his story.
	"Kara saw me scooting my butt on the grass and she asked me what 
was wrong, so I told her that I had gotten leaves down into my diaper. 
So you know what she did then?"
	"Changed your diapers, I hope," Nathan said.
	"Eventually she did, but first, she took a whole handful of leaves 
like this..."
	Tony grabbed as many leaves as he could in one hand and said, 
"...and shoved them down in my diapers..."
	At first it looked as it though he was going to put them in his 
own diaper, but then he quickly went after me.
	"Like this!" he shouted as he tried to grab at my plastic pants.
	"No!" I said as I quickly backed away. I got up from the leaf pile 
and ran around the yard with Tony chasing me.
	"Tony! Tony! No!" I said, laughing while trying to keep away from 
him. After we went around the yard a couple times he caught up to me, 
pulled on my plastic pants, and then shoved what was left of the handful 
of leaves down into my diapers, at least the outside of them, anyway."
	Tony and the other boys were laughing as I stood there taking my 
plastic pants off and emptying crumbled leaves out of them. As the 
outermost diapers had yet to get wet, it was easy for me to brush the 
dirt and other residue off of them.
	"Thanks, Tony," I said to him sarcastically. I had to get him back 
somehow. Not today, but I'd be sure to come up with something cute and 
clever some time later.
	Nathan then purposely stuffed some leaves down into his plastic 
pants. He started rolling around on the grass. He was laughing over how 
the leaves sounded as they crunched whenever his diapered bottom rolled 
over the ground. Luke then got in on the act and started doing the same 
thing. I even decided to have some fun myself and stuff some leaves into 
my own diapers and roll around in them.
	"I betcha this was how they made diapers in caveman days," Nathan 
	"I hope not," Luke said. "Think of what those leaves would feel 
like wrapped around your dick and balls all the time. Think of what it 
would feel like to get a twig in your butt crack."
	"If diapers felt like that it'd make me want to actually get 
toilet trained," Nathan said.
	"I'd figure out a better way to make diapers if that were the 
case," I said. "I'd do anything to avoid using the toilet ever again!"
	After we laughed and talked about primitive ways of making diapers 
Luke said, "Come on, the yard looks like it did before it was raked, so 
let's get going." With this, Luke and Nathan began re-raking the leaves 
into a pile while Tony and I bagged them up. We got most of the yard 
cleared of leaves and we were about ready to go into the garage. 
Suddenly, Eric-- Luke's and Nathan's cousin-- showed up. He was the one 
who had all the spy equipment.
	"You guys are such doofuses!" he said upon entering the yard. Luke 
groaned and rolled his eyes in disgust.
	"Eric, what the hell are you doing here?" Luke confronted his 
disagreeable cousin.
	"You guys running around the yard in your diapers, stuffing leaves 
into your diapers, my God!" Eric continued, never answering Luke's 
question. He walked over to what remained of the pile of leaves to be 
bagged. He then took his foot and gave the pile a swift kick, spreading 
leaves everywhere.
	"Hey!" Luke shouted.
	"Oops, sorry guys, my foot keeps acting up, one of those nervous 
twitches, you know," Eric said in a sarcastic tone. When he got behind 
Luke he kicked his diapered butt.
	"Oops, there goes my foot again!" Eric said with a laugh.
	"Eric, stop it!" Luke said.
	"You got diapers on, what are you complaining about?" the 
obnoxious cousin replied.
	"Eric, if you came here to cause trouble, your mission has been 
accomplished. Now get the hell out of here!" Luke demanded.
	"Okay, fine, but at least let me get my camera first!"
	"Camera?!" Nathan exclaimed. "No, Eric, you didn't!"
	"I did!" he exclaimed gleefully with a toothy, evil grin as he 
walked over to the corner of the yard where he had stealthily concealed 
a "lipstick" camera in the tree, setting it atop the first limb.
	"I watched everything you guys were doing!" he said as he held the 
camera out in front of him for us to see.
	"You asswipe, Eric!" Luke called his cousin.
	"I still got the tape running, you know!" he said. "I'll show the 
tape to Uncle Ron and Aunt Kay, with you calling me 'asswipe!'"
	"Go ahead, I don't give a fuck!" Luke said, sticking his face into 
the camera lens. "Besides, our parents really aren't that impressed with 
all your spy shit anyway!"
	"Get a hobby, Eric!" Nathan said.
