

	Even though the holidays were fast approaching, Mrs. Buxley wanted to make 
sure we got our fill of schoolwork beforehand. Like most of everyone else, I had 
my mind on Christmas and not on reading a story or doing a series of 
multiplication problems. Also, while on the morning recess, I ran into Travis. I 
tried to avoid him, but he saw me, and he saw that I was avoiding him. This only 
provoked him further as he ran towards me.
	"Hey, what's Santa gettin' you for Christmas?" he asked me sarcastically. 
"You been a good little boy?"
	"Uh, huh," I said.
	"I don't think so, Chrissy-Wissy! You've been peeing and pooping in your 
pants, and Santa thinks that's bad!"
	"I know you're not getting anything because he thinks *you're* really 
bad!" I said to Travis, hoping he wouldn't hit me. He wasn't the type of kid 
that would have cared about Santa Claus anyway. Instead, Travis completely 
ignored that as he said "Santa's getting you diapers for Christmas! Chris is 
getting dia-pers! Chris is getting dia-pers!..."
	Then he walked off. At least he wasn't physically aggressive like Sean 
was. He confronted me in front of a classroom window where he knew a teacher 
would see him if he tried anything, so he kept his hands to himself.
	Tony later showed up after standing in the cold waiting for him. He said 
that he had a really big mess and it took the nurse awhile to change him.
	"I made a real big dump and it was all over my butt!" he said with such 
sensation. He was bragging about it. "I thought I'd be in there all recess 
	He went on to explain this morning's diaper change to me. He knew that I 
would enjoy listening to his description of his excessively messy diaper change, 
although I was a bit jealous that I didn't also have that big of a mess at the 
	"Some of it got into my pants," he said as if he were proud of it. "My 
diaper leaked and some of the poop ran down the inside of my pants! But you 
can't see it because it wasn't a whole lot that leaked."
	There was nothing that I could see through the dark blue fabric of his 
jeans. As I went through that day, I couldn't help but to keep thinking that 
Tony was having to spend his entire day with a mess in his pants. I hoped that I 
would later have a big bowel movement myself, at least for the sensation.
	After lunch hour, I did have a bowel movement. It didn't feel as runny nor 
as messy as what Tony described to me, but it was a good, full-sized pooping. I 
had also wet a great deal in the diaper, feeling the dampness of the front of 
the expanding diaper pressing up against me as I sat in class.
	As I sat there I thought back on what it was like having to wear a diaper 
in the classroom for the first time. Back then I felt so awkward, but in over a 
month of wearing diapers, I was getting to enjoy peeing and pooping while 
sitting at my desk while other kids had to humbly ask Mrs. Buxley to use the 
restroom. One boy, Jeremy, overused his restroom privileges and was not allowed 
to go today. He was often times disruptive to the class, anyway and Mrs. Buxley 
didn't have much patience with him.
	Right in the middle of Mrs. Buxley's lesson he just stood up at his desk 
and asked, "Can I pleeeez go to the bathroom?" He had a strained expression on 
his face.
	"No, Jeremy! You should have gone at lunch hour! If you disrupt class once 
more, you're going to stay in at recess!"
	"But I didn't need to go then!" he whined. The class started laughing.
	"Sit down, Jeremy, or you won't get to go at recess, either!"
	This would have been the worst thing for Jeremy since he needed the time 
at recess to use the restroom. In a strange sort of way, I was hoping that 
Jeremy would disrupt the class again so I could see what happened if he was held 
in class for recess. Maybe we'd all get to watch him pee his pants. While he 
wasn't one of my enemies, I didn't really care for him all that much. He was 
just so annoying to everybody, especially to the girls. I'm sure they would have 
liked to have watched Jeremy suffer such a misfortune.
	That was not to happen as Jeremy kept his mouth shut-- and his legs 
crossed-- during the remaining twenty minutes of class before the afternoon 
recess bell rang. When the bell rang for dismissal, Jeremy was out the door and 
on his way to the restroom in a big hurry! Mrs. Buxley shouted at him down the 
hallway and told him to come back and walk, but he was obviously too desperate 
to get to the nearest toilet as he kept running. He nearly knocked me down while 
I was walking down the hallway to the nurse's office for a diaper change.
	Perhaps he should have been wearing diapers as I noticed that he had a 
small accident. As he was coming back into the classroom after the bell rang, I 
saw him covering the front of his pants with his hands, although this gesture 
was just as obvious as the wet spot he was hiding on his jeans. It was only a 
small spot, but enough to see and to know how it got there.
	Megan looked at him as he walked in. She said, "Didn't make it, did you?" 
as he sat down. "Maybe you should wear diapers!" She suddenly turned her head to 
me and said, "Chris wears them!" The entire class started laughing. At least now 
I knew the laughing wasn't entirely directed towards me.
	 While this incident didn't wreck Jeremy's popularity completely, it did 
knock him down a few pegs. The girls were in such delight that such an incident 
happened to Jeremy. He no longer approached them the way he used to, and he was 
a lot less disruptive in class thereafter. He still had a lot of friends, and 
the nature of his accident wasn't nearly as severe as mine. Having few friends 
of my own to support me and that my accident was far more than a mere wet spot 
on my jeans made the humiliation I suffered far greater.
	I told Tony about Jeremy on the way home. Tony was quite amused by it. We 
both talked about how if he were wearing diapers then he wouldn't have had the 
accident in the first place. I decided that this would make a good story for our 
book. We both went over to my house and we both worked on it together. When we 
were done Tony copied the whole story for himself. It was a good, creative way 
to spend an afternoon.
	The rest of the evening seemed to pass like any other. Dad came home from 
work just as mom had dinner ready. After dinner and dessert, Lisa immediately 
started on her homework. In fact, she was even helping Cindy with her homework. 
Each of them was diligently at work, leaving their little brother alone. I never 
had a great deal of homework myself, but I knew that was to change when I would 
enter the fourth grade, and it would only get worse from there. I dreaded the 
thought of poring over several books and pages upon pages of notes every night 
as I had seen Lisa and Cindy do so often. I wanted to cherish my free time while 
I could. I did just that by playing Nintendo games.
	While I was sitting there in the midst of playing a game the doorbell 
rang. I continued playing my games as I heard mom walk to the door and answer 
it. There was a group of girls singing Christmas songs and an older lady.
	It turned out to be a group of Christmas carolers. They were also there to 
solicit donations for the canned food drive for some organization. I then 
remembered that green flyer that was in our door. They were here to pick up the 
food that mom had bought for the food drive.
	"Chris, come here, I need your help," mom said to me as I was playing my 
games. "Now," mom prodded, "you can pause your game and come back to it in a 
	I followed mom into the kitchen where she was opening the door to the 
	"Help me carry a couple of these bags to the door," she said.
	"But those girls are gonna see me," I said.
	"Please do what I said, Chris," mom said. This was her first and only 
polite warning. Mom was tired of telling me that it didn't matter who saw me in 
my diapers now. Now she ignored me whenever I made any kind of remark about 
somebody seeing me wearing diapers.
	I walked to the door where the carolers were waiting. As I stood there in 
my diapers, I handed the first of two bags I was carrying to one of the girls in 
the group of carolers. She smiled at me and said "thank you" as she took the bag 
from my hand. I grabbed the other bag I helped bring up and handed it to another 
girl, who again smiled politely. Mom took care of the other two bags. The leader 
of the group, an adult, thanked us kindly for our contributions and then left.


	As I was sitting in class today I noticed that Megan was once again paying 
more attention to me. During the morning lesson she kept looking back at me 
flirtatiously, though I knew she was just doing it to get me riled up. She and 
Tracy had been leaving Tony and me alone, but were once again at it.
	As Tony and I met out on the playground, Megan and Tracy came right up to 
	"Hi there, cutey-butt!" she said using the same flirtatious gestures that 
she had been using in the classroom. And now why was she calling me "cutey-
	"I saw you last night, Chris!" she said.
	"You did? When? Where? How?" I asked her.
	"We stopped by your house last night! We were out getting food for our 
girl's group that we're in and we came to your house! I saw you running around 
in your diapers! They looked so cute on your little butt!"
	"At least my butt is little," I said, referring to the fact that Megan was 
a bit chubbier than most girls. Megan didn't seem to have heard what I said as 
she continued on.
	"I know where you live, Chris!"
	Oh, great, I thought. The last thing I wanted was for Megan to see me in 
just my diapers. It didn't sound like anything that would ever happen since 
Megan was never at our house to see me romping around in just diapers. I never 
thought that she would ever be at our place, but I found out differently last 
	"Can I come over tonight and change you?" She and Tracy then started 
	"I bet you get your diapers really dirty!" Tracy jumped in and added.
	Tony and I just walked away from them.
	"Bye, cutey-butt!" Megan said to me.
	"I don't believe it!" I said as Tony and I walked towards our corner.
	"What?" he asked.
	"Megan saw me last night in my diapers! What'll I do?"
	"What can you do, Chris?"
	"She's seen me now! Now she's gonna call me 'cutey-butt' every day, and 
she knows where I live and she's gonna want to come over to see me and..."
	"She likes you, Chris!" Tony said.
	"I don't know why you say that, Tony," I said. "All she does is bug me all 
the time because I wear diapers."
	"So do a lot of the other kids," he added.
	"But Megan does it a lot more. She was giving me funny looks in class 
	"Like I said, she likes you. I'm serious!"
	"But what if I don't like her?" I asked. "I try to stay away from her, but 
she won't leave me alone!"
	"That's why she keeps going after you, because you keep trying to get 
away! Just sit down with her at lunch sometime. Maybe she'll then think you're 
no fun to make fun of and she won't tease you, anymore!"
	There wasn't much said about it after that. Again I was in a situation 
where how I actually felt and what I could openly say about it were two 
different things. Just like how I enjoyed wearing diapers in the first place, 
and I how liked having my sisters change me. The thought of having Megan see me 
in diapers was exciting, yet embarrassing. Even the fact that I thought Megan 
was cute in her own special ways was something I couldn't openly express.
	This was something I needed to get off my chest. I hoped that I could 
trust Tony enough to talk to him about it. I trusted him enough to tell him I 
liked wearing diapers. I hadn't told him how I liked having my sisters change 
me, and in fact had told him the opposite. It may have helped Tony to open up 
since I felt that he also liked getting changed by my sisters every time he was 
at our house. I didn't say anything about it until we were on the bus ride home.
	"Umm, Tony, I've been kind of thinking about something," I said.
	"What were you thinking about?"
	"Megan, eh, Chris?" he lighted up. "Oooh..."
	"Well, I sort of like her," I said. I couldn't believe I even just told my 
best friend, the one guy I trusted the most.
	"So you like her, too?" Tony said.
	"Well, I think she's, you know, cute."
	"What else have you been thinking about, huh, Chris?"
	"Tony! I'm not sure what to think! I mean, I pretend that I hate her guts, 
but I don't. I just wish she'd lay off of me. I mean, all that 'cutey-butt' 
stuff. It embarrasses me."
	"That's why she does it, Chris. Let's sit with them at lunch tomorrow."
	"We don't have lunch tomorrow. It's only a half-day," I mentioned.
	"Oh yeah," he replied. "Well, lets do it when we go back after the break."
	"Okay," I said, hoping he would forget about it by then.


	Once again, Megan and Tracy were at it today, calling me "cutey-butt." 
This seemed to catch on with the other girls at school, many of whom also 
started calling me that. At home I was called "diaper butt," and at school I was 
called "cutey-butt". I really didn't mind when the girls called me that, but 
when some of the boys got in on the act I felt more embarrassed to have them say 
that to me. The girls acted flirtatious about it; the boys were just being 
	At least today I only had to put up with it for one recess period. It was 
only a half-day at school, and it was mostly a fun day, even though we did have 
some schoolwork to do in the morning.
	Later on, every classroom held its own little Christmas party. All of the 
kids brought cookies, candy, chips, and sodas. We also had a gift exchange 
between students. I wound up with a little book called "Fun Facts for Kids," 
which had a lot of interesting little tidbits of information. The gift that I 
brought was a miniature-sized jigsaw puzzle which went to a kid named Randy.
	Megan also gave me a hand-made Christmas card. I felt embarrassed to have 
received it from her in front of the other classmates, and I had a pretty good 
idea what was drawn on it. Sure enough, there I was with a big, thick diaper on. 
She also drew herself standing next to me and holding my hand! Also on the card 
were candy canes, a Christmas tree, and a large wreath drawn around her 
depiction of her and me. At the bottom she wrote, "Merry Christmas, Chris-- your 
friend Megan".
	Just before noon the bell rang, only it wasn't the lunch bell, but the 
dismissal bell. Everyone was quick to flee from the classroom. "Everybody have a 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" Mrs. Buxley shouted as we all left the 
	As Tony and I were riding home on the bus I decided to show him the card 
that Megan made for me.
	"She likes you, Chris!" he said. "She wouldn't do these things if she 
	He then hung his head low as he said, "I kinda wish I got a card from a 
girl. I think you should just talk to her."
	"We're gonna be out of school for a week, I can't do anything until then."
	"Okay, then when we're back to school, you can talk to her."
	"Okay, I will," I said, still hoping that he would probably forget all 
about it by then.


	 The bus got to my stop where Tony got off with me and walked with me to 
my house. Lisa and Betty were already there when we stopped by.
	"Hi there, diaper-butts!" Betty greeted us. She and Lisa were making more 
cookies. They were both in home economics and were taking their skills to heart 
by baking several batches of cookies. They were in the process of mixing the 
	Betty then pointed to the pair of plastic pants that she "borrowed" for 
her brother.
	"There's your plastic pants, Chris," she said.
	"You should have seen what I did to Carl!" she said, telling Tony and I 
the story.
	"I put a laxative in with his drink, and he started pooping, so I told him 
to put on the plastic pants because he kept going in his pants. He wouldn't do 
it so I locked the bathroom door! Then he pooped again and I made him wear them! 
I also told him to put on some more underwear because he was getting the plastic 
pants all dirty! It was so funny! Then my mom came home and I got in trouble, 
but it was worth it!"
	"Gina will be by later," Cindy said. "She'll bring the diapers that Bryce 
was wearing, too."
	"You mean you guys put *Gina's* brother in diapers?" Betty asked. "What is 
this? Every boy around here ends up wearing diapers!"
	"He wanted to try wearing Chris' diapers when he was over here a few weeks 
ago!" Cindy told Betty.
	"You never told me about this, Lisa!" said Betty. "I wanna here more! This 
sounds good!"
	Lisa stood there and let Cindy tell the rest of the story.
	"...so we caught him wearing Chris' diapers and then we made him wear them 
all day! Then when Gina's mom stopped by to pick them up, her brother was still 
wearing them!"
	"So what happened after that?" I asked Cindy. "Did Gina tell you?"
	"You'll find out when she gets here," Cindy said to me.
	This sounded like Bryce had been put into some diapers of his own. Just a 
few minutes later Gina and Bryce showed up.
	There was an entire houseful of kids. Lisa, Cindy, Betty, Gina, Bryce, 
Tony and myself all made for quite a racket.
	Mom came out and said "there's too many kids here! I don't want an entire 
houseful like this!"
	"Let's go to your house, Betty," said Lisa. "We can finish the cookies 
	"Wait! I want to see Bryce first. Is he wearing diapers, too?"
	"Show 'em, Bryce!" Gina said.
	"I don't want to!" Bryce whined.
	"You're probably due for a change anyway, so get your pants off!" Gina 
ordered her brother.
	"No! I don't wanna!" he whined.
	"Okay, time to use force!"
	"Nooooo!" Bryce cried.
	"Look, Bryce! Don't embarrass me!" Gina said. This seemed like a double-
standard, where Gina didn't want her brother to embarrass her by crying, so she 
was going to embarrass him by having him remove his pants for a diaper change.
	"Take him into Chris' room," mom said to Gina. "Change him in there."
	"Okay. I need to return Chris' diapers to him anyway, so I'll take them in 
	"There's still too many kids in this house! Why don't you boys go play out 
in the snow?" mom suggested. "Bryce will be out with you in a moment."
	"Okay, mom, but, uh...I need a diaper change."
	"Okay, have one of the girls change you!"
	"Cindy, can you change him?" Lisa asked her. "Betty and I are going to her 
	"Not yet, Lisa!" said Betty. "I wanna see Bryce in his diapers!"
	"Go take a look! He's getting changed!" said Lisa.
	Betty then went back to my room and looked at Bryce as he was lying there 
with a freshly changed disposable diaper taped to his body.
	"No! Don't look!" Bryce said as he attempted to cover his diaper up from 
	"You might as well let her see you, Bryce," Gina said to her brother, 
"because you're not getting your pants back until we leave! Remember the rules 
	"He looks so cute!" Betty said. "They *all* look so cute running around in 
their diapers!"
	"Okay, you've seen him new, Betty. Let's go before we all drive my poor 
mom crazy."
	"Bye, Diaper-Butt-Three! Wow! We have three Diaper- Butts around here now! 
Chris is Diaper-Butt-One, Tony is Diaper-Butt-Two..."
	"Is that all she ever calls us anymore?" Tony said to me.
	"Just about," I said.
	"Okay, Chris, get ready for your diaper change!" said Cindy.
	There was so much chaos in the house it was hard to keep track of who was 
where. Even after Lisa and Betty left there were five of us, all standing in my 
bedroom. I was lying on the pad getting changed by Cindy while Gina stood there 
at the doorway with Bryce, who only had a diaper on. Tony was also standing 
there waiting with the understanding that he was to also allow Cindy to change 
his diapers.
	"You'd think this place was a nursery with all the diaper changing that 
goes on around here!" mom said as she came to the door of my bedroom.
	"Cindy, I'm sending the boys outside to play in the snow, so give them 
their pants back after they're done."
	"Okay, mom."
	"I suppose you want your pants," Gina said to Bryce. She then grabbed them 
and handed them to Bryce, who was putting them back on as I got up from the pad 
and Tony took his spot on it.
	"I suppose you want your pants, too, Chris," Cindy said. "I'll have to get 
your 'big-diaper' pants."
	Cindy then left the room to retrieve the extra big pants that I was to 
wear over my heavier cotton diapers. They barely fit as I was now being put in 
three diapers on a regular basis. The pants were measured such that they would 
fit over two diapers, which was what I was wearing at the time the measurements 
were taken for the pants. Tony was then changed, diapered and given his pants, 
	The three of us trudged out into the back yard while Cindy and Gina stayed 
inside for the afternoon. We built a snow fort and had a snowball fight. It was 
one of those rare moments when I was actually allowed to go outside and play. 
Had it not been for all of us being there at once, mom probably wouldn't have 
sought to send us outside.
	After building a snowman, we were tired and needed to take a rest. We 
unfolded the patio chairs that had been leaned up against the house and sat down 
at the table, covered with snow that had blown onto the patio.
	"So you're wearing diapers, too?" I asked Bryce.
	"Yeah. My mom caught me wearing them that day when she picked me up."
	"Then what happened?" I asked.
	"I told her why I was wearing them, and now she's making me wear them."
	"All the time?" I asked.
	"Yeah, except school. I don't have to wear them to school like you do," he 
said. "I'm glad I don't have to do that!"
	"Do you like to wear them now?" I asked.
	"I don't mind," he answered. "I don't have to run to the toilet anymore."
	"What else do you have to do?"
	"My mom changes my diapers, but sometimes Gina does, too. I don't have to 
go around without my pants like you, except for when I go to bed."
	"How long do you have to wear them?" I asked.
	"I don't know. My mom said when I was ready to grow up I wouldn't have to 
wear them, anymore."
	"So don't grow up!" Tony said. "Just stay in diapers like me and Chris! 
It's a lot of fun!"
	We went back to building our snowman and then headed inside to warm up. As 
the winter solstice had just passed a few days ago, the afternoon daylight hours 
were short and it was getting dark outside. Tony decided that he should get 
walking home before it became too dark.
	Gina then told Bryce to get his pants off and lie down on my changing pad 
so that she could check his diaper. Apparently his diaper was still dry as Gina 
just taped it back up. His pants, however, weren't as playing in the snow had 
gotten them all wet. My pants, too, were wet, so Cindy took both pairs and 
tossed them in the dryer.
	Bryce had to spend the rest of the evening in his diaper until his mom 
came by to pick him and Gina up. Mom, Cindy, and Gina were gone to the store by 
the time Betty and Lisa returned. Everybody was in and out of the house all day, 
it seemed. Everyone except Bryce and I, who were both stuck at my house doing-- 
what else?-- racing cars around my racetrack.
	As Betty and Lisa walked by towards the girls' bedroom, they looked in on 
Bryce and I with our diapered derrieres up in the air as we were on our hands 
and knees racing the cars.
	"Don't they look just adorable?" Lisa commented as she looked into my 
room. "Like a couple of babies with diapers on their wittle rumps!" she said 
	Mom, Cindy, and Gina came back shortly afterwards, once again creating a 
houseful of kids. At least mom didn't have to cook dinner for all of us as it 
was Friday, which meant pizza. Because of all the guests present, mom brought 
home extra pizzas to accommodate everybody.
	Just after 6:30 Bryce and Gina were picked up and taken home, just in time 
as Bryce's pants finished drying. Gina also checked Bryce's diaper once more 
before they took off.
	After a day of having my sisters and their friends coming and going, 
everybody was exhausted. As we would be getting relatives who were flying in for 
Christmas, it would be awhile before anyone would get any peace in this 
household. Peace on earth, maybe, but in this household, never!