	"This *is* my hobby!" he exclaimed proudly. "I'd suggest *you* 
guys get a hobby!"
	"We already have a hobby," I said. "Diapers!"
	"That's a really pathetic thing to have for a hobby," Eric said. I 
wasn't about to get into an argument with him and defend my reasons for 
loving diapers so much.
	"Is that camera still running?" I asked Eric.
	"Yeah, it's picking up every word you say!"
	"Shit, really?" I said. "Fuck, I don't fucking believe it! That 
little fucking goddamn thing is picking up every fucking word I say? 
Holy fucking shit! The shit they're making these days! Too bad that son 
of a bitch doesn't record smell!"
	I then bent over and let out a loud fart and released a big bowel 
movement into my diapers. Whether Eric got it on tape I didn't know.
	"You supposed it picked that up on your tape?" I asked Eric.
	"You know, last time I saw you, you freaked me out because you 
were such a fucking weirdo with your diapers!"
	"And I still am!" I said. I ran around the yard rubbing my butt 
shouting "I LOVE DIAPERS!!!!!"
	"Are you guys just as bad as him?" Eric asked Luke and Nathan.
	"If you mean 'bad' as in, are we as into wearing diapers as he is, 
then yes," Luke replied. "If you're so freaked out about it, then why do 
you come over here to record us playing in the yard in our diapers?"
	"Because I knew you guys were gonna dick around with each other 
while Aunt Kay and Uncle Ron were visiting with my parents."
	"How did you know we were coming over?" Tony asked Eric.
	"You really think I'm stupid enough to give away my secrets?" Eric 
snapped back.
	"When did you put the camera back there?" Luke asked.
	"That one was easy," Luke said. "I just sneaked behind the 
neighbor's fence after I found out your friends were coming over and put 
the camera in place. God, I love this thing!" Eric exclaimed as he 
looked at his little camera. "I bet you guys would just love to see the 
girls' locker room video I got a couple weeks ago!"
	"What, you never get to see the real thing?" Luke said. Eric 
returned a nasty look to his cousin.
	"Like *you* guys ever have! You're only twelve, for Christ's sake, 
	"For your information, I have!" I said. "I've seen the real 
	"Your sisters, right? Sorry, diaper dork, but they don't count, 
and if you feel they do, I don't want to hear any details."
	"Nope, it's not my sisters," I said. "It's a girl I've known since 
the third grade."
	"Oh yeah, playing doctor, of course!" Eric said. "Just so you 
know, I'm still taping this. Why don't you tell the audience about your 
little escapade with this girl you claim to have seen naked?"
	A moment later the phone rang. Luke's and Nathan's house had a 
cordless phone and it had been left in the garage. While it was ringing, 
another beeping sound emitted from Eric's jacket. It rang a couple more 
times while Nathan ran to the garage to answer it. Meanwhile, Eric had 
an alarmed look on his face when he heard the beeping sound.
	"What's that?" Luke asked. "What's that beeping?"
	"It's my, uhh, my pager," Eric said, looking somewhat nervous. "I 
gotta go, it's an emergency."
	"How do you know?" Luke asked. "You haven't even looked to see who 
paged you!"
	"I know who it is, and it's an emergency!"
	"If it were in emergency, and you were expecting it, why didn't 
you go see this person instead of come over here?" Luke asked. Luke had 
it figured out. Eric had a device that was designed to pick up the 
cordless phone signal. The beep let him know that there was activity on 
the frequency so that he could then listen in on the conversation. This 
was how he must have found out that Tony and I were coming over.
	"I don't have time to explain," Eric said as he started to leave. 
Nathan came running towards him with the phone.
	"Eric, it's Aunt Tammy!" he shouted.
	"Did you tell her I was here?" Eric asked Nathan.
	"Of course, I'm not gonna lie!" he said. Eric took the phone and 
talked to his mother.
	"Yeah...yeah...I'll be home...yes, ten minutes...okay...bye."
	"I'm not through with you guys," Eric said as he made his exit.
	"Some emergency, huh?" Luke said. "I don't suppose Aunt Tammy 
paged you, do you?"
	Eric didn't say another word as he left. After ridiculing him for 
what he had done we finished bagging the leaves and then moved into the 
garage to finish up the work to be done there.