	Today was going to be a busy day. Mom made sure that we were all awake by 
8:00 so that we could pick up the relatives whom we were expecting to arrive at 
the airport. I was awake at 8:00 A.M., no problem, but it wasn't until after 
9:00 before I got going. The plane was due in at 10:45 and it would take us 
awhile to get to the airport and to the terminal and the gate where they would 
be landing. I was just sitting on my diapered derriere watching Bugs Bunny when 
mom hollered at me.
	"Chris! We need to get going!"
	"But they won't be landing until almost eleven!" I protested.
	"Yes, but we still need to get going! By the time we drive there, get 
parked, walk through the terminal..."
	"Okay! Okay! I wanna watch the rest of this cartoon first!"
	"We have no time to waste! Lisa, get him changed and ready! And hurry!"
	"What about my cartoons?" I whined. "Can you tape it for me?"
	Mom then rolled her eyes as she groaned and sighed.
	"Cindy, set the VCR for Chris while were waiting! Dad's getting the cars 
warmed up. We should have been ready now!"
	Within minutes I was cleaned up, diapered, and dressed. I had my socks, 
shoes, and my coat on as I ran out to the car. I decided to ride with mom and 
Cindy. Lisa joined dad and rode with him instead.
	We left at around 9:20. It was over a half hour before we got our car 
parked at the airport and another ten or fifteen minutes before we got to the 
gate in the terminal where my Aunt Rita and Uncle Frank, along with cousins 
Nancy and Darren, were due to land in about half an hour. I always liked going 
to the airport as I marveled at the sight of all the planes taking off and 
landing, the hustled pace of the passengers, and the size of the building 
itself. Once we were seated, I couldn't see much around me except lots of other 
people and there were too many other kids lined up at the window watching the 
airplanes. Mom had gone down to a nearby cafe to get us all sodas to drink while 
we were waiting. I sat there and sipped away at my beverage, knowing it would 
wind up in the diaper before too long.
	"Mom! Why are we so early?" I asked.
	"We wouldn't want to be late, now would we, Chris? Your aunt and uncle 
would probably appreciate it if we were here to greet them when they get off the 
plane. Here, go with your sisters and play some games."
	Mom then gave us each a dollar to use at a nearby video arcade.
	"Don't be gone long," mom said. "They're due to land in thirty minutes!"
	We walked down to the arcade, Cindy holding my hand. I felt embarrassed to 
have Cindy holding my hand, but mom insisted that we do so that we didn't become 
separated. It hardly took me fifteen minutes to blow a dollar on two games of 
Centipede, a game of Asteroids, and a game of Pac-Man, on which I played against 
Cindy. The games were a old, the controls worn, but still fun to play, better 
than sitting with my parents amongst a crowd of strangers.
	After looking at a clock, we decided that we should get back to the gate 
and wait with mom and dad. It was 10:45, but the plane had not yet landed.
	"They're late, mom!" I said.
	"Oh, just be patient. Most flights run a little behind schedule."
	Suddenly, an older, rough-looking man turned around and said to us, 
"you're damn lucky if they're only a little behind schedule! These damn 
	The man continued to rant and rave over what he thought about airlines, 
airports, and whatnot. We were all so annoyed by him that we moved to sit 
elsewhere. His breath also smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, yuk! Some of the 
weirdest people I ever met were to be found in airports. If he was waiting for 
anyone, I didn't want to find out who they were!
	It was 10:55 and the plane still had not yet landed.
	"Where are theyyy?" I whined, feeling restless and antsy. I also had just 
deposited a fresh, runny mess in my diaper, which would only add to my 
discomfort as its contents cooled and settled.
	"They're on their way, Chris."
	Lisa and Cindy then got up from their seats.
	"We need to go to the bathroom," Lisa said to mom. "We'll be right back."
	"Don't dawdle, girls!" mom said as they started to run off.
	"Do you need a diaper change, Chris?" Lisa asked me. "We're heading to the 
bathroom now, so..."
	I knew she was trying to embarrass me as we were among dozens of people. 
As there was so much noise and congestion, it didn't seem that anybody heard 
Lisa or cared if they did. Two older boys sitting across from me looked at me 
strangely, but most people didn't seem to be paying attention. While I was 
sitting in my wet and messy diapers. I thought about the convenience the diapers 
provided, not needing to go find a restroom first. The two boys across from me 
knew I had diapers on as they looked down at my crotch and noted the telltale 
bulge in my pants as they got up from their seats.
	Lisa and Cindy returned just as the plane we were waiting for was rolling 
into the gate.
	"That must be their flight!" mom exclaimed.
	It was still another ten minutes before the plane stopped and people 
started getting off the plane. After several dozen passengers came walking into 
the terminal, we saw Aunt Rita and Uncle Frank, and behind them, cousins Nancy 
and Darren.
	"There they are!" Cindy shouted.
	We all embraced each other as we met. I was most eager to see cousin 
Darren, since he was the closest thing I had to a brother in the family. I never 
got to see him more than once a year at most, which was usually either at 
Christmas time or in the middle of summer.
	After exchanging hugs and kisses with Aunt Rita and Uncle Frank, we headed 
down the crowded concourse and to the baggage claim. As I walked along I could 
feel my messy diaper rubbing up against my butt. I also wondered if anyone had 
noticed that my pants were so big and that there was a big bulge beneath them. 
Lisa was swinging around the diaper bag around freely, which caught cousin 
Nancy's attention. Lisa was quick to explain what it was for.
	"This is Chris' diaper bag!" she said. "He's wearing diapers now!"
	"Are you serious?" Nancy said to Lisa. She then looked at me and took note 
of the bulge in my pants.
	"You're right! He is! Why is he wearing them?"
	"It's a long story, but you'll love it when I tell you!"
	Just as everyone found out at my grandparents' place a month ago on 
Thanksgiving, they were sure to find out by the time we got home if not sooner.


	At the baggage claim we waited for everyone's luggage to come rolling out. 
We waited a long time before the luggage started coming up the conveyor and onto 
the carousel. The rest of the soda I drank had caught up with me, too. Add to 
that the fact that I had loose bowels that morning and added also added to the 
diaper, which was now holding more than its capacity and My diaper was really, 
really wet and now starting to smell strongly. All I could feel back there was a 
large, squishy mess.
	"Mom, Chris really needs to be changed," Lisa said. "We're going over to 
the restroom."
	"Okay, we'll wait for you."
	I wasn't too wild about being dragged into a women's rest- room again, but 
this was the airport where chances were quite slim anyone who saw us would know 
us, and I had been through it once before, so I felt I could handle it this 
	As I followed Lisa into the restroom, a woman waking by said "young man, 
that's the ladies' room."
	I stood there for a moment, trying to think of an explanation. Lisa then 
came back up to me and grabbed my hand.
	"Get in here!" she said, pulling me in. I wondered what that lady thought 
when she saw Lisa drag me in.
	The restroom only had changing tables designed for tiny tots, not for 
heavier eight-year-old kids, and they were too small. Lisa ended up changing me 
on the restroom floor. Naturally, this caught the attention of several women and 
girls who were coming in and out of the restroom. I knew they were looking at me 
and all I could do was to stare up the ceiling while Lisa pulled off my heavily-
used diaper. Just like at the toy store, younger girls were curious about what 
they had seen.
	"Mom , how old is that boy?" rang a young, tinny girl's voice. "He's 
wearing a diaper!"
	Her mom then answered by saying, "I don't know, Miranda. I'm wondering how 
old the girl is."
	Because I was such a mess, it took Lisa longer for her to clean me all up. 
I must have had poop all over me as I felt just about every part of my backside 
get wiped. The cold tiles pressing up against my bottom were getting 
uncomfortable as was I, knowing several passersby had seen me. One mother who 
was at the changing tables just stared down at us the whole time while she 
worked on changing what appeared to be her three-year-old boy.
	"I hope you're not in diapers as long as *he* is, Joey," she said to her 
son. "The rate we're going on your toilet training, who knows?" Apparently this 
woman was not too pleased with her son's seemingly slow progress in toilet 
training. "Welcome to the club, Joey," I wished I could have said.
	Lisa was still at work on changing me and getting me wiped up.
	"How much longer, Lisa?" I asked.
	"You were a real mess this time, Chris," she answered. "I'm almost done."
	At last she was. She got out a fresh, clean diaper and put it around me, 
wrapping me in secure softness and dryness.
	"Since you've really got the shits today, I'd suggest you let me know a 
little sooner next time," she said as she finished putting the diaper on.
	She then tossed me my pants, where I had to put them on in full view of 
everyone. Hardly anyone could walk past without staring at us. I wondered how 
Lisa could do this without feeling embarrassed herself. At least she was kind 
enough to stand there and wait for me so that she could accompany me back out of 
the restroom rather than to leave me in there all alone. I was glad to get back 
to the baggage claim where everyone was standing with their luggage.
	"It came up right when you guys went in there," Cindy said. "We've been 
waiting on you two ever since."
	By now Aunt Rita and Uncle Allen were probably well aware of what was 
going on. I waited for them to comment on it as we headed out to the parking 
garage, but they didn't say anything.
	Before going home, we all went out to breakfast. As the restaurant was 
very busy and that there were nine of us, I expected it to be awhile before we 
would be eating. As Darren and I were seated next to each other we got to talk 
about what had happened over the past year and a half, being that we hadn't seen 
each other since July of 1988.
	While sitting there I felt another messy bowel movement coming on. I had 
diarrhea, or just a case of "the shits," as Lisa liked to call it. I tried to do 
it as discreetly as possible, but the diaper made it harder to close my legs 
together tightly enough to reduce the rate of the flow. It was so thick and 
bunched up between my legs like always.
	Aunt Rita, who was seated across from me, could tell that I had a look of 
discomfort on my face.
	"Is Chris okay?" Aunt Rita asked my mom.
	"I guess he is, as far as I know," mom replied.
	"He looks like he's sick; you feeling okay, hon?"
	"Yes, I'm fine," I said. And I wished she didn't call me "hon," as she so 
often did. I knew my face was red from embarrassment.
	"I think he needs to go to the bathroom," Cindy said.
	"He probably already went!" Lisa said. "He doesn't *need* a bathroom, you 
	I felt more embarrassed as Lisa said that out loud in front of everybody.
	"Well, I think we all need bathrooms," Uncle Frank said as he turned to 
Lisa, "most of us, anyway."
	"Chris doesn't need them, Uncle Frank," said Lisa. "He wears diapers"
	Oh boy! Lisa had a way of bringing such matters out in the open. He was 
looking at me, as was Aunt Rita, and cousins Nancy and Darren. They would all 
find out soon enough, but here in a busy restaurant, it was not the ideal place.
	"What? Are they makin' you wear diapers?" Uncle Frank asked.
	"Yes," I said.
	"I thought they was jokin' since you was such a stinker to potty train, no 
pun intended, heh, heh."
	Uncle Frank was notorious for making such wisecracks.
	"What for?" he asked me. "You really have to wear them?"
	"We'll explain later, Frank," dad told his brother.
	Just then the waitresses-- there were two-- brought our food out. There 
wasn't anything else said of my diapers during the meal, at least among the 
adults. I could hear the girls at the opposite end of the table giggling 
throughout the meal, and I knew just what it was about.
	Darren then turned to me.
	"Do you really wear diapers now, Chris?"
	"Yeah, I do," I answered with my mouth full.
	I then turned my back to him and lifted my shirt. He saw my diapers 
showing above my pants.
	"Wow, you do, man!" he said, being surprised, but also seemingly 
	"Why do you wear them?" he asked.
	"I'll have to tell you after we get back to my place."
	After finishing the meal and having some dessert, we all went to our 
house. From now until next Wednesday, there would be nine people in our house, 
which would make for some crowded living conditions. Uncle Frank and Aunt Rita 
would be sleeping on the couch which was also a hide-a-bed. Nancy would be 
sleeping in my sisters' room, and Darren would sleep in my room. It was almost 
like running a motel, and it would have eased crowding if they did stay in a 
motel, but dad decided that wouldn't have been very cordial to suggest to them. 
Besides, it was a lot of fun to have Darren stay over.
	Everyone was settled in. That's when mom came up to me and said, "okay, 
Chris, we're back home, so you know what to do."
	This meant one thing, get back into wearing only my diapers. As the house 
was full, I decided to go into my bedroom to remove my pants. I stayed in there, 
away from the rest of the family, where I could quietly play for awhile.
	Darren came in shortly afterwards. He started opening the door, and when 
he saw that all I had on was my diapers, he pulled it shut as he said, "oh, I'm 
sorry, Chris," thinking that I was undressing.
	"It's okay, Darren, come on in," I told him. He slowly opened the door and 
peeked in as he saw me sitting there with only diapers on.
	"Why did you take your pants off?" he asked me.
	"I have to," I answered. "They don't let me wear my pants except for when 
I go to school or leave the house."
	"Why? Because of the diapers?"
	"Yep! I have to go around in them all the time!" I said with a subtle 
expression how I enjoyed getting to do this.
	"Why do they make you wear them?"
	"I got in trouble for messing in my pants."
	"What? You serious? I used to have accidents, and yeah, my mom would yell 
at me, but she never put diapers on me for it."
	"These weren't accidents," I clarified. "I was doing it on purpose, just 
because it...sounded like-- fun."
	"I knew a kid at my school who did that. Everyone found out and started 
calling him 'poopy-britches'. He didn't seem to care and he acted like that's 
what he wanted everyone to know about him. Later on everyone found out he wore 
diapers to school. He's really weird. Do you have to wear them to school?"
	"Yeah-- school, the mall, home, grandma and grandpa's house-- everywhere I 
go I have to wear them."
	"Kids must make fun of you for it," Darren said.
	"They do, especially these two girls in my class. They call me 'cutey-
butt', which is better than 'poopy-britches', I guess."
	"All because you were caught pooping in your pants?"
	"I was doing it for a long time and they decided that I should wear 
diapers. So my mom took away all my underwear and took away my pants and made me 
wear only diapers unless I'm going to school. I've been doing it since 
	"Geez! What else so they make you do?" Darren asked.
	"Well, uh, I don't get to change the diapers myself," I hinted as I didn't 
just want to tell him about my sisters having to change me.
	"So your mom changes you then?"
	I could have told him that my mom did, but since he would be here over the 
next few days, he would certainly see that it was my sisters who were primarily 
responsible for my diaper changes.
	"Lisa and Cindy change them," I answered.
	"No shit?" he said.
	"Oh yeah, they get plenty of that from me."
	"I mean, your sisters change you? Why?"
	"To make it more embarrassing for me."
	"Gosh, I'd be embarrassed if Nancy had to change me all the time!"
	"Watch out," I advised him. "They just might make you wear them."
	"Huh?" Darren said, not understanding my admonishment.
	"You get caught wearing them, they'll make you wear them and use them for 
the whole time you're here."
	"No way! How?"
	"My friend Tony was staying over, and he tried on my diapers that night, 
and my sisters found out the next morning and they made him stay in the diapers. 
He wanted to wear them anyway, so now he wears his own diapers.
	"But one of Cindy's friends had her brother over, and he tried them on, 
and he got caught and he had to wear them for the rest of the afternoon. He had 
to go home wearing them and now his mom is making him wear them all the time. 
It's a trap, I'm telling you."
	"What's it like getting changed...by your sisters?"
	"I'm used to it now, but I was really embarrassed at first. They always 
say stupid things like how bad I stink or how cute I look wearing them. 
Sometimes they pat me on the stomach or on the butt. They make such a big deal 
out of it."
	"What does it feel like to wear them?" he asked.
	"They're really big, soft, and thick! Sometimes they get hot and bunched 
up in my legs. I can pee in them and feel the warm wetness soak into them, then 
it gets cold and damp and that's when I liked to be changed. It's even better 
when I poop, because then I can feel it squish around all over my butt. I like 
knowing it's in there without anybody seeing it underneath. Sometimes it smells, 
but it makes me feel like a little kid again."
	"You're as bad as that kid I know in school!" Darren remarked. "I swear 
he'd come to school in only his diapers if they let him!"
	Darren then asked, "so, you like wearing diapers?"
	"I do, but I try not to let everyone know that. I don't like having to 
wear them to school, though because everybody laughs about it, especially Megan 
and Tracy, those two girls in my class. I'd probably not go as far as the kid 
you know in your school."
	I liked having Darren visit. As I had mentioned, he was just like the 
brother I wished I had. He was older, so he helped to serve as an example. He 
told me what life would probably be like in the upcoming years, although he was 
only two years older. We never argued and always had a good time whenever we got 
	But how he was reacting to my wearing diapers I wasn't so sure about. 
Comparing me to another kid he knew that liked to wear diapers, he seemed to 
think I was "weird," too. He asked me a lot of questions, however, which anyone 
would probably do, so he was definitely interested. But whether his curiosity 
was enough that he would want to try wearing them remained unknown. I didn't 
want to suggest that he try wearing them as he may have just wanted to know why 
I wore them and what it was like. On the other hand, maybe he was next to fall 
into the "diaper trap," as my bedroom was becoming just that, it seemed.
	It was a trap that seemed to allure boys such as Tony and Bryce, 
captivating them with their curiosities and tempting them into wearing diapers, 
"just to try them on". The appeal of the diapers then takes hold of the boys and 
overpowers them with a sense of great pleasure and enjoyment, thus prolonging 
the "experimentation" period they had only originally planned.
	By becoming more fond of the feel of the diapers, the willpower to remove 
them diminishes as the diapers continue to demonstrate their appealing sensual 
qualities, plus the psychological powers they possess. The mere idea of wearing 
diapers beyond an "acceptable" age-- which most consider to be three or four, 
with more leniency generally given to boys-- is indeed quite a fantasy.
	Inevitably, as it would seem, the boys, now having been captured in this 
"diaper trap," would then be caught wearing them by my sisters, who would 
enforce their "rule" which mandates that anyone wearing diapers in the house 
would be subjected to the same treatment as me, causing the "victims" of this 
trap to be forced into wearing the diapers and using them for the remainder of 
their stay and beyond. At the time their own parents discover that they are 
wearing diapers, they are then led to having them wear diapers full time, 
whether they like it or not.
	While I didn't put it in such words, I basically told Darren what happened 
when Tony was caught and when Bryce was caught. He didn't comment in any way as 
to express wanting or not wanting to wear diapers. All he said is, "I guess if I 
do wear them I'll have to be careful."
	This was a mystery. Was he merely being hypothetical to acknowledge my 
"warning," or did he have some intentions of sneaking a diaper on him tonight 
brewing in his mind?
	Lisa then came busting in loudly.
	"Okay, Chris! It's time to change your diapers!"
	She was being quite boisterous about it, and this was because Nancy was 
right behind her.
	"Get your butt on the pad!" she shouted. "Let's see what kind of a mess 
you have!"
	Nancy was just standing there staring.
	"You were right, Lisa; he's wearing diapers!"
	"Of course he is! He was bad and he kept pooping in his pants and his 
mommy didn't like him pooping in his pants so she took his pants away and she 
made him wear diapers so he could poop as much as he wanted and nobody would get 
mad since he had diapers on which were made for pooping in just like he wanted 
to do!"
	Nancy looked like she was snickering a little, but she was astonished at 
the sight of me wearing them.
	"Look, I think Chris would like some privacy while you change him, so I'll 
leave the room," she said.
	"Oh, no, Nancy. You don't have to do that! Stay and watch! It's fun to see 
how much of a mess Chris makes of his diapers and then remind him of the fact 
that he's wearing them and what he looks like wearing them, and then put more 
diapers on him so he can do it all over again!"
	"I just wanted to see what he looked like, but I respect the privacy he 
needs, so I'll meet you outside with Cindy."
	"Okay, Nancy, whatever. You'll be seeing plenty more of him in his 
	Lisa then proceeded with the diaper change. She was looking up at Darren 
sitting on my bed.
	"How about you, Darren?" Lisa asked him.
	"How about me what?" he asked.
	"Want to try one on?" she asked, holding a clean diaper up.
	"Oh, uh, no, that's okay," he said.
	"Why not, Darren? Doesn't this look like a lot of fun to you? Getting your 
butt wiped and getting a big, thick diaper put around you?"
	"You guys will make me wear them the whole time I'm here if you see me 
wear one! Chris told me about his friend Tony and Cindy's brother!"
	"That's right, Darren! Don't get caught, or else!..."
	Lisa then finished putting on the diapers, ensuring they were tight and 
sealed in by the plastic pants. She also saw the pants that I had taken off were 
lying on my floor.
	"I'll take these now," she said. "I don't think you'll be needing them for 
awhile." She then left the room.
	I sat up, but stayed seated on my changing pad.
	"Gosh, Lisa sure makes a big deal out of it, just like you said!"
	"She does that, Darren. She's my big sister, and that's what big sisters 
	"I'm Nancy's big brother and I don't treat her like that. We get into 
fights, but everyone does. I feel sorry for you, Chris. She does that to you all 
the time?"
	"Only when her friends or cousins, like Nancy, are around. She does it 
just to make a big deal out of it, so just ignore her."
	Darren and I spent the next hour or so looking at comic books and MAD 
	"I stopped collecting these when I was nine," Darren lamented. "I wish I 
had all these you have!"
	We couldn't just stay cooped up in my room. I had to appear before Aunt 
Rita and Uncle Frank in my diapers sometime, so now was a good of time as any. I 
decided to watch the remainder of the cartoons I missed this morning and went 
out to the living room to do just that.
	Aunt Rita was helping mom in the kitchen as she prepared dinner. Uncle 
Frank and dad were engrossed in a football game. At least dad was. Uncle Frank 
was zonked out in the recliner.
	"Uh, dad?" I asked him.
	"Yes, what is it, son?"
	"Are you watching this?"
	"Oh, no, I know who's won this game already. Go ahead and play your games 
or whatever-- just not too loud as your Uncle Frank is resting."
	"Okay," I said.
	Darren and I then sat on the couch next to dad as we watched the rest of 
my cartoons from this morning. Darren also liked to watch Looney Tunes. While 
fast-forwarding through commercials I saw the girls at play out in the front 
yard. The weather had also clouded up, looking like it may snow some more soon.
	Uncle Frank had then awakened from his rest. I was sitting in front of the 
TV in diapers. As the lighting was dim and that Uncle Frank did not have his 
glasses on, he didn't immediately notice that I had diapers on.
	I felt that we may have awakened Uncle Frank. I said, "sorry if we woke 
you up, Uncle Frank."
	"Oh, no, no, you didn't wake me up. I was just restin'. You boys are okay 
	He must have looked at me then as he noticed that I had no pants on, but 
he had yet to notice that I was wearing a diaper, as he had been told in the 
	"What's the matter, Chris? Lose your pants or somethin'?"
	He then turned on the lamp and put on his glasses to read his magazine. 
This gave him a much better view of what I had on.
	"Just what *is* your boy doing in diapers, Robert?" Uncle Frank asked my 
dad. I didn't think you were serious!"
	"Well, Frank, it's a long story," my dad started, "but to make a long 
story short, we decided that Chris should wear them. He had this problem with 
messing in his pants, and well, he wouldn't stop doing it, so, we made him wear 
diapers. It was all we could do."
	"What does Chris think of it?"
	"I don't think he minds, but that doesn't matter because he's not going to 
get out of them anytime soon."
	"What do his friends think about it? What about school?"
	"His best friend wears them too! And Cindy's friend Gina's brother's 
wearing them! I don't know what it is with these boys around here, but it looks 
like diapers are the big thing for them!"
	"Just the boys?" he asked.
	"Well, so far it's Chris, his friend Tony, and Cindy's friend's brother. 
Lisa doesn't wear them, Cindy doesn't, their best friends don't wear them. Yeah, 
I guess it is just the boys."
	"Boys have a thing with bodily functions you know," Uncle Frank stated. 
"You remember when you and I used to have farting contests? We were just being 
boys, you know. We'd each eat a whole can of chili and then we'd just stink up 
the place! Those were the days, I tell you!"
	Uncle Frank was always, well, frank about relating such childhood 
experiences. Darren must have felt embarrassed to listen to his own father talk 
about farting contests and all the other things he and dad supposedly did in 
childhood. If anything, my dad was probably more embarrassed. My dad didn't look 
like the type of man who would have any fascination with flatulence, but then, 
he was a boy at one time, too.