	It felt good to at least have some shelter from the outside, 
though inside the garage I still felt cold. Having only diapers on below 
my waist, it was just too cold to be going around on a chilly, blustery 
autumn day without some pants on. There was a lot of stuff piled up in 
the garage at Luke's and Nathan's house. I was tempted to ask if I could 
light a fire with the scrap wood pieces and the leaves that had blown in 
through the door. I asked Nathan about this, but he said he wasn't sure 
if lighting a small fire on the garage floor would be a good idea, 
especially with canisters of gasoline nearby.
	"Yeah, you're probably right," I said. "Besides, your parents 
would probably bust us for it anyway."
	"Maybe these will warm you up," Nathan said as he bent over and 
stuck his diapered butt outward. He then lifted a big box out from 
behind some other boxes and then set it on the floor before him. The box 
was full of old Parents and Child magazines from as far back as 1980. My 
dick was stiffening with anticipation of what awaited between the covers 
of those magazines. To me, it was a lot better than finding a bunch of 
old Playboy or Penthouse magazines.
	"Look at this, guys!" Nathan told us. "Diaper ads galore!"
	"I know!" I said, feeling so excited about seeing vintage diaper 
ads, especially in that disposable diapers back then were thicker.
	"Let's go in the house and warm up a bit while looking trough 
these!" Luke suggested. We all agreed it was a good idea. We brought the 
entire box into the house with us. Nathan then went back out to the 
	"There's more?" Tony asked him.
	"Might be," Nathan said. "That's the only box I know of."
	We all sat in the living room, sitting close to the heat vents in 
the floor. There were three of them scattered throughout the room, 
forcing each of us to sit apart from each other, though we didn't mind 
doing this since we wanted to get warm. Luke turned up the thermostat 
and a moment later we had warm air blowing on us. I wanted some warm air 
to blow up underneath my shirt, but since Cindy had pinned my shirt and 
diapers together as she often did, I had to abandon this idea. Tony and 
Luke, however, had no problem doing this since their shirts were free 
from their diapers. Since my legs were the coldest part of me I just 
straddled the vent and spread my knees apart, allowing the heated air to 
warm my legs. A moment later I felt how hot the surface of my plastic 
pants was getting, especially around the crotch. They were made from a 
good, heavy vinyl and I didn't think the heat would melt a hole through 
the plastic pants. The heat wasn't hot enough to do such a thing, but I 
knew that heat could make the plastic pants more brittle, especially in 
the frontal crotch area where my plastic pants needed to do the most 
work. My diapers were wet, but still dry on the outer surface, so I took 
the plastic pants off and set them aside. I then squatted down over the 
heat vent. I looked down at the thick diapers bunched up in my crotch 
and felt my dick stiffen up once again. God, how I loved the way my 
diapers looked on me! I couldn't resist the urge to start rubbing 
myself. Tony's diaper tented up on him as he watched me. He started 
rubbing himself. Luke, too, got in on the act.
	A moment later Nathan came back in from the garage with another 
large box. We all stopped rubbing our diapers, not that we were ashamed 
to let Nathan see what we were doing; we were all just distracted by his 
	"Holy crap, you hit the jackpot!" Luke exclaimed as he set the 
large, heavy, dusty box down.
	"Well, not quite," he said. "This one has Women's Day, Good 
Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, oh, and some Golf Digests if you 
really think some diaper ads are going to be in any of them."
	"Those other magazines should have some diaper ads in them," I 
said. "Except the golf ones, we can get rid of those."
	Since Luke was all warmed up by now he let Nathan take his spot 
over the heat vent. Luke then went to the first box and started setting 
stacks of magazines on the floor.
	"Grab a stack, guys," he told Tony and me. "Go through these and 
find all the diaper ads," Luke told us.
	"Just the boy ads, I assume," Tony said.
	"Uhh, I think that's pretty much been established as a given now," 
Luke replied. I then crawled over to the middle of the room and scooted 
back with me a big stack of Parents magazines. Most of them were 1981-
1983 issues. They felt cold from sitting out in the garage; the top one 
had dust all over it.
	All four of us were leafing through the magazines. Within a few 
page turns I came to my first diaper ad, but unfortunately it showed a 
girl modeling the diaper.
	"Ewww, yuuuuuck! Girl diaper ad!" I said in a fakish and humorous 
disgusted voice. Everybody laughed. I then immediately proceeded to rip 
the ad out.