	Lisa, Cindy, and Nancy came in from the outside as the weather had become 
more severe, unsuitable for prolonged exposure. They came in to warm up. The 
first thing I heard from Nancy as she walked in was "hi, DIAPER-BUTT!" placing a 
great deal of emphasis on what has become my "nickname".
	"Lisa told me to call you that," Nancy said afterwards. "I hope you don't 
	Having heard it so much, I was used to it. I just said, "everyone else 
calls me that."
	"Okay, diaper-butt! We'll just call you that then!"
	Aunt Rita was the last to see me wearing diapers. She came out to the 
front room to announce that dinner would be ready shortly.
	"Better get a table set for the kids," she said. "Frank, why don't you and 
Robert get the folding table out for--"
	Aunt Rita then saw me sitting there watching the last of this morning's 
taped cartoons.
	"Chris! He's wearing diapers! And he's, what-- eight?"
	"Almost nine," dad said. "Doesn't seem to matter much how old he is. Any 
kid that doesn't understand the concept of a toilet belongs in diapers!"
	"He *is* toilet trained, isn't he?" Aunt Rita asked.
	"He was," dad said. "Then, it seemed to just disappear."
	"Maybe he has encopresis," Aunt Rita commented.
	"No, it's not encopresis," dad said. "He just wanted to be a two-year-old 
again, maybe four, since he was still in diapers then. Yeah, he was toilet 
trained, but that was waste of effort."
	Cindy then interrupted, laughing. "Waste of effort! Get it? *Waste* of 
effort?" Few in the family appreciated Cindy's puns.
	"Cindy, please!" dad reprimanded. "Well, I've told the story to just about 
everybody in the family. Get used to it, Chris will probably still be in diapers 
next time you visit."
	It was another half hour before the designated kid's table was set and we 
were seated for dinner. Lisa, fortunately, got to sit at the "adult" table in 
the kitchen. The remaining four of us-- Lisa, Nancy, Darren, and myself-- ate 
our dinner in the living room.
	Nancy then started asking me questions about wearing diapers.
	"So, Chris, do those diapers make you feel like a baby again?"
	"No, not really," I replied. "I just don't go to the bathroom like other 
	"You don't go to the bathroom at all, Chris!" Cindy corrected. "You can't 
go in there since you have diapers on."
	"What do your friends say about you wearing diapers?" Nancy then asked me.
	"My best friend Tony wears them, too," I said.
	"That's what your sisters told me. Do you guys get together and then see 
how much you can pee and poop in your diapers?"
	I don't think this was meant as a sincere question as Cindy and Nancy 
started laughing.
	"What about you, Darren?" Nancy asked her brother.
	"What about me?"
	"Why don't you try wearing diapers?"
	"Because then you guys will make me wear them like Chris does."
	"And what's wrong with that, Darren? You wouldn't ever have to worry about 
finding a toilet again! You can be like your cousin Chris and just...go 
wherever, whenever!"
	The two girls returned to their laughter. This would have been much worse 
if Lisa had also been seated at our table. Lisa was by far the most brutal in 
her sarcasm and snide remarks.
	We finished off our plates and each had a bowl of peppermint ice cream 
afterwards. The rest of the evening went by quietly. Mom and Aunt Rita thumbed 
through the photo albums as they always did. Of course the more recent photos of 
me showed me donning diapers, including the close-ups Lisa took of my diapered 
derriere, which I didn't think would ever wind up in the photo album.
	"Lisa took these pictures!" mom said as she turned the page.
	"All you can see is his butt!" Aunt Rita commented.
	"That's what she was taking a picture of," mom said.
	Darren and I went into my bedroom to play. I wasn't sure if Darren would 
still be interested in playing with my Legos or my race cars. As it turned out, 
he was still quite interested in them. He and I spun the cars around the track 
several times. Before we realized it, it was bedtime as Cindy came into the room 
and performed my diaper change.
	Darren just sat there on the cot that had been brought in for him to sleep 
on as he watched Cindy go through the procedure. I glanced over at Darren, who I 
happened to catch watching me as he suddenly turned away as I looked up at him. 
Cindy was making a production of things as she changed me.
	"And then we powder your little hiney and then we take these big, fluffy, 
thick diapers and wrap them over your butt!"
	It was as if she were trying to make it sound enticing to Darren, 
emphasizing the nurturing care that seemed to go into being changed. "You sure 
you want a diaper, Darren?" she asked him.
	"Uh...no, I don't need to wear one."
	It didn't quite sound like he really wanted to say that. In fact, he 
probably wanted to wear one, but he didn't want to fall into the trap of being 
forced to wear them throughout the remainder of his stay.
	After Cindy left, Darren stripped to his underpants and left his shirt on 
before climbing into the sleeping bag that was furnished for him. We were then 
settled in for the evening as I turned out the lights. We lay there and talked 
awhile, just as Tony and I did whenever he stayed over. We talked about his dad-
- my uncle-- over the way he brought up the things that he and my father 
supposedly did.
	"Did your dad and my dad really do all that stuff?" I asked.
	"They probably did. You gotta remember, Chris, they were kids just like 
	"I wonder if your dad or my dad ever had to wear diapers, I mean, after 
they were toilet trained."
	"Dunno, never asked," Darren said. "I don't imagine very many kids ask 
their dads that. Would you ever do that?"
	"Probably not. I wonder what I'll tell my kids when I grow up," I said.
	"How do you know you're gonna have kids?" Darren asked.
	"I'm gonna get married, like everybody."
	"Would you tell your wife about wearing diapers?"
	"Probably not. I don't know. Come on! I'm only eight years old, Darren!"
	It had to have been over an hour before we finally shut ourselves up and 
went to sleep. I had a hard time sleeping as I heard the girls giggling in the 
next room. Everyone had gone to bed as I could see no light underneath my 
bedroom door.
	If I did get to sleep that night, it had to have been very late. The girls 
had settled down, after hearing mom march to their room and telling them to be 
quiet. There was one more sound I heard that kept me from getting to sleep. 
Actually, it was a series of sound, and I knew exactly where they were coming 
	I heard Darren get up. He slipped out of his sleeping bag and left the 
room. I heard him go into the bathroom. Whether he actually did anything in 
there, I didn't know. I didn't hear the toilet flush, but maybe he was afraid 
that the noise of the toilet flushing would wake someone. After all, there were 
nine of us in this house.
	He then quietly re-entered my room. He closed my door very gently, 
apparently to avoid waking me. He must have thought I was asleep, and I 
pretended that I was as I heard him move about the room.
	I heard him tip-toe over to my drawers. I heard him slowly pull one of 
them open. I knew that he was after my diapers and was wanting to try one on. I 
heard his underpants being slipped off first, so he must have planned on doing 
more than just wear the diaper. At least he didn't do what Bryce did, which was 
to leave his underpants on beneath the diaper.
	He must have spent ten minutes working ever so slowly to get the diaper 
on. I expected to hear the rustling sound of plastic pants, but he must have 
decided that they would have been too noisy to handle as he then crawled back 
into his sleeping bag. The plastic pants would have indeed made an unavoidably 
audible noise that would have awakened me, not that it mattered since I was 
already awake. He was just hoping I wouldn't catch him, and I could understand 
why. Still, I was getting excited myself just knowing that he was sneaking one 
of my diapers. I wanted to laugh, but I was "asleep," according to Darren.
	Thinking about this delayed my getting to sleep even more. I thought about 
the next day. How would Darren avoid getting caught by me the next morning? 
Would he try to slip back into his underwear before I would see him? What if he 
decided to use the diaper? What would he do with it? He didn't plan this out too 
well if he didn't want even me to know. With a houseful of nine, it would be 
very difficult to smuggle a wet or perhaps soiled diaper to the wash, which he 
probably didn't know where it was.


	I must have slept as I opened my eyes to the light of the morning, though 
it was overcast and snowing. I recalled the dream I had, which was Darren and I 
having a farting contest, much like the way my dad and his dad did as they had 
mentioned the day before. Lisa and Nancy fed us the beans beforehand. I was 
wearing diapers in the dream, but I didn't recall Darren wearing them. It was a 
strange dream, but it didn't surprise me that my mind could conceive such 
thoughts while in a state of slumber.
	Darren was still asleep. I wasn't sure if Aunt Rita and Uncle Frank were 
awake yet as they were asleep in the living room on the hide-a-bed. Normally I 
would have just gotten up, hoping that someone else had grabbed the newspaper 
and the Sunday comics.
	I just lay in my bed and stared at the ceiling and glanced over to the 
window to watch the snow fall while concentrating on the wetness of my diapers 
and thinking that Darren may have very well wet his, too. I hoped that he didn't 
after I remembered that he didn't put plastic pants on. His sleeping bag would 
have been wet and my mom would have gotten mad. Most of all, he would have been 
caught! He would be forced to stay in diapers just like me all through today and 
tomorrow-- Christmas! Imagine, having to spend an entire Christmas in diapers if 
you're weren't yet accustomed to it! I was now hoping that because of this 
possibility, that Darren *did* use the diaper as he had no way of escaping 
getting caught. The "diaper trap" claims another victim!
	He then rolled around as he woke up.
	"Hey, Chris, are you awake?" he asked sleepily.
	"Yep! Been awake for about an hour."
	"How did you sleep?"
	"Okay, I guess. My sisters and your sister wouldn't shut up! How about 
you? Did you sleep?"
	"Yeah, sort of, took me awhile to drop off, too."
	Meanwhile, I heard people moving around out in the living room. There was 
the sound of the shower going in the bathroom, people walking up and down the 
hall, and, there was the smell of bacon. Somebody was making breakfast.
	Aunt Rita came to our door and knocked.
	"Are you boys up?" she asked us through the door.
	"Yeah, we are," I said.
	"We'll have some breakfast ready in a little bit," she told us.
	"Okay, we'll be right out," I replied.
	"Well, I guess we'd better get up," I said to Darren, knowing that he was 
still lying there with one of my diapers on.
	"Go ahead," he told me. "I'll meet you right out there."
	He probably didn't want me to see that he was in a diaper and wanted me to 
leave so he could get up. I just stood there as I yawned and stretched.
	"Boy, is my diaper wet!" I exclaimed. "How's yours?" I asked Darren, 
though it wasn't intentional. I just knew he had one on and I just asked him as 
I would ask Tony.
	"How's mine?" he asked. He must have then known that I was aware of the 
fact he had a diaper on. "Okay, Chris, looks like you found out-- I sneaked one 
of your diapers and put it on last night."
	"I know," I said. "I heard you putting it on."
	"I thought you were asleep when I got up to put it on."
	"Well? Did you do anything in it?" I asked, hoping to hear a good answer.
	"I peed in it," he said.
	"How much?"
	"Quite a bit; it soaked the whole front of the diaper."
	"Did you put any plastic pants on?"
	"I didn't, and my sleeping bag got wet, too! If I put any plastic pants on 
they would have made too much noise and you would have been woke up."
	"Too late now."
	Darren then got out of the sleeping bag. As I was expecting, he had on 
just the wet diaper and his shirt. He was thin, which helped the diaper to fit 
him, though it was still a bit too small for him. He dropped the wet diaper into 
the pail and put his underwear back on. Next he put on a clean shirt, and 
finally slipped his pants on before we left the room.
	We joined Mom and Aunt Rita who were sitting at the kitchen table with 
their breakfast sipping on coffee.
	"How did you boys sleep?" Aunt Rita asked.
	"Oh, we slept okay," I said.
	"What do you guys want? We have bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, orange 
juice, milk-- anything you want."
	I decided to have a little of everything that was offered as did Darren. 
While we sat there waiting for Aunt Rita to fix us our breakfast we each read 
the Sunday comics. The three girls came out shortly afterwards.
	"Good morning, girls," Aunt Rita greeted them. "I'm going to have the boys 
eat first, since they were out before you guys, then I'll fix yours."
	"We beat you guys!" Darren said to them, laughing.
	"No fair!" Lisa said. "All you probably had to do, Darren, was slip on 
some pants, and Chris doesn't even have to worry about getting dressed at all, 
since he's just in his DIAPERS all the time! Of course you guys are going to 
beat us! We have to get dressed first, change out of our pajamas, put on our 
clothes, brush our hair, all that girl stuff, you know!"
	Lisa was right in that I didn't have to get dressed at all thanks to only 
having diapers to wear, but Darren did have to change a diaper of his own first, 
just that the girls didn't have to know that.
	After we finished up our plates we left the table, which was immediately 
occupied afterwards by the three girls. While they were eating their breakfast 
Darren and I sat out in the living room and played Nintendo games. It occurred 
to me that neither dad nor Uncle Frank was around.
	"Where's dad?" I asked mom, "and Uncle Frank?"
	"They went out for a drive."
	"In the snow?" I questioned.
	"Yeah, your dad wanted to show your Uncle Frank how the town has changed 
since the last time you guys visited. I'm sure the main streets are okay, 
	Lisa was the first to finish as she got up from the table and came right 
up to me, kicking me lightly in the rear. "It's time for your diaper change, 
	"Lemme finish this game," I said.
	"No, Chris, that's what the 'pause' button's for."
	"Then Darren will have to wait for me."
	"Let him wait, it won't kill him! Let's go!" She again started lightly 
kicking me.
	I went into my room and took my position on the changing pad. Lisa quickly 
pulled my wet diapers off. As she dropped them in the bucket she noticed that 
another one was in there already. It was the one Darren was wearing.
	"Cindy!" Lisa hollered. Cindy then came to the room.
	"Did you leave Chris' diapers in here last night?" she asked.
	"No, why?"
	"There was a wet diaper in the bucket this morning," Lisa said.
	"Was it just wet?" Cindy asked.
	"Chris' diaper was all poopy when I changed him last night, and besides, 
he always wears three diapers."
	My sisters than had it figured out. They knew I didn't try changing my own 
diapers, so it was quite obvious that Darren was the one who left a wet diaper 
in the pail. "Darren!" the two girls said simultaneously.


	"Go get Darren," Lisa told Cindy. Darren was then escorted back to my 
bedroom and presented the incriminating evidence he left in the bucket.
	"Can you tell us what this is?" Lisa asked him as she held up the diaper 
he was wearing.
	"That's one of Chris' diapers!" he said, pretending not to know what was 
going on.
	"And who was wearing it?" Lisa grilled him. They were treating this like 
it was a courtroom trial.
	"Chris was, they're his diapers!"
	"Yes, they are Chris' diapers, BUT...was *he* wearing this particular 
diaper?" Lisa was pointing to the damp crotch as it dangled from her other hand 
holding it by the corner.
	"Then why do I have four diapers here?" Lisa asked him, pointing out the 
other three that she had taken off of me. I had to lie there naked while all of 
this was going on.
	Darren knew that he had been caught.
	"Okay, I tried on one of Chris' diapers, I won't do it again!"
	"Oh yes you will, Darren!" Lisa asserted. "You better believe that you'll 
do it again, because we'll make you!"
	"That's right, now get your pants off!" Cindy told him.
	"Do I have to do this?" Darren asked.
	"Yep! I'm sure Chris has told you the rules! Now don't just stand there, 
get your pants off!" Lisa demanded. Darren then started to leave the room when 
Lisa and Cindy held him back.
	"Nancy! Come here!" Lisa shouted. Now Nancy was in on this.
	"Hold the door shut!" Lisa told her. "We can't let your brother get out!"
	"Why? What are you guys doing?"
	"He's going to get his butt diapered! That's what!" Lisa said.
	"Okay, if you guys say so."
	Darren had since then taken his pants off, standing there in just his 
	"Uhh, what about my underwear?" he asked.
	"You can leave them on until it's your turn," Lisa told him.
	Cindy then picked up Darren's pants and handed them through the door. 
"Here's his pants," Cindy said as she tossed them into the hallway. Lisa then 
finished diapering me. Darren then knew that it was his turn, but was hesitant 
to go through with it.
	"Well, take your underwear off!" Lisa said. He shyly slipped off his 
underwear, turning to the side to minimize exposing any "private areas" on his 
body. He then got into position, looking quite embarrassed over lying there in 
front of his two cousins with nothing on but his shirt. Lisa then got out a 
clean diaper and started to put it on.
	"Move your hands!" she told him as he was covering up his front. "I can't 
get your diaper on that way!" He then relinquished, allowing Lisa to pull the 
diaper up over his front, closing the fasteners.
	"A tad small, but they'll do for a couple of days. I don't suppose a 
second diaper would fit, much less a third, so we'll just have to leave you like 
that, I guess." She then patted Darren on his bottom. Last came the plastic 
pants. She pulled them up and yanked them into place, tightly sealing in his 
	"Okay, you're done, Darren!"
	Lisa and Cindy then left the room. Nancy was still standing out in the 
hallway waiting.
	"What do I do with his pants?" she asked.
	"I'll take them," Lisa said.
	"When do I get my pants back?" Darren asked Lisa.
	"If you're good, you'll get them just before we take you guys back to the 
	The three girls then walked off down the hall. Lisa then came back and 
asked Darren if he had any more pants in his suit- case.
	"No, those are the only ones I brought along," he said, sitting on my bed 
with his legs closed, concealing the diaper the best he could,
	"I don't believe you. Open up your suitcase and let me take a look!"
	Darren then got up and walked over to his suitcase in the corner, opening 
it up. Lisa was standing behind him.
	"Ooh, I see ANOTHER diaper-butt!" Lisa said as Darren bent over sifting 
through his suitcase.
	He had some shirts, socks, and underwear. Lisa picked up a pair of his 
briefs and examined the seat, noting a light brown stain in the middle of them.
	"Ooh, a poopy stain!" Lisa exclaimed. "Looks like someone ELSE around here 
needs to stay in his diapers for awhile! We'll send some home with you; we can 
always get more for Chris."
	Lisa then concluded that Darren had no other pants that he could wear for 
the remainder of his stay and left the room. Darren and I then sat in my room 
and talked.
	"Told you so," I opened.
	"I can't let my mom and dad see me like this!" Darren said.
	"You'll have to, unless you want to spend all of Christmas hiding in 
	"I wouldn't get my presents if I did," he said.
	"Why did you put one of my diapers on, anyway?" I asked.
	"I couldn't resist it," he said. "They looked like they'd be so 
comfortable and soft, and so fun to wear. I liked how you get so much attention 
because you wear diapers, even if Lisa does tease you a lot."
	"You should've not let yourself get caught!" I admonished , though I was 
glad to have seen him get put into diapers like I was hoping. "Now *you're* 
stuck in diapers, too!"
	"I kind of wanted to get caught, in a way. I dared myself to wear them to 
see how long I could get away with it."
	"You didn't get too far before my sisters found out."
	Aunt Rita came back to the room and saw us sitting on my bed, both of us 
in diapers.
	"Are you boys going to finish your game out there?" she asked before 
looking at us in the room.
	"Yeah, we'll go back to it," Darren told his mother.
	She then saw that Darren was diapered.
	"Are you wearing Chris' diapers, Darren?" she asked, rhetorically of 
course, since it was unquestionably evident that Darren had one of my diapers 
on. Being that it was a rhetorical question, it didn't require any answer from 
Darren. Aunt Rita just said, "you can wear them if you want, Darren, I just 
didn't expect to see you with them on!"
	She then left, saying nothing more.
	"Your mom doesn't seem to mind," I told Darren.
	"She'll let me do anything I want as long as it doesn't harm me or others. 
She's pretty cool most of the time."
	"Let's go finish that game," I said.
	Darren and I both walked out to the living room again to resume the game 
we started. We both sat there on the floor with our gleaming white diapered 
butts sticking out. I saw a camera flash go off behind me. I then heard Aunt 
Rita say, "that'll make such a cute picture, won't it?"
	"Yes, Rita, it certainly will," my mom answered to her. "We'll remember 
the moment forever that way. Who would've thought we'd have two school-age boys 
in diapers?"
	Dad and Uncle Frank came home shortly afterwards. Darren had no choice but 
to stay sitting where he was in the diaper that was put on him.
	Uncle Frank was surprised, indeed. While he didn't sound angry, he didn't 
quite agree with Darren wearing diapers at first.
	"What's he doing with diapers on?" Uncle Frank asked Aunt Rita. "I thought 
those were only for Chris to wear."
	"It's okay, Frank, let Darren wear them if he wants to. There's nothing 
wrong with it, and it doesn't hurt him. He's just going to be here in the house 
with them."
	"Then he's okay, I guess. I was a boy once, too, gotta give kids some room 
to experiment with such things, just as long as it doesn't hurt them. I was just 
surprised to walk in and see my son in diapers again."
	"Doesn't surprise me," my dad said. "Every boy that walks into this house 
winds up in diapers."
	"If you're gonna wear them, you'd better use them!" Uncle Frank told 
Darren. "That'll help you to decide whether or not you want to keep wearing 
	"What if I do, dad?" Darren asked his father.
	"What? Keep wearing diapers?"
	"Yeah, will I get some of my own?"
	"Sounds like you made up your mind already. Rita, I guess we'll have some 
late Christmas shopping to do when we get back home."
	"Actually, we're going to do some last-minute shopping today, Rita," my 
mom said. Lisa said she has one more present to buy, so all the girls we'll be 
going with us, so if you have anything to get, you can come along with us."
	"Sure, I'd love to!" Aunt Rita said.
	"You boys will have to stay home today," Aunt Rita told Darren and I. "You 
may get too cold going around in just your diapers."
	The afternoon passed by quietly. Lisa, Cindy, and cousin Nancy all went 
with mom and Aunt Rita to the mall and wherever else they needed to go. Dad and 
Uncle Frank were both watching a football game while Darren and I sat around in 
my bedroom playing with my Legos.
	"Looks like you got yourself into diapers," I said to Darren.
	"I didn't think they'd go this far with it!" he said.
	"Do you think you'll have to wear them like I do?"
	"What do you mean?"
	"Wearing them to school, wearing just your diapers whenever you're home, 
having Nancy change you..."
	"I hope I don't get stuck with having Nancy change me! I'd rather get all 
that attention from my mom than her!"
	"Guess we'll find out, huh?"
	About thirty minutes later, Darren asked, "do you have another diaper I 
can wear?"
	"I've got lots of diapers, Darren!"
	"I just peed in mine and I need to change!"
	"You'll have to wait until the girls get back."
	"Why can't I change my own? I'm ten years old!"
	"They catch you changing your own diapers and they get really serious 
about it!" I warned him.
	"What do they do?"
	"They'll stick a bunch of safety pins into your plastic pants and fasten 
them to your shirt so you can't get them off! They did that to me after they 
found out I changed out of my diapers at school!"
	"Really! I can't believe how much your sisters are into keeping you in 
diapers! Was it their idea to change you all the time?"
	"No, mom made them do it. She doubled their allowances for it. My sisters 
like to do it because I'm just their helpless little brother that they can make 
fun of."
	"Nancy's only eight, so I don't think my mom would make her change my 
diapers. How long until they get back?"
	"It'll be at least two hours," I estimated. "Those diapers can hold a lot, 
so you'll be okay until they get back, even if you go in them again."
	"Why do they make you wear three diapers?" he asked me.
	"Because they're my sisters. They like to make me wear my diapers as thick 
as they can put them on me because they like to look at my butt with thick 
diapers all around it so they can tease me about it."
	It wasn't until about 4:00 in the afternoon when everybody got back from 
the shopping trip. Aunt Rita was carrying a sack with the Kidz Klothez logo on 
it. I had a feeling she went out and bought Darren some diapers of his own.
	"I got you an early Christmas present," Aunt Rita told Darren. "You don't 
have to wait until tomorrow for this one!"
	"Your mom bought you some diapers," I told Darren. "That's where my mom 
gets my diapers."
	"Have the girls put these on you when they change your diapers, Darren," 
she said, handing him the sack. Inside were some diapers just like mine, but 
larger so that they would fit him, along with some plastic pants of his own.
	Cindy then told us to get into my room for our diaper changes. Darren 
picked up the bag of his diapers and carried it into the room with Cindy 
following behind us.
	She decided to do me first. She pulled off the plastic pants and the 
diapers, which I had only wet. I expected that tonight's diaper change would be 
messy, too as I hadn't had a bowel movement all day. Darren sat and watched with 
anticipation of getting the same attention and care that I was getting from 
Cindy. After Cindy got me all diapered up again she told Darren to take his 
place on the pad.
	It was a little different to change Darren since he was bigger. As she 
pulled out one of the new diapers from the sack I noted how it was bigger, more 
his size. Given its newness and its larger size, I wanted to wear it, but I was 
happy with what I had.
	"These diapers of Chris' are a little too small for you," Cindy said as 
she removed it. "I think this one will be a lot more comfortable."
	She gently applied powder to his bottom and then put the new diaper around 
	"This one fits a lot better," he said.
	"It does, in fact, we can probably put two of these on you."
	Cindy reached into the bag and pulled out a second diaper. She unfolded it 
and put it underneath Darren and wrapped it over the first diaper. It went on 
too tightly for a third diaper to have fit, so Cindy stopped there and put on 
the new plastic pants over his diapers.
	Darren just lay there for a moment, getting used to the feel of the 
doubled-up diapers he had on, and that they weren't as tight as the ones of mine 
he was wearing.
	"That's a lot better, huh?" Cindy said to him.
	"They're not as tight," he said.
	"Okay, you should be okay until bedtime," Cindy said as she left the room.
	Mom and Aunt Rita then left again that evening to go run another errand. 
Upon returning, we found out that mom was getting all of us an early Christmas 
present. About forty-five minutes later, mom came walking in carrying a baby 
kitten! The kitten was our early Christmas present! It was white with a few 
patches of black on its face and back. It was indeed, a very cute little kitten.
	Of course we were all excited over receipt of the new kitten.
	"What are we gonna name him?" I asked.
	"How about 'Pampers'?" Lisa suggested. "We can name him after you, Chris!"
	"But I don't wear Pampers," I said.
	"You wear diapers, that's good enough."
	"Maybe we can call him 'Cotton', like your diapers, Chris!" Cindy 
	"That's a good name, Cindy," Lisa commented. "What do you think, Chris?"
	I wasn't going to argue over something such as the cat's name, even if it 
was named after the fact that I wore diapers. I was too busy playing with the 
little guy to think of a name, but Cotton was a good name since it was a white 
	"We've already named him, mom!" Cindy exclaimed. "We'll call him 'Cotton'! 
We named him after Chris' diapers and we were gonna call him 'Pampers'!"
	Darren and I spent the rest of the evening having fun with the different 
toys and other activities I had available. I showed him the "book" that Tony and 
I started. He looked at the drawings and glanced over the stories I had written. 
Of course the new kitten came in to our room as he was exploring his new 
	"You wrote these stories, Chris?" he asked me.
	"Me and Tony wrote them," I answered.
	"I like these! Can I read them?"
	"Sure! Go ahead! I'll probably write a story about your visit this 
Christmas, how you got caught wearing my diapers and were made to wear them, and 
having your mom buy you your own..."
	I decided to start writing the story right there and then, and with Darren 
there, I decided to let him in on contributing to the story. As he was older, 
his writing skills were better than mine, so he ended up doing more of the 
	By late evening we were both due for a diaper change, and we were both 
messy at that. It was Lisa's turn to change us, and of course, she made a big 
deal out of both of us wearing diapers.
	"I'm glad I don't have to change both of you every day like this! You guys 
are both meeess-y!" she said as she started in on Darren. He just lay there and 
looked at me as I sat there and watched Lisa go to work on cleaning up his messy 
	We stayed up awhile and then went to bed anticipating the big day ahead. 
Cotton came in and snuggled up at the end of the bed. He seemed to be taking to 
me a great deal. Maybe he knew that he was my diapers' namesake, so to speak. I 
was just glad that we had a cat at long last, something I had always wanted.
	As always, I had a tough time getting to sleep on the night before 
Christmas, and having a new kitten made it ever harder as he kept walking around 
at the foot of my bed. I always hoped to get everything I asked for, but that 
never happened. The kitten was quite a surprise indeed, but there were still 
other things I wanted. I almost expected to get more diapers for Christmas. In 
fact, I was counting on it. Even if there were no snow, I was sure to get a 
"white" Christmas of my own.