	"What, you're not actually KEEPING that ad, are you?" Luke asked 
me, looking me as if I had lost my senses.
	"No, I'm getting rid of it!" I said. After I tore the ad out I 
crumpled it up and threw it into the center of the floor. I went back to 
the magazine and turned a few more pages and came to another diaper ad. 
This time it showed a boy, and he looked to be past three years old. 
Yes! Even better was that this ad was from the golden age of disposable 
diapers when they were thick and came in really big boxes. How I yearned 
for such diapers to make a comeback (just for the boys, though). Even 
better would be to see cloth diapers make a comeback, but I resigned 
myself to never expecting to see this any time soon.
	"Ahh, a keeper!" I said as, unlike the girl ad, I carefully tore 
at the page close to the binding and slowly ripped the page, keeping the 
paper from getting wrinkled. I set aside this gem of an ad featuring a 
blonde little boy from behind (he looked a little bit like me). It was a 
treasure to behold if I must say so myself.
	"So, like, who gets what?" Nathan asked.
	"Whatever you find, you get to keep," Luke stated. "Oh, and since 
we'll probably find several of the same ones we can see who all has what 
and then exchange them. Hopefully we'll find four copies of everything."
	As we continued to go through the magazines the other boys kept 
finding some goodies of their own. Every now and then groans of 
disappointment were heard as we ach encountered diaper ads showing 
girls. The other boys agreed to remove these from the magazines and rip 
them up or crumple them up and then toss them into the pile in the 
middle of the room. The pile was bigger than I would have liked to see. 
On the plus side, everyone was starting to show a good collection of boy 
diaper ads. I was starting to see some duplicates.
	Every time we found a goodie we'd hold it up and show it to the 
others. I then realized that if I kept doing this I'd not get to as many 
magazines, so I started going faster through the pages and not wasting 
time showing everyone my latest finds. I came to an article (not an ad) 
that showed both a girl and a boy wearing diapers. I decided to keep 
this one, thinking that I could paste some pants or shorts onto the girl 
later on if I could find something that would work for this purpose.
	"Wow, check this one out!" Nathan said as he started tearing it 
out of his magazine. About halfway through I heard more paper tearing 
them what sounded like he had intended.
	"Shit!" he exclaimed. "I tore this one, dammit!" I then looked 
over at it and told Nathan that I had a couple extra copies of the same 
ad. He was very glad to know this. Incidentally, it was the same blonde 
boy butt-shot diaper ad that got my attention.
	"Be looking for toilet training and bedwetting articles," Tony 
reminded us as he came across such an article that showed a confused, 
but fully dressed boy (in shorts and a shirt) standing before a toilet, 
which was scaled to appear much larger than the boy. The boy was staring 
up the toilet as if it were as tall as a tree.
	My next ad showed a stack of thicker diapers next to a stack of 
thinner (cough-cough) ultra-trim diapers with a baby boy sitting in the 
middle of them. While the premise of the ad, promoting thinner diapers 
as better diapers, irked me to no end, it was still a keeper, 
nonetheless. I figured I could take an X-Acto knife later on and do a 
switcheroo on the two stacks.
	A moment later Nathan was staring intently at a page. I noticed 
this when the rapid pace of his page-turning suddenly stopped. I thought 
he may have found something extraordinary. He then said, "Uh oh."
	"What?" Luke asked him.
	"I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl," he said. He then held it 
up. The baby was too young to really tell, and I didn't really care for 
the really young infant pictures for this reason. Everyone else agreed 
that it was hard to tell and added that the ads and other pictures 
showing infants really weren't worth keeping anyway.
	"If in doubt, I throw it out, I always say," I told everyone. I'd 
rather be sure and only keep the pictures of diapered kids I can 
distinctly tell are boys. Nathan heeded my advice and he proceeded to 
crumple up the ad before tossing it into the reject pile.
	After awhile I decided to look at my watch; it said 3:13. We had 
gotten through most of the Parents and Child magazines, but there was 
still another untapped resource awaiting us in the women's magazines. I 
had a feeling we'd see pretty much the same ads in these magazines, too, 
so I wasn't sure if it was worth spending the rest of my time on these. 
I had to be home by 4:00, and it was a long ride back.
	"Shit," I said as I realized how little time was left in my day at 
Luke's and Nathan's house.