	Just as soon as the light of the overcast morning came through my window I 
was wide awake, knowing that it was Christmas morning. Cotton the kitten was 
curled up and asleep at the foot of my bed nestled up against my feet underneath 
the covers. I hated to wake the little guy, but I was so excited that it was 
Christmas morning. I knew that Santa had come, though he would have a hard time 
getting around Aunt Rita and Uncle Frank sleeping in the living room without 
waking them. Apparently he must have sneaked by them as Uncle Frank and Aunt 
Rita told me they never saw him come through, though it was quite evident that 
he had been there. I was at the age where I knew Santa Claus didn't exist, but, 
in the spirit of retaining my youth (which wearing diapers did well to 
accomplish), I still acted like I believed in Saint Nick. It just didn't seem 
like it would be any fun to have Christmas without thinking that Santa Claus was 
there, too.
	Before I left my bed I looked over at Darren, who looked like he was still 
snuggled deeply into his warm sleeping bag. I was too excited to wait for him. I 
heard people ambling back and forth through the hallway, coming in and out of 
the bathroom, so I knew that it was okay to get up without possibly waking up 
Aunt Rita and Uncle Frank. I let Darren sleep while I just got out of bed and 
went out to the kitchen to inquire about Santa's visit. Cotton, on the other 
hand, was awakened as I left the bed.
	"Good morning, Chris!" Aunt Rita greeted me as she was again getting 
breakfast going. Mom was working on getting the turkey and some of the other 
things for dinner later in the day. Uncle Frank was outside with dad helping him 
shovel snow and chop wood. Uncle Frank was always good about lending a helping 
hand whenever he stayed.
	"G'morning, Aunt Rita," I said. "G'morning, mom. Say, did you see Santa 
come down the chimney last night, Aunt Rita?"
	"No, Chris, we must have slept right through it, but he *was* here because 
he ate the cookies and drank the milk you left out! Oh, and he stuffed your 
stockings, too."
	"Can I look now, mom?" I asked her.
	"You might want to wait until everyone else is up first," she answered.
	"Aw, okay," I said. I looked under the tree and noticed that some other 
packages had been placed by "Santa". While I was playing my Nintendo game, 
Darren got up and joined me in the next game.
	"Did you sleep last night?" I asked him.
	"I did until I woke up and had to go to the bathroom."
	"You went in your diaper, didn't you?" I asked Darren.
	"Of course I did. What did you think I did?" he asked me.
	"You don't go to the *bathroom* anymore when you wear diapers," I pointed 
	"I'm just used to saying that. You never say 'I gotta go pee', or, 'I 
gotta go poop', especially when you're at the mall. Nobody needs to know what 
you need to do, just where you need to go."
	"When you wear a diaper, you don't even need to tell anybody that you need 
to go anywhere," I added. "I just go in my diaper right there in the store."
	"So you can just walk through the mall and just go wherever you are 
without having to tell your mom that you need to go to the bathroom, huh?" 
Darren said.
	"Yeah, but then you have to tell her that you need to be changed, and this 
can be more embarrassing than saying that you need to go to the bathroom. I 
always wait until there's not a lot of people around. If I tell Lisa, she always 
repeats it out loud. She goes, 'you need your DIAPER changed, Chris?! Let's go 
change you!' She did this to me in the toy store when a lot of other girls were 
around! We were in the doll section!"
	"So, did she change you there?"
	"Oh yeah, right there in the bathroom at the toy store."
	"Did she have to go into the boys' bathroom with you to change you?"
	"No, she took *me* into the *girls'* bathroom! They have these tables in 
there for moms to change diapers! It was embarrassing!"
	"Were there lots of people around?" he asked.
	"Oh yeah, lots of girls, they were all staring at me!"
	"Why does Lisa treat you that way?" Darren asked me.
	"She's my sister, and that's what sisters are for, I guess, especially big 
sisters. You must like being a big brother to Nancy."
	"It is nice to be a big brother," he said. "But if I keep wearing diapers 
I won't feel like a big brother to her anymore."
	"She may even start changing you," I mentioned.
	"I don't think my mom would have her change me."
	"Don't be so sure, knowing this family," I replied.
	We continued playing the games when Aunt Rita came out and told us she had 
breakfast ready. "Come and eat, boys," she said.
	While we were sitting at the table eating our bacon, eggs, and toast, Aunt 
Rita asked us if we needed our diapers changed.
	"I do," Darren told his mom, apparently feeling awkward about having to 
answer such a question.
	"What about you, Chris?"
	"What about me?" I asked Aunt Rita.
	"How's your diaper?"
	"It's wet," I said. Why did she want to know if we had used our diapers?
	"I'll change you boys when you're done," she said to us.
	"You don't mind if I change them, do you, Brenda?" she asked my mom.
	"Oh, no, not at all, Rita. You need to get used to changing Darren again, 
so you might as well get some practice!" my mom joked.
	"Why is your mom going to change us now?" I asked Darren.
	"I don't know, but it's better than having your sisters do it," he 
	"I figured you boys wouldn't mind having someone a little older and more 
mature change you for once," Aunt Rita said.
	After breakfast, just as Aunt Rita promised, she went into my bedroom and 
changed us. I sat and waited as she changed Darren first.
	"Oh, this is all coming back to me now," Aunt Rita recalled. "I haven't 
changed diapers in six years!"
	I was thinking that Aunt Rita was referring to Darren's last time in 
diapers. Doing the math, this led me to conclude that Darren was four years old 
when he was last in diapers!
	"Six years ago, Darren? You were four years old and still in diapers?!" I 
got so excited over this.
	"No, no, Chris," Aunt Rita corrected. "I was talking about Nancy! She 
toilet trained when she was two. But you're almost right, Chris. Darren was 
about three and a half before he was completely trained, so it wasn't too long 
after he was potty trained that Nancy was also trained. It looks like all of 
that doesn't matter anymore since I'm back to changing Darren's diapers again!"
	Aunt Rita was speaking lightly about the whole thing. She wasn't talking 
in the teasing way that my sisters-- especially Lisa-- did. In fact, as she was 
changing me, I came to realize how much different it is for an adult to be 
changing me. An adult always did it for the very purpose of getting the job 
done. My sisters, on the other hand, did it to get some kind of sadistic 
pleasure from it. It made them feel superior and dominant and it gave them 
something to tease their little brother about. Having Darren around just made 
this all the more the more fun for them.
	A few minutes later Cindy and Nancy came out of their bedroom. Lisa was 
taking a shower getting herself dressed first; Cindy and Nancy just came out, 
still in their pajamas. Lisa then came out of the bathroom with her hair still 
	"Did Santa come? Did Santa come?" Lisa asked mom in a mocking, childish 
excitement, as if she still believed in Santa Claus.
	"Yes, Lisa, he did. You must have been a good little girl because he left 
you lots of good stuff!"
	"What about me? What about me?" I asked.
	"Yes, Chris, he left you some things, too."
	"Why did he do that?" Lisa asked. "He hasn't been good!"
	"I have too!" I argued.
	"You pooped your pants and got put in diapers, Chris! What do you think 
Santa thinks of that? He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're 
awake, and he knows when you've been *bad* or good! He *knows* that you're stuck 
in diapers now, Chris! He *knows* that you've been BAD! Ha! Ha! And he knows 
	"Come on, Lisa, it's Christmas!" mom reproached her.
	"Did Santa leave me anything, even if I was bad for pooping in my pants?" 
I asked mom, concerned that this may have affected Santa's decision-- actually, 
my mom's decision-- on what to leave for me.
	"Of course he did, silly! You think Santa's going to cross you off your 
list over some soiled pairs of underwear? He knows what boys are like!"
	"If he did that, then I don't think any boys would get anything for 
Christmas!" Aunt Rita remarked.
	"I know what you mean, Rita," my mom said.
	"It took us a long time to teach Darren to wipe properly," Aunt Rita said 
ever so plainly and openly. "Most of his underwear would turn up with big brown 
spots in them!"
	I was sitting in the recliner reading the daily comics page from the 
newspaper. I continued to listen to what they were saying as I perused the 
	"Well, Santa knows we took care of Chris' problem accordingly and 
appropriately," my mom said, "so he decided that Chris would still get something 
after all." Mom must have known I was listening in on her and Aunt Rita.
	The girls were sitting together on the hide-a-bed which hadn't yet been 
folded back in. They seemed to be listening in, too.
	"They're talking about you, Darren!" Lisa said. "Were you not good at 
wiping your butt?" she asked him point- blank. She looked right at Darren as she 
knew this question would embarrass him.
	"No, he wasn't!" Nancy commented. "It would always gross me out to look at 
his dirty underwear pile! They'd all have this big, smelly brown spot in the 
butt! It always smelled so bad! Sometimes he'd be still wearing his dirty 
underwear around the house!"
	"It looks like that problem has been taken care of!" Cindy added. "You 
can't see *anything* underneath his diapers!"
	Darren and I knew where this was going to go. We knew that we would become 
the center of attention as all three of the girls would just talk about how 
Darren and I each got our underwear dirty. We got up and started to go back into 
my room.
	"Where are you guys going? Don't you want to see what's in your 
stockings?" Lisa asked us.
	"Not until you guys talk stop talking about that," Darren said.
	"About what?" Lisa prodded.
	"About me"
	"And?...," Cindy joined in with the prodding.
	"You know what!"
	"No, we don't, Darren," Nancy said.
	"About my dirty underwear," Darren said quietly.
	The three girls all started laughing. This was exactly what the they were 
waiting for Darren to say.
	"Oh, that! Okay, we won't say any more!" Lisa said, although I knew she 
didn't mean it.
	Darren and I got up on the bed and sat opposite from the girls as Cindy 
got up and pulled all of our stockings down from above the fireplace. Each of 
us, including Nancy and Darren, had a stocking.
	We mostly got candy and "dollar toys," smaller toys that were often found 
hanging on a rack at a discount store. They were still fun to play with. I knew 
that these things really didn't come from Santa, but it was fun to think that 
they did.
	After sitting there and playing with the toys for a couple minutes Cindy 
said, "okay, it's time to change some diapers! Do you want to change them, 
Lisa?" she asked.
	"Nah, you can do it, Cindy," Lisa said. "Or maybe Nancy would like to!"
	"I don't know, guys," Nancy said. "I've seen your dirty diapers before!"
	"We've been changed already," I told them.
	"Yeah, and who changed them? Santa Claus? Or did he bring one of his 
*elves* along to change you guys?"
	"No! Aunt Rita changed us!"
	"Yeah, sure she did," Cindy said. "Come on, let's go!"
	"Aunt Rita!" I shouted. "You changed us this morning, right?"
	"Yes, I did.," Aunt Rita said. "They'll be okay for awhile, Cindy, no need 
to change them now."
	"How did you get her to change you guys?" Cindy asked.
	"She said she'd change us!"
	"Whatever," Cindy shrugged.
	"Want some breakfast, girls?" Aunt Rita asked them.
	"Sure!" Lisa said as they all went into the kitchen.
	More than an hour had passed before we finally started opening presents. 
Dad and Uncle Frank had come back into the house to get cleaned up. They got 
some of Aunt Rita's breakfast, too. We also had to wait for my grandparents, 
plus Aunt Sharon, Uncle Allen, and cousin Suzy to show up. We had a total of 
fourteen people in our house! Fortunately, having a big front room and a big 
kitchen helped to accommodate this many of us.
	It was shortly after 12:00 noon when the rest of the guests showed up. 
Grandma and Grandpa both showed up with plenty of gifts. Aunt Sharon and Uncle 
Allen were just a few minutes behind them with more presents to cram underneath 
and around the tree.
	Of course everyone was quick to acknowledge that I was "still in diapers," 
as if perhaps they expected me not to be wearing them anymore. How wrong they 
	"Still in diapers, I see," Grandma said as she bent down to give me a hug 
and a kiss.
	"Get used to it, mom," my mom told Grandma. "He's going to be wearing 
diapers every time you see him from now on."
	"He's been in diapers this whole time since Thanksgiving?" Grandma asked.
	"Oh yes. He hasn't used a toilet since. It hasn't even been two months for 
him, but it's still only the beginning."
	It sounded like I would be in diapers forever as my mom always said, "he's 
just begun wearing them. We'll just call him 'the one who's still in diapers' at 
our family reunions!"
	"Well, then that must go for Darren, too!" my grandma exclaimed as she 
looked at Darren. "Look at him! He's in diapers, too!"
	Everyone was even more surprised to see that Darren's state of dress had 
also been reduced to just diapers and a shirt.
	"What the hell's goin' on here?!" Uncle Allen exclaimed as he saw the two 
of us in diapers.
	"Don't say that around my parents, Allen!" Aunt Sharon chided him. "They 
don't like hearing those words."
	"Well, I'd like to know! We got two grown boys in this house, and both of 
them are in diapers!"
	"Darren got caught wearing Chris' diapers, so we're making him wear them!" 
Aunt Rita told my Uncle Allen.
	"I'm sure glad we've only had Suzy to raise," Uncle Allen commented. "I'd 
never allow her to do such a thing!"
	There was so much commotion with everyone in the house all at the same 
time. Everyone was still exchanging greetings, running their coats into mom and 
dad's bedroom, getting their packages and other things set down, using the 
bathroom, etc. With fourteen of us in the house-- though Darren and I didn't 
count-- the bathroom was a busy place. I'm glad I had diapers on as it seemed 
like everyone else had to go at the same time. I just merrily peed into my 
diapers, free from needing to wait in agony unlike the others.
	Cousin Suzy was also quick to comment on Darren being in diapers.
	"I see we have *two* little boys in diapers now!" she said.
	"I'm not little!" Darren protested. "I'm ten years old!"
	"Anyone who wears diapers at your age is little to me!" Suzy said. "How 
did you get put in diapers?" she asked him.
	"He wanted to wear Chris' diapers," Lisa answered for him. "So, he got 
more than he bargained for. He's stuck in only his diapers until he leaves!"
	"Are they Chris' diapers?" Suzy asked.
	"Oh, no, Suzy," Lisa answered. "His mom went out and bought him some 
diapers of his own after she discovered he was wearing Chris' diapers!"
	"Wow, really?"
	"Yep! And I betcha they're due for a change!" Lisa said as she looked at 
	"Get my mom to do it," Darren requested.
	"She looks busy, Darren," Lisa said as she looked in the kitchen where she 
was helping my mom get dinner ready while visiting. "She's also handling food, 
and she shouldn't stop and change you guys! You guys make some *naaassssty* 
messes in your *diapers*, and you don't want to be *eating* it later on, do 
	"You guys always wash afterwards, don't you?"
	"Yeah, but we're not handling food, well-- we are-- except that you guys 
already digested it! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
	"Let's go to your room, Chris, where it's not so crowded!" Cindy said.
	It was nice to get away from the noise, but having everyone come into my 
room didn't improve things any. Yes, everybody-- Lisa, Cindy, Suzy, Nancy, and 
Darren and I-- all went into my room.
	"Does everybody have to be in here?" I asked.
	"I have to Chris, since I'm changing your diapers in a moment," Lisa said, 
and Darren might want to stick around since I'm going to change his diapers, 
	"Let's go to my room!" Cindy suggested. "I'll leave you three alone." 
Cindy and my two girl cousins then left the room, even though they probably 
wanted to stay and watch.
	"So what do you think of having *all these people* see you in your 
*diapers*, Chris?"
	"They've all seen me at least once before," I said.
	"They haven't all seen me in them before today," Darren said.
	"They'll get used to it if your mom makes you wear them like my mom makes 
Chris wear them! You guys coming back next year?"
	"We might, or maybe we'll even come down next summer, just depends on my 
dad's vacation schedule," Darren answered.
	"Everybody knows you'll probably still be in diapers by then," Lisa 
assured me. "Don't be bashful, because all of us will have seen you by then! 
That goes for you, too, Chris!"
	By the time Lisa finished diapering us we were called out to open 
presents. I couldn't wait to find out what I was getting!