	"What's the matter, Chris?" Luke asked me. I explained to him my 
	"I gotta get going soon," I said. "I have to be home by 4:00."
	"You got about forty-five minutes still, relax," Luke told me.
	"No, I have to *be* home by 4:00, not leave here at 4:00," I re-
	"Yeah, and we'll still have to finish up in the garage before Mom 
and Dad get home and shit bricks if the garage isn't finished," Luke 
said. "C'mon, let's pack these magazines back up."
	"What about the ones we haven't gone through yet?" Nathan asked.
	"Set 'em in my room, or your room, doesn't matter," Luke said.
	"Even the Golf Digests?" Nathan asked.
	"No, they're lame; put them back out in the garage," Luke told his 
little brother. "Unless you want them; hell, I don't want them!"
	We returned to the garage with the magazines we had already looked 
through and set the boxes back in the place they were found. While we 
were out there I noticed a two-drawer filing cabinet that looked like it 
wasn't being used. The handle on the bottom was missing. I thought about 
using it to keep all my diaper club stuff in if Nathan's parents had no 
plans to keep it.
	"What's going to happen to that filing cabinet?" I asked Luke. "Do 
your parents want to keep it?"
	"No, they told me what stays and what goes, and if it's not on 
this list, then it goes," Luke explained before handing me a list of 
items his dad had made. I didn't take the time to look for a filing 
cabinet on the somewhat illegibly written list, but I took Luke's word 
for it. As I scanned through the list I noticed the magazines weren't on 
there, either.
	"So, what are your parents going to do with the cabinet?" I asked 
	"Probably drop it off at the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Why, you 
want it?"
	"Hell yes!" I said. "Why do you think I'm asking about it?"
	"What do you want it for?" Luke asked me.
	"Keep all the diaper club stuff in," I said. "That, and all my 
stories, pictures, the ads I collected today, plus all the other ads I 
have saved over the years. I'm not sure if the cabinet will be big 
enough, but it will help."
	"If you want it, take it. Not sure how you two will get it back to 
your house, though," he added. "I mean, you have your bikes here, and 
you said you have to get going."
	"I can probably wait and get it sometime this week," I said.
	"If you want it, better get it now," Luke told me. "When my 
parents come home my dad's going to have me load all the stuff we're not 
keeping into his pickup. Then tomorrow after school Mom's gonna come 
home from work early so that she can have me and Nathan go with her to 
the Salvation Army and then to the dump. They told us that we're not 
keeping anything that was not on the list, no matter what."
	"Except the diaper ads, right?"
	"I think those were going to the dump anyway." Luke said.
	"Glad we saved all those boy diaper ads," I said. "What a shame 
that would be to have not kept them."
	"Speaking of ads, we'd better do something about all those girl 
ads we ripped out and tore up and crumpled up," Tony said. At this time 
Luke looked at the pile of scrap wood. He told us to all grab a few 
pieces and go back in the house.
	"What are we doing?" Tony asked him.
	"We'll have ourselves a little fire," Luke explained. "Thems 
diaper ads with girls in them makes for good fire-lightin' kindling!"
	We all giggled a little and then we each took some wood scraps 
with us into the house. We all gathered up the crumpled-up unwanted ads 
on the floor and tossed them into the fireplace. Luke then laid several 
pieces of wood on top of the pile of paper. Next, he struck a match and 
lit the contents of the fireplace.
	"Hey, you got another match?" Tony asked Luke. Luke looked at him 
funny, wondering why Tony would want a match. I was curious myself.
	"They're right up there," Luke pointed out the box of matches 
sitting atop the fireplace mantle.
	"What do you need a match for?" I asked Tony.
	"You'll see," he said. Tony took one of the matches and then he 
bent over just before the fireplace. He struck the match against the 
bricks of the fireplace and then he pulled at his diaper where it 
covered the lower part of his butt. I could see lots of poop smeared all 
around on the inside of his thick diaper and on his buttocks. He held 
the lit match close to the opening between his diaper and his shit-caked 
butt and then he cut a long, juicy and bubbly fart. As the gas of his 
fart escaped from the confinement of his diaper and its plentiful fecal 
contents, his flatulence was spectacularly ignited by the match. A 
large, blue flame suddenly materialized, making a "whoomp!" sound. 
Everyone was impressed, laughing as Tony had lit one of his farts.
	"Whoa, that was cool!" Nathan said. "Do that again!"
	"Next time I have a good fart ready, I will," he said.
	A moment later the air in the room stunk strongly of burnt flatus. 
It made for quite a di-*stink*-tive sulfurous odor different from the 
smell of a raw fart.
	"Have you ever tried lighting your farts?" Tony asked me.
	"I'd like to try it, but I'm always wearing so many diapers that 
it would be impossible for me to do it," I explained as I pointed out 
how impossible it would be for me to pull back on my tight, multi-
layered diapers to make any kind of opening.
	"Try it at school then, since you'd be wearing disposables then," 
Tony suggested.
	"Yeah, I'm going to bring matches to school and light my farts; 
what a way to get in trouble!" I told him. Tony told me that he was just 
kidding me anyway. He told me that I could try it at our next sleepover 
at his house.
	We were so amused by the fart-lighting that we weren't even paying 
attention to the magnitude of the fire that had been started. We didn't 
expect the fire to burn so much and so fast. A solid wall of bright 
orange flames filled the entire fireplace. Even with the glass door 
closed, some of the flames were licking at the inside of the panes and 
some of the flames came through the spaces between the door's panels. We 
all had to stand back because of the heat.
	"Holy shit, we're gonna set the smoke alarm off!" Nathan 
	"See what you did, Tony?" I said to him, as if his fart had 
lighted the inferno that appeared before us.
	"It'll die down in a moment," Luke assured his little brother. In 
a couple moments or so the dancing flames settled down. Only the wood 
was burning now as the rejected diaper ads were now nothing more than 
smoldering black embers ascending up the chimney.
	"Okay, let's go through the ads we saved and see what everyone's 
got," Luke said.
	"We'll have to hurry since I need to leave soon," I said.
	"What about the filing cabinet?" Tony asked me. "Do you still want 
	"Yeah, I'd like to take it," I said. "Maybe you guys can hide it 
out behind the shed in the back yard, and then I'll come get it."
	"I can take it to my house," Tony said. "I have until 6:00. Either 
Luke or Nathan can go with me and help me get it to my house."
	"Okay, sounds great, if you can do that," I told Tony. We then 
went through all our ads and swapped the ones we had duplicates of with 
those who didn't have any such ads. In the end most of us had at least 
one copy of every ad that was found among us. Some of the pictures that 
came out of articles, however, were unique. Rather than fight over them 
we all agreed to keep what we found for ourselves as agreed upon at the 
	By this time of the day I had peed and pooped in my diapers 
several times, as did the other boys. I was getting excited looking at 
the diaper ads of boys and I was due for a good jackoff. As all of us 
were looking through the ads we were feeling excited. At this time 
Nathan asked me if I wanted to see the story that he was writing.
	"Sure," I said. Nathan then went into to his room and he handed me 
the story.
	"I want to read it when you get done," Tony asked me.
	"I want to read it, too," Luke said. "I'd like to know how it's 
turning out so far."
	"How about I read it to you guys?" Nathan offered. We agreed to 
this. He then started reading the story aloud, knowing to accent the key 
words, such as "diaper", "poop", "butt", etc. He started reading the 
tory, describing the details of the boy's super thick diapers and the 
differing ways his two sisters reacted to him wearing diapers. Within 
ten minutes I was rapidly rubbing my dick as was Tony. In fact, all of 
us, including Nathan, were rubbing ourselves. Nathan continued to read, 
not distracted by the fact that I was lying on my back and rubbing my 
very thick diapers with both hands, savoring the feeling from taking a 
big shit at that time. I ran my hands over my butt and felt the warm poo 
squishing around in my diapers. I felt some of the poop work its way 
into my butt crack. When Nathan got to the part where he described the 
grossed-out sister as being glad that she could not see or smell what 
her brother was doing in his very big and thick diapers, I could hold 
back no more. I vigorously shook my dick and balls as I indulged in the 
intense orgasmic pleasure brought on by my thoughts of being a boy in 
super thick and shit-filled white diapers in the presence of his 
sisters. I kept pulling up on the dense plies of cotton stretched 
tightly over my genitals, extracting more warm semen from my balls. I 
kept it up until I felt tapped out, both in semen and in energy. The 
cold I had felt earlier was long gone, and even without the heat on I 
would have been sweating.