	Everybody was sitting around the living room as we got ready to open 
presents. Darren and I were sitting by the fireplace in which dad had lit a 
fire. The rest of us were spread out all around the perimeter of the room. We 
were all waiting for dad, who told us to just sit and stay put until he entered 
the room.
	He came in through the back door, presumably from his workshop out back, 
to bring in the "family gift" that he had been hiding out there.
	He was carrying a video camera! He came walking into the room with the 
camera in his hand and running.
	"Merry Christmas everybody!" he announced as he entered the room.
	"I wish I could have saved this one for last, but since this is Christmas, 
I wanted to have the camera out so that we could remember this first family 
occasion on video! Everybody wave!"
	Dad then panned the camera around the room as we all wave and said silly 
things. The video camera was dad's gift to the family.
	"Oh, honey!" mom said to dad. "You got us a video camera!"
	"Yep! This year's Christmas bonus was big enough that I could afford it, 
so, I decided this would make a good gift for the family!"
	"Can I look at it, dad?" Lisa asked him.
	"Later, Lisa," he said. "Let's start opening presents, first."
	Lisa then turned to me.
	"Ooh, dad got you guys on video in your *diapers!*," she said. "I can't 
wait to see what you look like!"
	 I had a feeling that Lisa wanted to take advantage of using the video 
camera. She kept looking at me, saying, "I'm gonna get pictures of you in your 
diapers and then I'll take the tape to school and show everybody!"
	Uncle Frank then had the honors of distributing the dozens of gifts placed 
underneath the tree. Dad stood at the center of the room with the video camera 
and got several shots of all of us opening the presents. Cotton was also 
creating several good video moments for dad as he pounced around among the piles 
of torn-off wrapping paper.
	Darren and I were sure to stick out among the others in the video as we 
were the only ones with bare legs and white diapers that contrasted against 
everything else in the room.
	One thing that was different was how my gifts were given to me. Everybody 
else received their presents in random order, but mom had Uncle Frank give me 
mine, telling him to give me a certain present first before handing me another. 
This was odd, I thought, as there shouldn't be any particular order in which 
presents are given, except perhaps to save a big gift for last.
	I started opening the first few packages. So far it was clothes, more 
specifically, shirts. They were nice, and I did need some new shirts, but to 
every kid, Christmas means just one thing-- toys! Uncle Allen and Aunt Sharon 
gave me a couple shirts as did my grandma and grandpa. Mom and dad gave me a 
couple shirts and a new pack of socks. Not surprisingly, I didn't get any new 
pants. Everyone must have figured I wouldn't be wearing pants that much anyway.
	Uncle Frank and Aunt Rita gave me a couple books, which was better than 
getting clothes as far as Christmas was concerned. I was beginning to wonder of 
I was going to be getting any toys at all. I knew that messing my underwear 
didn't sit well with Santa, but certainly he wouldn't cross me off his list for 
this, would he?
	Next I was handed a big package. It had to have been some- thing good. It 
wasn't that heavy, and since it was in a cardboard box, I had no idea what it 
was. I tore off the wrapping. It was an unlabeled box I still had no idea what 
it was. I then opened the box itself, anticipating what it might be.
	It turned out to be more diapers! I looked inside and saw several diapers 
folded and stacked inside the box!
	"What did you get, Chris?" Darren asked me.
	"Yeah, what did you get?" Lisa followed, although I think she knew ahead 
of time what it was, judging from the tone of her voice.
	"They're diapers," I said. "And plastic pants."
	"Chris got dia-pers! Chris got dia-pers!" all four girls taunted as if 
they did it on cue and planned to do it.
	"Show us what you got in the box!" mom said.
	"Do I have to mom, in front of the family?" I whined.
	"Well, Chris, being that you are *already* wearing diapers, why should you 
be embarrassed to show us one that you're *not* wearing?"
	I reached into the box and pulled out one of the diapers. I unfolded it 
and held it out in front of me. It was big! Way too big! And was it ever thick! 
It was *at least* as thick as two of the diapers I was already wearing put 
together! A closer examination of them revealed that the stitching was somewhat 
irregular, as if perhaps they had been made by someone rather than store-bought. 
They had the same velcro-style closures that my other diapers had.
	"I had those diapers made just for you, Chris," mom said. "What do you 
say, Chris?"
	"Thank you, mom," I said, and as embarrassed as I felt, it was a gratitude 
I sincerely delivered.
	"You mean you had those made for Chris?" Aunt Rita asked mom.
	"Yeah, where did you get them?" Aunt Sharon joined in.
	"I asked the lady about making diapers for an eight- year-old boy," mom 
answered. "At first I thought she wouldn't do it and think I was nuts for such a 
request. She then said, 'oh, you might be surprised, I make more diapers for 
older kids than you may think.' She then mentioned that she made them for her 
bedwetting grandson. She was taken aback when I told her how thick to make them, 
but she went ahead and did it. She's really a nice lady."
	"They're really big, mom. They won't fit," I said as I noted how huge they 
	"They will," mom assured me, "just as long as Lisa and Cindy put them on 
you as tightly as they'll go, and you'll grow into them as you get older since 
the closures can be adjusted accordingly. They look a lot bigger on the outside 
because I had them made so thick."
	I was actually very happy to get diapers, especially since mom had them 
special made, but I still hadn't yet opened up any present that was a toy. The 
disappointment was setting in as I didn't think I'd be getting anything else. I 
figured this was my "big" gift and that was it.
	"I've been bad, haven't I, mom?" I started weeping.
	"What do you mean, Chris?"
	"This is what I'm getting instead of toys, huh?"
	"No, no, Chris. We wouldn't do that to you," mom said, patting me on the 
	"Then where are my toys? Did I get any toys?"
	"Yes, of course you'll be getting toys. But take another look in your box 
	I was thinking that maybe there were also some toys in the large box. As I 
went through it I saw that there was a total of six diapers and an equal number 
of plastic pants. Three of the diapers, including the one I had set out, were 
solid white, but there were three more diapers that were white, but with 
patterns on them! One had choo-choo trains printed all over it, another with 
blocks that spelled "BABY". and the last one, teddy bears all over it, and with 
one big teddy bear right on the rear!
	"You want me to wear *these*?" I said as I held up the one with the teddy 
bears printed on them.
	"Of course! I thought that plain white diapers can get a bit boring, so I 
thought that might spice it up a bit!"
	"Yeah, but these are too babyish!"
	"And diapers aren't babyish, Chris?"
	"Couldn't I have race cars, or Ninja Turtles?"
	"I'll see what we can do on your birthday Chris, but the lady didn't have 
anything else."
	"Who's gonna see you wearing them, Chris?" Cindy asked. "Maybe Gina, 
probably Betty. It's no different than what you looked like when you wore Fun 
Pals and Showtoons, just that they're, well, diapers, and they're a lot 
	"Ooh, those are gonna look sooo CUTE on you, Chris! I'll put the teddy 
bear ones on when you get changed next!"
	Uncle Frank was then told to give me the rest of my gifts. These were the 
toys, I hoped. Much to my delight, they were. I didn't get everything I asked 
for-- which would have been unrealistic-- but I did get a Nintendo game, a 
couple of Lego sets, some Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars and other miscellaneous 
	"Have you opened mine yet?" Cindy asked.
	"And what about mine?" Lisa added. "You haven't opened ours yet!"
	There were still two gifts I had yet to open, one from Cindy and one from 
Lisa. I decided to open the one from Cindy first. It turned out to be a toy-- a 
Fisher Price toy! It was a set of the little plastic cars with the little 
plastic people!
	"Cindy, I'm eight years old!" I protested.
	"Really? I wouldn't have known by that by the fact that you're wearing 
	"Cindy, did you get him *that*?" mom asked Cindy.
	"Of course, it was appropriate."
	"You can take it back and get something else if you want, Chris," mom 
offered. "But be sure to thank your sister, anyway."
	"Uh, thank you, Cindy," I said.
	"You're quite welcome, little Chris."
	"Wait till you see what *I* got you, Chris!" Lisa said.
	I had a feeling that if Cindy got me a Fisher Price toy, then Lisa's gift 
was sure to be no better. I could tell that it wasn't even a toy! It looked like 
a shirt! At least I could play with the toy Cindy gave me, even if it was made 
for three- and four- year-olds.
	As I pulled the wrapping off, it was, indeed, a shirt. It appeared to be 
just an ordinary white T-shirt .
	"Thank you, Lisa," I said.
	"Unfold it and take a look at it," she said.
	I picked it up and discovered that it wasn't just an ordinary white T-
shirt. Instead, it was a custom-printed shirt that she had made at the shirt 
shop at the mall! She had taken the photo- graph that she got of my diapered 
butt close up and had it printed-- in full color-- on the shirt! Above it were 
the words "I LOVE DIAPERS," with the word "love" represented by a red heart. 
Given a choice, I would have opted to take Cindy's gift over this! No way was I 
going to wear such a shirt! Or if I did, not in public and definitely not to 
	"Now look at the back of it," Lisa said. I turned it over and it read "MY 
NAME IS DIAPER-BUTT!" with the same photo printed on the back! This was just too 
unreal! But then, considering that it was Lisa's idea, I put nothing past her.
	"Look what Lisa gave me, mom! Can I take *this* back?"
	"They have a no-return policy there, Chris, so you'll have to keep it!" 
Lisa said, laughing.
	"I don't have to wear this to school, do I?" I asked mom.
	"They probably wouldn't let you wear such a shirt if you wanted to," mom 
	"Hey, Chris, you forgot to say 'thank you'!" Lisa reminded me.
	"Oh, uh, thank you, Lisa." I tried to make it sound like I didn't mean it, 
but I did, because I do love diapers!
	"You should have been there when I was getting it!" Lisa said to Cindy and 
my two girl cousins, knowing that Darren and I were listening as well.
	"The girl asked about the picture and I told her it was my brother! She 
asked how old he was and she couldn't believe me when I said Chris was eight! 
She really got a kick out of it, especially after I told her what words to put 
on it!"
	"It's a very nice, thoughtful gift," mom commented. I couldn't believe 
that mom even let Lisa get such a shirt made, or the fact that the T-shirt place 
went ahead and made it for her-- for me-- whatever.
	Much of the gifts had been opened and everyone was getting hungry for the 
big dinner that was about to be served. I gathered up my gifts and carried them 
into my room. I set the box of diapers next to my drawers which contained the 
rest of my diapers.
	It was still another half hour before we were ready to eat. The extra 
tables had to be brought out and set. The food still had to be prepared for 
serving. During this transition Lisa decided to change us, Darren and I. Darren 
wanted his mom and not Lisa to change him, as he protested.
	"Your mom's helping get dinner ready," Lisa said. "Just let me do it, 
	"Don't fight it," I told Darren.
	Lisa looked at me and uttered, "heh-heh!" She knew that she was in 
complete control whenever she was changing us and she got a great deal of 
satisfaction from it.
	It was my turn to get changed. I expected her to put one of my new diapers 
on, but instead she grabbed one of the older diapers and fastened it up.
	"I thought you were putting one of my new diapers on," I said.
	"I am! You don't want to get it dirty already, do you? That's why I'm 
putting this other diaper on, to keep your cutesy diapers clean!"
	The whole idea of protecting my other diaper from getting dirty was about 
like using two umbrellas to keep one of them from getting wet in the rain. It 
made no sense and completely missed the point of wearing diapers in the first 
place! I think Lisa just liked making me wear two or more diapers at a time. It 
did make for an extremely thick diaper as the new ones were sufficiently thick 
enough by themselves. It still felt about like wearing three of the older 
	The plastic pants still fit tightly enough to allow the teddy bear 
patterns, along with the big one in the rear to show through the translucent 
	"You look so cute with little bears all over your butt!" Lisa commented. I 
started to leave the room when Lisa stopped me. "Wait!" she said. "Put your 
shirt on and you'll look even cuter!"
	"Not on front of everybody else!" I said, too embarrassed to wear it, even 
though it expressed my feelings so truthfully.
	"They've already seen it, Chris! Put it on!"
	I wasn't ready to put the shirt on for the other thirteen people to see me 
wearing, but I knew not to push Lisa. I pulled off my other shirt and replaced 
it with the one which prominently labeled me as a "diaper butt," appropriately 
from the rear view.
	It was still a few minutes before dinner was ready. I went over to my dad, 
who was seated with my grandpa. Grandpa gave my dad some enlarged 8 x 10's of 
some slides he had taken of the family over the years. The most recent was the 
one he took just last Thanksgiving. Just as I expected to see, I was standing 
there in just my diapers. At least I was wearing a normal shirt. As Grandpa was 
sure to get a picture of us today, I would have to stand there wearing not only 
diapers-- with teddy bears all over them-- but also my "I LOVE DIAPERS" shirt. 
At least this time around Darren would be joining me and I wouldn't be the only 
one in the picture wearing diapers.
	At long last, we were called into the kitchen to say Grace before having 
the big dinner. Much like it was at Thanksgiving, we had turkey, mashed potatoes 
and gravy, rolls, sweet potatoes, stuffing, salad, and much more. The dinner we 
got at Christmas was about as good as getting presents when it came to looking 
forward to the holiday. I was stuffed by the time I was finished, assuring that 
there would be a good mess in my diapers before too long. Cotton also got his 
share of turkey as he meowed and begged at the table.
	By mid-afternoon everybody had eaten. Darren and I teamed up with Cindy 
and Nancy to play one of the games that Cindy got for Christmas.
	"It's your turn, diaper-butt," Cindy kept saying as she knew my shirt on 
the other side said that. Dad had his video camera rolling, ensuring that every 
word spoken would be forever preserved on video tape. What better way to capture 
the joy and laughter of the kids on Christmas Day than to hear Cindy calling me 
a "diaper butt"!
	Grandpa also got a picture of the four of us sitting at the table playing 
the game, and sure enough, he got the back of my shirt in the picture, complete 
with my diapered rump sticking out below the chair's back. I knew that I would 
forever remember wearing this shirt as I got older. The shirt and my custom-made 
diapers were sure to be the very things with which I would symbolize and 
remember the Christmas of 1989.


	The rest of the Christmas Day activities went much like they always did. 
Dad and Uncle Allen were tuned into a football game on television while Uncle 
Frank and Grandpa joined playing some if the games with us. Mom and the other 
ladies served up pie and ice cream for everybody.
	Another tradition we always observed was to view my grandpa's slides just 
like we did at Thanksgiving. Now with the new video camera we would also be 
watching home videos as well. In fact, after Grandpa put his slides and viewing 
equipment away dad popped the tape out of the video camera into the VCR, calling 
everyone into the living room to gather around the TV to see how dad's first 
family video turned out.
	Just as I was expecting to see, there I was, prominently donning my 
diapers. Considering that everyone else had dark clothing on, the white spots in 
the center of the screen were Darren and me. We were very hard to miss as we 
were also the only ones with our bare legs showing.
	"Ooh, there's Chris in his diapers!" Lisa commented. "Oh, and there's 
Darren, too!" In fact, for the first ten minutes, Lisa kept saying "there's 
Chris in his diapers!" every time the camera was on me! The other girls joined 
in and they all said it in unison: "there's Chris in his diapers!"
	This got old and tiresome very fast. Mom finally intervened and said, 
"yes, alright! We *know* that's Chris in his diapers! Can you just watch the 
	I came up on the screen again. Lisa just could not resist. "There's Chris 
in his--"
	"Shhh!" Cindy nudged her. All throughout watching the video, the girls 
just kept laughing and giggling amongst themselves, very distracting indeed. 
Dad's first video turned out quite nicely, even if all I had one were diapers 
all throughout it. Most likely this was all I would ever be seen wearing in any 
family video.
	Grandpa was also sure to get a picture of the entire group that was 
present this Christmas. Just as I had been made to do at Thanksgiving, I stood 
right out in front, contrasting against the dark pants that everyone else was 
wearing. Having Darren stand on the other side of the group in his diapers 
helped to balance out the composition of the picture. The four girls stood in 
between us with Cindy having her arm around me. This will make a real cute 
picture, I thought sarcastically.
	It was almost 5:00 by the time Uncle Allen, Aunt Sharon and Suzy headed 
out. It was starting to get dark, it had started snowing rather heavily that 
afternoon and they had a ways to drive home.
	I spent the rest of the evening playing with Cotton, and I also played 
with my new toys, which included the Fisher Price set that Cindy got me. I 
didn't want to admit to anybody, but I still liked playing with Fisher Price 
toys. Even Darren, as we shared and exchanged the toys we got, was also playing 
with the Fisher Price set!
	As I was sitting there with Darren I saw in the corner of my eye a small, 
bright red light shining through the crack in my doorway. Somebody had the video 
camera and they were taking a picture of Darren and I sitting on the floor!
	"Who's out there with the camera?" I asked. I saw the light disappear and 
heard someone running off down the hallway giggling. I got up and went after 
whoever it was. I had a good feeling it was Lisa as she was most often the one 
who liked to get me for wearing diapers in any way and every way she could.
	"Mom! Where's Lisa?" I asked.
	"I don't know."
	"She was taking pictures of me and Darren with the video camera!"
	"Where is she?" mom mumbled. "I told her not to play with that camera!"
	Minutes later Lisa was at it again! She got a shot of Darren and I playing 
one of my new Nintendo games.
	"Mom! She's doing it again!" I tattled.
	Mom then came into the room.
	"I told you not to play with that camera without our permission, Lisa!"
	"But isn't it for everybody to use, mom?"
	"Yes, but I don't want to see it get broken!"
	Lisa then set it down and angrily marched off to her room.
	Darren and I just continued playing our game as if nothing had happened. 
She was just upset that mom had to yell at her. She didn't take being scolded 
very well.
	Nancy, who was holding one of her baby dolls she got for Christmas, 
decided to come over and join us in playing a few games. After watching Darren 
and I play a few rounds she wanted to go up against her brother.
	As I moved to the side to give Nancy a place to sit I picked up Nancy's 
doll, noting that it was wet underneath. It was one of those dolls that actually 
wet itself.
	"Your doll's wet," I told Nancy as I picked it up and set it aside.
	"Oh, she must have wet already," Nancy said. "I'll change her when I'm 
	Cindy then stopped by to join in on the action.
	"Nancy, you just left your baby lying on the floor like this?" Cindy said, 
thinking it was Nancy that was being negligent.
	"Chris set her there," she said.
	"Chris! You outta take better care of her dolls than that!"
	"It was in the way!" I protested. "It's just a doll, geez!"
	"And it wets its diapers, too, just like you, Chris!"
	"She just wet," Nancy said. "I'll have to change her when I'm done."
	"This doll will make good practice, Nancy," Cindy commented to her.
	"What do you mean?" Nancy asked.
	"For your brother! You'll probably have to start changing his diapers if 
he keeps wearing them!"
	"Oh? Well, the doll's a lot smaller, she doesn't kick or fuss, and she 
only wets, unlike Darren!"
	This was good laugh for the girls at our expense.
	"Where's Lisa?" Nancy asked Cindy.
	"She's in the room sulking! Mom yelled at her for using the video camera 
without asking. She'll get over it."
	Lisa came out of the room, still upset.
	"Chris! Get your butt in your room! It's time for your diaper change!" She 
sounded very stern. "You too, Darren!"
	Cindy and Nancy were now playing as Lisa took us into our bedroom and 
changed our diapers. I didn't like it when she was in a bad mood while changing 
me. She usually went through the whole process hastily, leaving me not 
thoroughly wiped and just throwing the diapers on without ensuring a secure fit 
like she usually did. She had just removed my dirty diapers when Cindy came into 
the bedroom with the video camera.
	"Cindy! I just got yelled at for playing with the camera!"
	"I asked mom and she said it was okay, just don't break it," said Cindy.
	"Mom always thinks we're gonna break anything we touch! I wish she'd just 
trust us for once!"
	"I got an idea, Lisa!" Cindy said.
	"What's your idea?" Lisa asked.
	"Put Chris' dirty diaper back on!"
	"Why?" Lisa asked.
	Yeah, "why?" I wondered. I had a feeling that this involved the video 
	"Let's start over and videotape the whole thing!"
	"What? Changing Chris?"
	"Yeah, put his diaper back on first, then have him and Darren go back out 
to the Nintendo. Then you yell at them and tell them to go get changed! Come on, 
it'll be fun!"
	Maybe it would be fun for the girls, but I wasn't too wild about having me 
get my diaper change on video tape! I just lay there, refusing to go through 
with it.
	"Come on, Chris! If you don't do this you won't get your diaper changed at 
	"Then I'll change it myself!" I said.
	"Oh no you won't!" Lisa said. "I'll just do it after you guys go to bed!"
	"Not if we can stop you! Get the pins, Cindy! It looks like Chris needs to 
be taught a lesson about changing his own diaper!"
	"No! I don't want to be on video getting changed!" I protested.
	"Then we'll get you on video getting your diapers pinned to your shirt!"
	I decided to give up the fight against my sisters.
	"Okay, come on, Darren, let's do the video for them!"
	We took our position in front of the TV, as directed by Cindy. We started 
up the Nintendo and began a game.
	"Ready and...action!" Cindy said, pretending to be a real director.
	"Okay, boys! Get your butts in your room now! It's time for your diaper 
change!" This was Lisa's line.
	Cindy followed us with the camera as we all walked into my room, 
essentially re-enacting what had just happened a few minutes ago.
	As I took my position on the changing pad, Cindy had the camera rolling. 
She began narrating the scene:
	This is my brother Chris getting his diaper changed by my sister
	Lisa. You see, Chris has to wear diapers since he kept pooping
	in his underwear! Now he gets to poop in his diapers! Let's
	see what he did this time! Take his diaper off, Lisa!
	Lisa then took the plastic pants and diapers off. I felt very embarrassed 
to have the camera on me with a messy diaper beneath me, not to mention that I 
had nothing on except my shirt.
	"Ooh, yuk! What a mess!" Lisa said in a much contrived fashion.
	"Don't worry, Chris, I'm only showing your messy diaper now," Cindy 
assured me, though a diaper full of poop wasn't much better to have on tape than 
a scene of me lying on the changing pad naked. And how was I to know she wasn't 
just telling me that? Only after seeing the video myself would I know.
	Now Lisa was narrating in baby-talk. All throughout the diaper change she 
described what she was doing, everything from wiping me up to putting the 
diapers and the plastic pants on. "Now he's all diapered up and ready for his 
bed!" she concluded as she had me stand up. Much of this video production was 
impromptu as far as the speaking parts went, but the diaper changing was very 
much rehearsed.
	"Let's go watch it!" Cindy said as she finished videotaping.
	"I'm not done yet!" Lisa said.
	"What else are you going to do?"
	"I want to pin his plastic pants to his shirt!"
	"What for?" I protested. "I already did the video for you guys!"
	"We decided to pin your diapers on anyway! It'll look good on the video!"
	"Why are you guys *doing* this to me?" I felt too humiliated now.
	"We want to remember what it was like having an eight- year-old brother in 
diapers! What better way to do it than to have a video camera!"
	"You're not going to show this to everybody, will you?"
	"Hmmm...maybe, depends on if you're good or not, and if you want to be 
good, you'll let us pin your plastic pants to your shirt! Otherwise, I'll show 
the video to all my friends when I bring them over on New Year's Eve! If you do 
let us, I won't show the video."
	Whether Lisa would honor her end of the deal remained unknown I didn't 
trust her. All I knew was that I had better comply with her demand so at least I 
had a chance of not having my diaper change exhibited to all of Lisa's friends. 
I got back down on my hands and knees as Lisa inserted several of the pins into 
the waistband of the plastic pants, pulling the plastic pants taught against the 
bulging surface of my diapers before inserting each pin. She had me stand up as 
she worked the pins into my front side, pulling the plastic pants up so that 
they were stretched over my stomach. The tape was still rolling.
	Cindy then shut the video camera off.
	"Can we go watch it now?"
	"No, let's get Darren on there, too!" Lisa said.
	"No, don't tape me," Darren protested.
	"Too bad, Darren!" Lisa said with her authoritative tone. "You need to be 
changed anyway, so just lie down and let me take care of things around here!"
	Darren knew what he was up against if he tried to fight against my 
sisters. Lisa went to work on his diaper while Cindy recorded the event. Darren 
held his hands in front of him, attempting to block the camera from getting any 
shots of him in such a submissive state. It didn't work as Cindy was able to 
quickly change her angle.
	"You're not going to puts pins in mine, are you?" Darren asked Lisa.
	"Of course, it's for the video."
	"You'd better let them do it," I said to Darren.
	Lisa took the remainder of the pins and put them into Darren's plastic 
pants, fastening them to his shirt. By the time Lisa was done with Darren his 
plastic pants were pulled up high and pinned in place just like mine.
	"Don't they look so cute in their diapers?" Cindy narrated as she 
videotaped us standing in my bedroom. She told us to turn around and show our 
butts to the camera. We both knew not to protest, so we complied and turned 
around, showing our heavily covered backsides to the camera. It was worth it if 
it meant not having the tape shown to all of Lisa's friends on New Year's Eve.
	"Now let's go watch it!" Lisa said.
	They all ran out to the living room, hoping to get to the TV to watch the 
video they just created.
	"Can we watch our video?" Lisa asked mom.
	"No, girls, everyone's tired and we're all about to go to bed soon. Watch 
it tomorrow. You'll have all day."
	"Okay," Lisa moaned.
	Mom wanted us to go to bed early since everyone else was, which wasn't 
	It was just past 10:00 when Darren and I were sent to bed along with the 
girls. We still had the pins in our diapers and felt they should be removed, now 
that they had already served their purpose.
	"Can you guys take the pins out now?" I asked Lisa.
	"No, just leave them in. You guys are just going to bed anyway."
	"But you said you'd--," I started pleading.
	"Goodnight, Chris," Lisa said as she closed her bedroom door.
	Now Darren and I had to go to bed with safety pins keeping our diapers and 
our shirts inseparable. I could not trust Lisa at all. First, she threatened to 
put the pins in if I didn't let her videotape me. Then she put them in anyway, 
promising to take them out after the video was shot. Now she was going to leave 
them in all night. She was probably planning to show the video to her friends 
	"Why don't we just take the pins out of each others' diapers?" Darren 
	"You'd better leave them in," I warned him. "They'll take them out in the 
morning, at least before you guys go to the airport."
	"Why do you let your sisters do that?" Darren asked me.
	"They're just doing their job, they're my sisters," I resigned.
	"So what if you don't do what they say? They're just going to do that 
stuff to you anyway!"
	"I know, but it's a lot easier if I just let them."
	"They're controlling you, Chris, you know that."
	"They're controlling you, too, Darren; how do you think *you* got stuck in 
diapers?" I pointed out.
	"Whatever you do, Chris, don't let them control you. Pretty soon, they'll 
make you do their chores, threatening you if you don't do them. 'Chris, do the 
dishes for me or I'll show this video to everyone at school!' You see what's 
	"I don't think they'd take it that far, Darren," I told him. "They're 
doing it because they like to tease me about the fact that I wear diapers, and 
it's my fault because I wanted to wear them. It's because you're here, and 
Nancy's here. They're just showing off. When you and Nancy leave, things will 
just be like they've always been. They'll just change me on a daily basis and 
leave it at that."
	"I just don't want to come back next year and see you turned into their 
	"I won't do their chores for them!" I said adamantly.
	"Even if they threaten you?" Darren posed.
	"If they do, I'll tell my mom. She wouldn't let them get that carried away 
with it, and like I said, they're just doing it because I wear diapers and 
because you guys are here."
	"Okay, whatever."
	While it wasn't necessarily an argument, I felt like Darren and I were 
disagreeing for the first time. I decided to change the subject and talk about 
other things before going to sleep.



	Today was the last day we would have the rest of the family visiting with 
us before they got back on the plane and headed back home. As I lay there that 
morning I thought about some of the things Darren and I talked about last night. 
Were my sisters just having fun with my having to wear diapers, or were they, as 
Darren mentioned, trying to control me? I figured if they made me do things 
other than wear diapers, such as making me do their chores, then I would have to 
say something to mom about it.
	Having gone to bed early, I was also awake early. I let Darren sleep while 
I got out of bed, which I did slowly so that I wouldn't disturb Cotton as he was 
sleeping at the foot of my bed. I then went out to the kitchen hoping Aunt Rita 
would have some breakfast on.
	"Good morning, Chris," she said.
	"G'mornin'," I said, rubbing my eyes. "What's for breakfast?"
	"You'll just have to settle for cereal, hon. Your mother and I are going 
to hit all the after-Christmas sales today. Your Uncle Frank and Cindy are also 
coming along." Aunt Rita then set a bowl, a spoon and some milk on the table. 
"What cereal do you want? You have Lucky Charms, Apple Jacks, and Cap'n Crunch."
	"I'll have the Lucky Charms," I selected. Aunt Rita then set a glass of 
orange juice and a plate of buttered toast before me.
	"Can I come with you guys?" I asked.
	"You'll have to ask your mother. There'll be four of us going, so it may 
be a little crowded in the car."
	I didn't want to be stuck at home with Lisa. Who knows what she would to 
do Darren and I just to amuse Nancy. Mom came out of her bedroom dressed and 
ready to go.
	"Okay, Rita, I guess as soon as Frank gets out of the shower and Cindy 
gets herself dressed we can go."
	"Can I come with you guys?" I asked mom.
	"Oh, no, Chris," mom said as she was shaking her head. "You don't want to 
go to all those stores and fight the crowds. You'll get tired and besides, you 
have all your new toys to play with. Lisa, Nancy and Darren will be here, too."
	Darren was then up as he came out to have some cereal. Aunt Rita 
apparently didn't see that I had safety pins inserted into my diapers but she 
did notice them on Darren's diaper.
	"What's with the pins?" she asked. "Afraid your diaper's going to fall off 
or something?"
	"No, Lisa put them in," Darren said. "She said we had to let her do it."
	"Oh, okay, whatever. How are your diapers?" she asked her son.
	"They're wet," he said. "How about you, Chris?"
	"I'm wet, too," I replied.
	"I'll change you guys again before we leave," Aunt Rita offered. Darren 
finished of his breakfast and then went into my room. Aunt Rita went around him 
and removed the safety pins holding his plastic pants in place.
	"I don't think you need this many pins, guys," Aunt Rita commented as she 
was working on removing the eleventh or twelfth pin with at least another six to 
go. "It's like they don't want you to be able to get your diapers off or 
	"That's exactly it," I said to Aunt Rita. "They used to make me go to 
school like this because they thought I might try to take my diapers off there."
	"Well, did you?" she asked.
	"One time I did, and I had a big accident that day, too."
	"Talk about poor timing!" she commented. She finished up with Darren and 
instructed me to get on the pad. At that point Lisa came to the door.
	"Oh, Aunt Rita, I can finish changing Chris if you'd like," she said. 
"Cindy's almost ready to go now."
	"That's okay, dear," Aunt Rita said. "This'll just take me a moment."
	"You sure?"
	"Yes, yes, hon, I'm okay."
	There was something soothing, comforting, and nurturing in the way Aunt 
Rita handled my diaper changes. I could actually feel relaxed and at ease 
whenever she changed me. A sense of regression came over me. I felt like I was a 
baby again, being lovingly and tenderly cared for. Even on the rare occasions 
when my own mother had to change me she was never this soft and gentle the way 
Aunt Rita was.
	"Aunt Rita?" I quietly requested her attention.
	"Yes, Chris? What?"
	"If you guys come back next summer...and I'm still wearing diapers, will 
you change me?"
	"Well, Chris," Aunt Rita chuckled. "I suppose if you'd like, then I guess 
I can. I see no reason not to."
	I felt silly after asking Aunt Rita such a question, and I was sure Aunt 
Rita wasn't prepared to answer it. I just wished my own mother or my sisters 
would be more caring and gentle. She grouped three diapers together, just as 
Lisa and Cindy always did, and fastened them up, topping them off with plastic 
pants. Aunt Rita then left the room and told us to have fun this afternoon.
	Darren and I followed her out. Everyone who was leaving for the big 
shopping trip was getting their coats on and heading out to the car. Meanwhile, 
Lisa and Nancy were sitting on the hide- a-bed which hadn't been folded away. 
Dad had already left as he had to go back to work today. It was just four of us 
for the afternoon, until others showed up later.
	"So what did you do to get Aunt Rita to change you guys?" Lisa asked.
	"She just said she'd change us, so we let her."
	Lisa then grabbed the remote control and started a tape she had in the 
VCR. It was the tape they made of Darren and I getting our diapers changed. I 
sat there feeling anxious, hoping that Cindy didn't get any overly-revealing and 
embarrassing parts of me on there. As they went through the video, I saw several 
shots taken of my diapers as they were being taken off. Lisa was narrating the 
whole time, as if the video itself wasn't self- explanatory. The next few scenes 
showed the mess in my diaper and on my buttocks, but nothing beyond that as far 
as scenes of me in a naked state. Lisa and Nancy were laughing as they kept 
rewinding and re- watching parts they liked. Cindy then got several close-up 
shots of my diapers being put back on, along with the plastic pants and the 
pins, which were supposed to only be for the video, though we spent the rest of 
the night with them in our diapers.
	"Why didn't you guys take the pins back out like you said you would?"
	"We were tired, Chris, and there was really no need to do it since you 
guys were going to bed anyway."
	"We didn't need them at all. You know I'm not going to take them off. 
That'd leave me with nothing else to wear if I did."
	This struck Nancy as being mildly amusing as she sat there giggling with 
her hand over her mouth.
	Now Darren's diaper change was being beamed onto the TV screen. Much of 
the same shots were taken of him in a similar fashion. There was one thing Cindy 
said that I didn't originally hear her say. She said, "I'm glad this thing 
doesn't record smell, phee-yew!"
	I couldn't imagine having anyone else see this video! It was very 
embarrassing! I begged Lisa to erase it, but she refused.
	"Nope! I'm keeping it and it's going in my room where you can't get to it. 
I'd better not catch you snooping around looking for it, either!" She then 
ejected the tape and took it to her room and hid it.
	Later that day at around noon Betty showed up.
	"Hi guys!" she said as she came into the house.
	Darren nudged me. "Who's this?" he asked.
	"It's Betty, Lisa's best friend. Watch out, she's just as bad as my 
	Darren didn't want Betty to see him wearing diapers, so he threw the 
covers that were on the hide-a-bed over him.
	"Betty, these are my cousins Nancy and Darren," Lisa introduced Betty to 
	"Hi, Nancy, she said, shaking her hand. "I think we met last summer."
	"Yeah, you did, I remember you."
	"How are you, Darren?" she asked him as she shook his hand.
	"I'm okay," he said nervously, hoping she wouldn't see what
	he was trying to hide.
	"What do you think of my new pants?" Betty said as she twirled around and 
showed them off. "I got them for Christmas."
	"I got some new pants, too," Lisa said as she got up and showed off the 
new pair she received for Christmas.
	"At least *we* got pants. Chris just got diapers, oh, and a shirt, too. In 
fact, take a look at it."
	I was still wearing the shirt that labeled me a "diaper-butt" since I had 
it pinned to my diapers last night and was therefore unable to change it. I sat 
up so Betty could read it.
	"Hmm, 'I love diapers!'," she read. "Hey, that's cute, Chris!"
	"Now turn around and let her see the back."
	"'My name is diaper-butt!' Ha! Oh my gosh, Lisa, you got him THAT?!"
	"Of course! It was appropriate!" Lisa answered.
	"You even put that picture of Chris on there! That's neat!" Betty said.
	"What do *you* think of my new pants, Chris?" she asked me.
	"Uh, they look nice," I said. I wasn't really prepared to answer such a 
question. One thing I did know was that seeing the girls wearing their blue 
jeans-- their rears sporting two pockets, a seam running up the center and 
lacking any kind of bulge-- was a stark contrast to the way the diapers looked 
on other boys and me who had solid white layers of thick fabric sheathed by an 
outer layer of plastic and bunching up even more thickly in the crotch and 
leaving the legs completely bare. It was just one of many constant reminders to 
me that I was stuck in diapers while my sisters had the freedom to use the 
toilet. On the other hand, I had the freedom to relieve myself whenever and 
wherever I needed to go without needing to get to a toilet first. And it felt 
good to wear them, too, whether they were clean or dirty. Lisa had also 
acknowledged these differences several times, often mentioning them during my 
diaper changes.
	"Come on, Betty! I've got something to show you!" Lisa said.
	Lisa then walked over to the VCR and started playing the tape of the 
diaper changing. I knew what to expect this time, but I was still embarrassed 
that she was showing it again.
	"You guys got a video camera?" Betty said. "Cool!"
	"It gets better later on!" Lisa said. The first few scenes showed Lisa and 
Nancy goofing off in their bedroom. Suddenly the scene changed to Lisa 
commanding me and Darren to get to my room for our diaper change.
	"You got Chris in his diapers on video!" Betty said as she laughed.
	"Keep watching, there's more!" Lisa told her.
	Once again I sat there and watched myself get my diaper changed on the TV. 
I was so embarrassed, but I stayed there and watched it through, anyway. I 
wanted to see what Betty would say about it as she watched. As I expected she 
was quite amused by this.
	"Oh my gosh! Poor Chris! Now everybody's gonna see him in his diapers!" 
she said with a hint of sarcasm.
	"Of course! Every time we have a family gathering or any time dad or one 
of us uses the camera Chris is going to be in his diapers on the video! It's all 
he'll ever wear for the rest of his life!"
	There were two thoughts going through my mind. One was that I wanted to 
destroy the recording because it was embarrassing for me to watch, or to know 
that others could watch it every time somebody stopped by.
	The other thought that went through my mind was that I liked being 
embarrassed like this. Why did I like wearing diapers and having everybody see 
me, having everybody at least know about it? Now it was documented on video in 
addition to Lisa's photographs! This was such a paradoxical feeling. Being 
embarrassed over this was both bad and good, and the good part of it always 
seemed to prevail after enduring the negative feelings it first brought on.
	Later in the day I became restless and bored. I had been confined to the 
house ever since we got back from the airport on Saturday. I wanted to go over 
to Tony's, anywhere, just to get out of the house. I went up to Lisa and asked 
her if I could have my pants so I could go see Tony.
	"You might want to wait until mom gets home," she said.
	"Okay," I sighed. I was so tired that all I wanted to do was take a nap. I 
told Darren to be quiet if he came in since I may be sleeping. With that I went 
into my room and plopped straight down onto my bed. I didn't even get under the 
covers. I just lay there with my wrapped rump sticking up. I went to sleep and 
must have stayed asleep for what seemed like quite awhile, though it was hardly 
an hour. When I woke up I felt disoriented. It wasn't sure what time of day it 
was and before I was really awake I thought it was morning. For a moment I kept 
thinking that this was the day we drove everyone back to the airport, but then I 
snapped out of my stupor and realized it was in the middle of the afternoon.
	I thought about my original plan to go see Tony, but I was still feeling 
tired and now I didn't feel like walking over at that time. I went back out to 
the living room and sat next to Darren who was playing one of my Nintendo games. 
Mom, Aunt Rita, and Cindy had just returned from their shopping and were back 
	Lisa had me get back up for my diaper change, and by the time she was 
finished with that I was feeling fully awake. I went back to the living room and 
played a couple of games myself. I still wanted to go see Tony and get out of 
this house, so I got up and asked my mom.
	"Well, okay, but you can't stay long. We're taking you kids to pizza 
	"Really? Cool!" I said.
	"We're going to Chuck E. Cheese," mom added.
	Now I was really excited! It was so long since I had been there, in fact, 
almost a year. The last time I was there was on my eighth birthday back in 
	"Get in the car," mom said. "I'll take you to Tony's."
	"I was gonna walk down there, you don't have to drive me."
	"No Chris, it's really cold and windy out there and besides, if I take you 
down there then I'll have to pick you up, that way I know you'll be back in 
	"And I don't have to get Chris' pants out for him, either!" Lisa said. "He 
can just stay in his diapers like always!"
	Nancy was surprised to learn that not only did I spend all of my time at 
home wearing only diapers, but if I didn't need to wear anything over them when 
going out anywhere, I wasn't even given my pants then.
	"He just goes out in his diapers like that?" Nancy asked Lisa.
	"Why not? He doesn't seem to mind," Lisa said.
	"Let's go, Chris," mom said. I called Tony first to make sure he was home 
before going over there. Being that he was, I told him I would be right over.
	I had my shoes on with socks pulled up to my knees. I put my coat and 
walked out to the car with every part of me covered except my thighs, and my 
socks didn't offer a lot of protection against the stinging cold wind. 
Fortunately it was a short walk to the car.
	Mom drove me down to Tony's and escorted me to the door. As we arrived I 
saw Tony's next door neighbor outside shoveling snow. He looked at us strangely, 
which anyone would. While he may have thought nothing of it if it were a summer 
day, the fact that I was wearing no pants while walking outside on a cold winter 
day was enough to catch anyone's attention.
	The man walked over and looked at us, leaning on his snow shovel.
	"You might want to get that kid some britches! He's gonna freeze that 
behind of his off!" the elderly man said. I was glad Tony's mom came to the door 
as I was starting to get cold and I didn't really feel like having to confront 
Tony's neighbor. She invited us in and took my coat.
	There was a warm, crackling fire in the fireplace at Tony's house. It's 
warmth and orange, radiant glow invited me to walk over to it. Tony and I sat in 
front of it and talked about Christmas.
	"What did you get for Christmas?" Tony asked me.
	"I got Legos, and cars and some other things. I even got diapers for 
Christmas!" I said.
	"You did?" Tony asked as if to be surprised.
	"I got this big box, and all it had in it were all these big, thick 
diapers that my mom had someone make for me, and there were more plastic pants 
in there, too! Some of the diapers have teddy bears on them!"
	"Really! You should've worn them over!" he said.
	"Lisa didn't put them on me today," I said. "I'm sure you'll see me in 
them one of these times."
	Tony wanted to show me some of the things he got, so we went into his 
room. While I wish I could have gotten some of the things he had, I was still 
happy with what I got. I also showed Tony the little kitten and explained why he 
was named "Cotton". Tony instantly fell in love with him and wanted to take him 
	I asked Tony about his next door neighbor after telling him what he said 
to us when I was dropped off.
	"Just ignore him. My mom calls him an old fart, which he is! Speaking of 
farts..." Tony then cut one into the thick layers of his diaper, muting its 
sound but not its smell, not that I wasn't used to such odors, anyway.
	Kara then came into Tony's room to show me her new baby doll she got for 
	"See my doll? She wets her diaper just like my brother!"
	"Does she poop in it, too?" I asked.
	"No, she just pees," Kara said. "I need to change her."
	Now Kara had a baby doll to practice on so that when she got older she 
could also change Tony's diapers if she wanted to!
	Tony and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing around with his toys, 
going back to the fireplace and sitting in front of it and enjoying hot 
chocolate that his mom made for us. By the time it got dark my mom came back by 
and picked me up from Tony's.