	I wanted to step outside to cool off, but my whole body was weak, 
consumed once again by the release of early adolescent sexual energy. I 
was so engrossed in my own ecstasy that I hadn't even paid attention to 
the other boys, who all brought themselves to orgasm at some point. 
Nathan wasn't quite old enough to ejaculate, but he stopped reading once 
Luke started vigorously jerking off. He entertained his own hard-on 
while watching the rest of us excite ourselves. Once I got back enough 
energy to get up I stood up and put my plastic pants back on. My diapers 
were soaked to the outside now as I determined when I felt their wet 
fabric in the crotch while I was masturbating. After I put the plastic 
pants on I started to head for the door so that I could open it and get 
some cool air. I stopped, however, when the doorbell rang. Every one of 
us was in just diapers and none of us had any pants close by to slip on 
(my sweat pants were still out in the garage). While I didn't mind 
answering the door at my house in just diapers, I wasn't sure about 
doing it at Luke's and Nathan's house since the person at the door would 
likely not know who I am.
	"Do you guys usually answer the door in your diapers?" I asked 
	"Depends on who it is," he said as he went up to the door and 
looked through the peephole.
	"It's Mark," Luke said.
	"Mark Stillwell?" I asked. Nathan nodded his head. Luke then 
invited Mark in to the house. He was dressed up for the colder weather. 
He greeted Nathan, but didn't say anything to Tony or me. I don't know 
why Mark was afraid to talk to me and Tony, but had no problem talking 
to Nathan. At this point Nathan and Mark went off to his bedroom 
together where they could play.
	"You guys want to help me finish up the garage?!" Luke shouted 
back to Nathan.
	"We'll be out there in a minute!" he shouted.
	"So he says," Luke said to us. "I gotta get that done out there, 
with or without his help. You guys want to come help?"
	"Sure," Tony said. "I have some time still."
	"Not me, I need to get going," I said. I took another look at my 
watch, which now read 3:34.
	"Dammit, I'm gonna be late," I said. "No way I'll get home by 
	"Can't you be a few minutes late?" Luke said.
	"Yeah, but only five minutes, unless I have a good excuse, and I 
don't think I will be able to come up with one," I said.
	At about this time the doorbell rang again. Once again here we 
were, boys all in just diapers, except for Mark, and someone was at the 
door. Luke went up to the door and looked through the peephole.
	"It's Shelia," Luke said. He opened the door and greeted her.
	"I just wanted to make sure Mark was here," she said. It didn't 
seem to faze her too much that Luke was standing there before her in his 
diapers. She must have expected it as she didn't appear to glance down 
at his diapers, something I expected most people to do when they first 
greeted me.
	"He's here, he's back in Nathan's room playing," Luke replied. 
"You could have just called."
	"Actually, I've been trying to call, but your line's been busy all 
	"Really?" Luke questioned. "Nobody's been using the phone."
	"I haven't been able to get through," she explained. She then came 
in the house and went down the hall to tell Mark to be home by 5:00. 
While she was talking to him I looked out the front window and saw that 
Sheila had driven up in a Chevy Blazer. I figured I could ask her to 
give me a ride home. I could put my bike and my filing cabinet in the 
back. I just hoped she would be kind enough to do this since I didn't 
really know her. When she returned I asked her for this favor.
	"Uhh, sure," she said,
	"You got room for a bike and a filing cabinet?" I asked 
	"Got plenty of room," she said. "Hope you aren't planning to 
	"Nah, I just need to get home, and I wanted to take a filing 
cabinet with me since their parents were getting rid of it.
	"I'll go open up the back," Sheila said as she walked out the 
front door. She stood tall with wide hips that accented her butt, though 
her waist was proportionally smaller. Her tight jeans which accented the 
contours of her buttocks spoke the same words as did the tight jeans 
worn by my sisters, and they spoke loudly: "I DON'T WEAR DIAPERS, BUT 
YOU DO!!!"
	"C'mon, Chris, let's go get your bike and that filing cabinet 
loaded up," Luke told me. We went out to the garage and carried the 
filing cabinet out to the vehicle that Sheila was driving. I put my 
collection of newly acquired diaper ads in the top drawer of the filing 
cabinet in front of the unknown contents already in the drawer. The 
cabinet was heavy because it still had so many papers in it. Next I 
grabbed my bike and loaded it up. Lastly, I went back to the garage to 
get my sweatpants, though I didn't bother to put them on since I 
wouldn't be outside. While I was picking up my sweatpants I looked at 
Luke, who was holding the cordless phone in his hand.