	Tony's mom handed me my coat as I left his house. My mom walked me to the 
car, holding my hand like I was still a toddler, aside from the fact that I was 
wearing diapers. The old man was outside again, this time taking his Christmas 
lights down. Once again he stared at us, though he was up on a ladder and didn't 
bother to approach us this time. He looked like he wanted to say something, but 
he didn't.
	I got into the car and put my seat belt on.
	"I don't like Tony's neighbor," I told mom as we backed out of his 
	"Oh yeah?" mom asked. "Did he do something to you?"
	"Tony told me that he's always mean and grouchy," I said. "His mom calls 
him an old fart!" , I chuckled.
	"Chris! That's not a nice thing to say!" my mom scolded.
	"But Tony's mom calls him that!" I said.
	"Well, that doesn't mean you have to call him that!"
	Just then I felt some gas making its way out of my rear end. I mimicked 
Tony and said, "Speaking of farts..."
	I let it out, but it didn't make a sound. "Aww," I said, disappointed by 
the way my flatulence fizzled. "It was silent!"
	"It probably got drowned out by those diapers, Chris!" mom said. "Nobody 
needs to hear your farts, anyway," she added. "You give all of us enough foul 
odors at it is! Please keep your farts to yourself, okay?" It surprised me as I 
rarely heard my mom use the word "fart".
	We were about halfway home when a large truck in the oncoming lane slid 
out of control and skidded into our side of the street! It really scared me, 
forcing me to pee into my diapers! Thank goodness I had them on! Mom may have 
even wet her pants for all I knew! Mom had to drive into a deep snow bank to 
avoid being struck! We didn't get hit, fortunately, but now we were stuck in the 
	"Aww, shit!" mom said. That was another word she didn't use very often, 
though under the circumstances, it was understandable. Mom tried to back the car 
out of the snow bank, but the wheels just kept spinning. "Dammit!" mom muttered. 
I started to panic.
	"We'll never get home! What are we gonna do?"
	"Oh, will you relax, Chris!" mom said. "Someone will come by to help us 
out. If you get cold, there's some blankets in the back seat."
	As mom assured me, help did arrive. In fact it was the guy who ran us off 
the road in the first place! He backed in behind us and then got out of his 
truck, walking up to mom's side of the car.
	"Are you people okay?" he asked us, concerned for our well-being. He 
looked straight at me and probably noticed my bulging diapers at my crotch right 
away. Who cared if he did! He was here to rescue us!
	"We're fine, but my car's stuck!" my mom exclaimed.
	"I'm really sorry I ran you off the road like that!" the man apologized. 
"My truck just went out of control back there."
	"Well, I'm just glad you didn't hit us!" mom said, "although being stuck 
like this isn't much better, either."
	"I'll get you out, don't you worry," the man said in a friendly voice.
	"Oh, please! That would be so nice of you!" mom begged.
	I turned around and watched as the man got into the back of his truck and 
pulled out a large, long chain. He put the chain around the bumper of his truck 
and then attached the other end to the rear bumper of our car. He gave my mom a 
signal that he was ready to pull us out. He got in his truck, gunned the engine 
and yanked our car out of the snow bank! We were free at last! The man took the 
chains off and came back up to mom to make sure we were set to go. Mom thanked 
him very profusely as we continued on our way home.
	Now that we were safe, I thought back upon on what had just happened, 
thinking about how exciting it was, not that I'd want to see it happen again.
	"We almost wrecked!" I exclaimed to everyone as I came in the door.
	"I don't even want to think about it!" mom groaned as she was putting her 
coat and mine away.
	"This guy almost ran into is with his truck, and we ran into a snow bank, 
and then the guy came back to help us!" I continued describing the near-miss.
	After I got settled down I sat down next to Darren. Lisa started the VCR 
and showed another tape she got of me in my diapers, and I didn't even know she 
was taping me! She caught me lying on my bed while I was taking a nap. I had my 
butt facing up as I was lying on my stomach. I must have moved around quite a 
bit in my brief slumber as I was shown sleeping in several different positions. 
Lisa took advantage of my temporary state of rest as she zoomed in on my 
diapers, getting several close-ups of the thick layers covering me and bulging 
out. As I was asleep, I was unable to prevent myself from becoming an unwilling 
subject of Lisa's videos.
	There wasn't really anything on the video that was any different than what 
everyone saw of me on a daily basis, but seeing it on tape was different as it 
placed more emphasis and drew attention to my diapered state. It also preserved 
the moment as I would probably look back on such videos later and see what I 
looked like as an eight-year-old in diapers.
	Later that evening mom told Cindy to check my diapers before going out to 
pizza. She also checked Darren's while she was at it. I was okay for awhile, but 
Darren needed to be changed. Darren also had to deal with wearing his diapers 
out in public for the first time since he got put into diapers himself two days 
ago. He had to get used to the feel of having diapers underneath his pants and 
the idea of using his diapers instead of toilets in public as well as at home.
	While I hated to wear them, I was given my bigger pants that fit over my 
thicker diapers since Cindy didn't want to bother with putting me into a thinner 
disposable, which would have allowed me to wear my "regular" pants. No question 
that the other kids at the pizza parlor/arcade would know that I was wearing 
diapers. Darren also had a big bulge underneath his pants that wasn't too easy 
to conceal.
	There were seven of us there: mom, Aunt Rita, Lisa, Cindy, Nancy, Darren, 
and I. We all got to Chuck E. Cheese pizza and got settled down at a table right 
away. Mom gave us some game money and let us go off to go play.
	I started off with my old Nintendo favorite, Super Mario Brothers, playing 
against Darren. As each of us was quite proficient at this game it took us 
awhile to play. Next, Darren and I played Galaga, another favorite of mine. 
While Darren didn't last too long, I kept playing awhile. Just as I played my 
last ship I heard them announce a pizza for Brenda over the speaker. Time to 
	After we all scarfed down several slices of pepperoni and Canadian Bacon 
pizza and quaffing several glasses of soda, we went back to playing the games. 
Darren and Nancy split off to go play games while I teamed up with Cindy on 
different games, many of which I hadn't played much. After awhile I was on my 
own completely.
	During one of the games I needed to go to the bathroom. I knew that 
without diapers this would have been an inconvenience. I would have had to 
either stop the game and kill off my players, offered the remainder of the game 
to someone else, or stood there in agony hoping that I wouldn't end up going in 
my pants. having a diaper on allowed me to choose the last option, and I didn't 
even have to hold it and put myself in any sort of agony.
	I knew that diapers further proved their worth when I met up with Cindy 
later, who told me she had to give up one of her games to Lisa because she 
needed to take a bathroom break. All I could say was, "I didn't, I just went in 
my diaper!" I didn't think anyone else was around when I said that, but a couple 
of girls heard me and then stared down at the thick, telltale bulge under my 
	"Diapers? Just how old *is* he?" one of them asked her friend, perhaps her 
	I then became more self-conscious, thinking that everyone was looking at 
the thick padding around me. As I walked around, some of the kids looked at me 
and appeared to have noticed the thickness of the diapers I was wearing. I then 
went around a corner and saw a familiar face at one of the games. It was Mark! 
Mark Stillwood!
	He was sitting at a game, but he wasn't playing it. He was just watching 
the demo graphics, probably because he was out of money, or had no money to 
begin with.
	"Hi, Mark," I said.
	"Oh, hi Chris," he said.
	"What are you doing here?" I asked.
	"It's my sister's birthday," he said.
	That's right. Mark did mention he had an older sister, Sheila, who was in 
seventh grade. I had forgotten about her until Mark mentioned her. Lisa knew a 
Sheila at her school, and I had wondered at one time if Mark's sister was the 
one Lisa knew, but it turned out she wasn't the one. He should have been having 
some fun, but obviously he wasn't.
	"Are you having any fun?" I asked him.
	"I was, but I ran out of money. My mom won't be back for a little while," 
he said sullenly.
	I felt sorry for him. Since I kept playing Mario Brothers and was able to 
play it longer, I had more money than I may have had if I played other games I 
wasn't as good at. I decided to give Mark two quarters.
	"Here you go, play these," I said. "We'll probably be leaving soon 
anyway," I said.
	"No, that's okay," he said, refusing my kind offer.
	"Here, just take them. I've got these and a dollar still."
	"Okay, thanks," he said, inserting one of the coins into the game. He then 
started playing and kept playing for quite awhile before losing his first 
player. He said nothing more to me. I just said "bye" to him and returned to the 
table, where the others were waiting.
	Back at our table, where we were getting our coats on and getting ready to 
leave, I saw Mark walking by with a girl who must have been his sister. I heard 
her say, "you probably need to be changed again, we'll get going soon" to her 
brother. Did she change him, just like my sisters did? I had to find out when 
school started again.
	I also pointed out the girl I saw Mark walking with and asked Lisa if she 
knew her.
	"I've seen her around school, but I don't know her name," Lisa said.
	"That's Mark's brother Sheila," I said. "I thought she was the Sheila you 
	"No, no, that's not her. Why, Chris? She looks a little old for you!" Lisa 
remarked facetiously. I ignored the comment.
	We got back home, where Lisa stripped my pants off and changed my wet 
	"This must be all that pop you drank," she said, peeling off the wet 
	"At least I didn't have to stop playing my games," I quipped.
	"Well, that *is* a good thing about wearing diapers, I have to admit," 
Lisa said, "but I'd rather just spend another quarter on a new game."
	"Even if it was your record game?" I asked.
	"Chris," Lisa said. "I am not you! I would try holding it before wearing a 
diaper! As for you, well, you have no choice!"
	I was back in a dry, thick set of diapers again. It was now Darren's turn, 
and probably the last time Lisa would change him, that is, unless he was still 
in diapers on his next visit.
	It was difficult to sleep that night. I knew I'd miss having Darren around 
as he and his family was set to fly back home tomorrow, although I was longing 
for my own solitude and privacy, and I think the rest of the family was starting 
to feel this way. We enjoyed having Aunt Rita and Uncle Frank visit, but having 
them stay there for four nights was enough.
	Darren and I both lay awake awhile and talked, trying to squeeze in what 
we could before he would be gone at least until next summer.
	"Do you think you'll have to wear diapers to school?" I asked Darren.
	"I hope not, not after what you've told me," Darren replied. "All those 
kids teasing you..."
	"I'll bet some of them wish they could wear them. Certainly me and Tony 
aren't the *only* ones who like to wear diapers."
	Much of our chit-chatting, running well into the night, was centered 
around the topic of wearing diapers. My dad had gotten up overnight to use the 
bathroom and heard us talking. He opened the door and told us to get to sleep 
since we had to be up early. We finally stopped talking and got what sleep we 
could get.


	"Rise and shine!" rang Aunt Rita's voice as she woke Darren and I. The 
light clicked on without warning as it virtually blinded me. I was so tired, and 
the last thing I felt like doing was leaving my warm, cozy bed. Cotton wasn't 
planning on going anywhere either as he remained curled up next to my feet. 
Between the bed and my diapers, though they were wet, I felt so cozy and secure 
as I lie curled up in my bed feeling dampness a around me. I wanted Aunt Rita to 
turn the light off and let me go back to sleep. I stayed up too late, and now I 
was paying for it. It was still dark outside. What time was it, anyway? I 
squinted at my clock, which read 5:48 A.M.
	Darren wasn't too lively, either as he lay there still in a state of 
partial slumber. Aunt Rita came back into the room and pulled the covers off of 
me. I suddenly felt a blast of cold on my legs as the covers were thrown off.
	"Up and at 'em, boys!" she shouted. She unzipped Darren's sleeping bag and 
threw the loose flap off of him.
	"We're on a tight schedule and we need to be moving here. I'll change your 
diapers for you, come on!"
	I sat up and stretched. In spite of being sleepy, I mustered up enough 
energy to get out of bed. Aunt Rita had me get on my changing pad. Even at such 
an early hour, she was moving quickly as she changed me out of the wet diapers. 
Just as I became adjusted to the light and had my eyes open, I was already re-
	Darren was still lying there!
	"Darren!" Aunt Rita shouted. She then walked over there and literally 
dragged him out of his sleeping bag, grabbing his wrist and pulling him off the 
cot. He got the hint that somebody wanted him to get up in a hurry and decided 
to cooperate. Just as she had done for me, she had Darren changed in a the blink 
of an eye.
	"Go get some breakfast," she told us.
	Darren and I sat across from each other, barely staying awake.
	"Just how late did you boys stay up?" my mom asked us as she set out some 
cereal, juice, and milk.
	"I dunno," I said.
	"Your father said you guys were still awake," mom said. "It was after 
	Later on, Lisa, Cindy, and Nancy all came out of their room walking into 
the kitchen single file. They, too, must have been up too late. They sat at the 
other end of the table, saying very little to us or amongst themselves between 
	I finished most of the cereal I poured into my bowl as mom handed me my 
	"Get these on, we're leaving right away! The plane takes off at 7:30!"
	Darren and I went into our room and got ourselves dressed. Aunt Rita came 
in with us to help Darren get his stuff together as he packed his suitcase, 
which now included some new diapers that his mom had bought for him here. She 
brought in the diapers he had already worn and had since then been washed.
	While Aunt Rita was distracted by getting the rest of Darren's belongings 
together, I grabbed one of Darren's diapers off the top of the stack. His 
diapers were bigger than mine and I just couldn't resist the temptation to grab 
hold of one of them and later have it turn up "accidentally," explaining to Lisa 
or Cindy that Darren must have left it behind or that he mistook one of my 
diapers for his and took the wrong one with him. No doubt Lisa and Cindy would 
make me wear it as it was larger in size. Darren had enough diapers that I 
figured one wouldn't be missed.
	I had to act quickly. I picked up the diaper and tossed it under the cot, 
which was the quickest and most convenient place to hide it for later retrieval. 
At least I helped to lighten the load in Darren's suitcase as it was hard enough 
to zip shut without the extra diaper I sneaked for myself.
	Dad had both cars warming up and ready to go as we walked out into the 
cold morning air. Darren and I rode with Dad and Uncle Frank and we slept in the 
back seat on the way to the airport.
	It was about 7:10 when we got into the terminal. Most of the passengers 
for the flight were already at the gate by the time we got there. Immediately 
the boarding call came as everyone started filing through the doors and onto the 
plane. Aunt Rita gave each of us a kiss and Uncle Frank shook our hands. I said 
goodbye to Darren. "I'll write you a letter," he said as he followed his family 
onto the plane.
	"Okay, bye, Darren! Bye, Nancy!" I said as they disappeared into the crowd 
of boarding passengers. We stayed to watch their plane take off into the morning 
sky, silhouetted against the reddish-orange sunrise. I ended up riding back with 
mom and my sisters as dad had to go directly to work after leaving the airport.
	As I got home, the first thing I did was go right back to bed to catch up 
on my sleep. I imagined Darren spent his time on the plane sleeping, too. As I 
woke up again after 11:00, I felt disoriented before realizing what time it was. 
I could barely remember being at the airport early this morning, like it was all 
a dream. As I looked at the cot and the empty sleeping bag zipped open, I 
remembered more of what happened this morning and then I knew that it wasn't a 
dream. I looked under the cot and saw the one diaper of Darren's that I sneaked 
from him. This was definitely not a dream.


	Things were "back to normal," whatever that was. Aunt Rita, Uncle Frank, 
Nancy, and Darren were out of the house. Mom was busy getting caught up on the 
laundry and other chores around the house. Mom recruited each of us to help out. 
I got stuck putting the dishes away, Cindy was vacuuming and dusting, and Lisa 
was folding clothes, which included my diapers. She was busy folding several of 
them into a tall stack on the coffee table. They hadn't been getting washed as 
Lisa was too busy entertaining cousin Nancy.
	Suddenly the doorbell rang. Lisa got up and answered it. It was Mrs. 
Aikens from next door.
	"Is your mother home?" the lady asked.
	"Yes, she is," Lisa replied. "MOM! It's the neighbor lady!"
	My mom then came out from the wash room and went out to the living room.
	"Oh, hi there, Bernice, come on in," my mom said.
	"I've got a big favor to ask of you, Brenda," Mrs. Aikens said. "I need to 
have my car jump-started, if you can. The cold weather must have killed my 
battery or something and..."
	"Sure, I'll run my car over there," my mom said. "I'll be just a second."
	Mom then came into the kitchen and explained what she had to do. "Just 
load the plates in the bottom for now...and don't overload it, okay?" she 
instructed me.
	Lisa kindly offered her a seat on the couch, but she just stood inside the 
doorway. She was staring curiously at the stack of diapers. as she was standing 
there. She knew I was the youngest one at nearly nine years of age, so she had 
to have been wondering who the diapers were for. Somehow I had a feeling that 
Mrs. Aikens knew I was the diaper-wearer around the house. She never saw me as I 
was busy back by the dishwasher loading it up for mom.
	Mom returned from her good deed for the day and helped me finish loading 
it for her. Lisa finished folding my diapers and helped me carry them back to my 
room. I had since then placed the larger diaper of Darren's in one of the 
drawers, the one Lisa opened first. She didn't seem to notice as she stuffed my 
diapers in there right in front of it. I figured she'd run onto it soon enough.
	Later that day I took some time to relax while mom and the girls worked on 
removing the Christmas tree's decorations. It was too sad of a sight for me to 
watch a Christmas tree, once a shining symbol of joy and spirit, become stripped 
of its ornaments and carried off to it's fate at the curb. It was only a tree, I 
thought, but it was more than just a tree.
	 I got out my "book" and started drawing pictures of Darren and I wearing 
our diapers around at Christmas. Cotton kept walking across my work as I drew, 
but most cats seem to like doing this and it was to be expected of him. I drew 
Darren and I squatting before the Christmas tree with our diapered rumps 
sticking out as we looked at all the presents. I had to draw the tree right 
there and then as to remember it the way I saw it before it got dragged outside, 
so this seemed to be the best thing to do at the moment. I also wrote a little 
story, sort of a journal, of what Darren and I did and what had happened to 
Darren during his stay. Dad spent the evening taking down some of the Christmas 
lights. Mom put away the nativity scene and other Christmas decorations. 
Everyone was in a hurry to get things back to the way they were before the 
holidays. I couldn't see any point in making such a rush of it, but I figured 
once Christmas is over, it's over for another year.