	"What's the matter?" I asked him.
	"Nathan forgot to hang the phone up when he took the last call," 
Luke explained. "No wonder Sheila couldn't get through."
	"I'm glad she didn't, because if she did, she wouldn't have come 
over and I wouldn't have gotten a ride home from her."
	"You'd better get going before she takes off anyway," Luke said.
	"Okay, tell Tony I'll call him tonight," I said as I went out to 
the Blazer wearing my jacket but not my sweatpants.
	I got in the Blazer with Sheila and thanked her in advance for 
giving me the ride.
	"Not a problem," she said. She looked down at my lap, seeing that 
I had no pants on and was in just diapers.
	"Aren't you a little cold?" she asked me.
	"Not now," I said. "I would be if I had to ride home like this, 
	"Did you come over here like that?" she asked.
	"No, I wore these," I said, showing her my sweat pants. "But I 
took them off as soon as I got here."
	"Why didn't you put them back on?" she asked.
	"Because I only wear them if I need to wear them, and since I'm 
not out in the cold or in public, I don't need to wear them."
	"I see," she said as she put the vehicle into gear and took off. 
For about twenty seconds we went down the street. There was awkward 
silence, broken only by engine noise and the radio playing at a low, 
almost inaudible volume. I figured this would be a good time to ask her 
about Mark and why he is so shy and why he doesn't seem to like me.
	"So, uhhh, Sheila," I started. She looked at me and then said, 
"yes, I'm listening."
	"Umm, I don't mean to be nosy, but, uhh, I was wondering why Mark 
doesn't seem to want to talk to me."
	"Well, Chris, you have to understand that Mark's experiences with 
wearing diapers have been a lot different than yours. From what Mark and 
Nathan have told me, you only wear diapers because you like to wear them 
and that you don't really need to wear them."
	"Actually, I do," I stated. "It started out that I only wore them 
because I wanted to wear them, but I have worn them for so long that now 
I have to wear them. I've lost all control of my bladder and my bowels."
	"Mark's situation was different. He's needed diapers all his life 
and he's always been embarrassed and ashamed about this when everyone 
else around him could get to the toilet. When he first met you he 
couldn't understand why you liked diapers so much and why you would wear 
them when you didn't need them. Now that he's met you again through 
Nathan, which for you would be through Luke, he's learned that you are 
really into this diaper thing, and he just doesn't understand it. Quite 
honestly, I don't really understand it, either. I'd hate to wear 
diapers. No offense to you, Chris, but he feels very uncomfortable 
around you, and Tony, and even Luke."
	I sat quietly for a moment as I contemplated this information.
	"He doesn't hate you, or anything like that. Don't feel like you 
did anything wrong."
	"So what makes him uncomfortable?" I asked.
	"He just doesn't feel that a person should be so open about 
getting pleasure from something that he feels ashamed about. I'm just 
paraphrasing what he's told me. We have talked about this a lot. He 
didn't like being at the meeting you guys had yesterday. He'd just 
rather wear his diapers because he needs them and not so that he can 
find ways to enjoy them."
	"I can understand that," I said. "Except, well, Nathan likes his 
diapers, too."
	"Mark knows that Nathan has also needed to wear diapers, so he can 
understand Nathan's situation better. Nathan and Luke both know not to 
talk about wearing diapers around Mark, especially when talking about 
how fun you think it is to wear diapers. They just play together as any 
two boys would."
	"You can tell Mark that I understand his feelings and that I won't 
make a big deal out of diapers when he's around me."
	"You're a couple years older than Mark, which also makes him 
uneasy, even though he knows you mean him no harm. His impression of you 
is too established to be changed. He knows you love wearing diapers and 
he will probably never understand this."
	"No problem," I said. While I was disappointed that Mark couldn't 
understand that wearing diapers can be fun, I was at least feeling 
better in knowing why he came across the way he did. Once we reached my 
house I got my bike and the filing cabinet out of the back.
	"Thanks again," I told Sheila before she drove off. I wheeled my 
bike into the garage and then I tried carrying the filing cabinet the 
best I could. I decided to leave it in the garage for now and then deal 
with emptying out its contents tomorrow.
	Mom was glad to see that I made it home on time. After Cindy 
changed my smelly and very wet diapers I started in on my homework.