	For much of Christmas break after the big holiday and everyone had gone 
back home, I mostly stayed home myself and played with my new toys. Lisa and 
Cindy had their friends Betty and Gina, respectively, visiting on most days. 
Bryce was over with Gina a couple times and of course, he was still wearing 
diapers. He didn't seem to mind so much now, though Gina and my sisters were 
sure to enforce his diaper wearing.
	That evening, being New Year's Eve, mom and dad were going to a big party 
being held downtown. Mom first made sure we had some dinner before they left for 
their big New Year's bash. They assured us that they would get home safely, but 
that they'd get home late, too. Mom and dad didn't know it, but Lisa and Cindy 
had a little party of their own planned, too.
	At about 7:30 Lisa changed my diaper.
	"Isn't it a little early?" I asked.
	"Yeah, but I don't feel like stopping to change you when I invite all the 
girls over."
	"Who's coming over?" I asked with some concern over how many pre-teenage 
girls would be invading the house and even more concern over how they would act 
when they all see me wearing diapers.
	"They're be three that I'm inviting, Betty, Janette, and Stacy. I know 
that Gina will be here, too, but I don't know who else Cindy has coming over.
	"Can I go to Tony's?" I asked.
	"No, mom doesn't want you going out when she's gone, but Tony's welcome to 
come over here."
	"His mom won't let him go anywhere tonight," I said.
	"Okay, looks like it's just you and us six girls!" Lisa said.
	At about 8:00 or so both Lisa's and Cindy's friends started showing up. Of 
course Betty was there for Lisa, but then Janette also showed up, too. Stacy 
didn't make it, however. As for Cindy's friends, only Gina showed up. It wasn't 
as bad as I thought it was going to be, but still, the five girls that were 
there, including my sisters made plenty of headache-inducing noise. They had the 
stereo turned way up as it was blaring the techno-pop station which I couldn't 
	I shielded myself from the noise the best I could by playing in my room 
with the door closed. Cotton was in there with me, and he was even asleep in the 
corner behind the door, much to my amazement given the noise. I turned on my own 
little radio, which was my alarm clock. It did little to drown out the thumping 
pseudo-music in the living room. I got hungry again and decided to venture back 
out to the living room to grab some snacks. I saw that Lisa was playing back her 
diaper video of me to everyone, though they had all seen it except for Janette, 
who hadn't even acknowledged that I was in diapers until I went back out in 
front of everyone.
	"There he is right there! Hi, Chris! I'm Janette!"
	"Oh, hi," I said as I kept walking into the kitchen.
	"Those diapers look really good on you, you know!" Janette said. "Don't 
worry, I know kids older than you that wear diapers. His name is John and 
everyone says that in P.E. class when he undresses he's always got diapers on, 
at least that's what everybody says about him, how would I know since I don't go 
into the boy's locker room. Everybody thinks he's weird, but that doesn't mean I 
think you're weird. You look like a nice kid, Chris, you really do, so don't 
think that I don't because I do."
	Janette was quite talkative and continued to ramble on. She asked me a lot 
of questions, too.
	"What kind of diapers do you wear?"
	"Uh, I dunno. They're just diapers," I said.
	"They look really thick, so you must really go in them, huh?"
	"Yeah, sometimes."
	"Do you mind that your sisters change you?"
	"Uh...no," I answered, feeling more embarrassed with each question she 
asked me.
	"That's good, because it would be bad for you and your sisters both if you 
didn't want them to be changing you all the time. Come sit down with us."
	"Uh, I just wanted to get some chips," I said.
	"We've got chips, come over here."
	"No, I wanna go to my room."
	"Fine, be a party pooper, Chris," she said.
	"He's already a party pooper," Lisa added. "He's just a pooper, period. 
Oh, and he's a pee-er, and a farter, too!"
	I knew that I was becoming the "butt" of their jokes, so to speak, and I 
didn't want to stand there and be barraged with embarrassing comments and 
remarks from the gathering of girls, even though there was something I liked in 
that my diapers did draw so much of their attention to me.
	I stood there and watched the diaper video of me with the girls, who were 
all laughing. There were even some new scenes that Cindy got of me while Lisa 
changed me the other night. It seemed that mom and dad were fairly lax about 
keeping the camera away from the girls. Following that were some other shots of 
me playing and sitting on the floor in my diapers, not quite as embarrassing as 
being changed on video. Tony even got on there when he was here the other day, 
unaware of the fact that he was on Lisa and Cindy's version of "Candid Camera".
	"That's Chris' best friend Tony, Janette," Lisa pointed out to her. "Isn't 
that cute? The two of them both sitting there in their diapers!"
	By this time I was too drawn into the video and I ended up watching the 
whole thing, listening to the girls laugh every time the scene changed and there 
was a close-up of my rear end or something the girls found to be equally as 
amusing. I grabbed my potato chips and a can of soda and headed back to my room.
	The party continued on as the girls started blaring their plastic symphony 
again and keeping me from having any solitude. Even if it weren't New Year's Eve 
there was no point in going to bed since the girls were just too noisy. At about 
9:30 or so the music stopped and the girls quieted down...somewhat. I learned 
later on that Mrs. Aikens came over and told them to turn the music down. They 
liked her and respected her, so to avoid trouble they shut off the music and 
decided to watch a movie instead.
	At about 9:30 I let a really good mess go into my diapers. I decided to 
stay messy awhile, feeling the warm, smooth poop smearing around my rear end in 
the confinement of my diapers. As Lisa also told me that she wasn't going to 
change me tonight during her party, I really had no choice as it was but to stay 
	After awhile I got bored in my room and decided to join the girls in the 
living room with their movie. I walked out from my room, feeling the large mess 
squish around beneath my diapers as I walked. All available seating was taken in 
the living room, unless I chose to sit with Lisa, Betty, and Gina on the couch. 
Instead I sat on the floor with my legs open. I felt this pleasant, secure 
feeling coming over me of knowing that I could sit there in messy diapers and 
enjoy it without anyone knowing, at least by any visual indications, that I had 
dropped such a large load of poopoo underneath all those layers thickly running 
underneath me and over my crotch, all bunched up and bulky there, and running up 
the front of me over my stomach and wrapping back around me over my entire butt. 
The diapers' soft outer surface was all anyone could see, the clean white layers 
of fabric all sheathed in plastic. Little did they know that what looked clean 
on the outside was no indication of the mess that lay underneath. I was a mess 
and quite proud of it. It was times like this that reminded me of the joys of 
wearing diapers and why I liked wearing them.
	I also let out a good pee and then some smaller Hershey-squirts afterwards 
during the remainder of the movie. Again, I took comfort of knowing I had 
diapers on and could watch the whole show uninterrupted while the girls all had 
to get up and use the bathroom off and on. Lisa wasn't pausing the VCR for 
anybody, either.
	After my soda and a glass of water went through my diapers were now in 
definite need of a change. The wetness had turned from the warmth of my body 
temperature to a cold dampness spreading all around the frontal center of the 
diaper. I thought about it and realized that it was only Lisa that said she 
wasn't going to change me during the party. She never said anything about Cindy, 
and Cindy never told me that she wouldn't change me. With this I asked Cindy if 
she could change me. As I still wasn't all that acquainted with Janette, I felt 
inhibited to ask it out loud if I could be changed. Instead I went up to Cindy 
and whispered it in her ear.
	"I need a diaper change."
	"I can't hear you, Chris," she said. "What did you say?"
	"I said I need a diaper change," I whispered again, more loudly.
	"A *what* change?" she snickered.
	"I NEED A DIAPER CHANGE!!!" I shouted, since this was the response Cindy 
wanted to get out of me. Of course the girls all started giggling.
	"Chris, I told you to keep your diapers clean!" Lisa said in an 
authoritative voice. "I said I wasn't going to change you tonight!"
	"But, only *you* said you wouldn't change me. I'm asking *Cindy!*"
	"Hey, I want to watch this movie!" Cindy said.
	"Pause it!" I suggested.
	"What, and make us *all* wait? We want to get it watched now so that we 
can watch the ball drop at midnight on TV."
	"But I need to be cha-anged!" I whined.
	"Okay, Chris," Cindy said as she sat up from her slouch in the couch. 
"Bring me some clean diapers and I'll change you out here."
	"In front of everybody?" I said, though I was mainly concerned about 
Janette seeing me.
	"Either that or it's-- '*Crappy* New Year!'-- for you, Chris!"
	"Okay," I said. "Let me go get my diapers."
	"Bring all the stuff out, the pail, the powder, the wipes, those things, 
you know," Cindy reminded me.
	I went to my room and pulled out three clean diapers and a clean pair of 
plastic pants from my drawers. I went back and made a second trip for the 
powder, the wipes, and the pail. I then got into my position right on the living 
room floor by the couch where Cindy was sitting. As I lay there I watched the 
movie on TV upside-down. I glanced off to the side and saw that Janette was 
watching me get changed. In fact, I don't think anyone was watching the movie at 
this point, The whole idea of this, I thought, was to embarrass me as they 
weren't so concerned about following the movie. At this point I was now the show 
being watched, not the movie. Just as if we were in my bedroom, Cindy wiped away 
the big mess and powdered me up. She then had me lift myself up as the diapers 
went on and stayed on. The plastic pants were in place and I was set to ring in 
the new year in clean diapers.
	"That's the last diaper change you'll get for the rest of the year," Cindy 
told me, though I knew what she meant. The movie ended a few minutes later and 
Lisa turned the TV to the annual New Year's Eve party that was televised every 
year from New York City. Cindy ran the rancid-smelling messy diapers out while 
the rest of us sat there and watched the clock on the TV screen count it's way 
towards midnight.
	Lisa then suddenly spoke up.
	"Hey, let's make Chris the New Year's baby!" He's already dressed for the 
part!" she said.
	"What do you mean?" I asked.
	"Well let's see, what can we have you do?" she thought.
	"I know! Let's give Chris 90 spankings for the New Year!"
	"What?" I asked as I felt aghast by such a thought.
	"We'll spank you 90 times for 1990! Kind of like the spankings you get on 
your birthday!"
	"No, no," I protested. "Don't do it!"
	"We'll tell mom we caught you changing your own diaper if you don't let 
	"I'll tell her you guys are lying!"
	"And who will she believe?"
	They were right. Even if they did lie to mom, she'd believe them before 
she believed me.
	"Come on, Chris. It won't hurt you, you've got all those *diapers* on!" 
she said.
	They had me cornered. I had little choice but to go through this little 
bit of humiliation. Why did I let them do these things? If I really, really 
didn't want them to do it then I would have continued to fight against them even 
at the risk of punishment from my parents. Maybe it was the attention that I got 
and how that attention was focused on me wearing diapers. It was strange that I 
behaved this way and allowed my sisters to treat me the way I did.
	It was about five minutes before midnight. Lisa got out the video camera 
and put the tape, which was labeled "Chris the Diaper-Butt" into the video 
camera. She set it up on the couch and prepared it for recording my New Year's 
spanking, though I didn't think that this was any established New Year's Eve 
custom that I was aware of.
	The countdown came, 3...2...1...Happy New Year! It was now officially 
1990. They started singing "Auld Lang Sine" on TV when Lisa told me to stand up 
and bend over before the camera.
	"Let's all take turns and spank him until we get to 90!" Lisa said as she 
started the camera.
	For such reasons that I could never figure out I did as told by Lisa and 
bent over in front of the camera. Lisa, Betty, and Janette all stood to my left 
and Cindy and Gina stood to my right. Lisa led the progression by spanking me 
and starting the count:
	WHOMP! "One!"
	"Okay, Betty, your turn," Lisa said.
	Whump! "Two!" She didn't spank me as hard. Now it was Janette's turn.
	WHOMP! "Three! This is fun!" she giggled. She also spanked me as hard as 
Lisa did, which was more than I expected her to.
	WHOMP! "Four!" Cindy shouted.
	 "Five!" went Gina, who hardly patted me, much less spanked me.
	The cycle returned to Lisa's turn.
	WHOMP! "Six!" they all started counting together.
	The rounds of spanking became more organized and went along more quickly 
as they progressed through the count.
	"31...32...33...34...35...!" they counted as they slapped the my butt with 
each number counted. The sound of each strike was muffled by the heavy layers of 
padding protecting my butt, for without the diapers, I would have had a very 
sore rump indeed. Betty and Gina were now striking my bottom at the same force 
as the others. I just stood there and took it, having mixed feelings of 
embarrassment over having this done to me along with feelings of delight knowing 
that full attention was on me and on my diapered derriere.
	They finally reached the end: "86...87...88...89..."
	Then Lisa said, "hold it! Let's all do 90 at the same time, ready?"
	"NINETY!" they all shouted as five hands struck my butt at the same time!
	"Let's all give him a pinch to grow on!" Betty suggested. All five of them 
pinched my legs, which was the most painful part of the whole thing. What a way 
to start the new year!
	The party still went on as Lisa took the tape out of the camera and played 
back the spanking scene she just recorded for my posterior posterity. It gave me 
a chance to see how it looked from their point of view, five hands slapping my 
diapered butt. I just sat there and couldn't believe that I let myself go 
through such humiliation! Now it was on video along with all the other 
embarrassing scenes that Lisa and Cindy got of me in my diapers. The funny thing 
was that I liked it.
	Betty's mom came by shortly afterwards to pick her up.
	"Bye! Happy New Year!" she said as she walked out to her mom who was 
waiting in the driveway.
	"How are you getting home, Janette?" Lisa asked her.
	"I'll have to walk," she said.
	"It's after curfew," Lisa cautioned.
	"I'll just walk through the alley and cut through people's yards," she 
said. "I gotta get home before my parents do! They don't even know I left!"
	"I hate to see you walk home alone in the dark!" Lisa said.
	"I'll be fine," Janette affirmed. "I'll just walk through people's yards 
so cops don't see me."
	"Okay, be careful!" Lisa advised Janette as she went out the front door.
	The living room was a mess! There was popcorn and potato chips all over 
the carpet. Soda cans were all around, some on the coffee table, some on the 
floor and on the TV. It looked as if there had been a party, which there was. 
Lisa and Cindy scrambled to get things cleaned up, insisting that I help.
	"It wasn't my party!" I exclaimed.
	"Yeah, but you were here for it!" Lisa said.
	"So were your friends!"
	"They were guests, Chris," Lisa said. "You're not a guest, so help us 
clean up! Hurry! Mom and dad are going to be home any-- shit! They're here! Grab 
some cans! Do something, Chris!"
	I decided to pitch in and try to help them out the best I could, though it 
was pointless as there was still a lot of cleaning left to do.
	Mom and dad then came in from the kitchen and came out to the living room, 
seeing the mess that the girls created.
	"What happened?!" mom hollered. "We told you not to have any parties!"
	"Mom! There were just five of us!"
	"It looks like there were *ten* of you! Look at this place!"
	"Mom?" Lisa spoke.
	"You guys aren't drunk, are you?"
	"No, Lisa, we're not drunk! We're just upset because you disobeyed us! We 
didn't want to come home to a messy house, and I don't like large gatherings of 
your friends when I'm not here! We've explained this before! Just go to bed and 
we'll deal with it in the morning!"
	Mom was obviously displeased with the situation. She sent us all to bed. 
It wasn't much of a way to start off the new year with my parents. I said "Happy 
New Year, mom," as I went to bed.
	"Yeah, you too. Good night, Chris," mom said. At least she didn't sound 
mad at me.



	Mom put Lisa and Cindy to work on getting the living room cleaned up first 
thing. They both argued with each other and grumbled while mom had them 
vacuuming the floor and cleaning spills out of the carpet. Mom then sat them 
down and told them that because they disobeyed and brought guests over when they 
were told not to have so many guests over without mom and dad being there, that 
they were not allowed to have any friends over this week and that they would not 
get their allowances paid. Of course they were not too happy about this.
	As their main responsibility was to change my diapers and wash them, they 
argued over having to change my diapers without pay. I got caught in the middle 
of all this as by the middle of the afternoon I was wet and messy and needed to 
be changed. I was used to going for extended periods of time with messy and 
poopy diapers on, so I wasn't at any critical point, at least until later in the 
afternoon when I had wet the diaper several times. I kindly asked Cindy if she 
would change me, but she refused, explaining that she didn't do such work for 
free. I knew that Lisa wouldn't change me, either, so I didn't even bother to 
ask her.
	My diaper smelled strongly of pee and poop. The mess in the back had been 
there for a long time and was spread all around in the diapers. The accumulation 
of poop was reaching a point that it needed to be dealt with and the wetness was 
weighing down the front of the diapers.
	Tony stopped by that afternoon. He could tell mostly from the strong odor 
that I was needing to be changed.
	"Why haven't you been changed?" he asked.
	"My sisters are in trouble and they won't change me," I said.
	"Can't your mom just do it?"
	"I haven't asked her," I said.
	"Why don't you just change it yourself?" he suggested.
	"I'm still not allowed to do that."
	"You're going to get a rash," Tony warned. It was getting to feeling 
uncomfortable in my diapers. I had to poop again, adding to the volume that was 
already in there. I knew my diapers were filling up and if I didn't get changed 
my skin would become badly irritated if it wasn't already to that point.
	Dad was hogging up the TV with all of the football games that were on, so 
Tony and I weren't able to play any Nintendo. Tony wasn't able to stay long 
anyway as he had to get home to dinner. Maybe he left quickly because my diapers 
smelled too much, although I couldn't imagine that his diapers ever smelled any 
	Just before mom had our dinner ready she came up to me and saw that I was 
in desperate need of a diaper change.
	"The girls *still* haven't changed you?!" mom exclaimed.
	"No!" I said. "You're not paying them, so they won't do it!"
	Mom went up to Lisa and scolded her.
	"Lisa! You need to understand that you're still expected to do your 
chores, and that includes, first and foremost, changing Chris! That goes for you 
too, Cindy!"
	"Would you keep doing something that you were paid to do if suddenly you 
weren't paid?" Lisa asked my mom.
	"Chris cannot go unchanged like that!" mom said.
	"He will until we don't get our allowances!" Lisa protested.
	Mom just sighed.
	"Lisa, you don't understand! You disobeyed us and you left the living room 
a mess!"
	"We cleaned it up, okay? What else do you want?!"
	"We want some respect, young lady! Now get Chris' diapers changed!"
	"Shit! I'm leaving!" Lisa said as she stormed out the front door.
	"Cindy, go get Chris changed, and don't give me any back talk!" mom said.
	Cindy wasn't as defiant as Lisa was, at least not yet, so Cindy went ahead 
and took my diapers off, which were now as dirty as ever. I couldn't believe 
what a mess there was in that diaper and the smell was quite strong indeed. It 
even made Cindy gag and hold her nose.
	"Whoo! Chris! You really smell bad!" she said through a covered mouth and 
a plugged nose. "Go get yourself cleaned up in the tub!" she said.
	I went in to the bathroom and stood in the shower as I let the spray clean 
me up. As my skin was irritated, the warm water caused a burning sensation. I 
looked down and saw redness all around me! I knew this would take awhile to 
clear up. I went back to Cindy and told her I was ready to be changed.
	She saw that I had a big rash all around me. Fortunately, mom was now 
supplying the girls with some Desitin for my rashes. Cindy applied a generous 
amount before putting the clean diapers on.
	"I'm not getting paid to do this, so you should thank me," Cindy said.
	"Okay, thank you," I said.
	As we sat at the table there was very little said among us. Lisa's place 
setting sat empty as the remaining four of us ate. our dinner. Mom didn't even 
offer us any dessert afterwards. Everybody was feeling upset and shaken by the 
upheaval earlier this evening.
	Lisa finally came back at around 9:00. She came in through the front door, 
still looking very upset.
	"Well?" mom said.
	"I'm sorry," Lisa said as she started crying. "I'll never disobey you 
	Mom let her cry it out and then talked to her and reminded her that rules 
were rules and they had to be obeyed. Mom and dad then sat down with the girls 
and renegotiated their punishment, which was to be grounded for a week and have 
no friends over. They did get their allowances reinstated, which was good for 
me, ensuring that I would get my diapers changed in a timely manner. Mom and dad 
realized that cutting off allowances was a pretty low thing to do, especially 
when dad thought about what it would do to him if he didn't get a paycheck 
because of something he did wrong at work, yet was still expected to perform his 
	I then wondered why my "punishment" was never renegotiated as I didn't 
think that what I did was that big of a deal, either. The girls made a mess of 
the living room...I made a mess of my underwear. They were only getting a week's 
worth of punishment and I had gotten nearly two months of it, and there was no 
definite length of time during which I was to be diapered.
	As I enjoyed wearing diapers I didn't want to risk having my "punishment" 
rescinded by bringing up the issue of how long it would last for me, but I did 
want to know why the level of punishment that the girls got for their parental 
transgression was so much less than what I got for messing in my underwear.
	I decided to ask mom about it anyway. I approached the question as if I 
felt that I were being treated unfairly. Asking this question brought forth a 
pivotal change in the way I viewed mom and dad's treatment of me by having me 
wear diapers. It began with a simple question just to satisfy my curiosity.
	"Mom? Why are the girls only grounded for a week for having a party, and I 
have to wear diapers so much longer just for messing in my underwear?"
	"First, Chris," she started, "there's a big difference between what you 
did to get your punishment and what your sisters did to get theirs. Your sisters 
simply disobeyed a rule and they just did it this one time. If they kept doing 
it, then we'd probably have to ground them a lot longer or we would have to stay 
home as we couldn't trust them to respect our rules. We'd also have to work a 
lot harder at enforcing the rule.
	"As for you," she continued explaining, "you didn't just do your thing one 
time, or even a few times. You just kept on messing in your underwear and it got 
to the point where we could not trust you not to do it after we tried repeatedly 
to get you to stop. You did it all the time, not just once in awhile. Your 
problem is more than just disobedience, it's a matter of your own personal 
responsibility. You have to understand that using the toilet is very much a 
matter of personal responsibility, and you obviously don't seem to be concerned 
about going to the toilet in the proper manner-- and you were never too wild 
about toilet training. We had dealt with this far too long and we just can't 
expect you to ever use a toilet. We had no other options, Chris, but to make you 
wear diapers, and so far it's worked, and it makes your father and I feel a lot 
better. You can't disappoint us any longer. Now that you're wearing diapers, we 
can expect you to do what you were doing before, just that now it's okay for you 
to do it since we've got you in diapers. Now do you understand the difference?"
	"Yes," I answered. "So this means I'll probably be wearing diapers a while 
longer, huh?"
	"Let's put it this way, Chris, you'll *always* be wearing diapers 'a while 
longer.' In fact, I think there's a few things we need to discuss with you about 
this. Let's go sit down with your dad in the living room and talk about it. 
Since you brought it up, I think this would be a good time to discuss it."
	I was nervous, feeling uncertain of what mom was going to tell me. I 
feared that perhaps this was the time to have my diapers taken away and that I 
would be once again be required to use the toilet again. It couldn't happen, not 
so soon, not after I was promised to be kept in diapers for a "very long time," 
and two months was hardly considered to be a very long time, I thought. I was 
ready to put up a fight to make sure that I would always have my diapers.
	I was sitting on the floor opposite of mom and dad who were on the couch. 
They started talking to me about my diaper punishment.
	"Chris," dad started. "I think it's time we take a look at where we are 
going as far as making you wear diapers is concerned."
	So far this didn't sound good. I was thinking for sure they were going to 
take my diapers away.
	"I think there is something that you and your mother and I both know. Now, 
we wanted you to feel as you were being punished, but it seems to us that you 
don't seem to mind that you're having to wear diapers. Just answer us honestly, 
Chris-- do you like wearing diapers?"
	I hesitated for a moment and said "yes."
	"We figured as much. It's been two months now, and if you really had any 
objections to wearing them, we're pretty sure you would have done something to 
get out of it by now."
	"I did, once, at school, remember?"
	"Yes, and do you remember what happened when you did that?" mom asked me.
	"How could I forget?" I responded. Given that I had such an embarrassing 
accident in class that day, how could I forget?
	"Would you continue to wear them if we told you that you didn't have to 
wear them anymore?"
	Oh gosh! No! This was it! They were going to take my diapers away! I 
immediately said "yes I would!"
	"You sound like you really mean that," mom said. "I suppose if we ever did 
take your diapers away you'd just start having accidents in your underpants 
	"Yeah, I probably would," I said with somewhat of a guilty feeling. At 
least I was being honest with them.
	"Are you guys taking them away from me?" I asked in a concerned tone of 
	"No, we're not taking them away from you at all. We think that it would 
just be best to leave you in diapers for good."
	"Yes," dad entered, "we think that this is just how you want us to treat 
	"You mean, you know?" I asked.
	"Of course we know," mom said.
	"You know that...that, I like to wear diapers?"
	"Well, we really think you would have done more to get out of it if you 
really didn't like wearing them."
	"So, what are you telling me?" I asked them.
	"I think that what we want to get across to you Chris is that we feel that 
you *are* this way, and there really isn't much we can do about it either way, 
so your mother and I have come to accept it-- our son wants to wear diapers the 
rest of his life.
	"Either we could make you stop wearing diapers and-- God help us-- go 
through what we went through before, or we can just keep you in diapers. I don't 
think we'd get very far if we expected you to use the toilet, because, as you 
know, Chris, we certainly do *not* expect you to ever use the toilet again! Like 
we've said, maybe what we are doing to you as your parents isn't the best way to 
handle this situation, but since it works for you and it works for us, we'll 
leave it that at."
	"So does this mean that I'm no longer being punished by wearing them?"
	"We certainly intended for it to be punishment," dad said, "but it seems 
that we ended up rewarding you for messing in your underwear, and maybe you 
think that this is the best 'punishment' you've ever gotten. Your mother and I 
and the rest of the family just needs to accept having you wear diapers. As your 
parents, we were certainly not prepared for dealing with this kind of behavior, 
but maybe it's more common than we think. Your friend Tony's the same way as is 
your cousin Darren and Gina's brother Bryce.
	"Well, Chris, all I can say is if this is how you want it to always be, so 
be it. This is what you want, wearing diapers from now on, and we're not afraid 
to continue to arrange that for you. The rest of the family accepts it, so I see 
no reason not to let you wear diapers."
	For the first time dad used the word "let," meaning "permit," in reference 
to having me wear diapers. It was no longer an issue of being *made* to wear 
diapers, but being *allowed* to wear diapers. It was a landmark day that changed 
the way I viewed my parents, knowing that they were no longer punishing me, but 
rather, they were accommodating my wishes. Perhaps there was a bigger plan that 
they had in mind, which I had yet to find out as I got older.
	My only other concerns were for whether or not I would still be wearing 
diapers to school and whether or not Lisa and Cindy would still continue to 
change me.
	"Yes, Chris, since you have chosen not to accept the responsibility of 
keeping yourself clean and using a toilet, why should we change things from the 
way they are now? If you are going to wear diapers, then you will be wearing 
them all the time!"
	"Will I ever get to change them myself?" I asked.
	"No, because you are not responsible enough to do that. Maybe when you're 
older you'll at least feel responsible enough to make sure your own diapers are 
changed, but not now.
	I had one last question, just to find out what the answer would be.
	"And what if I ever decide not to wear them anymore?"
	"We don't think that'll ever happen, Chris," was my mom's reply. "We don't 
think that will *ever* happen," she repeated. "Go get your diapers changed, it's 
time for bed," mom said as our little family meeting was adjourned. "Lisa, go 
diaper your brother!" mom hollered to her.
	Lisa once again changed me, knowing that she would be paid her allowance 
as before. Everything seemed to change for the better from that evening 
afterwards. I no longer had to disguise the way I expressed my feelings towards 
wearing diapers. I no longer had to think of it as punishment from my parents, 
though I still had to comply with the conditions that had been set forth two 
months ago, including having my sisters change me and having to wear them to 
school. Even though I still wasn't quite comfortable with the latter of those 
two conditions, it was nice to know that my parents were now accommodating me 
and not punishing me.
	As I lay in bed that evening, I thought back upon the previous year and 
all of the things that had happened, especially within the last two months when 
I started wearing diapers again. So much has happened within such a short amount 
of time-- 60 days to date. My sisters changed my diapers, but my diapers changed 
my life.
	I then thought ahead to the coming year, which was a new beginning for me 
as it was for others. For me, however, this new beginning was just that-- 60 
days and counting. For what was yet to come, this was only the beginning of 
being forever in diapers. Forever is but a beginning with no end.
	 * * * T H E E N D * * *
	Or is it still "the beginning?"
	Chris Barrett continued to spend the remainder of his childhood in 
diapers, and he was subjected to mostly the same set of circumstances that went 
along with it, though Chris did gain some freedom and some extra privileges 
along the way. He also came to further discover his true fondness and deep- 
rooted desires to remain in diapers in spite of all he went through and all he 
sacrificed to fulfill his one strongest wish.
	As this phase of Chris' life was only two months progressed, it left him 
with plenty of time to experience the remainder of his boyhood to be spent in 
diapers. He was approaching the age of nine and had plenty of years to go, 
though he never sought to grow up and give up his diapers. He tells more of this 
in the upcoming sequel to Diaper Desires...FOREVER IN DIAPERS.

Sequel: Forever In Diapers, Parts 1-10